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Waardenburg syndrome type 1 is caused by mutations in PAX3. Over 50 human PAX3 mutations that lead to hearing, craniofacial, limb, and pigmentation anomalies have been identified. A PAX3 mutant allele, segregating in a family, can show reduced penetrance and variable expressivity that cannot be explained by the nature of the mutation alone. The Mus musculus Pax3 mutation Spd (Splotch-delayed, Pax3Spd), coisogenic on the C57BL/6J (B6) genetic background, produces in heterozygotes a white belly spot with 100% penetrance and very few other anomalies. By contrast, many Spd/+ BC1 progeny [F1 female Spd/+ (female Spd/+ B6 x male +/+ Mus spretus) x male +/+ B6] exhibit highly variable craniofacial and pigmentary anomalies. Of the BC1 Spd/+ progeny, 23.9% are estimated to be nonviable, and 32.1% are nonpenetrant for the white belly spot. The penetrance and expressivity of the Spd/+ genotype are controlled in part by the genetic background and the sex of the individual. A minimum of two genes interact with Spd to influence the craniofacial features of these mice. One of these genes may be either X-linked or sex-influenced, while the other is autosomal. The A-locus (Agouti) or a gene closely linked to A also plays a role in determining craniofacial features. At least one additional gene, possibly the A-locus or a gene linked to A, interacts with Spd and determines the presence and size of the white belly spot. The viability of BC1 mice is influenced by at least three factors: Spd, A-locus alleles or a gene closely linked to the A-locus, and the sex of the mouse. These BC1 mice provide an opportunity to identify genes that interact with and modify the expression of Pax3 and serve as a model to identify the genes that modify the expression of human PAX3 mutations.  相似文献   

Either cocaine (20 mg/kg) or saline vehicle was administered to rat pups once daily on postnatal days 1–8. The enhancement of braid stimulation reward (BSR) by acute administration of cocaine (2.5, 5, and 10 mg/kg ip) was assessed in adult offspring (70–90 days of age) using a rate-frequency curve-shift paradigm. Acute administration of cocaine produced orderly dose-related shifts of the rate-frequency function toward lower frequencies in all groups indicating a reward-enhancing effect of the drug on BSR. However, offspring neonatally exposed to cocaine displayed a greater drug-induced potentiation of BSR. Of particular note, the small but significant enhancement of the reward-potentiating properties of cocaine was more pronounced in female offspring neonatally exposed to the drug. These findings indicate that the rewarding properties of cocaine were altered by neonatal exposure to the drug in a sexually dimorphic fashion. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Adult male rats gestationally exposed to cocaine and nonexposed control offspring were examined for differences in operant responding for cocaine and sucrose reinforcement. Offspring were derived from dams that had received subcutaneous injections of 40 mg/kg/3cc cocaine hydrochloride daily on gestational Days 8–20 and nontreated control dams. Although no prenatal treatment differences were seen when the animals lever pressed for sucrose pellets on a progressive-ratio (PR) schedule, adult offspring prenatally exposed to cocaine were observed to exhibit an enhanced rate of cocaine intravenous self-administration on a fixed-ratio 5 (FR-5) schedule along with a marked decrease in break point on the PR reinforcement schedule. These results suggest that the reinforcing efficacy of cocaine may be reduced in animals with a prenatal history of cocaine exposure. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Striated muscle fibers (or cells) were observed in three of the six swine pineal glands. The muscle fibers occurred in clusters of several fibers about the parenchymal blood vessels. They were in general poorly developed, lacked regular cross striations and were not readily recognized histologically. The muscle fibers were, however, easily identified on electron microscopy because of the myofilaments they contain. In most of the muscle fibers, the myofilaments were arranged in ill-defined, disorderly bundles and rarely formed well-defined myofibrils and sarcomeres. The sarcotubular system was also poorly developed and triads were sparse and randomly scattered. Leptomeres were observed in several muscle fibers. The source of the muscle fibers in the pineal glands is not well understood and, whatever the source may be, the muscle fibers seem to remain poorly developed in the pineal glands.  相似文献   

Long-term exposure to cocaine can cause persistent behavioral changes and alterations in neuronal function. One cocaine-regulated mRNA in the rat brain is the beta-1 subunit of the Na+/K(+)-ATPase pump. We examined both Na+/K(+)-ATPase function and expression after cocaine treatment of pheochromocytoma cells. One-hour exposure to cocaine did not alter Na+/K(+)-ATPase activity, as measured by the ouabain-sensitive component of rubidium uptake. Four days of cocaine resulted in an approximately 30% decrease in Na+/K(+)-ATPase activity. Western blot analyses demonstrated an approximately 25% decrease in levels of the beta-1 isoform, without changes in pump total alpha subunit levels. Treatment with dopamine type 1 or type 2 receptor agonists for the same period did not affect Na+/K(+)-ATPase activity. The serotonin-selective reuptake inhibitor paroxetine caused an approximately 45% decrease in rubidium uptake after 4 days, whereas pump function was not altered after treatment with either the dopamine-selective reuptake blocker nomifensine or the norepinephrine-selective reuptake blocker desipramine. Chronic treatment with both cocaine and LY 278,584, a serotonin type 3 receptor antagonist, did not replicate the cocaine-associated decrease in pump function. Long-term cocaine exposure regulates expression and function of the Na+/K(+)-ATPase pump in neuronal-like cells; this regulation is mediated in part via the serotonin type 3 receptor. Similar Na+/K(+)-ATPase pump regulation in vivo may selectively alter neuronal function in the mammalian brain.  相似文献   

The author examined the adrenal glands of rats that were kept in a workshop of an NPK fertilizer factory for 30 days and then for 60 days in the laboratory. Histochemical examination of the reticular zone revealed an increase in neutral lipids and triglycerides and a decrease in phospholipids. The nucleic acid content, predominantly RNA, was enhanced. Although the acid phosphatase activity was slightly lowered, both succinate dehydrogenase and monoamine oxidase activities were increased. The results indicate that exposure of rats to NPK fertilizer had a stimulating effect on the reticular zone of their adrenal glands.  相似文献   

5-Hydroxytryptamine1A (5-HT1A) receptors have been visualized at the electron microscopic level in selected areas (dorsal raphe nucleus, hippocampus, septum) of the rat brain using specific anti-peptide antibodies. 5-HT1A receptor immunoreactivity was found almost exclusively in the somatodendritic compartment of neurons and was very rarely observed within processes possibly belonging to glial cells. The immunoenzymatic reaction product was associated exclusively with dendritic spines in the dorsal hippocampus, whereas in the dorsal raphe nucleus and the septal complex, immunoreactivity was found in both dendritic processes and somata. Although some immunolabeling was observed within the cytoplasm of cell bodies, 5-HT1A receptor immunoreactivity was essentially confined to the plasma membrane where it was unevenly distributed. It was frequently associated with synapses (except in the dorsal raphe nucleus), but was also found extrasynaptically in both somata and dendrites. These data suggest that the action of serotonin via 5-HT1A receptor could occur through junctional as well as nonjunctional transmission.  相似文献   

Tetrapyrrole synthesis in CNCM-1221 cells exposed to 0.6 mM aminolaevulinic acid (ALA) was found to be approximately linear over a 6-h period of incubation. The rate was not significantly affected by cell density over a range of 0.015 to 0.15 x 10(6) cells cm(-2) (final cell density). Tetrapyrrole synthesis was not affected by GABA or glutamic acid in concentrations up to 6 mM and 2.72 mM respectively, suggesting that these amino acids, which are similar in structure to ALA, do not competitively inhibit the ALA uptake pathway in these cells. Pre-exposure to haem arginate (up to 100 microM) was inhibitory, presumably by suppression (through the inhibition of ALA synthase) of an endogenous component of the response. The ALA-stimulated response was not modified by co-exposure to AIA (up to 100 mg ml(-1)). Despite significant reduction of protein synthesis, the porphyrinogenic response of cells exposed to ALA was unaffected by cycloheximide (10 microg ml(-1)) or actinomycin D (10 microg ml(-1)) even when cells were preincubated with these agents for 3 h before ALA exposure. Fetal bovine serum (10%) inhibited tetrapyrrole synthesis by 30% but increased the rate of porphyrin export by cells by a factor of 1.5. The uptake of [14C]ALA was shown to be strongly influenced by the density of the cultures. In dense cultures (final cell density of approximately 0.15 x 10(6) cells cm(-2)), the ALA uptake rate was less than 0.8 compared with a maximum rate of 4.2 fmol per cell h(-1) at a cell density of 0.02 x 10(6) cells cm(-2). Since tetrapyrrole synthesis is less affected than ALA uptake by cell density, the resultant discrepancy in ALA incorporation occurring in dense cultures implies that endogenous ALA synthesis is induced in these cells. ALA uptake was not affected by cycloheximide or actinomycin D in serum-free conditions. However, fetal bovine serum decreased external ALA uptake by about 50%. This effect was abrogated by preincubation with cycloheximide.  相似文献   

Support groups for individuals who stutter provide an opportunity for consumers to incorporate emerging or newly learned fluency skills in speaking situations outside of the speech-language clinic. One major theme of this article is to promote the idea that support groups can be utilized by clinicians and consumers as an important adjunct to fluency therapy. In addition to addressing feelings and attitudes associated with stuttering, the supportive environment of such groups serves to provide individuals who stutter with opportunities to work on improved communication skills with several different communication partners. For many, this is an important step in the successful transfer of fluency skills from the clinic to the "real world."  相似文献   

Mice selected for large and small brain weights (LB and SB strains, respectively) were tested for audiogenic seizure sensitivity. We have examined 150 LB and 120 SB mice of the 13th and 14th generations. In mice of the 12th generation brain and body weight values were 498.6 +/- +/- 2.1 mg and 26.2 +/- 0.4 g, respectively, for the LB and 415.35 +/- 1.9 mg and 23.8 +/- 0.3 g for the SB, the difference being significant for both values (p < 0.001). The SB mice revealed higher audiogenic sensitivity (larger proportion of seizures and deaths) at the age of 22-27 days. Adult LB mice were more sensitive than SB of the same age (irrespective of whether they received priming stimulation or not). The obtained evidence is discussed in the context of differences between audiogenic fits and other seizure states.  相似文献   

Merocyanine 540 (MC540)-mediated photodynamic action is a novel approach for purging tumor cells from autologous remission bone marrow explants. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of hemin (ferriprotoporphyrin IX), a potential source of pro-oxidant iron in bone marrow, on in vitro photodynamic inactivation of leukemia cells. Murine L1210 cells exhibited a progressive loss of clonogenicity when irradiated with broad-band visible light in the presence of MC540. Hemin had strikingly different effects on photokilling, depending on its contact time with cells, eliciting a sizable decrease in resistance after short-term (30-min) contact but a marked increase in resistance after long-term (24-h) contact. Similar trends were observed when cells were challenged with glucose/glucose oxidase, indicating that the responses apply to more than one type of oxidative stress. Immunoblot analyses revealed that the levels of inducible heme oxygenase (HO-1) and ferritin heavy (H) chain were substantially elevated 24 h after hemin addition. HO-1 increased relatively rapidly and maximized within 4 h after adding hemin, whereas H-ferritin increased more slowly in parallel with the development of hyperresistance, maximizing after 24-36 h. Desferrioxamine, an avid iron chelator, had no effect on HO-1 induction but inhibited both ferritin induction and the increase in cell resistance, suggesting that HO-mediated release of iron from hemin was necessary for triggering these responses. Spleen apoferritin was taken up by L1210 cells and strongly inhibited photokilling, further implicating ferritin involvement in hyperresistance. Photokilling was accompanied by free radical-mediated lipid peroxidation (thiobarbituric acid reactivity), which could be suppressed substantially by 24-h hemin preincubation. A plausible explanation for the long-term effects of hemin is that excess H-ferritin generated as a result of iron-regulatory protein deactivation sequesters toxic iron, which might otherwise catalyze damaging lipid peroxidation. Chronic oxidative release of hemin from bone marrow erythroid cells could compromise the efficacy of photopurging by making tumor cells more tolerant to photooxidative insult.  相似文献   

Developmental methylmercury (MeHg) exposure alters dopamine neurotransmitter systems, but the selectivity of this and the effects of low, environmentally relevant MeHg exposure regimens are poorly understood. In previous reports, some including littermates of animals studied here, chronic, low-level exposures affected performance on reversal tasks and enhanced reinforcer efficacy. Using high- and low-rate operant behavior under a fixed interval (FI) schedule, sensitivity was examined to drugs that target noradrenergic and dopaminergic neurotransmitter systems. Female rats were exposed in utero to 0, 0.5, or 5 ppm of mercury, as MeHg, via maternal drinking water. Selenium (Se) is thought to attenuate MeHg's neurotoxicity, so animals consumed a diet containing 0.06 or 0.6 ppm of Se. At 11 months, they lever-pressed under a FI 120” schedule of sucrose reinforcement. Acute dose-effect curves were generated with cocaine, desipramine, SKF-38393, quinpirole, SCH-23390, and sulpiride. As compared with unexposed animals, those exposed to 5 ppm mercury, regardless of Se exposure, were 2 to 3 times more sensitive to the rate-reducing effects of high doses of cocaine and did not show increased responding earlier in the interval following moderate cocaine doses. Cocaine's effects in the 0.5 ppm Hg groups depended on dietary Se: low Se diet resulted in a rightward shift in the DEC compared to controls, whereas a high Se diet did not. No differential effects of MeHg were seen with the other drugs. Gestational MeHg exposure produces irreversible sensitivity to dopamine, but not norepinephrine, reuptake inhibitors and not to drugs that target D1 or D2 receptors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We have investigated the transport properties of cultured porcine choroid plexus cells grown on permeable membranes and in serum-free medium. Withdrawal of serum yielded cell cultures with permeabilities low enough to establish and maintain a pH-gradient between the two compartments of the filter system and to allow apical fluid secretion. This became possible because of ten-fold increased electrical resistance of 1700 Omega cm2 in the absence of serum. These plexus epithelial cells transported phenol red, fluorescein, riboflavin and penicillin G from the apical to the basolateral side. KM values and vmax were determined and come close to in vivo values. Competitive inhibition with probenicid showed that the organic anion transporter is involved. Riboflavin transport however was not completely inhibited and did not respond quantitatively to the stilben derivate SITS that blocks the Cl-/HCO3--exchanger. We assume that an additional transport system exists for riboflavin. Ascorbic acid and myo-inositol were transported from the basolateral to the apical side in vitro which strongly resembles the in vivo transport from the blood to the cerebrospinal fluid. Again the experimental in vitro KM values come close to the in vivo values. The established epithelial cell culture model thus closely mimics the blood-CSF-barrier and may be a useful tool to further elucidate transport to and from the brain.  相似文献   

Cocaine and its metabolites were measured in urine, meconium, and amniotic fluid specimens collected from 30 maternal-infant pairs with histories of prenatal cocaine use. Cocaine, benzoylecgonine, and ecgonine methyl ester were measured by isotope dilution gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Mothers were interviewed at delivery regarding their cocaine use during pregnancy. There was qualitative agreement between the results of drug determinations in maternal urine, amniotic fluid, infant urine, and meconium. Although all of the mothers in this study admitted to using cocaine during their pregnancy, cocaine or its metabolites were detected only in the 20 cases in which cocaine was used within 3 weeks before delivery. We conclude that when sufficiently sensitive analytic methods are used, maternal urine, infant urine, and meconium analyses yield equivalent results for detection of prenatal cocaine exposure. Importantly, neither meconium nor urinary drug measurements detected cocaine exposure when the last reported use was prior to 3 weeks before delivery.  相似文献   

Adult male rats that were gestationally exposed to cocaine and control offspring were trained on an instrumental conditioning task for assessment of the acquisition and reversal of an appetitive conditional discrimination based on olfactory cues. Offspring were derived from Sprague-Dawley dams that had received subcutaneous/ly (sc) injections of 40 mg/kg/3 cc cocaine hydrochloride (C40) daily on Gestational Days 8–20, pair-fed (PF) dams that were injected with saline, nutritional control dams (NC) that received saline injections, and nontreated control dams (LC). There were no differences among the prenatal treatment groups in acquisition of the barpress response or response rate throughout all phases of training. All prenatal treatment groups required approximately the same number of sessions to criterion on the initial odor discrimination. In contrast, adult C40 offspring required more sessions to acquire the reversal of the conditional discrimination than did animals from the other treatment groups (PF, NC, and LC). In addition, even at criterion performance for acquisition of the reversal discrimination, C40 animals exhibited lower accuracy on the 1st 10 responses and made significantly more errors before the 1st reward. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The influence of bcl-2 oncogene expression on etoposide-induced apoptosis and clonogenic survival was investigated in five small cell lung cancer (SCLC) cell lines, three of which were bcl-2-expressing and two of which were non-bcl-2-expressing. The bcl-2-expressing lines displayed a lower apoptosis propensity than the non-bcl-2-expressing lines. When bcl-2-expressing cells were incubated in cystine/ methionine-free (CMF) medium, etoposide-induced apoptosis was restored to levels comparable to those seen in non-bcl-2-expressing lines. However, the endpoint of clonogenic survival after drug treatment did not display any consistent pattern that correlated with bcl-2 status. In addition, treatment of the two bcl-2-expressing cell lines with etoposide in CMF medium did not modify their clonogenic survival curves compared to treatment in regular medium. These results are consistent with the idea that bcl-2 expression modulates etoposide-induced apoptosis but not clonogenic survival.  相似文献   

The spatial memory of adult rats prenatally exposed to cocaine and that of control offspring was assessed using the Morris water maze. Offspring were derived from Sprague Dawley dams that received subcutaneous injection of 40 mg/kg/3 cc cocaine hydrochloride (C40) daily on gestational Days 8-20, pair-fed dams injected with saline, or nontreated control dams. After acquisition, the platform was moved to a new location (reversal phase). Probe trials were conducted at the end of acquisition and reversal training. On the 1st acquisition day, adult male and female offspring prenatally exposed to cocaine required significantly more time and traversed a greater distance to find the hidden platform than did control offspring. Despite these initial differences observed in C40 offspring performance, all of the rats were performing at equivalent levels at the time probe trials were conducted. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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