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Surface geophysical methods were used to determine the locations of fracture zones in part of the hard rock area in Sonebhadra District of Uttar Pradesh, India. The survey comprises three DC resistivity profile using the gradient profiling technique and ten very low frequency electromagnetic (VLF-EM) traverses profiles. The methods were used over survey lines extending between 200 and 400 m; the results were correlated to locate fracture zones for the purpose of groundwater exploration. Qualitative interpretation of the VLF-EM was carried out using Fraser and Karous–Hjelt filters. The result of the interpretation revealed a number of subsurface zones with high real component current density that defines the potential subsurface features (probably fracture zones). The subsurface feature concurred with the low resistive zones indentified from the gradient resistivity profiling. The zones where further inferred quantitatively using data obtained from DC resistivity sounding at some selected anomalous points. The result obtained proves the efficiency of integrating both methods in detecting fractures zones in hard rock area.  相似文献   

An integrated study was carried out to investigate the subsurface geological conditions in a hard rock environment, with the aim of identifying zones with groundwater resource potential. The study, in Bairasagara watershed, Karnataka, India, considered geomorphology, water level, resistivity imaging, self potential, total magnetic field and susceptibility. The signatures due to lineaments have been clearly identified and their role in groundwater movement has been documented. Synthetic simulation methods were used to model the electrical response of the lineament using finite differential modeling scheme. The inverted image of the field data is compared with the synthetic image and iteration were performed on the initial model until a best match was obtained resulting on the generation of the calibrated resistivity image of the subsurface. Resistivity imaging revealed that the dykes are weathered/fractured to a depth of 6–8 m and are compact at deeper levels, and that they behave as barriers to groundwater movement, yet facilitate a good groundwater potential zone on the upgradient side. The results of magnetic surveys were utilized in differentiating granites and dolerite dykes with an insignificant resistivity contrast. Geomorphological expression alone cannot reveal the groundwater potential associated with a lineament. However, characterizing the nature of the feature at depth with integrated geophysical methods provides essential information for assessing that potential.The online version of the original article can be found at  相似文献   

An integrated study was carried out to investigate the subsurface geological conditions in a hard rock environment, with the aim of identifying zones with groundwater resource potential. The study, in Bairasagara watershed, Karnataka, India, considered geomorphology, water level, resistivity imaging, self potential, total magnetic field and susceptibility. The signatures due to lineaments have been clearly identified and their role in groundwater movement has been documented. Synthetic simulation methods were used to model the electrical response of the lineament using finite differential modeling scheme. The inverted image of the field data is compared with the synthetic image and iteration were performed on the initial model until a best match was obtained resulting on the generation of the calibrated resistivity image of the subsurface. Resistivity imaging revealed that the dykes are weathered/fractured to a depth of 6–8 m and are compact at deeper levels, and that they behave as barriers to groundwater movement, yet facilitate a good groundwater potential zone on the upgradient side. The results of magnetic surveys were utilized in differentiating granites and dolerite dykes with an insignificant resistivity contrast. Geomorphological expression alone cannot reveal the groundwater potential associated with a lineament. However, characterizing the nature of the feature at depth with integrated geophysical methods provides essential information for assessing that potential.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

张勇  项彦勇 《岩土力学》2016,37(12):3481-3490
针对高放射核废深地质处置库近场环境,建立分布热源作用下饱和裂隙岩体三维水流-传热过程中位移和应力的一种半解析计算方法:采用Goodier热弹性位移势和Laplace变换计算由温度梯度产生的温梯位移和应力;考虑单一裂隙的情况,利用经典弹性力学的Boussinesq解和Cerruti解计算为满足边界条件的约束位移和应力,与温梯位移和应力叠加,可得总体热位移和应力;把裂隙面离散为矩形单元集合,采用极坐标系下的解析法计算包含奇点的单元积分,采用数值法计算与分布热源有关和不含奇点的单元积分。与基于裂隙面法向一维热传导假设的一种解析解对比,结果表明,半解析法与解析法的计算结果基本一致,但由于半解析法考虑岩石的三维热传导,因温度时空分布和演变的不同而导致不同的温梯应力。针对一个假想单裂隙岩体三维水流-传热过程,计算温梯位移和应力、约束位移和应力、总体位移和应力;结果表明,裂隙水流-传热可能对位移和应力的分布和演变有显著影响,距离分布热源较近的岩石因升温膨胀受到约束而出现压应力,而距离分布热源较远的岩石则可能因协调收缩受到约束而出现拉应力。  相似文献   

罗志波 《地质与勘探》2020,56(1):113-122
本文基于基础资料收集,通过高密度电阻率法并结合钻探验证工程,对山东莱州小浞河铁矿开采形成的采空区进行勘查。勘查成果表明,因充水,小浞河铁矿采空区电阻率值明显低于周围岩层,在高密度电法视电阻率反演断面图上均表现为漏斗状低阻异常,并且异常体分布相对规则、连续,与磁铁矿体及其采准巷道工程较一致。经钻探工程进一步验证,物探解译推断的采空区位置与钻探揭露深度较为吻合,表明高密度电阻率法在铁矿采空区勘查中具有较高的可行性和实用性。基于Voxler软件平台,综合基础地质资料以及钻探验证结果等,对高密度电法测量成果三维可视化可有效快捷地圈定采空区范围,为进一步的灾害防治提供有利依据。  相似文献   

贵州镇远马坪"东方一号"岩体是我国首次发现的含金刚石原生矿母岩,马坪地区发现的岩体属于金伯利岩浆体系的浅部相,其深部可能存在规模较大的隐伏岩管或岩筒。为揭示马坪地区深部含金刚石隐伏岩管或岩筒的空间展布特征,在区内开展了80 mx40 m高密集网度的音频大地电磁勘探工作;利用三维正演技术模拟研究区纯地形响应并在实测数据中去除,得到的定性解释结果在一定程度上恢复了被静态效应扭曲的AMT阻抗相位不变量分布形态;使用AR-QN拟牛顿反演方法对数据进行三维反演,根据研究区岩性统计结果设定地下单元的电阻率变化区间,获得了可靠的三维电性结构;最后依据地表发现的岩筒、钻孔揭露的多条岩脉等地质资料对该地电模型进行精细解释,勾画出了隐伏岩管(岩筒)的形态,为区内下一步金刚石原生矿找矿方向及预测提供了地球物理依据。  相似文献   

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