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研制成功的6MeV高能工业CT集成检测系统采用磁控管驱动的6MeV射频加速器作为X射线源,成像系统与9MeV高能工业CT相同,扫描方式采用三维锥束扫描。主要技术指标与9MeV工业CT系统接近,其空间分辨率也达到21p/mm(10%的调制度下)。  相似文献   

电子直线加速器焦点尺寸是影响高能工业CT空间分辨率等关键技术指标的主要因素之一。IEC 62976-2021和GB/T 20129-2015的“三明治”法(或称叠片法)是现行的无损检测用电子直线加速器焦点测试标准。但在实际操作中,该方法不仅过程繁琐,且在胶片曝光、冲洗、条纹计数等过程中人为因素影响大。此外,理论仿真发现“三明治”测试模块的金属片及塑胶片厚度对测量结果影响的误差超过±12.5%。针对该方法的不足,研究并设计了一套焦点测量方法和装置——狭缝平移扫描法及装置,并进行焦点扫描测试和CT空间分辨率验证等实验。结果表明,所提方法相对于“三明治”法,测量结果客观、准确、重复性好,这对于电子直线加速器的焦点尺寸精确测量和高能工业CT系统性能评估和优化设计具有重要意义。  相似文献   

密度高、成像分辨率高、成像速度快的X射线数字成像检测需要高能微焦点大剂量X射线源,高品质电子源是实现这一X射线源的关键手段。基于中国工程物理研究院太赫兹自由电子激光的主加速器,验证了低发射度、低能散度的高亮度电子束实现高能微焦点的可行性,得到电子束半高全宽尺寸小于70μm的9 MeV微焦点,并初步开展成像实验,双丝像质计焦斑清晰分辨9D号丝,丝直径0.13 mm。  相似文献   

郭博  刘得翔  吴双华  马跃  华剑飞  鲁巍 《强激光与粒子束》2021,33(7):074001-1-074001-4

发展微焦点高能X射线源技术是实现高精度高能工业CT突破的关键,基于激光尾波加速驱动高能轫致辐射源开展了微焦点高能X射线源产生以及对涡轮叶片高能CT成像研究。利用一台20 TW钛蓝宝石超快超强激光器,通过电离注入的方式获得了(140±44)pC的高能电子束,并使用1.5 mm厚钨靶产生了累积源尺寸为25 μm的高能轫致辐射X射线。利用该微焦点高能X射线源,采用基于压缩感知的CT重建算法,在获取较少角度投影(31个角度)的情况下,获得了对涡轮叶片叶榫结构的CT重建。


高能闪光照相中光子散射会导致接收图像清晰度降低,影响照相客体界面和密度的分辨精度。使用网栅相机可显著降低散射光子影响,提高图像分辨能力,但同时要求X射线源空间位置更加稳定以减少信号光子在网栅结构中的损失。采用小孔成像的方法测量神龙一号直线感应加速器X射线源焦斑分布,计算焦斑的质心位置和半高全宽大小,分析电子束聚焦状态改变对X射线源空间位置和大小的影响。实验结果表明,电子束聚焦状态改变会导致射线源质心位置及尺寸大小发生明显变化。在恒定聚焦状态下,源质心抖动及大小变化均可稳定在较小范围。 ;  相似文献   

高能闪光照相中光子散射会导致接收图像清晰度降低,影响照相客体界面和密度的分辨精度。使用网栅相机可显著降低散射光子影响,提高图像分辨能力,但同时要求X射线源空间位置更加稳定以减少信号光子在网栅结构中的损失。采用小孔成像的方法测量神龙一号直线感应加速器X射线源焦斑分布,计算焦斑的质心位置和半高全宽大小,分析电子束聚焦状态改变对X射线源空间位置和大小的影响。实验结果表明,电子束聚焦状态改变会导致射线源质心位置及尺寸大小发生明显变化。在恒定聚焦状态下,源质心抖动及大小变化均可稳定在较小范围。 ;  相似文献   

高能X射线工业CT扫描运动控制系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 分析了高能X射线工业CT扫描运动控制系统的作用,提出了扫描运动控制系统的组成方案。控制系统由工业控制计算机、计数卡、控制卡、伺服驱动器、伺服电机、工作平台、光栅和控制软件组成。研究了在Windows驱动程序模式(WDM)下,控制系统设备驱动程序的组成。以运动控制卡为例,研究了开发控制系统设备驱动程序的方法,并分析了设备驱动程序和用户程序交互的过程。通过编写WDM驱动程序,实现了对高能X射线工业CT扫描运动系统的实时控制。实验结果表明,开发的扫描运动控制系统,可靠性和实时性满足要求。  相似文献   

报道了基于常温射频直线加速器建成的10 MeV光子FLASH放疗射线源样机,采用高平均电流电子束轰击高速旋转辐射转化靶,在距离靶点1 m远处的固体水模内,X射线剂量率达到80.5 Gy/s,达到未来临床实验与推广所需剂量率阈值。  相似文献   

在微焦CT成像中,通常利用增大X射线源管电压、管电流来提高扫描效率,但射线源功率增加会导致焦点尺寸增大,投影图像模糊,从而降低重建图像的空间分辨率。为了解决因非理想射线源焦点引起的图像模糊问题,本文提出利用深度学习在投影域映射非理想焦点与理想焦点投影之间的关系。推导了理想焦点投影与非理想焦点投影的正向关系,基于该关系构建配对数据集;提出一种基于自注意力机制的U-net网络(SU-net)学习非理想焦点投影到理想焦点投影的逆向关系。仿真实验和实际实验结果表明,提出的SU-net方法能准确地从非理想焦点投影中估计出理想焦点投影,可有效减少焦点导致的图像模糊。  相似文献   

为了获得较高的空间分辩率,设计了一种新型小束斑驻波电子直线加速器,该加速器取消了加速腔中的鼻锥结构,而在耦合腔中设置鼻锥结构。用狭缝法代替小孔法测得X射线源的焦斑尺寸为1.4mm。讨论了射线源焦点对成像质量的影响,分析了在高能条件下小孔法不适合用于焦点测量的物理原因,用4种测量方法测量了该高能X射线源的参数,测得该系统的成像极限分辩率为2.5 lp/mm,最后对实验结果进行了分析。  相似文献   

3333lp/mm X射线透射光栅的研制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对X射线透射光栅摄谱仪中的高线密度光栅,研究了采用电子束曝光和X射线曝光技术结合制作高线密度X射线透射光栅的工艺技术.首先利用电子束曝光和微电镀技术在镂空的薄膜上制备母光栅X射线掩模版,然后利用X射线曝光和微电镀技术小批量复制光栅.在国内首次完成了3333lp/mm X射线透射光栅的研制,栅线宽度为150nm,周期为300nm,金吸收体厚度为500nm.衍射效率标定的结果表明,该光栅的占空比合理、侧壁陡直,具有良好的色散特性,能够满足空间探测、同步辐射和变等离子诊断等多个领域的应用.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a beam hardening correction (BHC) method in three-dimension space for a cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) system in a mono-material case and investigate its effect on the spatial resolution. Due to the polychromatic character of the X-ray spectrum used, cupping and streak artifacts called beam hardening artifacts arise in the reconstructed CT images, causing reduced image quality. In addition, enhanced edges are introduced in the reconstructed CT images because of the beam hardening effect. The spatial resolution of the CBCT system is calculated from the edge response function (ERF) on different planes in space. Thus, in the CT images with beam hardening artifacts, enhanced ERFs will be extracted to calculate the modulation transfer function (MTF), obtaining a better spatial resolution that deviates from the real value. Reasonable spatial resolution can be obtained after reducing the artifacts. The 10% MTF value and the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the point spread function with and without BHC are presented.  相似文献   

A 10 μm detection system with a temporal resolution of ? 40 psec has been used to investigate the output of a multi-atmosphere CO2 laser. Mode-locking, by means of p-type germanium, has permitted the observation of pulses as short as ? 75 psec.  相似文献   

The performance test is an important and necessary work for the micro-CT (computed tomography) system. The focal spot size of the micro focus X-ray tube is measured. The method of measuring the spatial resolution of micro-CT is introduced. A line-pair resolution of 28.2 lp/mm at the 10% modulation transfer function (MTF) level can be achieved with 14.7 μm spot size, 12.3 μm voxel size and a 25 mm field of view. In addition, a tungsten wire with the diameter of 5 μm can be detected by the system.  相似文献   

The performance test is an important and necessary work for the micro-CT (computed tomography) system. The focal spot size of the micro focus X-ray tube is measured. The method of measuring the spatial resolution of micro-CT is introduced. A line-pair resolution of 28.2 lp/mm at the 10% modulation transfer function (MTF) level can be achieved with 14.7 μm spot size, 12.3 μm voxel size and a 25 mm field of view. In addition, a tungsten wire with the diameter of 5 μm can be detected by the system.  相似文献   

We propose a method for high-sensitivity subwavelength spectromicroscopy based on the usage of a spaser (plasmonic nanolaser) in the form of a scanning probe microscope tip. The high spatial resolution is defined by plasmon localization at the tip, as is the case for apertureless scanning near-field optical microscopy. In contrast to the latter method, we suggest using radiationless plasmon pumping with quantum dots instead of irradiation with an external laser beam. Due to absorption at the transition frequencies of neighboring nano-objects (molecules or clusters), dips appear in the plasmon generation spectrum. The highest sensitivity is achieved near the generation threshold.  相似文献   

A high-sensitive automatic transient laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) system is designed and integrated. It successfully avoids the delay time selecting problem in conventional LIBS system, and realizes the LIBS data acquisition with high spatiotemporal resolution automatically. Multiple transient spectra can be obtained in each measurement, which will provide more information for spectral research. The water-vapour and liquid-water Raman scattering spectra are captured by this system, and the comparison of experimental water-vapour Raman scattering spectrum with theoretical data verifies the reliability of the LIBS system. Based on this system, the air laser induced air breakdown spectra are captured and analysed. The system is also useful for the research on water-vapour Raman Lidar remote sensing.  相似文献   

Ishizuki H  Taira T 《Optics letters》2005,30(21):2918-2920
Fabrication of a 5 mm thick periodically poled MgO-doped LiNbO3 device with a 32.1 microm period for mid-infrared generation was demonstrated. The periodic structure was evaluated by measurement of second-harmonic generation with the d31 coefficient. Optical parametric oscillation using this device with an uncoated 5 mm x 5 mm aperture and a 36 mm effective length realized a high-energy output of 77 mJ for both signal (wavelength 1.83 microm) and idler (2.54 microm) waves with a 72% slope efficiency at 110 mJ pumping of a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser with a 12 ns pulse duration.  相似文献   

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