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体质量推算作为体质人类学的一项重要研究方法,为衡量古代居民体型提供了新的途径,同时也为解决考古学、历史学问题提供了新的研究思路。本文通过"生物力学"和"形态测量学"两种方法对内蒙古和林格尔县土城子遗址2005年出土的34例战国时期人骨标本进行了体质量推算。统计分析结果表明,该组男性居民的平均体质量约为67.21kg,女性居民的平均体质量约为54.63kg,男女两性之间的差异显著。通过与战国时期内蒙古长城地带井沟子居民的比较分析,土城子男性居民在平均体质量上明显大于井沟子男性居民,并且体质量值整体分布偏高,而女性组则差异不显著。结合考古学、历史学相关研究材料,该数据为土城子居民为戍边军士的身份提供了进一步的证据。  相似文献   

何嘉宁 《人类学学报》2016,35(2):238-245
古代畜牧生计人群的生活方式、对畜牧业依赖程度及与相邻定居人群的关系表现多样。军都山墓地是东周时期以畜牧业为重要生计方式的玉皇庙文化代表性遗址,在其延续的近三百年时间里文化遗存发生了一些明确变化,暗示其生活模式的可能改变。本文通过该遗址出土人骨体质状况的表现对军都山古人群运动和生活方式的时序性变化进行探讨。106根股骨骨干中部断面生物力学参数被用来分析其下肢功能状况及流动性,2487枚牙齿的龋病发生情况用于了解其植物性食物摄入的变化趋势。结果表明,与放牧生活密切相关的流动性在男性随时代明显减弱,但一直显著高于同性别农业定居人群;女性的流动性则变化不大,与定居农业人群相当。龋齿发病在男性随时代显著增高,女性则变化不明显且维持在相对较高水平,表明男性饮食中粮食类占比随时代有增加的趋势。结合文化遗存的发展变化推断,虽然畜牧业一直是军都山古代人类最重要的生计模式,但其流动性和龋病的变化表明畜牧业在其生业模式重要性随时代有所下降;伴随其的是农业在其经济生活中的比重开始增加,可能是受周边定居农业文化影响的结果。  相似文献   

古代畜牧生计人群的生活方式、对畜牧业依赖程度及与相邻定居人群的关系表现多样。军都山墓地是东周时期以畜牧业为重要生计方式的玉皇庙文化代表性遗址,在其延续的近三百年时间里文化遗存发生了一些明确变化,暗示其生活模式的可能改变。本文通过该遗址出土人骨体质状况的表现对军都山古人群运动和生活方式的时序性变化进行探讨。106根股骨骨干中部断面生物力学参数被用来分析其下肢功能状况及流动性,2487枚牙齿的龋病发生情况用于了解其植物性食物摄入的变化趋势。结果表明,与放牧生活密切相关的流动性在男性随时代明显减弱,但一直显著高于同性别农业定居人群;女性的流动性则变化不大,与定居农业人群相当。龋齿发病在男性随时代显著增高,女性则变化不明显且维持在相对较高水平,表明男性饮食中粮食类占比随时代有增加的趋势。结合文化遗存的发展变化推断,虽然畜牧业一直是军都山古代人类最重要的生计模式,但其流动性和龋病的变化表明畜牧业在其生业模式重要性随时代有所下降;伴随其的是农业在其经济生活中的比重开始增加,可能是受周边定居农业文化影响的结果。  相似文献   

张旭  李婧  朱泓 《人类学学报》2015,34(2):216-224
本文对内蒙古和林格尔县大堡山墓地2011年发掘出土的古代人类肢骨进行了测量与研究,并依据相关的身高计算公式对其身高进行了推算;在与内蒙古中南部地区其他古代对比组进行比较分析后,得出以下结论:大堡山地区两性居民的肱骨粗壮程度发育较弱,股骨粗壮程度相对居中、股骨骨干上端一般扁平、股骨嵴相对发达;大堡山墓地古代居民的男性身高水平较高,女性身高水平中等;根据两性差异性指数,内蒙古中南部地区东周时期女性的主体经济地位普遍偏低。  相似文献   

以军都山墓地为代表的"玉皇庙文化"系中国北方青铜时代的一支具有鲜明地方特色的少数部族文化。本文对军都山墓地出土人骨牙齿标本作牙齿磨耗状况分析,试图为其饮食结构和社会经济形态的探讨提供线索。结果显示:军都山古代人群中,相同年龄组的男女两性牙齿磨耗差异不大;前部牙齿磨耗轻于后部臼齿,第一臼齿磨耗最重;臼齿磨耗样式大多呈现"正常平匀"式,臼齿磨耗角度大多较小,两者均随年龄而变化但没有显著的性别差异。经与其他样本组的对比认为军都山古代人群牙齿磨耗的特点可能与其社会经济农牧兼营的性质有关,推测动物性食物(肉食)可能在军都山古代人群主要饮食结构中占据重要比例,并包含有一定的农业经济成分。不同游牧人群牙齿磨耗程度差异较大,只有结合了磨耗形态及其他信息才有可能更切实地反映其饮食状况。  相似文献   

目的: 肺功能和心电图检查是心肺运动试验(CPET)人体心肺代谢整体功能评估不可或缺的组成部分,本研究对肺通气功能、换气功能和小气道功能异常及其临床相关特征进行分析。方法: 采用横断面研究方法对2016年1月至2019年l2月在河南省人民医院就诊76 698例体检人员行常规心电图、肺通气和换气功能检查,比较不同性别、年龄组心肺功能异常检出率,进一步分析心肺功能异常严重程度的特点。结果: ①在76 698例常规心电图异常检出率为71.04%。②肺通气功能异常检出率36.86%,其中男性44.78%(17 570/39 237),女性28.57%(10 703/ 37 461),男性显著高于女性(P<0.01),且各年龄段男性检出率均高于女性(P均<0.01)。③小气道功能异常检出率为56.26%,男性57.73%(22 661/39 237),女性54.72%(20 499/37 461),不同性别比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),其中30~39岁组,40-49岁组女性检出率高于男性(P均<0.05),20~29岁组,50~59岁组,60~69岁组,≥70岁组均男性高于女性(P<0.05)。④换气功能异常检出率为28.54%,其中男性30.55%(7 433/24 327),女性26.50%(5 507/20 780),二者差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);30~39岁组(P<0.05)、20~29岁组和40~49岁组(P均>0.05),检出率女性高于男性,50~59岁组,60~69岁组,≥70岁组,男性检出率均高于女性(P均<0.05)。结论: 河南体检人群心功能、肺通气功能、换气功能及小气道功能异常的检出率较高,男性明显大于女性,年龄≥70岁者高于其他年龄段。  相似文献   

曹家寨墓地是一处位于陕西西咸新区沣西新城的清代平民墓地,文章通过体质人类学和古人口学研究方法,结合历史文献,对曹家寨墓地的人口结构进行了初步分析。结果表明,沣西新城曹家寨清代居民的性别比为117.5,男性远多于女性,可能与清代盛行的“溺女婴”风俗有关。两性的死亡高峰皆在中年期,但生育行为使得女性壮年期的死亡率是男性的2倍多,有更多的男性居民活到了老年期,表明男性个体有相对更长的寿命。墓地人骨的埋葬方式和迁葬行为,反映了清代一夫一妻多妾的婚姻形式以及平民阶层个体家庭为主的家庭结构。  相似文献   

本文通过对郑州青台遗址新石器时代中晚期91例个体、1913枚牙齿罹患龋齿的统计与分析可知,青台人群患龋率为71.43%,龋齿率为13.38%。其中,龋齿率女性高于男性,可能与女性孕期生理变化、食物选择及性别分工等有关。上颌龋齿率高于下颌,臼齿及咬合面为龋齿易患齿类及部位。通过对比可知青台人群显示出较高的龋齿罹患率,暗示该人群饮食中应包含较多的碳水化合物类食物,这可能与新石器时代中晚期黄河中游发达的旱作农业有关。此外,龋齿率在黄河及长江中、下游新石器时代农业人群中的区域性差异可能与龋病病因的复杂性和各地区不同的文化面貌、人群生活方式有关。  相似文献   

接触猪职业人群和对照人群戊型肝炎感染率比较研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
近年来戊型肝炎(Hepatitis E,HE)被怀疑是一种人兽共患病,猪是其重要的宿主.通过在HE流行区比较接触猪人群和对照人群HE感染率,评价接触猪对人群的HE感染的风险.在浙江省北部某县采用限制研究对象的群组匹配的横断面调查,对同地区同年龄段的接触猪人群和对照人群进行问卷调查,采集血液并检测抗HE抗体.研究发现,接触猪人群和对照人群的年龄大致相当,但前者男性比例较高.接触猪人群抗HE抗体感染率(254/340,74.71%)明显高于对照人群(319/512,62.30%).经过分层分析和多因素非条件Logistic回归分析,平衡性别和年龄因素后,接触猪仍能增加约50%人群的HE感染风险.随着接触年数的增加,其风险也增加,接触猪5~14年和15年以上人群分别比对照人群增加65%和157%的HE感染风险.接触猪人群男性、女性和合计的标化感染率分别为72.30%、65.67%和70.92%,均高于对照人群(69.87%、51.82%和60.80%),尤其以女性更为明显.在HE流行区,接触猪可能增加人群HE感染风险,对女性的影响可能较大,随着接触猪年数的增加HE感染的风险也增加.由于本研究采用病因和结果同时出现的横断面研究,确切的接触猪和HE感染的关系需要建立合适的接触猪人群队列并结合详细的接触猪暴露调查得到阐明.  相似文献   

目的:获取本地区正常人群鼻咽部脑膜炎奈瑟菌携带情况,为政府制定预防和控制流行性脑脊髓膜炎暴发流行提供科学决策依据。方法:随机抽检正常人群(按人群防疫监测共分四组:2~4岁、6~8岁、9~12岁、25~39岁组)鼻咽拭子进行培养,分离,鉴定及血清分型。按《全国临床检验操作规程》进行。结果:403人共检出22株脑膜炎奈瑟菌,总检出率为5.46%,男性检出9株,检出率4.46%,女性检出13株,检出率为6.47%,其血清分型为A型群3株,B群14株,C群2株,1892型1株,未定型2株,2~4岁组检出6株,检出率8.57%(6/70),6~8岁组检出4株,检出率7.41%(4/54);9~12岁组检出6株,检出率8.00%(6/75);25~39岁组检出6株,检出率2.94%(6/204),男女性别之间及少年不同组别正常人群鼻咽部脑膜炎奈菌携带率经X^2检验差异均无显著性,而少年组与成人组比较和差有显著性意义。结论:调查显示,本地区正常人群鼻咽部脑膜炎奈环瑟菌携带率为5.46%,处于较低水平,血清分型以B群为主,本地为非流行株。不同性别正常人群鼻咽部脑膜炎奈瑟菌的携带率无差别,儿童携带率较成人高,调查结果显示本地区目前不具备流行特点,A群脑膜炎奈瑟菌未造成本地流行性脑脊髓膜炎的流行。  相似文献   

Human skeletal robusticity is influenced by a number of factors, including habitual behavior, climate, and physique. Conflicting evidence as to the relative importance of these factors complicates our ability to interpret variation in robusticity in the past. It remains unclear how the pattern of robusticity in the skeleton relates to adaptive constraints on skeletal morphology. This study investigates variation in robusticity in claviculae, humeri, ulnae, femora, and tibiae among human foragers, relative to climate and habitual behavior. Cross-sectional geometric properties of the diaphyses are compared among hunter-gatherers from southern Africa (n = 83), the Andaman Islands (n = 32), Tierra del Fuego (n = 34), and the Great Lakes region (n = 15). The robusticity of both proximal and distal limb segments correlates negatively with climate and positively with patterns of terrestrial and marine mobility among these groups. However, the relative correspondence between robusticity and these factors varies throughout the body. In the lower limb, partial correlations between polar second moment of area (J(0.73)) and climate decrease from proximal to distal section locations, while this relationship increases from proximal to distal in the upper limb. Patterns of correlation between robusticity and mobility, either terrestrial or marine, generally increase from proximal to distal in the lower and upper limbs, respectively. This suggests that there may be a stronger relationship between observed patterns of diaphyseal hypertrophy and behavioral differences between populations in distal elements. Despite this trend, strength circularity indices at the femoral midshaft show the strongest correspondence with terrestrial mobility, particularly among males.  相似文献   

Throughout much of prehistory, humans practiced a hunting and gathering subsistence strategy. Elevated postcranial robusticity and sexually dimorphic mobility patterns are presumed consequences of this strategy, in which males are attributed greater robusticity and mobility than females. Much of the basis for these trends originates from populations where skeletal correlates of activity patterns are known (e.g., cross-sectional geometric properties of long bones), but in which activity patterns are inferred using evidence such as archaeological records (e.g., Pleistocene Europe). Australian hunter-gatherers provide an opportunity to critically assess these ideas since ethnographic documentation of their activity patterns is available. We address the following questions: do skeletal indicators of Australian hunter-gatherers express elevated postcranial robusticity and sexually dimorphic mobility relative to populations from similar latitudes, and do ethnographic accounts support these findings. Using computed tomography, cross-sectional images were obtained from 149 skeletal elements including humeri, radii, ulnae, femora, and tibiae. Cross-sectional geometric properties were calculated from image data and standardized for body size. Australian hunter-gatherers often have reduced robusticity at femoral and humeral midshafts relative to forager (Khoi-San), agricultural/industrialized (Zulu), and industrialized (African American) groups. Australian hunter-gatherers display more sexual dimorphism in upper limb robusticity than lower limb robusticity. Attributing specific behavioral causes to upper limb sexual dimorphism is premature, although ethnographic accounts support sex-specific differences in tool use. Virtually absent sexual dimorphism in lower limb robusticity is consistent with ethnographic accounts of equivalently high mobility among females and males. Thus, elevated postcranial robusticity and sexually dimorphic mobility do not always characterize hunter-gatherers.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationships between lower limb robusticity and mobility in a Neolithic sample (LIG) from Italy (6th millennium BP). This study tests the hypothesis that the high femoral robusticity previously observed in the LIG sample is a consequence of the subsistence strategy (i.e., high mobility on uneven terrain) practiced by LIG. Cross-sectional geometric properties of the femur and tibia at midshaft of LIG (eight males and eight females) were collected and results compared to Late Upper Paleolithic (12 males, five females), Mesolithic (24 males, 8 females), and Eneolithic (28 males, 17 females) samples from other sites throughout Europe. The results show that the LIG sample does not show the reduction of lower limb robusticity that is characteristic of the Eneolithic sample, but rather that the LIG sample is most similar to the earlier, highly mobile, populations. This high level of robusticity in the LIG sample could reflect both their pastoral subsistence strategy combined with a rugged environment, as well as their earlier temporal position within the Neolithic. The results of this study further point to significant variation in male-female mobility patterns in the region, also possibly related to pastoral behavioral patterns.  相似文献   

This study investigates differences in femur midshaft shape, robusticity, and sexual dimorphism derived from external measurements between a broad range of prehistoric and historic North American populations with different subsistence strategies and inferred levels of mobility. The sample was divided into six groups to test whether observed femur midshaft variables follow the patterns predicted based on archaeologically and historically determined subsistence and mobility data. The results suggest significant variation in femur midshaft shape and robusticity in all populations, and that inferred mobility levels do not correspond consistently with femur midshaft structure in either males or females. Results do, however, support the prediction that sexual dimorphism is generally greater in more mobile populations.  相似文献   

Some scholars explain the absence of settlements in the Bohemian and Moravian Late Eneolithic (Corded Ware archaeological culture) as a consequence of pastoral subsistence with a high degree of mobility. However, recent archaeological studies argued that the archaeological record of the Late Eneolithic in Central Europe exhibits evidence for sedentary subsistence with mixed agriculture, similar to the subsequent Early Bronze Age. Because the archaeological data do not allow us to address unambiguously the mobility pattern in these periods, we used cross-sectional analysis of the femoral midshaft to test mobility directly on the human skeletal record. The results of femoral midshaft geometry do not support a high degree of mobility in the Late Eneolithic in Central Europe. This conclusion is supported mainly by no significant differences in male groups between the Late Eneolithic and Early Bronze Age in mechanical robusticity and shape of the femoral midshaft, although Corded Ware males still exhibit the highest absolute mean values of the diaphyseal shape (I(A-P)/I(M-L)) ratio and antero-posterior second moment of area. However, Late Eneolithic females have significantly higher torsional and overall bending rigidity because of a significantly higher medio-lateral second moment of area. This finding cannot be directly linked with a higher degree of long-distance mobility for these females. A significant difference was also found in overall decrease of size parameters of the femoral midshaft cross section for one of the Early Bronze Age samples, the Wieselburger females. Since the decrease of size and mechanical robusticity for Wieselburger females does not correspond with the parameters of Early Bronze Age females, we can expect a mosaic pattern of changes during the Late Eneolithic and Early Bronze Age period, instead of a simple unidirectional (diachronic) change of the mechanical environment.  相似文献   

Early modern humans from the European Upper Paleolithic (UP) demonstrate trends in postcranial biomechanical features that coincide with the last glacial maximum (LGM). These features have been interpreted as evidence that ecological changes of the LGM played a critical role in cultural and biological adaptation in European UP populations. In areas outside of Europe, similar environmental changes occurred with the LGM. This analysis introduces postcranial material from the Late Upper Paleolithic (LUP) of North Africa and Southeast Asia and tests two related hypotheses: 1) LUP samples across the Old World had similar patterns of postcranial robusticity and 2) relative to an available Early Upper Paleolithic (EUP) sample, regional LUP samples demonstrate similar trends in robusticity that may be attributable to climatic effects of the LGM. Cross-sectional geometric data of the humeri and femora were obtained for 26 EUP and 100 LUP humans from Europe, Africa, and Asia. Despite regional differences, LUP samples are similar relative to the EUP sample. In the humerus, bilateral asymmetry decreases in all LUP samples relative to the EUP sample. In the femur, LUP samples demonstrate increasingly circular femoral midshaft sections, reflecting reduced anteroposterior bending strength relative to the EUP sample. These patterns suggest changes in subsistence behavior and mobility after the LGM across the Old World that are most consistent with reduced mobility and broad-spectrum resource exploitation.  相似文献   

The probably Middle Pleistocene human femur from Berg Aukas, Namibia, when oriented anatomically and analyzed biomechanically, presents an unusual combination of morphological features compared to other Pleistocene Homo femora. Its midshaft diaphyseal shape is similar to most other archaic Homo, but its subtrochanteric shape aligns it most closely with earlier equatorial Homo femora. It has an unusually low neck shaft angle. Its relative femoral head size is matched only by Neandertals with stocky hyperarctic body proportions. Its diaphyseal robusticity is modest for a Neandertal, but reasonable compared to equatorial archaic Homo femora. Its gluteal tuberosity is relatively small. Given its derivation from a warm climatic region, it is best interpreted as having had relatively linear body proportions (affecting proximal diaphyseal proportions, shaft robusticity, and gluteal tuberosity size) combined with an elevated level of lower limb loading during development (affecting femoral head size and neck shaft angle).  相似文献   

Since their discovery, Neanderthals have been described as having a marked degree of anteroposterior curvature of the femoral shaft. Although initially believed to be pathological, subsequent discoveries of Neanderthal remains lead femoral curvature to be considered as a derived Neanderthal feature. A recent study on Neanderthals and middle and early Upper Palaeolithic modern humans found no differences in femoral curvature, but did not consider size-corrected curvature. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to use 3D morphometric landmark and semi-landmark analysis to quantify relative femoral curvature in Neanderthals, Upper Palaeolithic and recent modern humans, and to compare adult bone curvature as part of the overall femoral morphology among these populations.Comparisons among populations were made using geometric morphometrics (3D landmarks) and standard multivariate methods. Comparative material involved all available complete femora from Neanderthal and Upper Palaeolithic modern human, archaeological (Mesolithic, Neolithic, Medieval) and recent human populations representing a wide geographical and lifestyle range. There are significant differences in the anatomy of the femur between Neanderthals and modern humans. Neanderthals have more curved femora than modern humans. Early modern humans are most similar to recent modern humans in their anatomy. Femoral curvature is a good indicator of activity level and habitual loading of the lower limb, indicating higher activity levels in Neanderthals than modern humans. These differences contradict robusticity studies and the archaeological record, and would suggest that femoral morphology, and curvature in particular, in Neanderthals may not be explained by adult behavior alone and could be the result of genetic drift, natural selection or differences in behavior during ontogeny.  相似文献   

The length, total and cortical widths at midshaft, and robusticity of femora were measured in growing and mature male Holtzman rats. Analysis of covariance revealed significant differences in the regression coefficients (slopes) between young rats (1-4 months) and adult rats (5-16 months), indicating that, for a given increment in femoral length, young rats have a smaller increment in total femoral width than do adult rats. In addition, the results indicated that femoral expansion occurs in adult male Holtzman rats (5-16 months of age) without cortical thinning or loss of bone mass.  相似文献   

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