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黑河流域水资源信息系统设计   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:14  
建立黑河流域水资源信息系统的目标是为黑河流域水资源合理利用与经济社会和生态环境协调发展的研究提供基础数据和技术支撑,并辅助建立流域决策支持系统和水资源模型。本文介绍黑河流域水资源信息系统的设计和应用,共包括27个图层的空间数据、40 a气候和水文序列、以及部分NOAA AVHRR和TM遥感数据,是我国西北内陆河流域最完整的水资源信息系统之一,已被应用于黑河流域水资源合理利用以及水文和生态基础研究。  相似文献   

黑河流域环境退化特征分析及防治研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
生态环境条件的好坏,是制约我国社会、经济和人民生活可持续发展的重要问题之一,特别是在生态环境脆弱的西北干旱区的内陆河流域。本文以黑河流域为例,根据最新的野外调查数据,结合该流域已有的研究文献资料,分析了黑河流域生态环境退化的现状和主要特征。研究结果表明,黑河流域生态环境退化主要是由于人类不合理的经济活动造成的,具体表现在土地的沙漠化、水资源的变化、土壤盐渍化和植被退化等方面。在此基础上,初步提出了防止流域生态环境恶化的综合治理对策。  相似文献   

黑河流域荒漠生态系统地面土壤动物群落的组成与多样性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以中国西北内陆干旱区黑河流域典型的戈壁荒漠生态系统为研究对象,采用国际通用的陷阱法在6月和9月对天然戈壁荒漠草地土壤动物群落进行了调查,探讨了荒漠生态系统土壤动物群落组成与多样性及其季节变异特征。研究发现:①共捕获地面土壤动物3 407头(只),隶属1门2纲14目31科,优势类群是长椿科和蚁科,常见类群有拟步甲科、象甲科、平腹蛛科、皿网蛛科、赤螨科、长角跳科和蝗总科。②依据体型大小将捕获的土壤动物划分为大、中、小型3个类群,分别占群落总个体数的94.1%、5.6%和0.3%;依据取食类型将捕获的土壤动物划分为捕食性、植食性、腐食性、菌食性和杂食性5个功能群,分别占群落总个体数的10.8%、38.5%、18.2%、4.7%和27.8%。③土壤动物群落组成、数量及多样性表现了明显的季节变异,主要体现在群落结构与多样性以及不同类群个体数量的季节变异等方面。研究结果为进一步开展戈壁荒漠生态系统土壤动物生态学的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

黑河绿洲坡面分异演化研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
张勃  程国栋 《地理科学》2003,23(2):193-199
对干旱区绿洲的物质和能量随坡面分异现象和规律的研究,有助于我们深刻了解不同类型绿洲形成和演化的自然背景和农业资源组合的特点,为农业生产的合理布局和农业自然资源的优化配置提供理论依据。以黑河流域绿洲为例,在综合分析影响绿洲坡面分异的气候、地质构造和地貌演化、地表水和地下水水文化学性质、土壤性状和水资源供应状况等自然地理要素基础上,将黑河绿洲划分为高位绿洲、中位绿洲和低位绿洲等不同类型。在此基础上,分析了黑河流域不同类型绿洲主要农作物气候适宜性随坡面的分异,为绿洲农业资源的优化配置提供了重要的理论依据。  相似文献   

黑河流域水土资源可持续利用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黑河流域属于典型的环境脆弱区,水资源供需矛盾和土地退化问题是区域社会经济可持续发展中面临的迫切需要解决的问题。文章对黑河流域水土资源状况进行了概要性论述,分析了水土资源对区域社会经济发展的影响以及水土资源的承载力。基于黑河流域水土资源利用现状,提出了水土资源可持续利用模式。  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区林区开垦地土壤退化研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
以林地及其开垦地土壤颗粒组成、有机质含量、>0 .2 5mm水稳性团粒含量、土壤容及土壤抗强度等性质为基础 ,分析比较了林地及林地开垦后侵蚀 10年内土壤退化问题。研究结果表明 ,林地一旦开垦后随侵蚀年限的增长 ,土壤性质逐年退化 :侵蚀 10年土壤粘粒和物理性粘粒比林地分别减少 2 .74 %和 3.0 1% ,粗粉粒增加 ,土壤颗粒组成粗化 ;有机质含量从林地的 4 5 .2 g/kg下降到侵蚀 10年开垦地的 9.8g/kg ,>0 .2 5mm水稳性团粒含量从林地的 6 0 .19%下降到侵蚀第 10年开垦地的 2 8.6 0 % ,土壤容重增大 ,土壤的抗剪强度从 0 .12 3kg/cm3 下降到0 .0 74kg/cm3 ;并将林地和开垦地土壤性质与土壤侵蚀强度进行相关分析发现 ,>0 .2 5mm水稳性团粒含量对土壤侵蚀强度影响最大 ,偏相关系数为 0 .972 8,其次为土壤粗粉粒和抗剪强度 ,偏相关系数为 0 .8879和 0 .6 0 2 0 ,说明了林地开垦后侵蚀土壤的退化 ,恶化了土壤侵蚀环境 ,造成土壤侵蚀更易发生 ,加剧着土壤侵蚀强度 ,表明恢复和重建森林植被在防治黄土高原土壤侵蚀中具有举足轻重的作用  相似文献   

黑河流域水资源研究进展   总被引:28,自引:12,他引:16  
作为典型的内陆河流域,黑河流域历来是研究寒区、旱区水文与水资源的热点地区。水资源是联系该流域生态系统和经济系统的纽带,更是其社会经济环境可持续发展最主要的限制因子。因此,对于黑河流域水资源的研究非常广泛,也取得了很多高水平的研究成果,这些研究内容主要包括:上游产流区的冰雪变化与黑河径流量、黑河出山口径流变化特征及其对气候变化的响应以及径流量的模拟与预测;中下游耗散区的水资源利用状况及对策;同位素、水资源承载力以及水资源管理的理论方法和措施。今后的重点应从流域的宏观尺度,开展黑河流域生态经济的综合研究、生态水文学和水污染问题的研究。  相似文献   

西北干旱区黑河下游植被覆盖变化研究综述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
植被作为干旱区敏感的环境要素, 能直观反映自然环境状况, 任何植被覆盖变化都可揭 示区域环境状况的演化与变迁。因此, 植被覆盖变化研究已成为揭示干旱区自然环境变化及其规 律的重要手段。本文针对干旱区黑河下游这一特殊地域及其植被生态系统存在的问题, 综述了植 被覆盖变化及与其密切相关的地下水、土壤水盐平衡、全球气候变化和人类活动等因素的关系, 目的是全面分析与植被覆盖变化相关的各因素, 为分析植被覆盖变化机理及进一步研究黑河下 游生态环境演变服务。最后总结了目前黑河下游植被覆盖变化研究中存在的问题, 并提出了相应 的解决策略, 为区域植被覆盖变化研究提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

黑河流域水资源生态环境安全问题研究   总被引:16,自引:14,他引:16  
对黑河流域水文资料进行分析计算发现, 由于有冰川补给流域水资源比较稳定, 最枯年和最丰年水资源量之比仅为1:2, 这在北方河流中是非常罕见的。多年平均水资源量为32.31亿m3·a-1, 人均水资源量为1689m3·a-1, 略低于国际上公认的人均水资源安全警戒线1000~1700m3·a-1的上限。根据黑河流域水资源反复转化多次重复利用的特点, 扣除7.5亿m3·a-1的生态用水量, 结合流域正在执行的综合整治和节水措施的推广, 目前水资源状况是安全的, 下游生态环境的危机可以通过水资源统一调配来解决。依据天然出山水资源变化和水土资源开发利用规模及额济纳旗生态环境状况, 在不增加土地灌溉规模并适当采取节水措施的前提下, 可以确定32.31亿m3·a-1的天然来水量为流域水资源安全临界线, 28亿m3·a-1的天然来水量为流域水资源安全警戒线。  相似文献   

植被作为干旱区敏感的环境要素, 能直观反映自然环境状况, 任何植被覆盖变化都可揭 示区域环境状况的演化与变迁。因此, 植被覆盖变化研究已成为揭示干旱区自然环境变化及其规 律的重要手段。本文针对干旱区黑河下游这一特殊地域及其植被生态系统存在的问题, 综述了植 被覆盖变化及与其密切相关的地下水、土壤水盐平衡、全球气候变化和人类活动等因素的关系, 目的是全面分析与植被覆盖变化相关的各因素, 为分析植被覆盖变化机理及进一步研究黑河下 游生态环境演变服务。最后总结了目前黑河下游植被覆盖变化研究中存在的问题, 并提出了相应 的解决策略, 为区域植被覆盖变化研究提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

As a typical inland river basin in arid Northwest China, having distinct hydrological characteristics and severe and representative water problems, the Heihe River Basin (HRB) has attracted considerable research interest worldwide and in 2007 became a pilot basin of the G-WADI network of UNESCO/IHP. Many research programs have been conducted in the HRB since the 1980s, producing rich knowledge and data about the basin, which will be very helpful to further studies. This paper reviews research efforts related to hydrologic modeling and ongoing model integration studies performed in the HRB in recent years. Recently, an observation network covering the whole area and a Web-based data-sharing system have been established which can greatly improve data acquisition. This paper tabulates modeling activities in past years, including model applications, model modifications and enhancements, and model coupling efforts. Also described is a preliminary modeling integration tool designed to quickly build new models, which has been developed for hydrologic modeling purposes. Challenges and issues confronted in current studies are discussed, pointing toward key research directions in the future.  相似文献   

黑河下游土壤盐分分布特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
赵玉  冯起  李会亚 《中国沙漠》2017,37(6):1196-1203
采用黑河下游面域土壤信息调研数据,结合层次聚类和地统计分析等方法,探讨黑河下游土壤盐分在水平方向和垂直方向上的变异特征,揭示黑河下游土壤盐渍化的程度和状态。结果表明:研究区土壤盐分表聚特征明显。土壤盐分及离子组分含量存在很强的变异性,变异系数0.42~1.99。黑河下游土壤盐渍化类型主要为氯化物-硫酸盐型,土壤盐渍化程度较为严重,盐土占比高达42.87%。从土壤盐分在水平方向上的变异特征来看,表土层土壤全盐在一定的区域范围内具有空间结构特征,符合球状模型分布,空间分布表现为斑块状格局。从土壤盐分在垂直方向上的变异特征来看,研究区土壤盐分剖面类型可分为表聚型、均匀型、振荡型和底聚型。  相似文献   

The Heihe River Basin is the second largest inland river basin in Northwest China and it is also a hotspot in arid hydrology, water resources and other aspects of researches in cold regions. In addition, the Heihe River Basin has complete landscape, moderate watershed size, and typical social ecological environmental problems. So far, there has been no detailed assessment of glaciers change information of the whole river basin. 1:50,000 topographic map data, Landsat TM/ETM+ remote sensing images and digital elevation model data were used in this research. Through integrated computer automatic interpretation and visual interpretation methods, the object-oriented image feature extraction method was applied to extract glacier outline information. Glaciers change data were derived from analysis, and the glacier variation and its response to climate change in the period 1956/1963–2007/ 2011 were also analyzed. The results show that:(1) In the period 1956/1963–2007/2011, the Heihe River Basin's glaciers had an evident retreat trend, the total area of glaciers decreased from 361.69 km2 to 231.17 km~2; shrinking at a rate of 36.08%, with average single glacier area decrease 0.14 km~2; the total number of the glaciers decreased from 967 to 800.(2) Glaciers in this basin are mainly distributed at elevations of 4300–4400 m, 4400–4500 m and 4500–4600 m; and there are significant regional differences in glaciers distribution and glaciers change.(3) Compared with other western mountain glaciers, glaciers retreat in the Heihe River Basin has a higher rate.(4) Analysis of the six meteorological stations' annual average temperature and precipitation data from 1960 to 2010 suggests that the mean annual temperature increased significantly and the annual precipitation also showed an increasing trend. It is concluded that glacier shrinkage is closely related with temperature rising, besides, glacier melting caused by rising temperatures greater than glacier mass supply by increased precipitation to  相似文献   

张掖市黑河流域湿地资源调查与分类   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
通过对典型的干旱半干旱区内陆河流域(张掖市黑河流域)湿地综合分类研究表明:①张掖市黑河流域湿地共有2个大类4个类型13个类别,总面积为210420.42hm2,占全市国土总面积的5.02%;②湿地类型和面积从大到小依次为:高山湿地、永久性河流、灌丛湿地、草本沼泽、泛洪平原、内陆盐沼、季节性河流、蓄水区、灌溉区、盐田、永久性淡水湖、池塘、季节性淡水湖;③在行政区域内,肃南县、高台县、临泽县、山丹县、民乐县、甘州区湿地面积分别占全市湿地面积的73.71%、8.29%、5.14%、4.87%、5.54%和2.44%。  相似文献   

Investigation on spatiotemporal variations of maximum seasonal freeze depth (MSFD) over the Heihe River Basin is of great importance for systematic understanding of regional climate and environmental change, ecological-hydrological processes, water resources assessment, construction and resource development. Based on soil and air temperatures at the meteorological stations of the China Meteorological Administration (CMA) over the Heihe River Basin, MSFDs time series are structured into a composite time series over the 1960-2007 period. Evaluating the averaged MSFD time series for 1960 2007 reveals a statistically significant trend of 4.0 cm/decade or a net change of-19.2 cm for the 48-year period over the basin. The MSFD had significantly negative correlation with mean annual air temperature (MAAT), winter air temperature, mean annual ground surface temperature (MAGST), degree days of thawing for the air (DDTa) as well as for the surface (DDTs), and degree days of freezing for the surface (DDFs). While there was significantly positive correlation between DDF,. and MSFD time series, MSFD was deeper and changed greatly in the Heihe River source area. It was shallower in the east-central basin and gradually deepened in other sections of the basin. The MSFD distribution pattern in 2003-2005 is consistent with that of averaged degree days of freezing for air (DDFa) in 1960-2007. However, the maximum of MSFD may not be accurate, because there is no long term observation data in the deep seasonally frozen ground regions near the lower boundary of permafrost. With increasing elevation, averaged DDFa increased at a rate of 51.6 ℃-day/100m, therefore, the MSFG and the date reaching MSFG became deeper and later, respectively.  相似文献   

The hydrological characteristics of the Heihe River Basin in the arid inland area of northwest China were investigated.The spatial distribution of annual precipitation in the basin indicates that it decreases from east to west and from south to north,and increases with elevation by a gradient of 24.4 mm per hundred meters below 2,810 m a.s.l.,but decreases with elevation by that of 37.0 mm per hundred meters above 2,810 m a.s.l.For the last 50 years,the mountain runoff of the ba-sin has a tendency of increase.Except in the mountain area,the aridity is very high in the basin,and the aridity index ranges from 1.6 to 7.0 at the piedmont,to 9.0~20.0 in the midstream area and up to 40.0 in the downstream Ejin region.It is estimated for the last 50 years that a 1oC increment of annual temperature causes a 21.5 mm increase of evaporation in the mountain area,and the equivalent reduction of mountain runoff is 0.215×109 m3/yr at the Yingluoxia Hydrometric Sta-tion.The estimation shows also that a 1oC increment of annual temperature causes 1,842 mm increase of farmland evapotranspiration in the midstream area,an equivalent of 0.298×109 m3/yr more water consumption.The anthropogenic influence on the hydrological processes and water resources is then discussed.  相似文献   

黑河流域湿地资源保护对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
黑河流域湿地资源由于管理体系不完善,造成了湿地资源的破坏、锐减和生态质量下降.使得黑河流域湿地资源的保护所面临的形势不容乐观。今后应按照全面保护、生态优先、突出重点、合理利用、持续发展的方针,坚持以保护求持续发展,以发展促湿地生态保护的战略,加强对黑河流域湿地资源的保护。  相似文献   

黑河流域水资源承载力分析计算与对策   总被引:67,自引:17,他引:67  
根据干旱区水资源开发利用阶段可用水资源的计算方法和内陆河流域社会经济发展及其需水预测,分析计算了黑河流域中游地区的水资源承载力。结果表明,当完成水资源开发利用第二阶段,可用水资源在首先保证未来50 a内流域中游地区人口、环境和工业等部门发展的需水后,农业灌溉用水的总量将还有所增加,水资源不会成为社会经济发展的制约因素,可以使绿洲和农业走可持续发展道路。但东干流中游张掖盆地,因要在下世纪初完成分水指标,在下世纪的前20 a农业灌溉用水有缺口,但只要加大农业节水力度,在此期间提前完成农业节水目标的60%,就能顺利渡过今后20 a的社会经济快速发展时期。如果在2050年能按计划完成流域社会经济发展的预测目标,则届时流域人均国内生产总值将超过一万美元,可以达到世界中等发达国家的水平。  相似文献   

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