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汽车电源系统及其技术发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电源系统是汽车电子中不可或缺的重要组成部分,而电压调整器又是电源系统中技术含量较高的关键部件。从功能分析,电压调整器经历了单一功能、多功能到网络智能功能等发展历程。从技术上分析,电压调整器经历了单片集成电路电压调整器,多功能调整器,电脑控制型电压调整器和总线电压调整器。采用42V电源系统,最重要的意义在于使产品设计人员从过去的许多局限性中解脱出来,为汽车技术的发展提供了充分的想象空间,尽管目前还存在诸多问题,但42V电源系统仍是技术发展的必然趋势,并为混合动力汽车创造条件,推动混合动力汽车的动力总成及其部件的发展。  相似文献   

The introduction of computer-controlled intelligent safety and comfort features has turned cars into complex distributed computing systems. In such a system the proper operation of the communication backbone as well as the proper interaction of components from different vendors must be ensured for all configurations and operating conditions. This system-level test goes far beyond the (isolated) test of single components and represents a substantial problem, that seems to be still largely unsolved, although its solution is crucial for maintaining the consumers' trust in modern automotive electronics.   相似文献   

在汽车通信系统中,天线的安置环境对超宽带MIMO天线性能的影响直接关系着通信的质量。采用了汽车通信系统中天线安置环境仿真模型,并研究了天线安置环境对超宽带MIMO天线在汽车通信系统中性能的影响。通过CST软件对用于汽通信系统的MIMO天线在模拟安置环境条件下进行了仿真,表明汽车通信系统中天线的安置环境对MIMO天线系统中天线1和天线2的匹配性能以及它们之间的隔离度影响都不大,结果表明该MIMO天线能很好地应用于汽车通信系统中。  相似文献   

This paper presents an in-car networking transceiver front end that is compliant with FlexRay automotive electronic standards. A low-voltage differential-signaling-like transmitter is proposed to drive the twisted pair of the bus. Furthermore, a three-comparator scheme is used to carry out bit slicing and state recognition at the receiver end. In order to resist process and temperature variation, a 20-MHz clock generator with process, supply voltage, and temperature compensation is proposed in this paper. A prototype system as well as a chip implemented by using a typical 0.18 $mu{rm m}$ single-poly six-metal CMOS process is reported in this paper. The proposed prototypical transceiver front end has been tested by the thermo chamber and a FlexRay development board to certify its operation in the $[-40 ^{circ}{rm C}{-}+125 ^{circ}{rm C}]$ temperature range and FlexRay standards. The power consumption of the whole chip is 43.01 mW at a 10 Mbit/s throughput. The core area of this design is 0.117 ${rm mm}^{2}$. The maximal throughput of the proposed prototypical transceiver front end can reach 40 Mbit/s.   相似文献   

分析家估计,汽车远程通信业务和硬件的总收益将干未来五年内超越200亿美元,而电子元件供应商正积极投资开发这个新兴而迅速扩张的市场。总体来说,汽车电子有望成为半导体行业的一个亮点,带领整个行业走出谷底.想想令天在路上行驶的汽车总教,就知道汽车电子的市场发展潜力实在惊人,新一代的汽车电子器件还有庞大的发展空间。随着汽车制造商集成各种新颖的乘客安全,舒适、信息和远程信息处理设备,元器件供应商正将业界的设计挑战转化为获得可观收益的良机。  相似文献   

he amount of software in general (and safety systems in particular) increases rapidly in the automotive industry. The trend is that functionality is decentralized, so new safety functions are distributed to common shared computer hardware, sensors, and actuators using central data buses. Signal processing is a hidden technology for enabling these functions by providing estimates of internal states, parameters, and situation awareness of the surroundings. Despite this fact, there is a small amount of research reported in the signal processing literature, and advanced solutions based on modern theory appear to be lacking in today?s car. This article overviews recent and future safety systems and highlights the big challenges for researchers in the signal processing area. One success story is provided as motivation, showing how signal processing researchers have contributed to a technology shift by replacing costly sensors with software algorithms that can be converted to huge economical savings for car owners all over the world.  相似文献   

100多年以来,无线电探测与测距(RADAR)一直是一项全球众所周知的技术,它最初基于德国工程师克里斯蒂安.候斯美尔在1904年4月第30届柏林皇家专利会上获得了发明。按照传统习惯,他将其技术创新起拉丁语名为电动镜。雷达的历史始于詹姆斯.克拉克.麦克斯韦的理论工作,随后生于德国汉堡的亨里希.赫兹通过很多试验以弄清电磁波的特性。舰艇间的避撞是这项技术的首次应用。然而,今天讨论的是汽车间的避撞应用,但这仅仅是汽车雷达系统成功应用的开始。  相似文献   

目本文分析了宽带无线通信系统演进中LTE和WiMAx所面临的安全威胁和安全需求,探讨了LTE和WiMAX网络安全技术机制,最后介绍了WiMAX与3GPP互通的安全技术发展趋势.  相似文献   

未来十年汽车电子发展趋势   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
近年来,汽车技术的创新80%都是来自于电子技术的应用,整车设计师把汽车电子作为开发新车型,改善和提高汽车性能的技术措施;汽车制造商把加快汽车电子化进程,增加汽车电子装置数量,作为汽车的新卖点和夺取未来市场的重要手段。本文介绍了控制系统,汽车电子控制技术,节能低污染汽车动力等方面的新趋势。  相似文献   

Andy Gryc 《电子产品世界》2012,19(8):18-19,24
QNX CAR 2应用平台的总体架构简单且灵活.由于PPS消息传递模式采用松耦合架构,因此非常灵活.如果新增组件或设备,也只需要极少的工作,因为新的组件只需要发布数据,并订阅相关的PPS对象.即使修改HMI技术,也不会给底层组件带来较大的影响.所有这些需求都可为相关的API带来改变.  相似文献   

The fuel efficiency and performance of novel vehicles with electric propulsion capability are largely limited by the performance of the energy storage system (ESS). This paper reviews state-of-the-art ESSs in automotive applications. Battery technology options are considered in detail, with emphasis on methods of battery monitoring, managing, protecting, and balancing. Furthermore, other ESS candidates such as ultracapacitors, flywheels and fuel cells are also discussed. Finally, hybrid power sources are considered as a method of combining two or more energy storage devices to create a superior power source.  相似文献   

本文对宽带综合通信网交换系统几个主要方面技术的发展趋向作了概括介绍,内容包括:电子交换的分布结构、ATM交换的开始应用,个人通信的无线进网,宽带交换引用光子技术和多媒体交换结构分析。  相似文献   

光孤子通信系统(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本讲座介绍光孤子通信系统的概貌[1],着重叙述光孤子的物理概念及其特性、光纤损耗对光孤子的影响以及对光孤子放大怎样补偿光纤损耗,从而使光孤子传输数千公里后仍保持波形和幅度不变。  相似文献   

New small-band and broad-band communication services will expand possible application for the user. For the benefit of these services, home communication systems are required with TV sets, video recorders, microcomputers, and telephones as key components. In the residential area a trend can be observed from single terminals for specific services towards multiservice home terminals. In-house transmission systems with future home terminals and today's development trends are described in this paper.  相似文献   

光孤子通信系统设计需要考虑几个因素,例如光孤子宽度、光孤子间距以及级联放大器之间的距离。人们也应该考虑放大器的自发射噪声以及由此引入的限制。本讲座讨论各种与该限制因素有关的设计问题。  相似文献   

宋国文 《电信科学》1995,11(11):23-27
本文讨论多媒体通信终端的发展趋向与通信规程进展。  相似文献   

在上世纪60年代,汽车业将注意力转向寻找能够保证驾驶者和乘客安全的创新方法。结果如何呢?出现了缓冲方向盘和仪表板、座椅安全带,以及其后的安全气囊和电子稳定性控制系统。自那时起,汽车工程师便一  相似文献   

自由空间激光通信技术发展趋势分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据不同的应用背景,将自由空间光通信技术分为星间光通信、星地光通信和地面无线光网三大类,分别概述了三种自由空间光通信技术的主要特点和近期发展概况。分析了自由空间光通信系统中信号激光波长和束散角选择等关键问题,对该项技术今后的发展方向作了评述。  相似文献   

光纤通信技术最新动向   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
先讲光纤通信在国家宽带通信网的骨干运输网中应用和技术的新发展,包括宽带光纤放大器,密集波分多路系统,激光器-调制器集成,光电子集成接收端机以及光子器件和全光通信网,然后介绍光纤通信在市内接入网,有线电视网和专用局域网中应用和技术新发展,包括光纤连到住家,光纤连至路边,光纤连至大楼三种情况,以及光纤与同轴混合和无源光纤网两种办法,最后,讲到固定通信与移动通信聚合,光纤与无线并重,光纤通信技术将继续加  相似文献   

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