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廖建新  杨波  朱晓民  王纯 《通信学报》2007,28(11):51-58
提出一种适用于移动通信网的两级缓存流媒体系统结构2CMSA(two—level cache mobile streaming architecture),它突破了移动流媒体系统中终端缓存空间小、无线接入网带宽窄的局限;针对2CMSA结构设计了基于两级缓存的移动流媒体调度算法2CMSS(two—level cache based mobile streaming scheduling algorithm),建立数学模型分析了其性能;仿真实验证明,与原有的移动流媒体系统相比,使用2CMSS调度算法能够有效地节省网络传输开销,降低用户启动时延。  相似文献   

Nowadays, peer‐to‐peer network plays a significant role in data transfer and communication. The past few years have witnessed considerable growth in this area because of its inherent advantages. Peer‐to‐peer live streaming has a significant impact on video transmission over the Internet. Major factors that influence the performance of P2P live streaming are overlay construction and scheduling strategies. Although, a large number of scheduling schemes are developed but none of them is comprehensive enough to provide solutions to live streaming issues. These suffer from substantial delay and low video quality at the receiver side. In this paper, a new start‐up–based selection procedure and slack time–based scheduling scheme is proposed. The start‐up selection procedure defines the start‐up buffer location for new peer, and the scheduling scheme selects both the chunk and peers. The proposed scheduling scheme uses both push and pull priority–based strategies. The simulation results of the proposed approach demonstrates significant improvement in both the network performance and video quality at the receiver side. It is observed that playback delay, startup delay, and end‐to‐end delay in the network are reduced and quality of the video at receiver side is improved as the distortion and frame loss ratio is decreased.  相似文献   

针对移动P2P流媒体系统中存在多视频源的特点,提出了多视频源串行和并行调度算法。串行调度算法,接收Peer通过实时侦测的QoS变化触发视频源的更换,并通过流序列时间模型来同步各个视频源。并行调度算法,多个视频源同时提供服务,并通过帧位分配算法分配各视频源的传输任务。帧位分配算法首先将视频序列分成包含固定帧数的块系列,然后进行块级位分配以充分考虑帧间效应。对于单个帧块位分配问题,算法将其建模成了非线性规划问题,通过引入分段线性R-D模型将该问题进一步转换成了普通的线性规划问题,并提出了一个贪婪实现策略。实验结果显示流分配算法能获得高效、平稳的视频质量,而且时间效率也非常高,能较好的满足移动P2P视频流媒体系统的实时性。  相似文献   

因为移动P2P网络具有动态性而且移动节点能量受限,提升移动P2P数据传输效率至关重要.利用蚁群优化算法,将蚂蚁的信息素与节点的能量和通信带宽结合起来,在蚁群选择路径时,减少其寻优路径上的信息素浓度,根据概率路由表中信息素的浓度对路由选择策略进行调整,避免网络拥塞和个别节点能量消耗过快,提出了一种移动P2P网络的多路径路由选择算法.实验结果表明,与EDSR路由协议相比,提出的算法能够降低节点的分组丢失率和端到端的平均时延,提高了网络的生存周期.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, the emergence of new multimedia devices has motivated the research on efficient media streaming mechanisms that adapt to dynamic network conditions and heterogeneous devices’ capabilities. Network coding as a rateless code has been applied to collaborative media streaming applications and brings substantial improvements regarding throughput and delay. However, little attention has been given to the recoverability of encoded data, especially for the streaming with a strict deadline. This in turn leads to severe quality of experience. In this paper, we solve the unrecoverable transmission by proposing a multi-generation packet scheduling problem, which is treated as a video quality maximization problem and solved using dynamic programming algorithm. Experimental results confirm that the proposed algorithm brings better data recoverability and better quality of service in terms of video quality, delivery ratio, lower redundancy rate under different network sizes.  相似文献   

陈静  周兵  任晨珊  董小社 《通信学报》2013,34(12):94-103
针对分层混合式P2P实时流媒体系统中的超级组对等节点选择问题,提出了以一种基于演进博弈论的分布式超级对等节点选择算法。首先使用演进博弈框架对P2P实时流媒体系统中的超级对等节点选择问题进行了建模,并对其演进稳定策略进行了求解分析。然后通过得到的混合策略设计了一种基于Q-Leaning的分布式SGP选择算法ESS-SGP,以达到激励对等组内的对等节点之间互相协作的目的。实验结果表明,与传统的随机选择超级对等节点方法相比,使用ESS-SGP算法所选择产生的超级组对等节点能够稳定地为系统提供更高的流媒体上传速率,使整个P2P流媒体系统的上传能力随着对等节点数目的增加而稳定增加,并为每个对等节点带来更好的收益。  相似文献   

杨国燕  韩雪梅 《信息技术》2008,32(5):152-155
主要讨论了一种基于P2P网络的流媒体直播的相关技术,研究设计了一个支持大量用户同时在线的直播系统方案,能够充分利用客户端资源,减轻服务器负载,并实现较好的视频直播效果,该系统采用了P2P传输技术,系统的可扩展性和稳定性都明显优于传统流媒体视频传输系统.  相似文献   

多网络覆盖的无线网络环境下由于存在路径选择和切换等机制,对于移动流媒体的传输方案有更高的要求,mSCTP协议是在流媒体控制传输协议SCTP的基础上增加了动态地址配置特性,可在用户移动的同时进行IP地址的动态增加和删减,从而选择最佳的传输路径,现结合mSCTP的动态地址配置特性和SCTP本身具有的多宿特性,提出一种在用户慢移动状态下,针对点播模式的移动流媒体业务的优化传输方案,制定传输路径选择策略,在主路径满足业务要求前提下不进行不必要的路径性能测试与切换,并通过NS2仿真验证.  相似文献   

与有线网络相比,目前移动互联网的带宽普遍较低.这种情况下,如果移动P2P流媒体系统中用户节点上行带宽的利用率不高,将会极大地加重视频源服务器的负载,增加播放延时.为了充分地利用移动节点的上行带宽,缩短播放延时,文中提出了服务感知的视频片调度算法,它由请求算法和服务算法两部分组成.请求节点会根据最近的服务状况动态地调整请求的片数,减少服务拥塞的发生.服务节点会根据请求的优先级合理地安排上传顺序,提高服务的效率.仿真结果表明,该算法很好地适应了移动网络带宽低的情况,能够提高上行带宽的利用率,缩短播放延时.  相似文献   

梅鲁海 《电讯技术》2013,53(5):613-618
为推动移动流媒体监控领域新技术的开发和应用,针对工程实际问题,提出了一种3G网络移动流媒体监控系统的图像处理及传输设计方案。系统以WCDMA的3G无线通信网络为传输平台,采用具有强大控制能力的嵌入式和DSP流媒体双处理器为主控芯片和较强通信功能的3G模块EM770W,可以对MPEG-4流媒体流进行高效编码、压缩和实时传输控制,压缩率、分辨率及多种功能可根据需要定制。系统可根据多变的3G链路网络特性和客户端反馈参数自适应调节媒体速率和媒体流,从而合理利用网络带宽资源,实现鲁棒控制。仿真实验表明,在3G网络环境下,与传统的ARM或DSP流媒体监控系统相比,本系统在缩短编码压缩时间、节省资源、减少网络拥塞、提高数据处理速度、改善媒体质量和降低功耗等方面具有明显的优越性,在不同的图像分辨率下,本系统编码压缩平均用时可以节省15%~50%。  相似文献   

Wei LIU  Shu XIONG  Wei DU  Wei WANG 《通信学报》2019,40(1):87-101
Most existing Cloudlet selection strategies only used the resources of one Cloudlet to compute offloading,which couldn’t obtain the superior performance improvement for mobile data streaming application with many parallel components.To address this issue,a Cloudlet selection strategy based on chemical reaction optimization algorithm was proposed.The strategy aims to reduce application’s completion time and energy consumption of mobile device.When the dependencies among application’s components was satisfied,the strategy can take full advantage of the computing capability of multi-cloudlet to execute the parallel components of mobile data stream application simultaneously.Therefore the strategy can improve the execution efficiency and reduce the energy consumption of mobile device.The simulation results reveal that the proposed strategy can achieves 18.3% on average performance improvement than POCSS strategy does in multi-Cloudlet environment.  相似文献   

详细分析了P2P僵尸网络的生命周期以及网络特征,从P2P软件和P2P僵尸病毒的网络行为相异性出发,提取其特征向量,并结合三种著名的数据挖掘算法,提出一种基于终端网络行为特征的P2P僵尸主机检测模型——Bot_Founder,并论述了虚拟机环境搭建和实验结果分析.实验结果表明,该模型能高效准确地区分出正常的P2P进程与P2P僵尸进程,检测出处于潜伏阶段的僵尸主机,具有较低的漏判率.  相似文献   

凌燕  蓝善祯  徐品  潘丽 《电视技术》2012,36(3):58-61,69
主要从资源定位和数据传输两个方面概述P2P流媒体系统的关键技术。资源定位主要介绍结构化和非结构化资源索引及节点选择方法,节点选择则从节点物理位置和节点异构性讨论。数据传输主要讨论数据拓扑结构、数据调度模式、数据片选择策略及与SVC、MDC视频编码的结合。  相似文献   

Streaming data analysis is an important part of big data processing. However, streaming data is difficult to be analyzed and processed in real time because of the rapid data arriving speed and huge size of data set in stream model. The paper proposes a nodes scheduling model based on Markov chain prediction for analyzing big streaming data in real time by following three steps: (i) construct data state transition graph using Markov chain to predict the varying trend of big streaming data; (ii) choose appropriate cloud computing nodes to process big streaming data depending on the predicted result of the data state transition graph; and (iii) assign big streaming data to these computing nodes using the load balancing theory, which ensures that all subtasks are accomplished synchronously. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed scheduling algorithm can fast process big streaming data effectively. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

周耀辉 《电子设计工程》2011,19(24):142-145
电力调度数据网是电网调度实时监控系统及调度生产直接相关应用系统之间互联的基础平台,是现代电网安全、优质、经济运行的基础设施。基于调度数据网的安全要求,分析和研究了安康调度数据网网络结构和特点,提出了切实可行的安全防护措施。通过MPLS VPN隔离不同类型的业务,采用路由认证和保护和管理IP功能的措施提高了网络的安全性,从优化组网结构和提高网络设备的可靠性两方面提升网络的可靠性。  相似文献   

马枢清  唐宏  李艺  雷援杰 《电讯技术》2021,61(7):865-871
为解决当前数据中心网络存在链路负载不均衡及带宽资源浪费问题,提出了一种基于粒子群优化算法的流量调度策略.该策略结合软件定义网络控制器可获取全局网络拓扑信息的特性,依据当前链路带宽资源状况及网络流量的带宽需求建立目标函数.首先,根据流的源地址和目的地址找出最短路径集,通过定义粒子聚合度判断算法是否有陷入局部最优的趋势;然...  相似文献   

Live media streaming over peer‐to‐peer (P2P) network structures is commonplace nowadays. However, with the large number of users in a typical P2P system, it is impractical to use the central server to process the key information update requests of all the users Accordingly, the present study proposes a distributed key management scheme in which the server is only required to transmit the key update information to a limited number of users. To further reduce the load on the server, the update information is distributed using a hop‐by‐hop approach. An effective method is proposed for protecting the key update information as it is propagated through the network. In addition, a technique is presented for ensuring the security of the certificates used in the system It is shown that the distributed key management scheme and authentication procedure ensure an efficient and secure P2P live streaming performance even in the event of high churn rates. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Data/content dissemination among the mobile devices is the fundamental building block for all the applications in wireless mobile collaborative computing, known as mobile peer‐to‐peer. Different parameters such as node density, scheduling among neighboring nodes, mobility pattern, and node speed have a tremendous impact on data diffusion in a mobile peer‐to‐peer environment. In this paper, we develop analytical models for object diffusion time/delay in a wireless mobile network to apprehend the complex interrelationship among these different parameters. In the analysis, we calculate the probabilities of transmitting a single object from one node to multiple nodes using the epidemic model of spread of disease. We also incorporate the impact of node mobility, radio range, and node density in the networks into the analysis. Utilizing these transition probabilities, we estimate the expected delay for diffusing an object to the entire network both for single object and multiple object scenarios. We then calculate the transmission probabilities of multiple objects among the nodes in the wireless mobile network considering network dynamics. Through extensive simulations, we demonstrate that the proposed scheme is efficient for data diffusion in the wireless mobile network. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

网络编码是信息论领域的一个重要突破,它不同于信源编码和信道编码,将网络编码应用到P2P网络中是当前研究热点之一,其中具有分布式特点的随机网络编码可广泛应用于P2P网络。对具有非实时性的P2P文件下载应用,为降低随机网络编码引入的复杂性,可对文件分块进行分代,然后采用代内或代间网络编码技术。对具有实时性的P2P流媒体直播和点播,则需要采用具有优先级意识的网络编码技术,包括分层网络编码,或与推拉技术相结合来实现高效率的P2P流媒体分发。  相似文献   

基于分簇P2P的多跳无线mesh网络资源检索与分发算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对多跳无线mesh网络中拓扑结构和不同类型节点的特征,将多跳无线mesh网络建模成分簇P2P结构.为了降低资源发布的开销,在进行资源共享设计时,利用布鲁姆过滤器作为资源表示和消息在网络中传输.以布鲁姆过滤器为基础,提出了一种基于资源密度敏感的多跳无线 mesh 网络资源检索和分发算法,将移动客户端的资源下载请求转发到拥有资源副本最多的P2P分簇,利用该分簇的多个资源副本备份提供资源下载服务,最大化降低节点移动性产生的资源下载中断.仿真结果表明所提出的资源检索和分发算法能有效提升资源的下载性能.  相似文献   

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