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根据建设项目需要和气候可行性论证发展特点,提出了气候可行性论证的指导原则及要求,从工程建设的合理布局和保护气候环境的基点出发,对气候可行性论证的范围、内容,以及气候可行性论证分析与评价进行了探讨。  相似文献   

气候可行性论证工作浅析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
李强  周绍毅 《广西气象》2005,26(2):29-31
根据建设项目需要和气候可行性论证发展特点,提出了气候可行性论证的指导原则及要求,从工程建设的合理布局和保护气候环境的基点出发,对气候可行性论证的范围、内容,以及气候可行性论证分析与评价进行了探讨。  相似文献   

探讨了进行重大项目气候可行性论证的必要性,并分析百色市气候可行性论证的基本现状和目前开展气候可行性论证存在的问题,提出一些加强气候可行性论证工作的建议,以期促进本地气候可行性论证的发展.  相似文献   

在梳理气候可行性论证监管工作法律政策依据和监管工作现状的基础上,分析了气候可行性论证监管工作存在的主要问题,提出了从完善法制保障、清晰界定各方职责、实施差别化监管、鼓励竞争、提高社会公众认知度等方面加强气候可行性论证监管工作的建议。  相似文献   

在梳理气候可行性论证监管工作法律政策依据和监管工作现状的基础上,分析了气候可行性论证监管工作存在的主要问题,提出了从完善法制保障、清晰界定各方职责、实施差别化监管、鼓励竞争、提高社会公众认知度等方面加强气候可行性论证监管工作的建议。  相似文献   

韩颖 《气象软科学》2010,(1):113-118
本文初步探讨了进行重大项目气候可行性论证的必要性,介绍了气候可行性论证的相关概念,分析了气候可行性论证的项目分类、主要论证内容、技术方法等,回顾了我国气候可行性论证工作的四个发展阶段,分析了气候可行性论证工作的现状,指出了目前存在着社会认识存在偏差,管理制度不健全,技术标准体系不完善,队伍建设有待加强四个方面的问题,并提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

论述了重大工程开展气候可行性论证的必要性及意义,分析了当前我国重大工程气候可行性论证在技术、业务和服务方面的进展及存在的问题和解决问题的思路措施,指出了重大工程气候可行性论证关键技术,包括对极端天气气候事件变化的未来预估、对工程与环境间相互影响的数值模拟、对多源立体气候环境信息的综合探测、对灾害影响和致灾风险的动态评估,以及对区域代表性气象参数的实时更新,以期为我国重大工程项目气候可行性论证提供借鉴。  相似文献   

低碳城市目前已成为世界各地共同追求的经济发展目标。从实现低碳城市最有效的手段——低碳城市规划出发,介绍低碳概念对城市规划的冲击,阐述了我国低碳城市规划现状和主要内容。论述了气候可行性论证的必要性和发展现状,以及气候可行性论证如何在低碳城市规划中发挥作用。提出了作为支撑城市低碳规划技术手段之一,气候可行性论证可以在设计和实现低碳城市规划的政策引导、技术支撑、体制创新等三个方面提供支撑。文中着重就气候可行性论证作为技术支撑展开了论述。  相似文献   

开展广西气候可行性论证发展与对策研究,对进一步促进广西气候可行性论证工作高效、快速地发展,为更好地应对气候变化、提升防灾减灾能力、促进广西经济社会可持续发展有着积极的意义。气候可行性论证是在全球气候变化加剧、气象灾害频发的背景下,合理开发和保护气候资源、评估气候影响、应对气候变化并正在逐步规范起来的一项技术咨询工作。广西因地理位置、地形地貌和天气气候的特殊性、复杂性,属暴雨洪涝、大风、雷暴等气象灾害的多发区,气象灾害已经成为制约广西社会和经济可持续发展的重要因素之一。重大工程对气象灾害和气候变化具有高度的敏感性,灾害性气象因子是影响工程安全性设计、投资成本和运营效益的关键因子。部分城市规划、重点建设工程和重大区域开发项目等在规划和建设之初因没有充分考虑气候影响,当面临不利的天气或气候考验时极易造成较大的损失。  相似文献   

近年来江西省气候可行性论证工作为工业、农业、金融、保险、交通、电力、能源、城市规划和大型工程建设等国民经济建设提供了重要的科技支撑。本文阐述了江西省气候可行性论证发展存在的问题,提出发展对策,以期为江西省气候可行性论证工作的发展提供借鉴。为更好地发挥气候可行论证在服务江西生态文明建设中的作用,应加强专业人才引进,提高技术服务水平,主动加大宣传力度,提升社会公众对气候论证重要性的认识,增强与政府有关部门沟通和协作,推进部门内外联动机制建设,建立气候可行性论证项目事中事后监管体系,扩大气候可行性论证的社会影响力。  相似文献   

当前大型工程项目的气候可行性论证需要更加精细的评估结论,以满足工程规划、设计和运营等气象防灾减灾的需要。利用1∶25万基础地理信息资料和气象部门在沿湖、沿江、沿海和内陆地区多个大型桥梁工程、核电工程、风电工程等大型工程项目气候可行性论证工作中积累的工程短期气象观测资料和邻近气象站同期同步观测资料、历史气候资料,探讨大型工程气候可行性论证的工程区气候要素极值计算方法和有效的空间插值计算方案,初步建立了基于空间信息分析方法的工程气候可行性论证和系统流程。实际应用表明:采用空间趋势面分析和空间相关分析、空间回归等分析手段的工程气候论证,考虑了项目周边地区气象要素的空间相关性和地形下垫面状况等地理信息,并且具有比常规论证手段更高的计算分辨率,在结合广义极值分析方法后,可以满足大型工程对气象评价的精细化需求。  相似文献   

论突破季度气候预测难题的可行性   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
徐群  杨秋明 《气象科学》2008,28(2):119-123
虽然国内外均高度重视季度气候预测研究,可是近数十年来利用动力季度预测模式作出区域气候预测的技巧评分仍然很低,这限制其在气象服务中发挥作用.作者认为应考虑预测因子与预测对象的时-空尺度匹配问题.一些动力季度预测模式设计得很复杂细致,但无法解决瞬时初值场在计算积分中出现的混沌现象.建议深入研究气候分析统计方法中大量采用的隔季遥联,动力季度预测模式若和气候分析统计方法有机结合,可能会取得突破性进展且具有相当的可行性.  相似文献   

德阳气候对小麦品质影响的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用国内外已有研究成果,对德阳市小麦品质受气候的影响进行了分析。揭示了德阳小麦蛋白质含量较低、湿面筋偏低的气候原因是:气温年较差偏小、抽穗至成熟期平均偏低、全生育期日照时数偏少、空气湿润,在此基础上了调整德阳小殚生产的建议。  相似文献   

应用国内外已有研究成果,对德阳市小麦品质受气 候的影响进 行了分析。揭示了德阳小麦蛋白质含量较低、湿面筋偏低的气候原因是:气温年较差偏小、 抽穗至成熟期平均气温偏低、全生育期日照时数偏少、空气湿润,在此基础上提出了调整德 阳小殚生产的建议。  相似文献   

运用价值分析、比较分析、历史分析等方法,探讨了气候资源法律概念的内涵与外延及其属性问题,旨在为我国气候资源保护立法研究提供基础法律理论支撑。结果表明:气候资源是气候要素中可以被人类利用的那一部分自然物质和能量,是一种典型的自然资源,可以成为法律关系客体;它具备自身鲜明的特性,有必要对之提出专门的立法保护。气候资源保护法律规范属于环境保护与自然资源法律规范的范畴。  相似文献   

Debates about climate justice have mainly occurred at the international scale, and have focussed on the rights and responsibilities of nation-states to either be protected from the effects of climate change, or to take action to reduce emissions or support adaptation. In this paper, we argue that it is both productive and necessary to examine how climate justice is being pursued at the urban scale, which brings into focus the need for attention to issues of recognition as well as rights and responsibilities. Building on work from environmental justice, which has conceptualized justice as trivalent, we propose that climate justice can be understood as a pyramid, the faces of which are distributions, procedures, rights, responsibilities and recognition. We then apply this conceptual framework to examine climate change interventions in five cities; Bangalore, Monterrey, Hong Kong, Philadelphia and Berlin. Arguing that the politics and practices of urban climate change interventions are constantly engaging with and refracting the idea of justice, we examine how justice was articulated, practiced and contested across our cases. The perspective of recognition emerges as a particularly useful entry point through which to explore the types of rights, responsibilities, distributions and procedures required to respond justly to climate change. We conclude by reflecting on our framework, arguing that it is useful both as an analytical device to interrogate climate justice and to shape the design of climate change interventions which seek to ensure climate justice.  相似文献   

Adaptation finance is primarily allocated to multilateral entities and national governments, rather than local organizations. This means that the social, political and economic processes that create and sustain inequalities within a country will be the same processes that determine how adaptation finance is used. Using an urban lens, we consider the obstacles currently faced by local governments and local civil society groups in accessing adaptation finance, and show that these are a function of systemic power imbalances between levels of government, and between government and vulnerable communities. We argue that even relatively small amounts of adaptation finance could have a catalytic effect on the capacities and impacts of local organizations, contributing to greater levels of both distributive and procedural justice. We analyse different financial intermediaries and planning systems that could be used to make disbursements from multilateral climate funds fairer and more effective. This could potentially create political opportunities both to respond to direct climate threats and to address underlying drivers of vulnerability, such as marginalization and exclusion. In this way, channelling adaptation finance to the local level could deliver more just processes and outcomes.

Key policy insights

  1. More multilateral climate funds should establish direct access modalities, and introduce ‘fit-for-purpose’ accreditation procedures and approval processes. Those that have already established such enabling frameworks should prioritize providing readiness support to local organizations, and incentivize state and citizen collaboration in adaptation projects.

  2. National governments should consider clearly enshrining the rights and responsibilities of local authorities in National Adaptation Plans, and help them to collect the information, build the capacities and acquire the resources needed to plan and implement adaptation measures. National governments should further encourage local authorities to adopt participatory planning, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation procedures to encourage citizen participation.

  3. Local civil society groups should identify or establish collective entities that can seek accreditation with multilateral funds and then disburse money to their members. Collaboration between groups can facilitate up-scaling through replication (particularly where peer-to-peer learning is embedded in the network) and reduce the transaction costs associated with myriad small projects.


Phenological changes in crops affect efficient agricultural production and can be used as important biological indicators of local and regional climate change. Although crop phenological changes and their responses to climate change, especially temperature, have been investigated, the impact of agronomic practice such as cultivar shifts and planted date changes on crop phenology remains unclear. Here, we used a long-term dataset (1981–2010) of wheat phenology and associated local weather data from 48 agro-meteorological stations in four temperature zones in China to analyze phenological changes of spring and winter wheat. Trend analysis method was used to estimate changes in the date of growth stages and the duration of growth phases, while sensitivity analysis method was used to qualify the response of growth phase duration to mean temperature (Tmean), total precipitation (PRE), and total sunshine duration (SSD). Using the Crop Environment Resource Synthesis-wheat model, we isolated the impacts of climate change, cultivar selection, and sowing date on phenological change of wheat. Results show that phenological changes were greatest in the warm-temperate zone. Sensitivity analysis indicates that growth phase duration was generally negatively related to Tmean and positively related to PRE and SSD. The positive sensitivity response to Tmean occurred in the tillering to jointing and sowing to maturity growth periods in the warmer temperature zones, suggesting that warmer temperatures during the overwintering period hampered effective vernalization in winter wheat. Modeling results further indicate that reductions in wheat growth duration caused by climate change could be offset by the introduction of new cultivars with high thermal requirements and accelerated with delayed sowing date.  相似文献   

结合短期天气预报工作平台的开发实践,探讨建立地州市级新一代天气预报作业方式和业务流程的基本思路、工作内容和技术实现方法.  相似文献   

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