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The large southern Zhuguangshan granitic batholith composite consists of granites with ages varying from the Caledonian through Indosinian to Yanshanian. Based on K-Ar dating data, the ages of the major parts of this composite were previously regarded as Yanshanian. In this study, the SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating method has been adopted for six plutons, Ledong, Longhuashan, Dawozi, Zhaidi, Baiyun and Jiangnan, in the southern Zhuguangshan composite, in which the four plutons other than Baiyun and Jiangnan were previously regarded as Yanshanian granites. Magmatic zircons from these six plutons, dated by this study, have yielded ages of 239±5 Ma (MSWD = 2.5), 239±5 Ma (MSWD = 2.5), 239±2 Ma (MSWD = 1.7), 239±4 Ma (MSWD = 3.2), 231±2 Ma (MSWD = 0.81) and 231±3 Ma (MSWD = 1.8), respectively. The results indicate that these plutons were formed by early Indosinian magmatism. Geochemical characteristics suggest that these granites were formed in an extensional tectonic environment. Therefore, the Indosinian period granites in the southern Zhuguangshan composite were formed by partial melting of the Paleo-Mesoproterozoic crustal components during the collapse of thickened lithosphere after the collision between the South China and Indosinian plates.  相似文献   

尕尔穷铜金矿床的夕卡岩矿体之下陆续发现花岗斑岩脉,该花岗斑岩与夕卡岩存在密切的成生联系.通过辉钼矿的Re-Os同位素年龄测定技术,确定其成矿年龄为86.79 Ma,成矿时代是晚白垩世,矿床形成于班公湖—怒江洋盆向南俯冲碰撞和雅鲁藏布江洋盆向北俯冲碰撞的间歇期;狮泉河结合带在晚白垩世处于同碰撞期,大量中酸性岩浆岩侵位事件...  相似文献   

Diagenetic-metallogenic ages of pyritic cherts formed by the syn-sedimentation of hydrothermal vent and ages of the Jinchang Rock Formation in the Mojiang large nickel-gold deposit in the Ailaoshan gold metallogenic belt have been discussed on the basis of chronology of isotopic geochemistry. Nickel-gold-bearing pyritic cherts in the mining were formed by syn-sedimentation of hydrothermal vent in the Late Devonian, i.e. age by Sm-Nd isochronal method (t) = (358±8.6) (2σ) Ma and age by Rb-Sr isochronal method (t) = (354.7±0.72) (2σ) Ma. On the other hand, deep-water cherts from the Jinchang Rock Formation of the Upper Devonian in the area were initiated at the same time; that is, age by Sm-Nd isochronal method (t) = (359±21) (2σ) Ma and age by Rb-Sr isochronal method (t) = (358.02±0.30) (2σ) Ma.  相似文献   

A solution containing nanometer-sized pure gold particles was prepared with the hydrolysisreduction method. As observed under the electron microscope, the gold particles were as large as 2–20 nm in size. Different kinds of mineral and rock were put into the solution and the experimental result showed that the nanometer-sized gold particles are obviously adsorbed on sulfide minerals, native copper and carbonaceous rocks. This experimental result is consistent with the actual geological observation. On this basis a better explanation is presented of the genesis of the Carlin-type gold deposits.  相似文献   

Isotopic compositions of Mn-carbonate and organic carbon from the same individual samples and sulfur isotopic compositions of pyrites in the basal Datangpo Formation were analyzed. Highly 34S-enriched pyrites (834Spyrite =31.7-59.4‰) were precipitated in rel- atively occlusive pore water under anoxic condition in sediments, which is consistent with the observation of large and scattered pyrite framboids. The sulfidic deep ocean was not "oxidized" in the early Datangpo interglacial interval, thus the level of seawater sulfate remained low and marine δ34Ssulphate remained high. Low δ13Ccar (average -7.4‰) and abnormal relationship between δ13Ccar and fractionation (ΔCar-ors) imply that the negative δ13CCar excursion may have resulted from oxidation of part of a large organic carbon reservoir. High Δcar-org (average 25.1‰) implicates high CO2 level in the atmosphere. Small standard deviation (1.0‰) of δ13CCar values indicates the Mn-carbonate was precipitated near the water-sediment interface under dysoxic conditions rather than in occlusive pore water in sediments.  相似文献   

Isotopic compositions of Mn-carbonate and organic carbon from the same individual samples and sulfur isotopic compositions of pyrites in the basal Datangpo Formation were analyzed. Highly 34S-enriched pyrites (δ3434Spyrite =31.7‰—59.4‰) were precipitated in relatively occlusive pore water under anoxic condition in sediments, which is consistent with the observation of large and scattered pyrite framboids. The sulfidic deep ocean was not “oxidized” in the early Datangpo interglacial interval, thus the level of seawater sulfate remained low and marine δ3434Ssulphate remained high. Low δ13Ccar (average -7.4‰) and abnormal relationship between δ1313Ccar and fractionation (?car-org) imply that the negative δ13Ccar excursion may have resulted from oxidation of part of a large organic carbon reservoir. High ? car-org (average 25.1‰) implicates high CO2 level in the atmosphere. Small standard deviation (1.0‰) of ??sup>??Ccar values indicates the Mn-carbonate was precipitated near the water-sediment interface rather than in occlusive pore water in sediments under dysoxic conditions.  相似文献   

The ore genesis model for barite deposits in east Guizhou Province has been in dispute and the major debate focuses on whether they are product of the submarine hydrothermal sedimentation. This note presents new strontium isotope data from 19 samples of Dahebian and Yuping barite deposits, and their ^87Sr/^86Sr ratios are significantly lower than that of the coeval seawater. The ^87Sr/^86Sr ratios of 17 samples out of 19 samples rang from 0.708310 to 0.708967, indicating that they might be related to the mantel admixture. Two isotopic ratios in this study are higher than those of coeval seawater (0.7090), collected from late-stage barite mineral vein of interpenetrative strata and a barite nodule bearing hypidiomorphic granular pyrite, which indicates that they might be related to the continental admixture. The study provides Sr isotopic evidence not only for the submarine hydrothermal exhalative genesis of Dahebian and Yuping barite deposits, but also for distinguishing the barite mineralization of late stage.  相似文献   

浙江省天台县蟹渚矿床位于天台火山构造洼地和赤峰山火山穹窿的结合部位,萤石矿主要位于北西、北东东向的断裂破碎带中,控矿围岩为晚侏罗世西山头组,矿石类型主要以石英—萤石型、萤石—石英型为主,矿床成因属于中低温热液充填型矿床。由于萤石与石英密切共生,地表上的硅帽是良好的找矿标志。  相似文献   

Helium isotopic composition of inclusion fluid in pyrites from Machangqing copper deposit, China, has been measured. The measurements, with3He/4He ratios ranging from 0.46–2.08 Ra, indicate that the helium in ore-forming fluid is a mixture of crust and mantle, and are consistent with the fact that the parental magma responsible for the formation of ore-forming fluid of the deposit is of crust-mantle provenance.  相似文献   

In addition to the wide spread peraluminous granites, some alkaline or alkali-rich intrusive rocks were recently observed in the Wuyi Mountains. The Yangfang aegiriteaugite syenites in the Wuyi Mountains are strongly enriched in light rare earth elements (LREE), K, Ba, Ga, Zr and Y. What is more, differentiations of REE are obvious. In addition, the Yangfang aegiriteaugite syenites have also some characteristics similar to A-type granite. Zircons are selected from the Yangfang aegiriteaugite syenites for Sensitive High-Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP-Ⅱ) U-Pb geochronology study. 15 analyses give concordant 206Pb/238U ages in a narrow range of 233—249 Ma, which correspond to a single age population with a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 242 4 Ma, which records the crystallization time of the aegiriteaugite syenites. It is suggested that: (1) there were early Triassic peralkaline intrusive rocks in South China; (2) the early Indosinian extension event was probably active in local area, South China. This discovery provides a new insight for farther understanding of 揑ndosinian orogeny in South China.  相似文献   

The helium and argon isotope compositions of fluid inclusions hosted in pyrite have been measured from Kuoerzhenkuola and Buerkesidai gold deposits in Sawuer gold belt, northern Xinjiang. The results show that fluidinclusion ^3He/^4He ratios are 0.64 Ra-4.25 Ra and 1.16 Ra-9.48 Ra, ^40Ar/^36Ar ratios are 282-359 and 312-525 for Kuoerzhenkuola and Buerkesidai gold deposits respectively.The ore-forming fluids of two deposits possessed the same source and derived mainly from mantle beneath the island arc (including oceanic crust and oceanic sediments by subduction of oceanic plate). They were diluted by incorporating meteoric water to form a mixture of mantle- and partial meteoric water-derived fluid. The ore-forming fluids of twodeposits are of the same evolutionary histories. From the early to the late mineralization stages, the ratios of meteoric water/mantle- derived fluid in ore-forming fluid increasedgrad ually. Based on these results and detailed geological and geochemical studies on the two deposits, it is proposed that the geneses of the two gold deposits are the same, being volcanogenic late-stage hydrothermal gold deposits occurring in the same volcanic apparatus.  相似文献   

Gold deposits are characterized by multi-sources, superimposition, large scale and temporal-spatial concentration in Jiaodong Peninsula, Eastern China. In this paper, we review the history and the development of the study on metallogenic chronology and genesis of gold deposits, summarize the main features of superimposed metallogenesis, provide evidence of the Mesozoic complex metallogenic system, and point out some problems for further research of Jiaodong gold deposit cluster from a regional view. Although gold deposits are different in genetic types, ore-forming materials and geological settings, our research indicates that the accumulation and emplacement of the ore-forming materials are temporally-spatially concentrated on a large scale, and the main metallogenic epoch of Jiaodong gold deposits was concentrated in Mesozoic. Metallogenic chronology and geological-geochemical data indicate that there are two periods of gold mineralizations occurred in 130-110 Ma and 90-80 Ma respectively in Jiaodong ore cluster. The gold deposit cluster results from the superimposition of the polygenetic mineralization, and further study is needed to investigate the formation and evolution of the Mesozoic complex metallogenic system.  相似文献   

Gold deposits are characterized by multi-sources, superimposition, large scale and temporal-spatial concentration in Jiaodong Peninsula, Eastern China. In this paper, we review the history and the development of the study on metallogenic chronology and genesis of gold deposits, summarize the main features of superimposed metallogenesis, provide evidence of the Mesozoic complex metallogenic system, and point out some problems for further research of Jiaodong gold deposit cluster from a regional view. Although gold deposits are different in genetic types, ore-forming materials and geological settings, our research indicates that the accumulation and emplacement of the ore-forming materials are temporally-spatially concentrated on a large scale, and the main metallogenic epoch of Jiaodong gold deposits was concentrated in Mesozoic. Metallogenic chronology and geological-geochemical data indicate that there are two periods of gold mineralizations occurred in 130?110 Ma and 90?80 Ma respectively in Jiaodong ore cluster. The gold deposit cluster results from the superimposition of the polygenetic mineralization, and further study is needed to investigate the formation and evolution of the Mesozoic complex metallogenic system.  相似文献   

为了查明西藏甲玛多金属矿主要矿体有用元素在不同海拔高度的三维空间分布规律,通过钻孔和探槽取样,利用原子吸收法和等离子体原子发射光谱法测试了21 911个化学样品,然后利用等值线图法,得到了6种有用元素在矿体内部的三维空间分布。结果表明:Au、Ag、Cu元素矿体底部有一个高值中心,随着高度增加,高值范围以此中心逐渐向外扩散,并以4.5km海拔高度为界,以下呈较明显的环形扩散,以上呈较明显的线形扩散。Mo元素在矿体底部有2个富集中心,随着高度增加,Mo的分布范围较Cu更大,但是大体上仍表现出环形向外扩散的特征。Pb和Zn的分布规律与其他4种元素完全不同,主要分布于海拔高度>4.5km区域,并且分布范围小。结合元素地球化学特征及岩浆热液成矿特点,可以判断甲玛主矿体的底部存在一个含矿中心,为岩浆热液上升中心,由底向上,呈环状向外扩散,在矿体上部受线性构造影响,呈近似带状分布。该矿床有用元素空间分布具有典型的岩浆热液型矿床分布特征。  相似文献   

Four rock assemblages in correspondence with two different tectonic settings have been recognized in the NEE-SWW extending HP-UHP metamorphic belt in southwestern Tianshan, northwest China. Eclogite assemblage EC1 is geochemically akin to alkaline within-plate oceanic island basalt (OIB). EC2 shows affinity to enriched mid-oceanic ridge basalt (EMORB). Rare earth element (REE) and other immobile trace element characteristics of blueschist assemblage BS1 resemble those of normal mid-oceanic ridge basalt (NMORB). These three assemblages are likely formed on a seamount setting, and the prevalent presence of carbonate minerals and omphacite quartzite stripes/gobbets suggests ancient pelagic sediments including marls are probably developed upon the basaltic seamount. Whereas the geochemical characteristics of BS2 assemblage are of volcanic arc basalt-type. The seamount with the pelagic sediments on it is brought into the subduction zone, and volcanic arc basalts formed on the active continental margin and trench sediments are eroded and enwrapped in the subducting mass, they are altogether subjected to high to ultrahigh pressure metamorphism and subsequent exhumation towards surface. The HP-UHP metamorphic belt is thus interpreted as a subduction-accretionary complex formed by tectonic juxtaposition and imbrication of seamount, seafloor, trench and volcanic arc sequences during oceanic crust subduction.  相似文献   

探讨沂沭断裂带中段及其西侧金矿床的成矿类型及成矿作用,为金矿勘查提供依据。研究区金矿床类型包括岩浆期后热液型和绿岩带型,其中岩浆期后热液型又分为矽卡岩型、隐爆角砾岩型和潜火山热液石英脉型。选取铜井金铜矿床和化马湾金矿床作为岩浆期后热液型和绿岩带型金矿类型的典型代表,从矿床的地质特征、矿体特征及成矿作用等方面进行分析。研究表明岩浆作用是岩浆期后热液型矿床成矿主导因素,控矿构造是其空间展布形式;区域变质作用是绿岩带型金矿成矿的主导因素。该地区寻找与燕山期侵入杂岩体有关的火山热液型金矿床是下一步找矿的重要方向,其中次火山侵入杂岩体分布区、爆破角砾岩筒、断裂构造交汇部位以及化探异常与地质标志相对应地段均是找矿勘查的方向。  相似文献   

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