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The sediment-hosted stratiform Cu–Co mineralization of the Luiswishi and Kamoto deposits in the Katangan Copperbelt is hosted by the Neoproterozoic Mines Subgroup. Two main hypogene Cu–Co sulfide mineralization stages and associated gangue minerals (dolomite and quartz) are distinguished. The first is an early diagenetic, typical stratiform mineralization with fine-grained minerals, whereas the second is a multistage syn-orogenic stratiform to stratabound mineralization with coarse-grained minerals. For both stages, the main hypogene Cu–Co sulfide minerals are chalcopyrite, bornite, carrollite, and chalcocite. These minerals are in many places replaced by supergene sulfides (e.g., digenite and covellite), especially near the surface, and are completely oxidized in the weathered superficial zone and in surface outcrops, with malachite, heterogenite, chrysocolla, and azurite as the main oxidation products. The hypogene sulfides of the first Cu–Co stage display δ34S values (−10.3‰ to +3.1‰ Vienna Canyon Diablo Troilite (V-CDT)), which partly overlap with the δ34S signature of framboidal pyrites (−28.7‰ to 4.2‰ V-CDT) and have ∆34SSO4-Sulfides in the range of 14.4‰ to 27.8‰. This fractionation is consistent with bacterial sulfate reduction (BSR). The hypogene sulfides of the second Cu–Co stage display δ34S signatures that are either similar (−13.1‰ to +5.2‰ V-CDT) to the δ34S values of the sulfides of the first Cu–Co stage or comparable (+18.6‰ to +21.0‰ V-CDT) to the δ34S of Neoproterozoic seawater. This indicates that the sulfides of the second stage obtained their sulfur by both remobilization from early diagenetic sulfides and from thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR). The carbon (−9.9‰ to −1.4‰ Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite (V-PDB)) and oxygen (−14.3‰ to −7.7‰ V-PDB) isotope signatures of dolomites associated with the first Cu–Co stage are in agreement with the interpretation that these dolomites are by-products of BSR. The carbon (−8.6‰ to +0.3‰ V-PDB) and oxygen (−24.0‰ to −10.3‰ V-PDB) isotope signatures of dolomites associated with the second Cu–Co stage are mostly similar to the δ13C (−7.1‰ to +1.3‰ V-PDB) and δ18O (−14.5‰ to −7.2‰ V-PDB) of the host rock and of the dolomites of the first Cu–Co stage. This indicates that the dolomites of the second Cu–Co stage precipitated from a high-temperature, host rock-buffered fluid, possibly under the influence of TSR. The dolomites associated with the first Cu–Co stage are characterized by significantly radiogenic Sr isotope signatures (0.70987 to 0.73576) that show a good correspondence with the Sr isotope signatures of the granitic basement rocks at an age of ca. 816 Ma. This indicates that the mineralizing fluid of the first Cu–Co stage has most likely leached radiogenic Sr and Cu–Co metals by interaction with the underlying basement rocks and/or with arenitic sedimentary rocks derived from such a basement. In contrast, the Sr isotope signatures (0.70883 to 0.71215) of the dolomites associated with the second stage show a good correspondence with the 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.70723 to 0.70927) of poorly mineralized/barren host rocks at ca. 590 Ma. This indicates that the fluid of the second Cu–Co stage was likely a remobilizing fluid that significantly interacted with the country rocks and possibly did not mobilize additional metals from the basement rocks.  相似文献   

Two sediment-hosted stratiform Cu–Co deposits in the Tenke-Fungurume district of the Central African Copperbelt were examined to evaluate the alteration history of the ore-hosting Mines Series and its implications for ore distribution and processing. Core logging and petrography, focused on lithology and timing relationships, outlined a complex alteration sequence whose earliest features include formation of anhydrite nodules and laths, followed by precipitation of dolomite. Later alteration episodes include at least two silica introductions, accompanied by or alternating with two dolomite introductions into the existing gangue assemblages. One introduction of Cu–Co sulfides accompanied the last episode of dolomite alteration, overprinting an earlier generation of ore whose gangue association was unidentifiable. Sulfides and some carbonates were subsequently modified by supergene oxidation, transport, and reprecipitation to 100–200?m depth. Present-day ore distribution resulted from these successive processes. Ore is concentrated in two shale-dominated units on either side of a cavernous silicified dolomite, which is interpreted as the main conduit for the mineralizing fluids. Sulfide ores precipitated at the redox or sulfidation contacts between this dolomite and the shales. Later, supergene fluids dissolved and moved some of the metals, redepositing them as oxides and carbonates. Solubility differences between Cu and Co in supergene conditions caused them to precipitate separately. Thus, modern ore distribution at Tenke-Fungurume results both from original hypogene lithology- and contact-related precipitation and from supergene oxidation, transport, and Cu–Co decoupling. The supergene fluid flow also redistributed gangue minerals such as dolomite, which has an economically important influence on the processing costs of supergene ores.  相似文献   

Base metal–Ag mineralisation at Dikulushi and in other deposits on the Kundelungu Plateau (Democratic Republic of Congo) developed during two episodes. Subeconomic Cu–Pb–Zn–Fe polysulphide ores were generated during the Lufilian Orogeny (c. 520 Ma ago) in a set of E–W- and NE–SW-oriented faults. Their lead has a relatively unradiogenic and internally inhomogeneous isotopic composition (206Pb/204Pb = 18.07–18.49), most likely generated by mixing of Pb from isotopically heterogeneous clastic sources. These sulphides were remobilised and enriched after the Lufilian Orogeny, along reactivated and newly formed NE–SW-oriented faults into a chalcocite-dominated Cu–Ag mineralisation of high economic interest. The chalcocite samples contain only trace amounts of lead and show mostly radiogenic Pb isotope signatures that fall along a linear trend in the 207Pb/204Pb vs. 206Pb/204Pb diagram (206Pb/204Pb = 18.66–23.65; 207Pb/204Pb = 15.72–16.02). These anomalous characteristics reflect a two-stage evolution involving admixture of both radiogenic lead and uranium during a young fluid event possibly c. 100 Ma ago. The Pb isotope systematics of local host rocks to mineralisation also indicate some comparable young disturbance of their U–Th–Pb systems, related to the same event. They could have provided Pb with sufficiently radiogenic compositions that was added to less radiogenic Pb remobilised from precursor Cu–Pb–Zn–Fe polysulphides, whereas the U most likely originated from external sources. Local metal sources are also suggested by the 208Pb/204Pb–206Pb/204Pb systematics of combined ore and rock lead, which indicate a pronounced and diversified lithological control of the immediate host rocks on the chalcocite-dominated Cu–Ag ores. The Pb isotope systematics of polysulphide mineralisation on the Kundelungu Plateau clearly record a diachronous evolution.  相似文献   

The Central African Copperbelt lies within the Lufilian orogenic belt, in the border region between the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Zambia. A Sr and Nd isotope study was performed on gangue carbonates associated with multiphase mineralisation at the Zambian Konkola and Nkana deposits. Comparison with isotopic signatures of basement rocks provides new insights into the likely metal source(s) for the Cu–Co mineralisation. At least three mineralisation phases can be identified with respect to the Lufilian orogeny. Gangue carbonates of the first, pre- to syn-kinematic mineralisation phase in both deposits have Sr and Nd isotopic compositions that correspond to felsic rocks of the Domes Region, a tectonic zone in the Zambian part of the Lufilian Belt where basement rocks crop out. However, the isotopic signatures from both deposits differ. This can be attributed to local variation in isotopic composition of the basement below the deposits. Radiogenic isotope ratios suggest that subsequent, syn-kinematic mineralisation at both sites occurred due to the remobilisation of precursor ore. Petrographic evidence indicates that the third, late-kinematic mineralisation phase at Nkana resulted from a renewed input of metals with a mafic affinity (e.g. Co, Ni). However, Sr and Nd isotope ratios resemble those of the earlier mineralisation phases and do not reflect a change in source composition. Nonetheless, comparison with the isotopic signatures of the Co-poor Konkola deposit and Co-rich stratiform deposits in the DRC might indicate a mafic component in the Nkana metal source. Calculated mixed isotopic compositions support such a mafic component.  相似文献   

The Paleoproterozoic post-kinematic Ubendian mafic rocks from northeastern Katanga (Democratic Republic of Congo) are olivine-and-quartz tholeiites which in many respects resemble Phanerozoic continental tholeiites. The analogies are suggested by the petrographic features and the major element diagrams classically used to infer magmatic affinity. The clinopyroxene compositions straddle the boundary between clinopyroxenes from orogenic and extensional tectonic settings. In addition, the whole-rock compositions are mostly Ti- and P-poor as in low Ti–P continental flood basalts and in subduction-related mafic magmas. The same conclusion is sustained by the trace-element compositions (e.g., occurrence of mafic magmas with high Th/Ta and La/Ta values; low Sr/Ce ratios, etc). These geochemical features indicate involvement of a subduction component at the source of these extensional igneous rocks. Convective mixing of asthenospheric mantle with the overlying lithospheric mantle enriched during the Ubendian subduction or mixing of melts from both mantle components can account for the composition of the post-orogenic Ubendian mafic rocks.  相似文献   

The Lufilian Belt is of geological significance and economic importance due to rich CuCo mineralisation in the Katanga Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Copperbelt of Zambia. Though thorough exploration has yielded much information on the mines districts, the understanding of the belt as a whole appears, to some extent, historically charged and confused. In the first part of this article, basic knowledge and assumptions are reviewed and existing models critically assessed. Results include recognition of standard lithostratigraphies of the Katanga Supergroup comprising the Roan, Mwashia, Lower and Upper Kudelungu Groups in the Copperbelt and Katanga, a lower limit for the onset of deposition at about 880 Ma, and a major orogenetic event involving northeast directed thrusting (Lufilian Orogeny) at 560-550 Ma. The depositional history of the Lufilian Belt was controlled by continental rifting leading to formation of a passive continental margin. Continental rifting related to the dispersal of Rodinia began ca 880 Ma ago and was accompanied by magmatism (Kafue rhyolites: 879 Ma; Nchanga Granite: 877 Ma; Lusaka Granite: 865 Ma). Differential subsidence of the northwestward propagating rift soon allowed invasion by the sea advancing from the southeast, and subsequent development of marine rift-basin and platform domains. The standard stratigraphies for the Roan Group are restricted to the platform domain that bordered the rift-basin on its northeastern side. This domain included the Domes region of the Lufilian Belt and extended southeastwards into the northern Zambezi Belt. The platform was differentiated into a carbonate platform (barrier) represented by the Bancroft Subgroup (previously ‘Upper Roan’) in Zambia and Kambove Dolomite Formation in Katanga and a lagoon-basin (lower Kitwe Subgroup/Zambia; Dolomitic Shale Formation/Katanga) with mudflats (R.A.T. Subgroup/Katanga) and a siliciclastic margin towards the hinterland. The mineralised horizons of the ‘Ore Formation’ in Zambia and ‘Series des Mines’ in Katanga are related to temporarily anoxic conditions prevailing in the Roan Lagoon-Basin which had a southwest-northeast extent of ca 400 km. The lagoon-basin was subsequently filled by clastics derived from mainly northeastern sources (upper Kitwe Subgroup/Zambia; Dipeta Subgroup/Katanga).Possibly due to continental rupture in the southeastern, more advanced, segment of the rift and concomitant differential movement in the rupturing plate, the Kundelungu Basin started to open during deposition of the Mwashia Group. Opening of the extensional basin was accompanied by rifting, rapid subsidence of the affected platform segment and widespread mafic magmatism, which lasted until deposition of the Lower Kundelungu Group. The elevated margins of the rapidly subsiding Kundelungu Basin offered favourable conditions for inland glaciation during the Sturtian-Rapitan global glaciation epoch. The diamictites of the Grand Conglomát are thus dated at ca 750 Ma.Tectonogenesis in the Lufilian and Zambezi Belts is related to ca 560-550 Ma collision of the ‘Angola-Kalahari Plate’ (comprising the Kalahari Craton and southwestern part of the Congo Craton) and the ‘Congo-Tanzania Plate’ (comprising the remaining part of the Congo Craton) along a southeast-northwest trending suture linking up the southern Mozambique Belt with the West Congo Belt. Collision was accompanied by northeast directed thrusting involving deep crustal detachments and forward-propagating thrust faults that developed in platform and slope deposits below a high level thrust. In the Domes region, the platform sequence was detached from its basement and displaced for ca 150 km into the External Fold-Thrust Belt of Katanga. The large displacement was enhanced by fluids liberated from evaporite-rich mudflat deposits of the R.A.T. Subgroup.In the Zambezi Belt, northeast directed thrusting was succeeded by southwest directed backfolding and backthrusting, due to greater shortening or thickening of the thrust wedge. The Mwembeshi Shear Zone accommodated greater shortening in the Zambezi Belt relative to the Lufilian Belt by sinistral transcurrent movement. The Mwembeshi Shear Zone is a reactivated pre-existing zone of weakness in the lithosphere of possibly Palæoproterozoic age. There is no evidence of Neoproterozoic collision along this zone in the Lufilian Belt/Zambezi Belt domain.  相似文献   

Carbonate, largely in the form of dolomite, is found throughout the host rocks and ores of the Nchanga mine of the Zambian Copperbelt. Dolomite samples from the hanging wall of the mineralization show low concentrations of rare-earth elements (REE) and roof-shaped, upward convex, shale-normalized REE patterns, with positive Eu*SN anomalies (1.54 and 1.39) and marginally negative Ce anomalies (Ce*SN 0.98,0.93). In contrast, dolomite samples associated with copper and cobalt mineralization show a significant rotation of the REE profile, with HREE enrichment, and La/LuSN ratios <1 (0.06–0.42). These samples also tend to show variable but predominantly negative Eu*SN and positive cerium anomalies and an upwardly concave MREE distribution (Gd-Er). Malachite samples from the Lower Orebody show roof-tile-normalized REE patterns with negative europium anomalies (Eu*SN 0.65–0.80) and negative cerium anomalies (Ce*SN 0.86–0.9). The carbonate 87Sr/86Sr signature correlates with the associated REE values. The uppermost dolomite samples show Neoproterozoic seawater-like 87Sr/86Sr ratios ranging from 0.7111 to 0.7116, whereas carbonate from Cu–Co mineralized samples show relatively low concentrations of strontium and more radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr, ranging between 0.7136–0.7469. The malachite samples show low concentrations of strontium, but give a highly radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr of 0.7735, the most radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr ratio. These new data suggest that the origin and timing of carbonate precipitation at Nchanga is reflected in the REE and Sr isotope chemistry. The upper dolomite samples show a modified, but essentially seawater-like signature, whereas the rotation of the REE profile, the MREE enrichment, the development of a negative Eu*SN anomaly and more radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr suggests the dolomite in the Cu–Co mineralized samples precipitated from basinal brines which had undergone significant fluid–rock interaction. Petrographic, REE, and 87Sr/86Sr data for malachite are consistent with the original sulfide Lower Orebody being subject to a later oxidizing event.  相似文献   

Stratabound epigenetic sulphide Zn–Pb–Cu ore deposits of the Central African Copperbelt in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia are mostly hosted in deformed shallow marine platform carbonates and associated sedimentary rocks of the Neoproterozoic Katanga Supergroup. Economic orebodies, that also contain variable amounts of minor Cd, Co, Ge, Ag, Re, As, Mo, Ga, and V, occur mainly as irregular pipe-like bodies associated with collapse breccias and faults as well as lenticular bodies subparallel to bedding. Kipushi and Kabwe in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Zambia, respectively, are the major examples of carbonate-hosted Zn–Pb–Cu mined deposits with important by-products of Ge, Cd, Ag and V in the Lufilian Arc, a major metallogenic province famous for its world-class sediment-hosted stratiform Cu–Co deposits. The carbonate-hosted deposits range in age from Neoproterozoic to early Palaeozoic (680 to 450 Ma). The formation of the relatively older Neoproterozoic deposits is probably related to early collision events during the Lufilian Orogeny, whereas the younger Palaeozoic deposits may be related to post-collisional processes of ore formation. Fluid inclusion and stable isotope data indicate that hydrothermal metal-bearing fluids evolved from formation brines during basin evolution and later tectonogenesis. Ore fluid migration occurred mainly along major thrust zones and other structural discontinuities such as karsts, breccias and faults within the Katangan cover rocks, resulting in ore deposition within favourable structures and reactive carbonates of the Katangan Supergroup.  相似文献   

The Katanga province, Democratic Republic of Congo, hosts world-class cobalt deposits accounting for ~50% of the world reserves. They originated from sediment-hosted stratiform copper and cobalt sulfide deposits within Neoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks. Heterogenite, the main oxidized cobalt mineral, is concentrated as “cobalt caps” along the top of silicified dolomite inselbergs. The supergene cobalt enrichment process is part of a regional process of residual ore formation that also forms world-class “manganese cap” deposits in western Katanga, i.e., the “black earths” that are exploited by both industrial and artisanal mining. Here, we provide constraints on the genesis and the timing of these deposits. Ar–Ar analyses of oxidized Mn ore and in situ U–Pb SIMS measurements of heterogenite yield Mio–Pliocene ages. The Ar–Ar ages suggest a multi-phase process, starting in the Late Miocene (10–5 Ma), when the metal-rich substratum was exposed to the action of meteoric fluids, due to major regional uplift. Further oxidation took place in the Pliocene (3.7–2.3 Ma) and formed most of the observed deposits under humid conditions: Co- and Mn-caps on metal-rich substrata, and coeval Fe laterites on barren areas. These deposits formed prior to the regional shift toward more arid conditions in Central Africa. Arid conditions still prevailed during the Quaternary and resulted in erosion and valley incision, which dismantled the metal-bearing caps and led to ore accumulation in valleys and along foot slopes.  相似文献   

The Pan-African Lufilian orogenic belt hosts world-class Cu deposits. In the Congolese Copperbelt (DRC), Cu(–Co) deposits, are mostly hosted within evaporitic and siliciclastic Neoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks (Mines Subgroup) and are interpreted as syn- to late-diagenetic deposits. In this paper, we present new data on Cu(–U) deposit hosted in metamorphic rocks of the internal zone of the Lufilian belt known as the Western Zambian Copperbelt in which a primary Cu mineralization is overprinted by a second syn-metamorphic Cu mineralizing event. This mineralizing event is synchronous with the Pan-African metamorphism affecting both the pre-Katanga basement and the Katanga metasedimentary sequence. Cu(–U) occurrences in the Western Zambian Copperbelt are hosted by kyanite-micaschists metamorphosed in the upper amphibolite facies.Mineral inclusions of graphite, micas and sulfides in kyanite porphyroblasts of the Cu-bearing kyanite-micaschists in the Lumwana Cu deposit point to a sedimentary protolith with relics of an inherited Cu stock. Based on petrologic, microstructural and geochronological evidence, we propose that this initial Cu-stock was remobilized during the Pan-African orogeny. Graphite, micas and sulfides preserved in a first generation of kyanite poikiloblasts (Ky1) define an inherited S0/1 foliation developed during the prograde part of the PT path (D1 deformation-metamorphic stage) reaching HP–MT metamorphic conditions.Remobilization during the retrograde part of the PT path is evidenced by chalcopyrite–pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite–bornite delineating a steep-dipping S2 schistosity and by chalcopyrite and bornite delineating a shallow-dipping S3 schistosity associated with top to the south kinematic criteria. This retrograde path is coeval with ductile deformation in the kyanite field as evidenced by a second generation of synkinematic kyanite porphyroblasts (Ky2) transposed in the S3 schistosity (Ky2–3), and is marked by progressive cooling from ca. 620 °C down to 580 °C (rutile geothermometry). Syn-S2–3 metamorphic monazite grains yield U–Th–Pb ages ranging from ca. 540 to 500 Ma.Final retrogression and remobilization of Cu is marked by recrystallization of the sulfides in top to the north C3 shear bands associated with rutile crystals yielding temperatures from ca. 610 to 540 °C. This final remobilization is younger than ca. 500 Ma (youngest U–Th–Pb age on syn-S3 recrystallized monazite). These data are consistent with successive Cu remobilization for more than 40 Ma during Pan-African reworking of sediment-hosted deposits either from the basement of the Katanga sedimentary sequence or from the Katanga sequence itself marked by burial (D1), syn-orogenic exhumation (D2), and post-orogenic exhumation during gravitational collapse (D3).  相似文献   

Ore forming processes involve the redistribution of heat, mass and momentum by a wide range of processes operating at different time and length scales. The fastest process at any given length scale tends to be the dominant control. Applying this principle to the array of physical processes that operate within magma flow pathways leads to some key insights into the origins of magmatic Ni–Cu–PGE sulfide ore deposits. A high proportion of mineralised systems, including those in the super-giant Noril'sk-Talnakh camp, are formed in small conduit intrusions where assimilation of country rock has played a major role. Evidence of this process is reflected in the common association of sulfides with vari-textured contaminated host rocks containing xenoliths in varying stages of assimilation. Direct incorporation of S-bearing country rock xenoliths is likely to be the dominant mechanism for generating sulfide liquids in this setting. However, the processes of melting or dissolving these xenoliths is relatively slow compared with magma flow rates and, depending on xenolith lithology and the composition of the carrier magma, slow compared with settling and accumulation rates. Chemical equilibration between sulfide droplets and silicate magma is slower still, as is the process of dissolving sulfide liquid into initially undersaturated silicate magmas. Much of the transport and deposition of sulfide in the carrier magmas may occur while sulfide is still incorporated in the xenoliths, accounting for the common association of magmatic sulfide-matrix ore breccias and contaminated “taxitic” host rocks. Effective upgrading of so-formed sulfide liquids would require repetitive recycling by processes such as re-entrainment, back flow or gravity flow operating over the lifetime of the magma transport system as a whole. In contrast to mafic-hosted systems, komatiite-hosted ores only rarely show an association with externally-derived xenoliths, an observation which is partially due to the predominant formation of ores in lava flows rather than deep-seated intrusions, but also to the much shorter timescales of key component systems in hotter, less viscous magmas. Nonetheless, multiple cycles of deposition and entrainment are necessary to account for the metal contents of komatiite-hosted sulfides. More generally, the time and length scale approach introduced here may be of value in understanding other igneous processes as well as non-magmatic mineral systems.  相似文献   

The Shilu Fe–Co–Cu ore district is situated in the western Hainan Province of south China. This district consists of the upper Fe-rich layers and the lower Co–Cu ores, which are mainly hosted within the Neoproterozoic Shilu Group, a dominantly submarine siliciclastic and carbonate sedimentary succession that generally has been metamorphosed to greenschist facies. Three facies of metamorphosed BIFs, the oxide, the silicate–oxide and the sulfide–carbonate–silicate, have been identified within the Shilu Group. The oxide banded iron formation (BIF) facies (quartz itabirites or Fe-rich ores) consists of alternating hematite-rich and quartz-rich microbands. The silicate–oxide BIF facies (amphibolitic itabirites or Fe-poor ores) comprises alternating millimeter to tens of meter scale, magnetite–hematite-rich bands with calc-silicate-rich macro- to microbands. The sulfide–carbonate–silicate BIF facies (Co–Cu ores) contain alternating cobaltiferous pyrite, cobaltiferous pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite macrobands to microbands mainly with dolomite–calcite, but also with minor sericite–quartz bands. Blasto-oolitic, pelletoidal, colloidal, psammitic, and cryptocrystalline to microcrystalline textures, and blasto-bedding structures, which likely represent primary sedimentation, are often observed in the Shilu BIF facies.The Shilu BIFs and interbedded host rocks are generally characterized by relatively low but variable ∑ REE concentrations, LREE depletion and/or MREE enrichment relative to HREE, and no Ce, Gd and Eu anomalies to strongly positive Ce, Gd and Eu anomalies in the upward-convex PAAS-normalized REY patterns, except for both the banded or impure dolostones with nil Ce anomaly to negative Ce anomalies and negative La anomalies, and the minor sulfide–carbonate–silicate BIF facies with moderately negative Eu anomalies. They also contain relatively low but variable HFSE abundances as Zr, Nb, Hf, Th and Ti, and relatively high but variable abundances of Cu, Co, Ni, Pb, As, Mn and Ba. The consistently negative εNd(t) values range from − 4.8 to − 8.5, with a TDM age of ca. 2.0 Ga. In line with the covariations between Al2O3 and TiO2, Fe2O3 + FeO and SiO2, Mn and Fe, Zr and Y/Ho and REE, and Sc and LREE, the geochemical and Sm–Nd isotopic features suggest that the precursors to the Shilu BIFs formed from a source dominated by seafloor-derived, high- to low temperature, acidic and reducing hydrothermal fluids but with variable input of detrital components in a seawater environment. Moreover, the involved detrital materials were sourced dominantly from an unknown, Paleoproterozoic or older crust, with lesser involvement from the Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic Baoban Group underlying the Shilu Group.The Shilu BIFs of various facies are interpreted to have formed in a shallow marine, restricted or sheltered basin near the rifted continental margin most likely associated with the break-up of Rodinia as the result of mantle superplume activity in South China. The seafloor-derived, periodically upwelling metalliferous hydrothermal plume/vent fluids under anoxic but sulfidic to anoxic but Fe2 +-rich conditions were removed from the plume/vent and accumulated in the basin, and then variably mixed with terrigenous detrital components, which finally led to rhythmic deposition of the Shilu BIFs.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - New data on the minerals of the Fe–Ni–Co–Cu–S system in the differentiated intrusions of the Southern Urals are presented. Based on a detailed study...  相似文献   

Tasev  G.  Serafimovski  D.  Volkov  A. V.  Boev  B.  Djordjevic  T.  Kolitsch  U.  Serafimovski  T. 《Geology of Ore Deposits》2020,62(5):419-431
Geology of Ore Deposits - The Dudica deposit is located in the southern part of the Republic of North Macedonia (RNM), not far from the border with Greece in the Kozuf–Aridean volcanic...  相似文献   

This study aims at understanding the physico-chemical interactions between the saturated brine and the rocks enclosing the underground salt workings in Lorraine (eastern France). These anhydrite-rich and argillaceous rocks were characterized in terms of mineralogy, micro-texture and connected porosity. Then, the two main lithofacies, massive anhydrite and anhydrite-rich argillite, were immersed in brine during more than 1 year. During this batch experiment, the argillites were affected by macroscopic splitting, contrarily to the massive anhydrite. Micro-texture and brine chemical analyses clearly show the swelling due to the hydration of anhydrite into gypsum inside the argillites, whereas hydration occurs superficially on the massive anhydrite, due to its very low permeability. Anhydrite–gypsum transformation is promoted by the presence of dissolved strontium and potassium in saturated brine. The low activity of water in saturated brine does not allow the clay fraction to swell significantly during the experiment. Thus, the expansion resulting from the hydration of anhydrite into gypsum might be responsible of the splitting of argillite in a saturated brine environment. The superficial anhydrite hydration on massive anhydrite can be explained by the low amount of connected porosity (less than 1%).  相似文献   


New data on mercurial mineralization are presented, and a detailed characteristic is given for the first discovery of mercurous silver in ores of the Rogovik gold–silver deposit (the Omsukchan trough, Northeastern Russia). It was found that native silver in the examined ores occurs as finely-dispersed inclusions in quartz filling microcracks and interstitions. It also occurs in associations with kustelite, Ag sulfosalts and selenides, selenitic acanthite, and argyrodite. The mercury admixture varies from “not detected” in the central parts of grains to 0.22–1.70 wt % along the edges, or, in independent grains, to the appearance of Ag amalgams containing 10.20–24.61 wt % of Hg. The xenomorph form of grains of 50 μm or less in size prevails. It is assumed that the appearance of mercurial mineralization is caused by the superposition of products of the young Hg-bearing Dogda–Erikit belt upon the more ancient Ag-bearing Omsukchan trough.


The F–(Ba–Pb–Zn) ore deposits of the Zaghouan District, located in NE Tunisia, occur as open space fillings or stratabound orebodies, hosted in Jurassic, Cretaceous and Tertiary layers. The chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns may be split into three groups: (i) “Normal marine” patterns characterizing the wallrock carbonates; (ii) light REE (LREE) enriched (slide-shaped) patterns with respect to heavy REE (HREE), with small negative Ce and Eu anomalies, characteristic of the early ore stages; (iii) Bell-shaped REE patterns displaying LREE depletion, as well as weak negative Ce and Eu anomalies, characterizing residual fluids of subsequent stages. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.707654–0.708127 ± 8), show that the Sr of the epigenetic carbonates (dolomite, calcite) and ore minerals (fluorite, celestite) are more radiogenic than those of the country (Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, lower Miocene) sedimentary rocks. The uniformity of this ratio, throughout the District, provides evidence for the isotopic homogeneity and, consequently, the identity of the source of the mineralizing fluids. This signature strongly suggests that the radiogenic Sr is carried by Upper Paleozoic basinal fluids.The δ34S values of barite, associated to mineralizations, are close to those of the Triassic sea water (17‰). The δ34S values of sulfide minerals range from − 13.6‰ to + 11.4‰, suggesting two sulfur-reduced end members (BSR/TSR) with a dominant BSR process.Taking account of the homogeneity in the Pb-isotope composition of galenas (18.833–18.954 ± 0.001, 15.679–15.700 ± 0.001 and 38.690–38.880 ± 0.004, for the 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios respectively), a single upper crustal source for base-metals is accepted. The Late Paleozoic basement seems to be the more plausible source for F–Pb–Zn concentrated in the deposits. The genesis of the Zaghouan District ore deposits is considered as the result of the Zaghouan Fault reactivation during the Late Miocene period.  相似文献   

The outer sector of the Neoproterozoic Katangan Orogen of Central Africa is characterised by nappes thrust northwards, toward the foreland region, the major part of which occurs in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The rocks called R.A.T. (‘Roches Argilo-Talqueuses’) are terrigenous clastics traditionally considered as the oldest stratigraphical interval of these allochthonous units. They are correlated with the terrigenous clastic sediments at the base of the autochthonous Katangan succession in Zambia to the south, which were deposited at the opening stage of the Katangan Rift Basin. The lower interval of the R.A.T. represents red beds, whereas the upper one was deposited in anoxic conditions. Therefore, they are called red and grey R.A.T., respectively. This paper presents stratigraphic, structural and geochemical arguments against the traditional stratigraphical view and demonstrates that the R.A.T. rocks are younger than previously considered. They are interpreted here as synorogenic sediments of the Katangan foreland basin.Olistostromes with R.A.T. olistoliths, which occur either interbedded within ‘normal’ R.A.T. sediments or overlie angular unconformities, testify to pronounced tectonic movements and palæotopography of the basin in which the R.A.T. sediments were deposited. The provenance of other olistoliths implies that, contrary to the previous views, the R.A.T. olistostromes are younger than the overlying rock complexes and the contact between the two is tectonic. Clastic dykes of the incompetent R.A.T. lithologies injected into the overlying competent units suggest that the former were partly unconsolidated sediments over-ridden by the Katangan nappes. Plots of the geochemical compositions point to two distinct tectonosedimentary cycles and two types of sources, each related to a different stage of orogen evolution. The terrigenous materials of the Katangan autochthonous strata (Roan and Kundelungu Groups) and correlative allochthonous units are derived from basement granitic and metamorphic rocks eroded during the opening of the Katagan rift basin. By contrast, the R.A.T. rocks are related to the closure of the basin. Their provenance is from the orogenic source-the Katangan nappes advancing towards the foreland region in the north.The autochthonous Roan Group rocks in Zambia and their allochthonous correlatives in DRC contain one of the richest Cu-Co deposits known. In accord with the previous correlation, the CuCo mineralisation in the grey R.A.T. rocks was considered of the same age as the Zambian deposits. However, the results presented in this paper imply that the grey R.A.T. deposits represent a second generation of mineralisation in the Katangan belt, younger than the Roan Group orebodies. The R.A.T. Cu-Co mineralisation is related to the anoxic stage of the foreland basin, and the advancing nappes containing Roan-correlative orebodies acted as the sources of the metals. In conclusion, points pertaining to the revision of stratigraphical classification of the Katangan Supergroup are proposed.  相似文献   

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