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The Sichuan Basin is a superimposition basin composed of terrestrial and marine sediments that is well known for its abundant petroleum resources. Thermal history reconstruction using paleogeothermal indicators, including vitrinite reflectance and thermochronological data, shows that different structural subsections of the Sichuan Basin have experienced various paleogeothermal episodes since the Paleozoic. The lower structural subsection comprising the Lower Paleozoic to Middle Permian(Pz–P_2) successions experienced a high paleogeothermal gradient(23.0–42.6°C/km) at the end of the Middle Permian(P_2), whereas the upper structural subsection comprising Late Permian to Mesozoic strata underwent a relatively lower paleogeothermal gradient(13.2–26.9°C/km) at the beginning of the denudation(Late Cretaceous or Paleocene in the different regions). During the denudation period, the Sichuan Basin experienced a successive cooling episode. The high paleogeothermal gradient resulted from an intensive thermal event correlated to the Emeishan mantle plume. The heat flow value reached 124.0 m W/m~2 in the southwestern basin near the center of the Emeishan large igneous province. The low geothermal gradient episode with heat flow ranging from 31.2 to 70.0 m W/m~2 may be related to the foreland basin evolution. The cooling event is a result of the continuous uplift and denudation of the basin.  相似文献   

Apatite Fission Track (AFT) data from the Songliao Basin indicates that the late stage tectonic movements in the Songliao Basin have zoning in space and episodes in time. The late stage tectonic movements started from the east part of the basin and migrated westward. AFT ages in the east part of the basin are older than those in the west part of the basin, suggesting that the uplift occurred earlier in the east than in the west. The denudation thickness in the east part of the basin is significantly greater than that in the centre and west. The thermal history evolved two episodes of rapid cooling and subsequent slow cooling processes. Age-depth relationship derived from the AFT data indicates a four-episode denudation history. Further Monte Carlo random simulation of the AFT data reveals the four changing points of the thermal evolution at 65 Ma, 43.5 Ma, 28 Ma and 15 Ma, respectively. The uplifting and denudation rates from different episodes of evolution are proportional to the plate convergence rate. Based on the above analyses and the regional geologic background, it is concluded that the late stage thermal events in the Songliao Basin are the far field response to the subduction of the Pacific Plate under the Eurasian Plate. The first episode of the rapid cooling probably started at the end of the Nenjiang Formation, climaxed at the end of the Cretaceous and ceased at the Late Eocene. The subsequent slow cooling lasts another 15 Ma. The first episode of the evolution is the far field response to the major episode of the Yanshan Movement and subsequent series of the tectonic reorganization, especially the directional change of the Pacific Movement and also the subduction of the Indian Plate underneath the Eurasian Plate. While the second episode of the evolution is the far field response to the extension and closure of the Sea of Japan. Extension led to the migration and converging of the mantle heat flow to the Sea of Japan and resulted in the rapid cooling of the Songliao Basin.  相似文献   

低温热年代学数据是一个与热历史过程紧密相关的资料类型,与高温年代学不同,低温热年代学表观年龄本身在很多情况下没有直接的地质意义.当且仅当样品线性持续冷却的情况下,表观年龄才可以被直接解释为样品经过其封闭温度的大致时间.因此,只有结合地质约束通过对低温热年代学数据进行热历史模拟才能更好地揭示其所蕴含的地质信息.对川东北地区现有裂变径迹数据的统计显示,露头样品的表观年龄主要集中在60~80 Ma,其为冷却年龄并无直接的地质意义.前人利用这些数据对川东北地区热历史进行了模拟,然而不同研究者的研究结果却不甚一致,争议主要集中在四川盆地最后一期剥蚀开始的时间上.这体现了单一低温热年代学指标应用范围局限的缺陷.为解决这一问题,本文介绍了一种多类低温热年代学数据剖面联合解释的方法:首先根据低温热年代学动力学模型对诸多种可能的热历史进行正演模拟,然后将正演模拟的结果与观测结果相比较,因此,通过对比正演模拟结果与实测结果的拟合程度便可从诸多种可能的热历史中选择出最可能的一种.本文利用此方法对四川盆地东北部已发表的诸多可能的冷却/剥蚀历史进行了正演模拟,并将这些正演模拟与实测磷灰石裂变径迹和(U-Th)/He综合深度剖面数据进行比较,更好地制约了四川盆地的热历史:~100 Ma和~30 Ma之间冷却速度为0.57 ℃/Ma,~30 Ma以来冷却速度加快(~1.67 ℃/Ma).在假设川东北地区100 Ma内地温梯度大致与现今20 ℃/km的地温梯度相近的前提下,其剥蚀历史可计算为:在~100 Ma和~30 Ma之间剥蚀速度为29 m/Ma,~30 Ma以来剥蚀速度加快(~83 m/Ma),川东北地区自晚白垩世以来总剥蚀量约为5 km.  相似文献   

Synthetical research has been done on the geological thermal history of the Turpan-Hami Basin by using vitrinite reflectance, fluid inclusion geothermometry and fission track. The geotcmperature of the Turpan-Hami Basin has the character that suggests higher temperature in the past, in the east and south of the basin, and in the areas of large-fracture, and lower temperature in the present day and in the west and north of the basin. This feature is controlled by the difference of burial depth of basement and heat flow values, which made Permian source rock mature in the late Triassic and Jurassic source rock mature at the end of Jurassic and the early Tertiary. Project supported by the Chinese Tnrpan-Hami Oil Field cooperation project.  相似文献   

Lengshuiqing is part of the late Proterozoic igneous province from the western margin of the Yangtze craton. The Lengshuiqing area comprises five ultramafic–mafic intrusions, emplaced in the late Proterozoic Yanbian Group. The intrusions from Lengshuiqing contain cumulate ultramafic zones (peridotite + olivine pyroxenite), with cumulus olivine and Cr-spinel, and intercumulus pyroxenes, hornblende, phlogopite and plagioclase. Ni–Cu ore (pyrrhotite + pentlandite + chalcopyrite) is hosted in the ultramafic zones. Olivine-free diorite–quartz diorite ± gabbro and granite zones commonly occur above the ultramafic rocks. The genesis of the intrusions (conduit-related accumulation or differentiation from stagnant magma) was investigated. The amount of sulphides in the intrusions from Lengshuiqing is one order of magnitude bigger than the sulphides that can be dissolved by a volume of mafic magma similar with the volume of the intrusions. Most intrusions from Lengshuiqing have bulk composition (peridotite ± diorite ± granite) more magnesian (MgO = 21–22%; Mg# > 78) than the deduced composition of their parental magma (MgO = 9–11%; Mg# = 64–67). This indicates the accumulation of sulphide and mafic silicates from a volume of magma much bigger than the volume of the intrusions, which can be explained by the fractionation from magma ascending through the intrusions to shallower depths. A continuous supply and vent of magma is consistent with the lack of chilled margins, the melting of the wall rocks and the generation of high-temperature mineral assemblages (K-feldspar, diopside, and sillimanite) in the Yanbian Group. The intrusions from Lengshuiqing are seen as microchambers on conduits draining olivine-, Cr-spinel-, and sulphide-bearing mafic magma from a larger staging chamber.  相似文献   

Diagenetic research and inclusion observance indicate that there are seven types of inlcusion in the reservoirs in the Qiongdongnan Basin. Based on the fluorescence color, ratio of gas/liquid, formation temperature, salinity and organic component of fluid inclusions, three events of thermal fluid movement were found, and only the second and third events are relative to hydrocarbon migration and accumulation with the temperatures of 140–150°C and 170–190°C., respectively.The mechanism of gas migration in aqueous phase suggests that the discharging site of thermal fluid is the favourable location for natural gas accumulation. Project supported by the Natlonal Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

“长江深断裂带”的构造性质:深地震反射证据   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
长江深断裂带自20世纪50年代提出以来,因其在区域控岩、控矿、工程地质和灾害地质研究中的重要意义,一直受到广泛关注和研究,但由于缺乏深部资料,对长江深断裂带的构造性质、空间展布众说纷纭.本文通过分析穿过长江河床及两岸的六条深地震反射剖面,讨论了长江中下游成矿带及长江深断裂带的构造性质及演化,获得如下认识: (1)长江中下游成矿带是燕山期的陆内俯冲带,上地壳发生强烈挤压变形,以大型逆冲、叠瓦、褶皱和推覆构造为特征;下地壳及岩石圈地幔俯冲或叠置到相邻块体之下,在宁芜火山岩盆地和沿江凹陷下形成了"鳄鱼嘴"构造. (2)白垩纪以来,长江深断裂带(CJF)由一系列拆离断层组成,大致沿长江河床分布.该断裂带在燕山期陆内造山阶段为一组逆冲断裂,伸展垮塌阶段反转为正断层或拆离断层,同时控制了沿江凹陷的形成和演化.(3)陆内俯冲或叠置导致地壳加厚、拆沉,引发大规模岩浆活动."鳄鱼嘴"构造或是沟通深部岩浆向上迁移的主要通道,控制了沿江成矿岩浆岩的分布.正是这种特殊的深部过程和构造特征,导致了燕山期长江中下游地区的大规模成岩、成矿作用.  相似文献   

The mechanism of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) generation plays a key role in the exploration and development of marine high-sulfur natural gas, of which the major targets are the composition and isotope characteristics of sulfur-containing compounds. Hydrocarbon source rocks, reservoir rocks, natural gases and water-soluble gases from Sichuan Basin have been analyzed with an online method for the content of H2S and isotopic composition of different sulfur-containing compounds. The results of comparative analysis show that the sulfur-containing compounds in the source rocks are mainly formed by bacterial sulfate reduction (BSR), and the sulfur compounds in natural gas, water and reservoir are mainly formed by thermal sulfate reduction (TSR). Moreover, it has been shown that the isotopically reversion for methane and ethane in high sulfur content gas is caused by TSR. The sulfur isotopic composition of H2S in natural gas is inherited from the gypsum or brine of the same or adjacent layer, indicating that the generation and accumulation of H2S have the characteristics of either a self-generated source or a near-source.  相似文献   

The Central Sichuan Block(CSB) is the hardest block between the deep faults of Pujiang-Bazhong and Huaying Mountain in the central part of Sichuan Basin, which lies in the northwestern part of the upper Yangtze Craton. The CSB has long been considered as the oldest and most stable core area of Yangtze Craton, with the uniform basement and high level of hardening. Here we present a detailed interpretation of deep structures in the CSB by integrating high-resolution seismic data(approx. 50000 km2) with large-scale aeromagnetic data. Results show that eight Neoproterozoic extensional structures of different scales are nearly EW-, NEE-, and NW-trending in the CSB. Discovery of these extensional structures changes previous understanding of the CSB as a unified block. The extensional structures experienced one or two stages of extension in the longitudinal section, and filled with 3000–5000-m-thick weakly magnetic materials. Development of basal A-type granite in Weiyuan, Sichuan Basin and bimodal volcanic rocks of the Suxiong Formation, Western Sichuan confirms the CSB's Neoproterozoic extensional tectonic setting. The newly discovered Neoproterozoic extensional structures are of great significance for source rock and favorable sedimentary facies distribution, reservoir development, and gas accumulation.  相似文献   

New progresses on geothermal history of Turpan-Hami Basin, Xinjiang, China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A comprehensive study on geothermal history of the Turpan-Hami Basin by vitrinite reflectance, fluid inclusion geothermometry, apatite fission track and40Ar-39Ar dating displays that the main effects influencing geotemperature distribution are burial depth of the basement, heat flow, magmatic activities, as well as tectonic movement, having a rugulation to be higher in the east and north, lower in the west and south, as well as higher in the past and lower at the present. The heat of the mantle source and the Indo-China tectonic thermal event have extremely influenced maturation of source rocks of the upper Lower Permian and the Middle and Upper Triassic in the lndo-China epoch. While, the geothermal gradient and the weak tectonic geothermal event of the Early Yanshan Movement provided necessary heat for the maturation of source rock in coal-bearing strata of the Middle and Lower Jurassic.  相似文献   

川东南焦石坝页岩气区现今地温场特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

四川盆地是我国重要的含油气区,关于盆地现今地温场的工作,前人已经做过一些研究.而对于近年来页岩气勘探取得突破性进展的川东南焦石坝地区,现今地温场的研究工作甚少.本文基于川东南高陡褶皱带焦石坝页岩气区新增的3口钻井的稳态测温数据和118块岩石样品热导率数据,计算了研究区的地温梯度和大地热流值.结合前人的研究成果,编制了研究区大地热流等值线图.结果表明,焦石坝页岩气区地温梯度介于24~34℃/km,大地热流值介于60~70 mW·m-2之间,与川中古隆起相似,属于地温高异常区.地温高异常缘于隆起区相对高的岩石热导率引起的浅部热流的重新分配.其次,与位于研究区东侧边界的齐岳山大断裂在燕山和喜山期的构造引起的热液活动有关.焦石坝页岩气区地温高异常对页岩气的解吸附速率具有促进作用,对提高采收率具有一定意义.


The uplift and exhumation process in the Tianshan orogen since the late Paleozoic were likely related to the preservation of ore deposits. This study involved reconstructing the whole tectonic thermal history of the Ouxidaban pluton in central South Tianshan Mountains based on hornblende/plagioclase Ar-Ar and zircon/apatite(U-Th)/He methods. The thermal history and uplift process of central South Tianshan Mountains since the late Paleozoic were analyzed according to the results of previous works and cooling/exhumation rate features. The hornblende yields a plateau age of 382.6±3.6 Ma, and the plagioclase yields a weighted mean age of 265.8±4.9 Ma. The Ouxidaban pluton yields weighted mean zircon(U-Th)/He age of 185.8±4.3 Ma and apatite(U-Th)/He age of 31.1±2.9 Ma, respectively. Five stages of tectonic thermal history of South Tianshan Mountains since the late Paleozoic could be discriminated by the cooling curve and modeling simulation:(1) from the latest Silurian to Late Devonian, the average cooling rate of the Ouxidaban pluton was 7.84°C/Ma;(2) from the Late Devonian to the latest Middle Permian, the average cooling rate was about 2.07°C/Ma;(3) from the latest Middle Permian to the middle Eocene, the cooling rate decreased to about 0.68°C/Ma, suggesting that the tectonic activity was gentle at this time;(4) a sudden increase of the cooling rate(5.00°C/Ma) and the exhumation rate(0.17 mm/a), and crustal exhumation of ~1.83 km indicated that the Ouxidaban pluton would suffer a rapid uplift event during the Eocene(~46?35 Ma);(5) since the middle Eocene, the rapid uplift was sustained, and the average cooling rate since then has been 1.14°C/Ma with an exhumation rate of about 0.04 mm/a and an exhumation thickness of 1.33 km. The strong uplift since the Cenozoic would be related to a far-field effect from the Indian and Eurasian plates' collision. However, it was hysteretic that the remote effect was observed in the Tianshan orogenic belt.  相似文献   

The preferred orientation of clay minerals dominates the intrinsic anisotropy of shale. We introduce the clay lamination (CL) parameter to the Backus averaging method to describe the intrinsic shale anisotropy induced by the alignment of clay minerals. Then, we perform the inversion of CL and the Thomsen anisotropy parameters. The direct measurement of anisotropy is difficult because of the inability to measure the acoustic velocity in the vertical direction in boreholes and instrument limitations. By introducing the parameter CL, the inversion method provides reasonable estimates of the elastic anisotropy in the Longmaxi shale. The clay content is weakly correlated with the CL parameter. Moreover, the parameter CL is abnormally high at the bottom of the Longmaxi and Wufeng Formations, which are the target reservoirs. Finally, we construct rock physics templates to interpret well logging and reservoir properties.  相似文献   

Cretaceous climate was warmer than today.The Songliao Basin contains one of the most important Late Cretaceous non-marine deposits in China for the research of the paleoenvironment and paleoclimate.This research is based on core samples from the SK1(S)borehole.The strata sampled are the upper part of the Quantou Formation to member 2 of the Nenjiang Formation,where spores,pollen,dinoflagellates,and other microfossils are abundantly preserved.Based on analysis of the spores and pollen fossils from the core samples,the following six fossil assemblage zones have been recognized in ascending order:The Cicatricosisporites-Cyathidites-Pinuspollenites,Schizaeoisporites-Cyathidites-Classopollis,Cyathidites-Schizaeoisporites,Schizaeoisporites-Cyathidites-Proteacidites,Proteacidites-Cyathidites-Dictyotriletes,and the Lythraites-Callistipollenites-Schizaeoisporites zones.The six fossil zones range from the late Cenomanian to early Campanian.The Late Cretaceous dinoflagellate cysts in the Songliao Basin are of high abundance and low diversity.Specific phytoplankton types reflect salinity changes of the Songliao Lake.Paleoecology of the dinoflagellates suggests that sediments of members 2 and 3 of the Yaojia Formation(K2y2+3)were deposited in a freshwater environment,whereas members 2 and 3 of the Qingshankou Formation(K2q2+3)and members 1 and 2 of the Nenjiang Formation(K2n1+2)were deposited in freshwater to brackish water environments.Combined with the paleoecology of dinoflagellates and the palynomorph biozones,valuable information of the paleoclimate was provided.The quantitative analyses of spores and pollen fossils,such as vegetation type,climate type,and humidity type,diversity and dominance,indicate a relatively sub-humid,mid-subtropical paleoclimate,with slight climatic fluctuation and/or temporal change.  相似文献   

Shoaling is a common type of sedimentation in the evolution of carbonate platform,and commonly has poor continuity.This paper presents a newly discovered and rare type of shoaling,i.e.,mega-shoaling in nearly basin scale,which is developed in the Middle Triassic Leikoupo Formation of the Sichuan Basin,southwest China.During the Leikoupo time,the studied Sichuan Basin experienced hot and dry climate conditions and developed a carbonate platform within a restricted epicontinental sea.In B sub-layer of the Lei-1-1 sub-member of the Leikoupo Formation a series of grainstones of shoal facies accumulated throughout almost the entire basin,thereby generating features associated with basin-scale mega-shoaling.By detailed core examination and microscopic observation of thin sections,it is shown that the lithology of this set of grainstones is dominated by doloarenite(calcarenite)followed by oolitic dolomite(limestone).In addition,it contains three types of sedimentary sequences characterized by upward-coarsening and upward-shallowing as the followings:restricted lagoon to platform interior beach;restricted lagoon to platform interior beach and to platform flat;and tidal flat to peritidal beach.Subsequently,a multicyclic stratigraphic division and correlation revealed that this set of grainstones can be well traced and compared horizontally,and is generally isochronous.In addition,a template for logging facies,established based on core calibrations and logging data,was employed to analyze the 235 wells in the basin.The results demonstrate the shoal grainstones to be 10–40 m thick with a15×104km2continuous distribution area.These findings indicate that the carbonate platform developed mega-shoals within a short period of time.The genesis of such a mega-shoaling was investigated by focusing on various shoaling conditions,such as paleo-tectonics,paleo-geomorphology,paleo-climate,sea-level changes,and palaeo-hydrodynamics.A specific combination of independent geological factors creates beneficial geomorphologic conditions for the mega-shoaling including a quiescent paleo-tectonic environment,relatively flat paleo-geomorphology and evaporites filling up and leveling off.In addition,a stably settling carbonate platform underwent sea-level fluctuations through swift transgressions and protracted regressions,which is not only conducive to continuous,multicyclic and superimposed vertical development of grain beaches but also beneficial for the horizontal migration,coalescence and superimposition of individual grain beaches.As a consequence,large-scale and continuously-distributed grain beach sedimentation emerges and mega-shoals develop.  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地大地热流特征与岩石圈热结构   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
沉积盆地现今大地热流和岩石圈热结构特征是岩石圈构造-热演化过程的综合反映和盆地热史恢复的约束条件,对盆地动力学研究和油气资源评价具有重要意义.作者系统分析了准噶尔盆地2000年以来新增的102口钻孔的系统测井温度和400余口钻孔的试油温度资料,采用光学扫描法测试了15口钻孔共187块代表性岩石热导率,首次建立了准噶尔盆地岩石热导率柱,新增了11个高质量的(A类)大地热流数据,分析了准噶尔盆地大地热流分布特征,并揭示了其岩石圈热结构.研究表明,准噶尔盆地现今地温梯度介于 11.6~27.6℃/km,平均21.3±3.7℃/km,大地热流介于23.4~56.1 mW/m2,平均42.5±7.4 mW/m2,表现为低地温梯度、低大地热流的"冷"盆特征.准噶尔盆地大地热流与地温梯度分布规律基本一致,主要受控于基底的构造形态,东部隆起最高,陆梁隆起次之,乌伦古坳陷、中央坳陷和西部隆起较低,北天山山前坳陷最低.准噶尔盆地地壳热流介于18.8~26.0 mW/m2,地幔热流介于16.5~23.7 mW/m2,壳幔热流比值介于0.79~1.58,属于典型的"冷壳冷幔"型热结构.准噶尔盆地地幔热流值与莫霍面起伏一致,隆起区地幔热流高,坳陷区地幔热流低.  相似文献   


近年来全球范围内页岩气水力压裂开采区地震活动剧增的现象,引起社会公众、政府、产业部门和科学家的广泛关注.利用2010年至2021年期间四川南部区域台网和流动台站记录的近震P波和S波到时数据,采用双差层析成像方法,对泸州及周边地区地震位置和地壳浅部介质结构进行了联合反演.重新定位后,中小地震震源深度主要处于2~10 km范围内.在空间上,地震活动呈现丛集特征,集中在螺观山背斜和古佛山背斜之间的低缓区内,并具有一定的时空迁移特征.背斜以南区域和泸县M6.0地震震中处,可观测到北西走向的地震丛集现象,与区域内已知断层分布并不一致.成像结果显示,在地壳浅部,背斜之间低缓区内的S波(VS)速度结构存在横向分区特征,中北部地区表现为明显的高速异常,对应的波速比(VP/VS) 值较低,且大部分地震分布在这些异常体内.但泸县M6.0地震震源区位于P波和S波的高、低速异常的交界地带.结合其他地质与地球物理研究,推测泸县地震发生在一条北西走向、以逆冲为主高角度的调节断层上.


The origin and genetic types of natural gas in the Sichuan Basin are still disputed.To classify the origin and genetic types in different areas,the paper analyzes the carbon isotopic composition of gases and geologic features in the Sichuan Basin.The results showed that the gas sourced from terrestrial layers is typically characterized by terrestrial origin and was mainly accumulated nearby to form reservoir.The carbon isotopic composition of gas showed a normal combination sequence distribution,suggesting that natural gas in continental strata is not affected by secondary alteration or that this deformation is very weak.The gas source is singular,and only gas from the southern and northern Sichuan Basin shows the characteristic of mixed sources.However,marine gas presents the characteristics of an oil-formed gas.The carbon isotopic composition of natural gas in the western and central part of the basin mostly distributes in a normal combination sequence,and few of them showed an inversion,indicating that the gas perhaps had not experienced secondary alteration.The carbon isotopic composition of marine-origin gas in the southern,northern and eastern Sichuan Basin displays a completely different distribution pattern,which is probably caused by different mixing ratio of gas with multi-source and multi-period.  相似文献   


四川盆地是我国重要的含油气盆地,其西南部位于峨眉山大火成岩省的外带,二叠纪峨眉山玄武岩浆对四川盆地热历史及烃源岩热演化的影响一直备受关注.近年来,盆地古温标结果揭示出盆地在二叠纪存在高古热流(75~85 mW·m-2),甚至部分点位存在超高古热流(97~114 mW·m-2),被认为和峨眉山玄武岩浆的热效应有关.为了解这些高-超高古热流的成因机制,以及溢流到地表的玄武岩浆对二叠系及以下地层和烃源岩的热影响,本文采用二维有限元方法对二叠纪峨眉山玄武岩浆的热效应进行了模拟,得出如下结论:(1)置于岩石圈底部的地幔柱头高温异常体和挤入地壳底部的高温玄武岩浆在短期内(4 Ma内)对地表热流的扰动分别小于5 mW·m-2和20 mW·m-2,均无法解释四川盆地二叠纪的异常古热流.(2)古热流与侵入到地壳内部的岩浆有关,中心在7~17 km深度的不同形态的岩浆都有可能造成高或超高古热流的形成,引起超高古热流的水平状岩浆囊厚度在2~10 km,表层距地表在6~12 km之间.(3)地表岩浆越厚、下伏地层越浅,岩浆对该地层产生的热扰动越大,其中烃源岩所受影响也越大.如,上覆岩浆厚度为300 m时,在深度300 m(二叠系)、800 m(奥陶系)、1250 m(寒武系)、2000 m(震旦系)地层引起的最大升温分别是241℃、77℃、40℃和19℃,所需时间分别为2100年、6100年、1.17万年和2.56万年.(4)相变热的存在对二叠系和奥陶系地层不可忽略,如300 m厚岩浆产生的相变热可以使二叠系地层额外增温达55℃.


南海北部陆缘珠江口盆地岩石圈热结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
沉积盆地岩石圈热结构特征是岩石圈构造-热演化过程的综合反映和盆地热史恢复的约束条件,对盆地动力学研究和油气资源评价具有重要意义.由于海洋勘探难度大、勘探程度低,相对于大陆地区,边缘海盆地比较缺乏岩石圈热结构方面的研究.本文在收集整理珠江口盆地及邻区大地热流数据的基础上,补充收录了自2003年以来发表的新数据,绘制了研究区最新版的大地热流等值线图;基于中美合作双船地震剖面揭示的深部地壳结构计算了研究区的壳-幔热流、深部温度以及"热"岩石圈厚度.研究表明,珠江口盆地地壳热流介于18.7~28.6 mW·m-2,地幔热流介于36.9~91.4 mW·m-2,壳幔热流比值0.23~0.75;由陆架、陆坡至中央海盆,在地壳热流逐渐减小的情况下地表热流逐渐递增,说明地表热流分布主要受深部热作用控制;盆地"热"岩石圈厚度介于34.0~87.2 km,平均65.5 km,反映出显著拉张减薄的特征.  相似文献   

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