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研究了玉米淀粉基脂肪替代物在低脂再制干酪中应用的关键影响因素,并对低脂再制干酪的融化性、硬度和感官指标进行了评定.在单因素试验的基础上,运用响应面分析法,建立了玉米淀粉基脂肪替代物低脂再制干酪的因素影响模型,确定了最佳工艺条件为:玉米淀粉基脂肪替代物添加量4.1%,水分质量分数51%,pH值5.9,在此条件下产品感官可接受性较高.  相似文献   

Nisin已广泛应用于食品保质期的研究中,本试验研究在贮存过程中,Nisin对低脂再制干酪细菌、肠杆菌、霉菌和酵母菌的抑菌效果及pH的变化。在低脂再制干酪样品中,空白样品贮藏到5个月时,样品变质不可食用,添加0.2%、0.3%Nisin的样品到6个月时,细菌总数、肠杆菌、酪霉菌和酵母菌合格,而添加0.2%Nisin、0.3%Nisin抑菌效果差异不显著,因此添加0.2%Nisin为宜。随着贮藏期时间的增加,pH显著增加。  相似文献   

利用质构分析方法研究再制干酪的加工工艺和筛选原料.质构分析将再制干酪的质地用具体的数据和形象的图形表征,找出干酪感官特性和质构特性之间的相关性,从而根据不同原料添加量、不同工艺条件下产品在其质构上的差异性表现确定关键工艺为:干酪配比为1:2,水分质量分数为45%,乳化盐质量分数为1.8%,乳化温度为85℃和乳化时间为5min.  相似文献   

陈臣  段建平 《食品科学》2017,38(1):182-187
以天然马苏里拉干酪为目标,以干酪融化后特性(融化性、油脂析出率、拉伸性和褐变性)、感官、微观结构为指标,研究原辅料对再制马苏里拉干酪融化后品质特性的影响。结果表明:选择比例为1∶1(m/m,下同)的成熟度为3个月切达干酪和马苏里拉干酪,配合比例为1∶4色拉油和奶油进行再制马苏里拉干酪的制作,既保证了再制干酪所需的质构,同时也赋予产品特有的风味;添加量为1.3%的乳化盐和2.0%的柠檬酸能提供再制干酪所需的乳化性和合理的p H值,产品的加工特性最佳。  相似文献   

建立了一种在再制干酪的加工过程中添加活性乳酸菌,生成新型再制干酪的方法,研究了不同形态的活性乳酸菌在再制干酪中的生存特性,和新工艺对再制干酪结构与质构特性的影响。通过对乳化后的再制干酪基料采取不同的搅拌与冷却方式,确定了加工过程中加入活性乳酸菌的关键工艺参数。实验表明,干酪经过乳化后,在60℃下保温30min,加入乳酸菌,然后冷却至4℃,干酪中的乳酸菌可达到109cfu/g,干酪于4℃贮藏30d后,活菌数密度保持稳定。采用该种方法生产的再制干酪与采用传统工艺生产的再制干酪在质构特性方面除硬度增加外,其他质构特性无明显差异变化。质构参数的这种差异变化主要是由新工艺的冷却方式引起的。再次搅拌工艺保持了干酪微观结构的一致性。  相似文献   

为研究不同种类的植物油脂替代黄油在再制奶油干酪中的应用以及对品质的影响,测定了不同种类植物油脂制作的再制奶油干酪的质构特性、乳清析出率、油脂析出率以及感官评定,并进行比较分析。结果表明,添加玉米油和葵花籽油的奶油干酪硬度与对照组干酪相接近,分别减小了13.29%和增加了3.13%,但总体差异不显著(P0.05)。添加葵花籽油的奶油干酪涂抹性与对照组相比,增加了1.27%,数值上最为接近。在黏聚力和黏着性方面,添加稻米油和椰子油的奶油干酪与对照组相比,差异较为明显(P0.05)。添加玉米油的奶油干酪乳清析出率要优于对照组干酪,而添加其他植物油脂的奶油干酪乳清析出较为严重(P0.05)。添加葵花籽油的干酪的油脂析出率最大,为6.19%,显著高于对照组干酪(1.82%);添加玉米油的奶油干酪的油脂析出率稍大于对照组,但差异不显著(P0.05)。感官分析上,添加植物油脂制作的奶油干酪总得分都低于对照组干酪,由玉米油植物清香风味和黄油的乳香味结合带来的干酪的风味接受度要高于其他植物油脂制作的干酪。综合各项指标,玉米油是替代黄油作为再制奶油干酪原料油脂较好的植物油脂选择。  相似文献   

再制干酪的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
以天然干酪为主要原料,通过对再制干酪加工条件以及乳化剂种类和添加量的优化研究,确定了制造块状再制干酪的工艺流程及主要参数。实验表明,块状再制干酪以车达和高达干酪为原材料,按照不同配比使平均成熟期为5~6个月;乳化剂确定使用焦磷酸钠及多聚磷酸钠的混合盐,添加量为2.5%;产品目标水分为46%,目标pH=5.8~6.0;融化条件为:85~87℃.6.5~7min。产品风味柔和、组织状态细腻,符合消费者的饮食习惯;平均理化指标均符合再制干酪质量标准。  相似文献   

工艺参数对再制干酪的质构和流变性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用质构仪和流变仪对影响再制干酪品质的多个因素进行了研究。结果表明,水分影响再制干酪的质构和流变性质:乳化盐对再制干酪产品的质构没有显著的影响;不同的温度和不同的搅拌时间对样品的质构有着相似的变化;在所有加工条件下.再制干酪的G′始终大于G″,G′和G″没有交叉点,而且复合黏度η^*随着频率的增加而急剧降低,体系表现出了弱凝胶的特性。  相似文献   

<正> 近年来酶利用技术和分离技术的发展,不仅以淀粉、蔗糖和木材为原料生产出只具有甜味的糖质,还可能生产出对人体有益的具备各种功能的新糖质,从而为丰富人们健康的饮食生活作出贡献。  相似文献   

蓝莓涂抹型再制干酪加工中主要工艺参数研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对样品进行质构剖面分析(TPA)、感官评价和微观结构分析,确定了最优的蓝莓涂抹型再制干酪工艺参数及复合乳化盐等因素对样品品质的影响.结果表明,最优工艺是在加热融化过程中添加15%蓝莓果浆,18个月成熟的Gouda干酪和3个月成熟的Edam干酪1:2(质量比),质量分数为3%的柠檬酸钠:磷酸氢二钠5:1(质量比)组成的复合乳化盐,加水量60%,在85℃水浴加热,转数1500 r/min搅拌20 min,4℃迅速冷却.所得的蓝莓涂抹型再制干酪的质构与市售涂抹型再制干酪质构最为接近,且风味良好.  相似文献   

部分益生菌被添加到干酪中能发挥其的功能特性。为探究添加植物乳杆菌的低脂干酪对小鼠血清胆固醇含量的影响及其最佳工艺条件,以成品干酪感官评分为响应值,利用响应面法优化干酪关键工艺参数,通过测定小鼠血清总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)含量、动脉硬化指数(AI)及肝脏、粪便中TC、TG含量来研究其体内降胆固醇作用。结果显示,以发酵剂接种量0.02%(质量分数),植物乳杆菌添加量2.00%(体积分数),菊粉添加量2.00%(质量分数)时制作的低脂干酪灌胃小鼠35 d,与高脂模型组相比,试验组干酪小鼠的TC、TG、LDL-C及AI分别下降21.23%,25.57%,39.11%和35.05%,肝脏中TC、TG分别下降37.32%,17.33%,且显著低于灌胃空白低脂干酪的小鼠(P<0.05);粪便中TC、TG分别升高37.2%,30.66%(P<0.05),且干酪感官得分为86.78,与预测值87.36相近。添加植物乳杆菌及菊粉的低脂干酪具有一定的体内降胆固醇活性,其感官品质更易接受。  相似文献   

本实验研究了以明胶和阿拉伯胶为原料通过相分离反应制备的脂肪替代品在低脂蛋黄酱中的应用效果,考察了质构参数和感官性质,结果表明,低脂蛋黄酱的质构参数与全脂对照差别较大,但在感官上没有能被区分出来;通过添加黄原胶0.04%,卡拉胶0.05% 做为低脂蛋黄酱的增稠剂,可以解决低脂蛋黄酱的质构缺陷问题。  相似文献   

对利用脂肪替代物生产低脂类肉制品进行研究,将蓝莓渣膳食纤维粉、魔芋胶、糯米粉3种糖基脂肪替代物添加到低脂鸡肉丸中,通过单因素试验和正交试验,以感官评分、蒸煮损失率和质构特性作为评价指标,确定最佳配方为蓝莓渣膳食纤维粉2.0%、魔芋胶0.8%、糯米粉8.0%、鸡胸肉50%、冰水30%、食盐1.4%、姜粉1%、白胡椒粉0....  相似文献   

儿童型香蕉果肉再制干酪的研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
再制干酪是我国干酪市场中的主要消费品种,但果肉型再制干酪较为少见。开发儿童型果肉干酪可以满足儿童营养需要和喜好,而且对于丰富再制干酪食品的品种、提高干酪中的食用纤维和其它营养素具有重要意义。试验以自制天然干酪、香蕉果浆为主要原料,采用三种工艺流程,通过L_9(3~4)正交试验确定最适工艺流程及最佳配方为:天然干酪,水(45%)、乳化盐(2.5%)、白砂糖(7%)、黄原胶(0.5%)混合融化7min后,加入香蕉果浆(30%),继续混合5min,迅速冷却到4℃。以此工艺制得的香蕉口味再制干酪,不仅可以保持传统再制干酪一定的风味及组织状态,并具有香蕉固有的营养与香味。  相似文献   

综述了脂肪、钠盐替代物的种类、特点和最新研究进展,论述了脂肪、钠盐替代品应用在低脂、低钠肉制品中对制品外观、质构、口感和风味等的影响作用,以期为低脂、低钠肉制品研究开发提供参考。  相似文献   

本文介绍了再制干酪的产生历程及其与天然干酪相比较的特点,简述了其生产工艺及操作要点并对我国发展再制干酪的前景进行了预测。  相似文献   

Evaluation of Some Binders and Fat Substitutes in Low-fat Frankfurters   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A. Yang    J.T. Keeton    S.L. Beilken    G.R. Trout 《Journal of food science》2001,66(7):1039-1046
ABSTRACT: Sensory and Texture Profile Analysis (TPA) were used to evaluate the effects of 8 fat substitutes/binders on the quality of low-fat frankfurters (10% fat) compared to both high-fat (22%) products and low-fat products without fat substitutes. Products with isolated soy protein (ISP), modified waxy maize starch, and isolated muscle protein (IMP) had similar sensory and texture properties to the high-fat products, but the products with ISP and IMP had higher purge loss. Sensory and TPA properties were highly correlated: overall palatability was strongly associated with TPA first bite energy (r = 0.84) and fracturability (r = 0.800). Principal component analysis of the data showed that most of the variation in properties of the products was due to variation in firmness and cohesiveness (83.6%) of the sensory properties and stress-related parameters from the force-deformation curves for TPA (77.6%).  相似文献   

利用质构仪、流变仪、扫描电镜分析pH值对再制干酪产品功能特性的影响,揭示了pH在再制干酪生产过程中的重要作用。结果表明,pH值影响再制干酪的融化性,但是这种影响没有呈现一定的规律性;随着pH值的升高,再制干酪产品的表观黏度也随之升高;在各质构参数中,硬度和咀嚼性随着pH值的升高而降低,pH值对弹性的影响显著(P<0.05);pH值影响水和乳化的过程,pH值越高,越利于水和乳化。  相似文献   

对天然干酪、脂肪两种主要原料进行筛选,并对复配的稳定剂和乳化盐进行优化,通过正交试验确定了耐高温再制干酪的最优主基料配方为:低脂切达干酪20%;成熟期3个月的切达20%;氢化大豆油6%;卡拉胶0.25%;变性淀粉0.625%;黄原胶0.125%;焦磷酸钠1.0%;六偏磷酸钠0.5%.该配方下制备的耐高温再制干酪进行微波和煎炸测试,具有优良的耐高温性能.  相似文献   

Due to the increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity and their associated health problems, the demand for low-calorie and low-fat foods is growing worldwide, especially in the fast food and convenience sectors. However, fat- or calorie-reduced products are often accompanied by sensory deficiencies. Although fat reduction in foods has been addressed in literature, an ideal fat replacer has not been identified due to the variety of fats, their multifarious functions in foods, and the wide range of food products. The aim of this work was to investigate the influence of selected fat replacers on the properties of reduced-fat model emulsion systems and processed cheese. The use of dietary fibers as fat replacers was of particular interest due to their intrinsic health benefits. In addition, both new and established methods of measurement of sensory attributes were applied and compared to determine correlations of findings between different methods of measurement. Chapter 1 addresses the influence of fat replacers on attributes such as energy density, flowability, and firmness in a real food product, processed cheese. To this end, microparticulated whey protein (MWP), which has been widely used as a fat replacer, and three dietary fibers (corn dextrin (CD), inulin, and polydextrose), were used in reduced-fat processed cheese slices. A reduction in energy density of about 30 to 40% was achieved using a fat replacer compared to standard commercial full-fat processed cheese. Higher CD and inulin concentrations reduced the flowability of the cheese slices upon heating, but only had a minor impact on the firmness of the unheated cheese. The addition of MWP resulted in firmer cheese slices with higher flowability compared to the other fat replacers. However, changes in the MWP concentration had little effect on either property. The results demonstrated that different fat replacers with varying concentrations need to be applied to achieve desired attributes for specific conditions of use, e.g., unheated cheese in sandwiches or heated cheese in cheeseburgers. To evaluate newly developed reduced-fat foods, the impact of fat replacers on sensory properties and aroma release also needs to be investigated, which is addressed in chapters 2 to 4. Due to the complex composition of cheese, systematic investigation of the mode of action of fat replacers is difficult. Therefore, emulsion-based model foods were used to eliminate interfering factors and natural variations of ingredients. The second study (chapter 2) focused on developing and validating appropriate methods to investigate the effects of fat, fat reduction and the use of fat replacers on emulsion systems. Tribology, a comparatively new method in food research, was used to instrumentally analyze selected aspects of food mouthfeel. Reduced-fat salad mayonnaises were prepared as separate samples containing different CD concentrations, and characterized using textural, rheological and tribological analyses together with measures of spreadability and human-sensory analysis. The results showed a very high correlation between tribological measurements and the sensory evaluation of the attribute stickiness. In addition, it was shown that some correlations between instrumental and sensory data were best described by a non-linear correlation (Stevens’ power law), such as the relationship between Texture Analyzer measurements and sensory sensations of firmness. Furthermore, the Kokini oral shear stress correlated very well with the sensory attribute creaminess. Hence, the instrumental analytical methods used showed the potential to predict elements of the sensory analysis and reduce the overall analytical effort. While aroma release plays a key role in consumer acceptance, the influence of fat replacers on this attribute has rarely been studied. The third study (chapter 3) therefore investigated not only techno-functional properties but also the release of typical cheese aromas using a liquid emulsion as a model food. While both MWP and CD exhibited a retarding effect on the release of lipophilic aroma compounds, MWP also reduced the release of hydrophilic aroma compounds. It was also shown that aroma release is not only influenced by a change in viscosity, but also by interactions between aroma compounds and fat replacers. In this context, CD exhibited a similar ability to interact with aroma compounds as fat, which is desirable for the development of low-fat foods. In the final study (chapter 4), the findings and methods developed in chapters 1-3 of this work, supplemented with additional methods, were used to investigate the effect of fat reduction and CD concentration on a model processed cheese spread (PCS). By replacing 50% of fat completely with CD, the fat content of the PCS could be reduced without causing any significant changes in properties compared to the full-fat version, e.g. in firmness, flowability upon heating and aroma release. CD was determined to be a promising fat replacer, mimicking important properties of fat. Additional correlations, such as those between the parameters of Winter's critical gel theory (gel strength and interaction factor) and spreadability and lubrication properties were identified and can help to further reduce the analytical effort. In conclusion, CD has been confirmed as a promising fat replacer in both liquid and semi-solid food emulsion products. Furthermore, this work contributes to closing the research gap in the instrumental measurement of sensory attributes by outlining correlations, for example, between tribological methods and mouthfeel sensations. Thus, the evaluation tools of this work can help to assess the potential applications of new fat replacers without extensive application and sensory testing which significantly shortens the development time for food manufacturers. In addition, the results contribute to a better understanding of the interactions between fat, fat replacers and aroma compounds in food matrices. This facilitates the systematic development of reduced-fat processed cheese and other dairy- and emulsion-based products which meet consumer preferences and accelerate the trend towards healthy eating.  相似文献   

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