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Carbonate buildups in the Flinders Ranges of mid-Early Cambrian age grew during a period of high archaeocyath diversity and are of two types: (1) low-energy, archaeocyath-sponge-spicule mud mounds, and (2) high-energy, archaeocyath-calcimicrobe (calcified microbial microfossil) bioherms. Mud mounds are composed of red carbonate mudstone and sparse to abundant archaeocyath floatstone, have a fenestral fabric, display distinct stromatactis, contain abundant sponge spicules and form structures up to 150m wide and 80 m thick. Bioherms are either red or dark grey limestone and occur as isolated small structures 2–20 m in size surrounded by cross-bedded calcarenites and calcirudites or as complexes of mounds and carbonate sands several hundreds of metres across. Red bioherms comprise masses of white Epiphyton with scattered archaeocyaths and intervening areas of archaeocyath-rich lime mudstone. Grey bioherms are complex intergrowths of archaeocyaths, encrusting dark grey Renalcis and thick rinds of fibrous calcite cement. The bioherms were prone to synsedimentary fracturing and exhibit large irregular cavities, up to 1.5 m across, lined with fibrous calcite. The buildups are isolated or in contiguous vertical succession. Mud mounds occur alone in low-energy, frequently nodular, limestone facies. Individual bioherms and bioherm complexes occur in high-energy on-shelf and shelf-margin facies. The two types also form large-scale, shallowing-upward sequences composed of basal (deep water) mud mounds grading upward into archaeocyath-calcimicrobe bioherm complexes and bioherms in cross-bedded carbonate sands. The uppermost sequence is capped by ooid grainstone and/ or fenestral to stromatolitic mudstone. The calcimicrobe and metazoan associations form the two major biotic elements which were to dominate reefs throughout much of subsequent Phanerozoic time.  相似文献   

A detailed sedimentological and chronostratigraphic analysis of the Umberatana Group in the northern Adelaide Geosyncline has uncovered a depositional history involving the rapid progradation (at least 20 km) of a giant reef complex (up to 1.1 km relief) during mid-Cryogenian interglacial times. The reef complex, which occurs in the Balcanoona Formation, displays facies similar to Phanerozoic reefs. These include a basal forereef (slope) facies, overlain by a reef-margin facies (consisting of both stromatolitic and non-stromatolitic frameworks), and an upper backreef (platform) facies consisting of shallow-water peloidal and oolitic carbonate. The thickening of the reef complex in a basinward direction, and the distribution of the key facies are consistent with the progradation of the platform into deep water. Progradation was contemporaneous with deposition of the upper Tapley Hill Formation and had largely ceased after a major margin failure event. Following this event, reef growth continued for a short time before becoming extinct, possibly as a result of global climatic cooling and/or eustatic sea-level fall.  相似文献   

A set of Palaeozoic diopside–titanite veins are present in Mesoproterozoic metagranites and metasediments that constitute the basement (Mt Painter Inlier) of the Adelaide Fold Belt (South Australia). These massive veins (up to 1 m) of pegmatitic nature contain large crystals of diopside, LREE–Y-enriched titanite (up to 40 cm in length) and minor amounts of quartz. They can be used to trace the system’s development from a high-temperature magmatic stage through to a massive hydrothermal event. The pegmatitic origin of these veins is evident from a complex fluid-melt inclusion assemblage, consisting of a highly saline inhomogeneous fluid and relicts of melt. Immiscibility of melt and heterogeneous highly saline fluids (exceeding 61 eq. mass% NaCl) is preserved in primary inclusions in diopside and secondary inclusions in titanite, indicating relatively shallow conditions of formation (510 ± 20°C and 130 ± 10 MPa). Graphic intergrowth of diopside and albite occurs at the contact with granitic pegmatites. The system evolved into hydrothermal conditions, which can be deduced from a later population of only fluid inclusions (homogeneous and less saline, ≈ 40 eq. mass% NaCl), trapped around 350 ± 20°C and 80 ± 10 MPa. During quartz crystallization, the conditions moved across the halite liquidus resulting in a heterogeneous mixture of brine and halite crystals, which were trapped at 200 ± 20°C and 50 ± 10 MPa. Brecciation and a palaeo-geothermal system overprinted the pegmatitic veins with an epithermal hematite–quartz assemblage and lesser amounts of bladed calcite and fluorite, in an intermittently boiling hydrothermal system of fairly pure H2O at 100–140°C and 1–5 MPa. Remobilization of LREEs and Y from titanite and/or the granitic host rock is evidenced by precipitation of apatite, allanite and wakefieldite in an intermediate stage. Occasional incorporation of radioactive elements or minerals, presumably U-rich, in the fluorite is responsible for radiolysis of H2O to H2.  相似文献   

Analyses of major oxides and some trace elements (Ga, Rb, Sr, and B) were carried out on 25 samples of tillite matrix materials of the major Late Precambrian glacial episode in South Australia. The results indicate the dominantly granitic nature of the source rocks and suggest deposition under marine glacial conditions.  相似文献   

Magmatism,metamorphism and metasomatism in the Palaeoproterozoic‐Mesoproterozoic Mt Painter Inlier and overlying Neoproterozoic Adelaidean rocks in the northern Flinders Ranges (South Australia) have previously been interpreted as resulting from the ca 500 Ma Delamerian Orogeny. New Rb–Sr, Sm–Nd and U–Pb data, as well as structural analysis,indicate that the area also experienced a second thermal event in the Late Ordovician (ca 440 Ma). The Delamerian Orogeny resulted in large‐scale folding, prograde metamorphism and minor magmatic activity in the form of a small volume of pegmatites and leucogranites. The Late Ordovician event produced larger volumes of granite (the British Empire Granite in the core of the inlier) and these show Nd isotopic evidence for a mantle component. The high‐temperature stage of this magmatic‐hydrothermal event also gave rise to unusual diopside‐titanite veins and the primary uranium mineralisation in the basement, of which the remobilisation was younger than 3.5 Ma. It is possible that parts of the Mt Gee quartz‐hematite epithermal system developed during the waning stages of the Late Ordovician event. We suggest that the Ordovician hydrothermal system was also the cause of the commonly observed retrogression of Delamerian metamorphic minerals (cordierite, andalusite) and the widespread development of actinolite, scapolite, tremolite and magnetite in the cover sequences. Deformation during the Late Ordovician was brittle. The recognition of the Late Ordovician magmatic‐hydrothermal event in the Mt Painter Province might help to link the tectonic evolution of central Australia and the southeast Australian Lachlan Fold Belt.  相似文献   

In the northern Flinders Ranges, Neoproterozoic and Cambrian sedimentary rocks were deformed and variably metamorphosed during the ca 500 Ma Cambro‐Ordovician Delamerian Orogeny. Balanced and restored structural sections across the northern Flinders Ranges show shortening of about 10–20%. Despite the presence of suitable evaporitic detachment horizons at the basement‐cover interface, the structural style is best interpreted to be thick‐skinned involving basement with only a minor proportion of the overall shortening accommodated along stratigraphically controlled detachments. Much of the contractional deformation was localised by the inversion of former extensional faults such as the Norwest and Paralana Faults, which both controlled the deposition of Neoproterozoic cover successions. As such, both faults represent major, long‐lived structures which effectively define the present boundaries of the northern Flinders Ranges with the Gawler Craton to the west and the Curnamona Craton to the east. The most intense deformation, which resulted in exhumation of the basement along the Paralana Fault to form the Mt Painter and Babbage Inliers, coincides with extremely high heat flows related to extraordinarily high heat‐production rates in the basement rocks. High heat flow in the northern Flinders Ranges suggests that the structural style not only reflects the pre‐Delamerian basin architecture but is also a consequence of the reactivation of thermally perturbed, weakened basement.  相似文献   

Four distinct sedimentary facies have been recognized within the upper Precambrian Nuccaleena Formation in the central Flinders Ranges of South Australia. Three dolomite facies, containing tepee structures within either well‐laminated or stromatolitic dolomite, were deposited within supratidal and intertidal environments, whilst an interbedded shale and dolomite facies originated under very shallow submerged conditions.  相似文献   

The central and northern parts of the Adelaide fold belt in the Flinders Ranges, South Australia, consist of a sequence of Neo-Proterozoic–Cambrian sediments overlying a Meso-Proterozoic basement complex, both of which were mildly deformed in an intracratonic setting during the 500 Ma Delamerian orogeny. The fold belt lies within a prominent heat flow anomaly (average heat flows of 90 mWm−2) reflecting extraordinary enrichments in heat producing elements in the Meso-Proterozoic basement, suggesting that anomalous thermal regimes may have been significant in localising Delamerian deformation. However, spatial variations in deformation intensity correlate more closely with variations in the thickness of the sedimentary sequence than with observed variations in heat flow, suggesting that the thickness of the sedimentary blanket plays a crucial role in localising Delamerian deformation during basin inversion. We use simple numerical models of lithospheric strength to investigate the potential role of sedimentary thickness variations on the distribution and style of deformation, focussing on the impact of a variable thickness sediment pile deposited above a ‘radioactive’ basement. We show that for thermal parameters appropriate to the Flinders Ranges, Moho temperatures may vary by 25–30°C for every additional kilometre of sediment. For a ‘Brace–Goetze’ lithospheric rheology, controlled by a combination of temperature-dependent creep processes and frictional sliding, the observed variations in thickness of the sedimentary pile are sufficient to cause dramatic reductions in the vertically-integrated strength of the lithosphere (by many orders of magnitude), thereby providing a plausible explanation for observed correlation between sediment thickness and deformation intensity during basin inversion.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(3):975-982
The morphology of Isoxys auritus Jiang, 1982 is reinterpreted in the light of abundant new specimens from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang biota, South China. I. auritus was a bivalved arthropod, its shield armed with two cardinal spines sub-equal in length. Two morphotypes (shield with and without ornamentation) which are of several original differences were interpreted as sexual dimorphs. 81 specimens examined here, which range between 4.8 mm and 47.0 mm, represent a successive developmental sequence. The earliest stages were characterized by short cardinal spines, large spherical eyes, a pair of elongated antennulae, and seven pairs of post-antennular appendages. The slim antennula is uniramous, consisting of nine articles, each armed with short spines. It differs from that of great appendage and lacks any grasping function. During the ontogeny, the body length increases, accompanied by addition of trunk somites and appearance of primary reticulated ornaments, and both cardinal spines become evident. In the fully grown adult, there are up to 11 pairs of post-antennular appendages, equipped with the stout endopod composed of 6 or 7 podomeres lacking endites, and a terminal claw; the paddle shaped exopod is fringed with long setae along its posterior margin. Secondary reticulation of the shield has developed inside each primary one; the cardinal spines more elongated; and the ratio of length to height of shield increases. However, the size of eye and antennula relative to the body length significantly decreases. Accordingly, intraspecific variation, including sexual dimorphs and developmental change, is evident in I. auritus. Recognizing such differences is important for detecting possible synonymies in the genus. Furthermore, the ontogenetic changes of I. auritus described here, particularly the postembryonic segment addition and possible allometric growth may also improve our understanding of development of Cambrian arthropods in Burgess-shale type preservation, especially those possessing such a large shield.  相似文献   

Definition of early Cambrian chronostratigraphic boundaries is problematic with many subdivisions still awaiting ratification. Integrated multi-proxy data from well-resolved regional-scale schemes are ultimately the key to resolving broader issues of global correlation within the Cambrian. In Australia, early Cambrian biostratigraphy has been based predominantly on trilobites. Phosphatic shelly fauna have great potential as biostratigraphic tools, especially in pre-trilobitic strata because they are widespread and readily preserved, but they have remained underutilised. Here we demonstrate their value in a new biostratigraphic scheme for the early Cambrian of South Australia using a diverse shelly fauna including tommotiids, brachiopods, molluscs and bradoriids.Biostratigraphic data are derived from ten measured stratigraphic sections across the Arrowie Basin, targeting Hawker Group carbonates including the Wilkawillina, Wirrapowie and Ajax limestones and the Mernmerna Formation. The stratigraphic ranges of shelly fossils are predictable and repeatable across the Arrowie Basin, allowing three discrete shelly biozones to be identified, spanning Terreneuvian, Stage 2 to Series 2, Stages 3–4. The Kulparina rostrata Zone (new) and part of the overlying Micrina etheridgei Zone (new) are pre-trilobitic (predominantly Terreneuvian). The Cambrian Series 2, Stage 3 Dailyatia odyssei Zone (new) features a very diverse shelly fauna and will be described in detail in a separate publication. These zones provide robust means to correlate Terreneuvian–Series 2 successions in neighbouring coeval basins in Australia, particularly the Stansbury Basin. Wider correlation is possible throughout East Gondwana, and especially with South China.  相似文献   


A U–Pb zircon age of 1762 ± 11 Ma is reported for granite gneiss located on Flinders Island, South Australia. This age is identical, within analytical uncertainty, to a previously reported age for schists of the Price Metasediments located 100 km to the southeast on the southwestern coast of the Eyre Peninsula. The outcrop represents the only known country rock to the Early Mesoproterozoic Calca Granite (Hiltaba Suite) of Flinders Island, the largest island of the Investigator Group of islands, in the southwestern Gawler Craton. The stratigraphic name Investigator Granite Gneiss is proposed for this rock unit. The discovery of the Investigator Granite Gneiss now considerably increases the extent of known Late Palaeoproterozoic rocks on the eastern side of the peninsula. The outcrop was previously included with the considerably younger St Peter Suite granite‐monzogranite, and grouped together with other islands in the Investigator Group. This new dating suggests that the geology on the other islands may require revision. For the first time, detailed major and trace‐element geochemistry is supplied for the granite gneiss on Flinders Island.  相似文献   

Early Cambrian univalve molluscs are predominantly represented by microscopic forms (body length of 1–3 mm), preserved mainly as phosphatised internal moulds with limited definable features. Macromolluscs (≥ 5 mm) are generally rare, occur in low abundance and are poorly preserved, often lacking apical features and ornament which hinders taxonomic assessment. New and previously undescribed material from lower Cambrian Hawker Group carbonates of the Flinders Ranges in South Australia includes four new taxa, Minastirithella silivreni gen. et sp. nov., Galeacalvus coronarius gen. et sp. nov., Helcionella histosia sp. nov., and Ilsanella enallaxa sp. nov. Three-dimensional silicified shell material preserved with intact apices offers new insight into protoconch morphology, growth habit (isometric vs. allometric) and developmental mode. This material supports previous suggestions that some micromollusc taxa may in fact be early ontogenetic stages (juveniles) of larger macroscopic taxa; such that the millimetric size range of helcionelloids conforms to the dimensions of earliest apical portion in some macromolluscs documented herein. However, taphonomic limitations associated with phosphatisation show that the morphology (especially height vs. width) of the apex can greatly influence the probability of steinkern formation and preservation potential for both micro- and macro-scale helcionelloids. Artificial inflation in the appearance of millimetric helcionelloids with an optimal morphology for phosphatisation is thus directly linked to taphonomic biases in the fossil record.  相似文献   

The late Ediacaran Billy Springs Formation is a little‐studied, mudstone‐dominated unit deposited in the Adelaide Rift Complex of South Australia. Sediments are exposed in an approximately 11 km × 15 km synclinal structure interpreted as a salt‐withdrawal minibasin. The stratigraphic succession is characterized by convolute‐laminated slump deposits, rhythmically laminated silty mudstones, rare diamictites and fining‐upward turbidite lithofacies. Lithofacies are the product of deposition in a deepwater slope or shelf setting, representing one of the few such examples preserved within the larger basin. Although exact correlations with other formations are unclear, the Billy Springs Formation probably represents the distal portion of a highstand systems tract, and is overlain by coarser sediments of the upper Pound Subgroup. Diamictite intervals are interpreted to be the product of mass flow processes originating from nearby emergent diapirs, in contrast to previous studies that suggest a glacial origin for extrabasinal clasts. Within the spectrum of outcropping minibasins around the world, the sediments described here are unique in their dominantly fine‐grained nature and overall lithological homogeneity. Exposures such as these provide an opportunity to better understand the sedimentological processes that operate in these environments, and provide an analogue for similar settings in the subsurface that act as hydrocarbon reservoir‐trap systems.  相似文献   

Recent studies undertaken at Saint-Acheul in the Somme Valley (France) have provided an opportunity to recover malacological assemblages from a tufa deposit located at the top of a Middle Pleistocene fluvial sequence. Molluscan communities are rich and, although dominated by open grassland species, contain up to 23 forest taxa. This high diversity of thermophilous molluscs allows the recognition of fully temperate climatic conditions. Moreover, the occurrence of an extinct zonitid belonging to the genus Retinella (Lyrodiscus), along with several species beyond their modern range (Platyla polita, Ena montana, Ruthenica filograna Clausilia pumila, Clausilia dubia, Macrogastra ventricosa, Perforatella bidentata, Monachoides incarnatus, Belgrandia marginata, Hygromia limbata) allows correlation of the Saint-Acheul assemblage with malacofaunas recovered in other MIS 11 tufa deposits from the Somme and Seine valleys. This age attribution is reinforced at Saint-Acheul by stratigraphy and an ESR date on quartz of 403±73 kyr from the underlying fluvial deposits. In addition, old collections containing R. (Lyrodiscus) specimens have been rediscovered, allowing taxonomic reassessment of the species. This shows that Retinella (Lyrodiscus) skertchlyi Kerney, 1976 is a junior synonym of Retinella (Lyrodiscus) elephantium (Bourguignat, 1869) and that at least two extinct species of R. (Lyrodiscus) occurred in western Europe during the Quaternary. Finally, reappraisal of these French molluscan assemblages shows that they are similar to British malacofaunas of Hoxnian age. These new results strengthen the uniqueness and biostratigraphical value of the 'Lyrodiscus assemblage'.  相似文献   

The Kanmantoo Group of South Australia is a thick (~7–8 km) succession of predominantly clastic marine sedimentary and metasedimentary rocks that were deposited very rapidly in a localised basin (Kanmantoo Trough) during the Early Cambrian. Despite structural complexity and varying grades of metamorphism, a surprising amount of primary sedimentological information is still available. Although a variety of depositional facies are represented, the group is dominated by parallel, sharp‐based, mineralogically immature sandstone interbedded with mudstone. The sandstone beds are most commonly fine to medium grained, massive and lacking in obvious grading except at the top. Single beds often reach several metres in thickness and amalgamation of beds is not uncommon. We argue that these sandstone beds could be the products of sustained high‐density turbidity currents. Triggering mechanisms for such turbidity currents remain uncertain, but they may have been initiated as hyperpycnal flows during catastrophic flood events at the mouths of high‐load‐capacity rivers, or from the failure of unstable buildups of sediment on delta slopes. Palaeocurrent studies from sole marks suggest a southerly source, which was probably an active orogenic terrain in formerly contiguous Antarctica. It is likely that a major delta complex lay at the southern end of the basin.  相似文献   

Exceptionally preserved Mesozoic feathered dinosaur fossils (including birds) are famous, but recognized from only very few localities worldwide, and are especially rare in the Southern Hemisphere. Here we report an assemblage of non-avian and avian dinosaur feathers from an Early Cretaceous polar (around 70°S) environment in what is now southeastern Australia. The recovered remains incorporate small (10–30 mm long) basal paravian-like tufted body feathers, open-vaned contour feathers, and asymmetrical bird-like wing feathers that possess high-angled barbs with possible remnants of barbicels — amongst the geologically oldest observed to date. Such morphological diversity augments scant skeletal evidence for a range of insulated non-avian theropods and birds inhabiting extreme southern high-latitude settings during the Mesozoic. Although some of these fossil feathers exhibit what may be residual patterning, most are uniformly toned and preserve rod-shaped microbodies, as well as densely-packed microbody imprints on the barbules that are structurally consistent with eumelanosomes. Geochemical analysis detected no identifiable residual biomolecules, which we suspect were lost via hydrolysis and oxidization during diagenesis and weathering. Nevertheless, an originally dark pigmentation can be reasonably inferred from these melanic traces, which like the coloured feathers of modern birds, might have facilitated crypsis, visual communication and/or thermoregulation in a cold polar habitat.  相似文献   

刺胞动物是华南寒武纪早期海洋生态系统的重要组成部分,针对这类化石的研究有助于深入了解寒武纪多幕式爆发事件。本文主要根据寒武纪早期扬子板块陕南宽川铺生物群、湖北岩家河生物群以及澄江生物群产出的刺胞动物,探讨刺胞动物在寒武纪早期的演化框架,取得了以下初步认识。截至目前,所发现的寒武纪早期刺胞动物绝大多数都属于水母超纲,珊瑚纲的化石记录在寒武系幸运阶、第二阶保存较为罕见。其中寒武系幸运阶刺胞动物的化石记录全部属于底栖类型,体型小,且具有多种类型的身体辐射对称形式,绝大多数类型可以确定属于直接发育。第二阶刺胞动物仍以底栖固着类型为主,体形增大,仅见两、四辐射对称形式;而寒武系第三阶刺胞动物仍有底栖固着类型,但游泳的水母开始出现,体型增大明显,代表水母冠群的出现,以及世代交替的复杂生命周期的正式建立。从幸运阶到第三阶刺胞动物体型明显增大,可能与海水氧气含量增加有关。在寒武纪大爆发的背景下,刺胞动物的分异度和丰度在寒武系幸运阶就已经达到顶峰,然后在第二阶、第三阶开始衰减,这种变化可能与两侧对称动物辐射演化有关。华南刺胞动物的化石记录表明,寒武纪大爆发并非纯粹的一幕式爆发,其中充斥着一系列生物群的替代甚至灭绝事件。  相似文献   

The lower Cambrian (Series 2) Emu Bay Shale biota, found at Big Gully on the north coast of Kangaroo Island, South Australia, is by far the richest Burgess Shale-type (BST) fauna in the southern hemisphere. While the trace element geochemistry of the host shale shows it accumulated beneath an oxic water column, this appears difficult to reconcile with the exceptional preservation of organs such as gut glands, muscles and eyes in some of its fauna. Micro-scale sealed vessel (MSSV) pyrolysis of kerogen isolated from a solvent extracted sample of fossiliferous Emu Bay Shale provided independent confirmation of its redox status and also implicated cyanobacteria in the preservation of its fauna. Thermal extraction and pyrolysis each yielded alkanes displaying a low ratio of pristane to phytane (pr/ph = 1) and n-alkanes with a marked odd/even predominance in the <C20 range. The latter molecular signature is diagnostic of Gloeocapsomorpha prisca and is the first indication that mats of this or a similar coccoid cyanobacterium were involved in the taphonomy of a BST deposit. Hopanes (including 2-methylhopanes) are far more abundant than steranes and the shale’s bulk organic matter has δ13C values in the range −32‰ to −28‰, providing further evidence of the cyanobacterial affinity of its microbial biomass. Thus mat-forming cyanophytes, rather than sulfur-oxidising bacteria, may have played a key role in maintaining a sharp redox boundary at the sediment-water interface during deposition of the Emu Bay Shale Lagerstätte, thereby enabling the survival of soft body parts within its fossil fauna for long enough to permit inorganic replication of their fine detail during late diagenesis.  相似文献   

Hexangulaconulariids, an extinct family of medusozoan small shelly fossils (SSFs), were a conspicuous component of early Cambrian, shallow marine platform communities in South China. Described herein is Septuconularia crassiformis sp. nov. from Bed 5 of the Yanjiahe Formation (Cambrian Stage 2) in the Three Gorges area of Hubei Province. The new species differs from the type and only other known species, S. yanjiaheensis, in the shape of the abapical portion and in the degree of curvature of the adapertural margin. The anatomy of the apical portion of the new species is unknown. The diagnosis of the genus Septuconularia is emended and the spatio-temporal distribution of hexangulaconulariids in South China is summarized. Finally, S. yanjiaheensis, with its slit-like aperture and very narrow transverse cross-section, may have been better adapted to the shallow platform environment than the broader S. crassiformis, which appears to have been less common than the type species.  相似文献   

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