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Towards an understanding of the biological function of histone acetylation   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
P Loidl 《FEBS letters》1988,227(2):91-95

Towards an understanding of the arginine-aspartate interaction.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have made a comparison of the geometries of intra- and intermolecular arginine-aspartate interactions by extracting orientation information from protein co-ordinate data. The results show a pronounced difference, with both types of interaction preferring to form twin N-H . . . O = C hydrogen bonds, but involving different nitrogen atoms. In intramolecular interactions, the aspartate favours a "side on" geometry, forming hydrogen bonds with N epsilon and N eta 2; in the intermolecular case, however, "end on" contacts involving N eta 1 and N eta 2 of the arginine are preferred. We have used Distributed Multipole Analysis of the methylguanidinium-acetate system to model the electrostatic component of the arginine-aspartate ion pair interaction in vacuo. We find, in agreement with the experimental arginine-aspartate distribution, that side on and end on doubly N-H . . . O = C hydrogen-bonded configurations are clearly the most favourable, with the side on being marginally lower in energy. Thus, despite the many competing side-chain interactions in proteins, many arginine-aspartate pairs adopt one of the minimum electrostatic energy conformations, or one close to a minimum. Within each of the two regions (side on and end on) we find only a small energy gap between the "symmetric" doubly hydrogen-bonded and slightly displaced "staggered" structures, again in agreement with the crystal structure data. Further calculations of the total ab initio interaction energy show that this follows the electrostatic term in its orientational variation, this phenomenon of "electrostatic domination" being well known in hydrogen-bonded systems. The end on arginine nitrogen atoms are observed to be more surface-exposed than N epsilon, as demonstrated by their greater accessibilities over a large sample of proteins. This helps explain the side on and end on preferences of intra- and intermolecular interactions, respectively. We also note the effect of short sequence intervals, particularly i in equilibrium with i + 2 relationships, in forcing many intramolecular contacts to be side on.  相似文献   

The changes in the contents of cyclic AMP, cyclic GMP, ATP, ADP, AMP and fructose-2,6-bisphosphate that occur in the mantle tissue of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Lmk were analysed with regard to the annual gametogenic cycle. Throughout 2 years, the lowest contents of AMP, ADP and ATP were detected during late winter-spring, whereas the maximum appeared in the autumn months. During the second year, fructose-2,6-bisphosphate and cAMP showed a very similar behaviour. The levels of both compounds rose throughout the year until a maximum in September. Their behaviour was also similar to that observed during the first year, but displaced in time. Both in 1998 and in 1999, the highest level of cGMP was detected during the spring-summer months. The results obtained suggest that the glycolytic pathway, with regard to the breeding cycle, might be regulated by fructose-2,6-bisphosphate and cyclic AMP through the activation of 6-phosphofructo-1-kinase, which is the main regulating enzyme of the glycolysis in mantle of M. galloprovincialis.  相似文献   

We examined the role of the microtubule cytoskeleton during vaccinia virus infection. We found that newly assembled virus particles accumulate in the vicinity of the microtubule-organizing centre in a microtubule- and dynein-dynactin complex-dependent fashion. Microtubules are required for efficient intracellular mature virus (IMV) formation and are essential for intracellular enveloped virus (IEV) assembly. As infection proceeds, the microtubule cytoskeleton becomes dramatically reorganized in a fashion reminiscent of overexpression of microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs). Consistent with this, we report that the vaccinia proteins A10L and L4R have MAP-like properties and mediate direct binding of viral cores to microtubules in vitro. In addition, vaccinia infection also results in severe reduction of proteins at the centrosome and loss of centrosomal microtubule nucleation efficiency. This represents the first example of viral-induced disruption of centrosome function. Further studies with vaccinia will provide insights into the role of microtubules during viral pathogenesis and regulation of centrosome function.  相似文献   

Towards an understanding of photosynthetic acclimation   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
It has long been recognized that higher plants vary the composition and organization of the photosynthetic apparatus in response to the prevailing environmental conditions, with particular attention being paid to the responses to incident light. Under high light conditions there are increases in the amounts of photosystems, electron transport and ATP synthase complexes, and enzymes of the Calvin-Benson cycle; conversely, under low light there is an increase in the relative amounts of light-harvesting complexes (LHC) and in the stacking of thylakoid membranes to form grana. It is believed that these changes are of adaptive significance, and in a few instances evidence has been provided that this is indeed the case; an increase in photosynthetic capacity reduces susceptibility to photodamage, while changes in photosystem stoichiometry serve to optimize light utilization. By contrast, the potential benefit to the plant of other changes in chloroplast composition, such as in the levels of LHC, is far less clear. It is also believed that redox signals derived from photosynthetic electron transport play an important regulatory role in acclimation. However, while there is convincing evidence that such redox signals modulate the expression of many plastidic and nuclear genes encoding photosynthetic components, there is little to demonstrate that such changes are responsible for regulating chloroplast composition. This review discusses the evidence that particular aspects of acclimation are advantageous to the plant, and highlights the significant gaps in our understanding of the mechanisms underlying acclimation.  相似文献   

Changes in the shape and structural organization of the cell nucleus occur during many fundamental processes including development, differentiation and aging. In many of these processes, the cell responds to physical forces by altering gene expression within the nucleus. How the nucleus itself senses and responds to such mechanical cues is not well understood. In addition to these external forces, epigenetic modifications of chromatin structure inside the nucleus could also alter its physical properties. To achieve a better understanding, we need to elucidate the relationship between nuclear structure and material properties. Recently, new approaches have been developed to systematically investigate nuclear mechanical properties. These experiments provide important new insights into the disease mechanism of a growing class of tissue-specific disorders termed 'nuclear envelopathies'. Here we review our current understanding of what determines the shape and mechanical properties of the cell nucleus.  相似文献   

Towards an understanding of ABP1   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Numerous fluorescent marker lines are currently available to visualize microtubule(MT)architecture and dynamics in living plant cells, such as markers expressing p35S::GFP-MBD or p35S::GFP-TUB6.However, these MT marker lines display obvious defects that affect plant growth or produce unstable fluorescent signals. Here, a series of new marker lines were developed, including the pTUB6::VisGreen-TUB6-expressing line in which TUB6 is under the control of its endogenous regulatory elements and e GFP is replaced with VisGreen, a brighter fluorescent protein. Moreover, two different markers were combined into one expression vector and developed two dual-marker lines.These marker lines produce bright, stable fluorescent signals in various tissues, and greatly shorten the screening process for generating dual-marker lines.These new marker lines provide a novel resource for MT research.  相似文献   

Despite their importance in cell shape and polarity generation, the organization of microtubules in differentiated cells and tissues remains relatively unexplored in mammals. We generated transgenic mice in which the epidermis expresses a fluorescently labeled microtubule-binding protein and show that in epidermis and in cultured keratinocytes, microtubules stereotypically reorganize as they differentiate. In basal cells, microtubules form a cytoplasmic network emanating from an apical centrosome. In suprabasal cells, microtubules concentrate at cell-cell junctions. The centrosome retains its ability to nucleate microtubules in differentiated cells, but no longer anchors them. During epidermal differentiation, ninein, which is a centrosomal protein required for microtubule anchoring (Dammermann, A., and A. Merdes. 2002. J. Cell Biol. 159:255-266; Delgehyr, N., J. Sillibourne, and M. Bornens. 2005. J. Cell Sci. 118:1565-1575; Mogensen, M.M., A. Malik, M. Piel, V. Bouckson-Castaing, and M. Bornens. 2000. J. Cell Sci. 113:3013-3023), is lost from the centrosome and is recruited to desmosomes by desmoplakin (DP). Loss of DP prevents accumulation of cortical microtubules in vivo and in vitro. Our work uncovers a differentiation-specific rearrangement of the microtubule cytoskeleton in epidermis, and defines an essential role for DP in the process.  相似文献   

There is a certain measure of perplexity concerning the significance of endopolyploidy. It seems that this results from a narrow frame of reference from which investigators view the phenomenon; that is, a predilection for emphasizing the specialized functional aspect of endopolyploidy as it operates in species at the present time overrides any consideration of the rôle that this state may play in the life of a species in its encounter with the forces of natural selection either in the past or in the future.There does not seem to be any obvious relationship between the degree of endopolyploidy that a species can exhibit and either its basic DNA content or the structure of its nucleus. The significance of endopolyploidy may reside not so much in any specialized function that the condition can support, but rather in the properties that are consequent upon the endopolyploid condition itself and which are distinct from those that apply to diploid cells. Some of the properties of the endopolyploid state, and examples of their manifestation in plants and animals, are discussed. The conclusion is that these properties have a potential that opens possibilities for new paths of development and serves as a factor upon which natural selection can operate.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: SYTO probes are gaining momentum as reliable and easy to use markers of apoptotic cell death, but the phenomenon underlying reduced SYTO fluorescence in apoptotic cells as compared with normal cells is still not fully elucidated. Herein, we attempt to provide further insights into mechanisms of reduced SYTO16 fluorescence during apoptosis. METHODS: Human follicular lymphoma cell lines were subjected to diverse apoptotic and oncotic stimuli with subsequent multiparametric flow cytometric and fluorescence imaging analysis. SYTO green (SYTO11-16), TMRM, PI, 7AAD, and Hoechst 33342 probes were applied for multivariate analysis of temporal sequence of apoptotic events. Sorting of cells differing in the level of SYTO16 fluorescence and subsequent characterization of obtained subpopulations were also performed. RESULTS: Loss of SYTO16 fluorescence (SYTOlow/PI+ events) has been observed in cells exposed to oncotic stimuli, whereas SYTOhigh/PI+ events did not prevail at any treatment scenario. We tracked similarities and discrepancies between SYTO16 and TMRM probes. Often, SYTO16 and TMRM exhibited the same staining profiles, as loss of their fluorescence was detected in a single cell population. However, both mitochondrial uncoupler FCCP and a small-molecule Bcl-2 inhibitor, HA14-1, appeared to induce distinct staining profiles of SYTO16 and TMRM, with the decrease in TMRM fluorescence preceding the loss of SYTO16 fluorescence. Importantly, in both cases (FCCP and HA14-1) the decrease of SYTO16 fluorescence was blocked by pharmacological inhibition of caspases (with z-VAD-fmk). CONCLUSIONS: The data demonstrate that loss of SYTO16 is caspase-dependent, as is not a mere indicator of Deltapsim dissipation. Commonly observed similarities between SYTO and TMRM may stem from the fast kinetics of apoptotic events once cell death is initiated.  相似文献   

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Soil is one of the most biodiverse terrestrial habitats. Yet, we lack an integrative conceptual framework for understanding the patterns and mechanisms driving soil biodiversity. One of the underlying reasons for our poor understanding of soil biodiversity patterns relates to whether key biodiversity theories (historically developed for aboveground and aquatic organisms) are applicable to patterns of soil biodiversity. Here, we present a systematic literature review to investigate whether and how key biodiversity theories (species–energy relationship, theory of island biogeography, metacommunity theory, niche theory and neutral theory) can explain observed patterns of soil biodiversity. We then discuss two spatial compartments nested within soil at which biodiversity theories can be applied to acknowledge the scale‐dependent nature of soil biodiversity.  相似文献   

Towards an understanding of position effect variegation   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Most variegating position effects are a consequence of placing a euchromatic gene adjacent to alpha-heterochromatin. In such rearrangements, the affected locus is inactivated in some cells, but not others, thereby giving rise to a mosaic tissue of mutant and wild-type cells. A detailed examination of the molecular structure of three variegating white mottled mutations of Drosophila melanogaster, all of which are inversions of the X chromosome, reveals that their euchromatic breakpoints are clustered and located approximately 25 kb downstream of the white promoter and that the heterochromatic sequences to which the white locus is adjoined are transposons. An analysis of three revertants of the wm4 mutation, created by relocating white to another euchromatic site, demonstrates that they also carry some heterochromatically derived sequences with them upon restoration of the wild-type phenotype. This suggests that variegation is not controlled from a heterochromatic sequence immediately adjacent to the variegating gene but rather from some site more internal to the heterochromatic domain itself. As a consequence of this observation we have proposed a boundary model for understanding how heterochromatic domains may be formed. It has been recognized for many years that the phenotype of variegating position effects may be altered by the presence of trans-acting dominant mutations that act to either enhance or suppress variegation. Using P-element mutagenesis, we have induced and examined 12 dominant enhancers of variegation that represent four loci on the second and third chromosomes. Most of these mutations are cytologically visible duplications or deficiencies. They exert their dominant effects through changes in the copy number of wild-type genes and can be divided into two reciprocally acting classes. Class I modifiers are genes that act as enhancers of variegation when duplicated and as suppressors when mutated or deficient. Conversely, class II modifiers are genes that enhance when mutated or deleted and suppress when duplicated. The available data indicate that, in Drosophila, there are 20-30 loci capable of dominantly modifying variegation. Of these, most appear to be of the class I type whereas only two class II modifiers have been identified so far.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Large-scale two-hybrid screens have generated a wealth of information describing potential protein--protein interactions. When compiled with data from systematic localizations of proteins, mutant screens and other functional tests, a network of interactions among proteins and between proteins and other components of eukaryotic cells can be deduced. These networks can be viewed as maps of the cell, depicting potential signaling pathways and interactive complexes. Most importantly, they provide potential clues to the function of previously uncharacterized proteins. Focusing on recent experiments, we explore these protein-interaction studies and the maps derived from such efforts.  相似文献   

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