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科研立项是衡量医院科研能力的重要标志,科研管理水平是否能与医院日益增长的科研能力相适应,不断创新科研管理制度至关重要。通过回顾广西医科大学第一附属医院1993--2008年以来承担国家、省、厅各级科研项目情况,评价科研管理制度的完善对提高医院科研能力的作用。  相似文献   

张文玲 《现代保健》2013,(2):107-108
在医疗市场竞争激烈的今天,为提高医院的科技创新力和核心竞争力,医院管理者从大处着眼小处着手,运用现代经营管理理念和管理技巧,加强医院的内涵建设,从思想上高度重视,建立合理的科研管理规章制度,通过物质与精神激励相结合,注重培养高素质科研人才,加强信息化基地建设和提高科研管理人员的综合素质,提高了医院科研管理的整体水平,使医院的综合竞争力得到全面提升。  相似文献   

新形势下提高科研管理人员综合素质的紧迫性   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
科技现代化的关键之一,是科技管理现代化。而管理要现代化,必须要有一支现代化的科技管理队伍,因为科技管理人员素质决定了科技管理水平的高低。对于这一点,近10多年来,前辈和同行们已从不同的角度对科技管理人员的情况进行了调查分析,积累了一些成功经验,解决了不少问题,但仍存在一些问题亟待解决。而对科技管理人员综合素质的报道很少。本文从目前科研管理队伍的现状、尚存在的问题和新形势下科研管理人员应具备的综合素质二个方面阐述了在新形势下提高科管人员综合素质的重要性和迫切性,同时谈了几点提高科管人员综合素质的措…  相似文献   

重点学科建设是高校科研管理的一项重要内容,本文以泰山医学院为例,通过分析以重点学科建设为龙头,带动学校整体发展的管理模式,总结推动学校科研发展的做法和经验,找出差距和不足,从而推动学校整体教学水平和科研水平的不断提高.  相似文献   

军医大学科研管理的现状与思考樊世斌司玉灿党金雪苏景宽随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立,国家对高校科技工作提出了新的更高的要求。军委新时期战略方针的确立,又对军队高校科技工作提出了不同于地方院校的要求,如何适应形势,抓住机遇,迎接挑战,加快发展,已是摆在...  相似文献   

新形势下医学科研管理工作者的责任和使命   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新形势下医学科研管理工作者的责任和使命王关嵩钱桂生罗长坤吴廷瑞作者单位:630037重庆市,第三军医大学附属第二医院全军呼吸所(王关嵩、钱桂生);校科研处(罗长坤、吴延瑞)医学科技发展的内在逻辑力量其与自然科学、人文科学相结合而自组织的大科学网,以及...  相似文献   

当前,我国各行各业正在深入开展学习实践科学发展观的活动,在高校科研管理实践中落实科学发展观,对于高校科研发展意义重大。作者认为要在高校科研管理工作中落实科学发展观,可以从以下几方面入手:一是要深入学习和准确把握“科学发展观”的基本内容和丰富内涵;二是要在高校科研管理工作中,坚持以“致力于提升高校科技创新能力”为基本任务和首要原则;三是要把科学发展观真正用于指导我们各项科研管理工作。通过学习实践科学发展观活动,汕头大学医学院科研水平实现了跨越式发展。  相似文献   

从临床医学科研的特点入手,做好临床医学科研管理工作。  相似文献   

新形势下综合性医院科研管理工作初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

医学基础理论与临床实践的结合是医学发展的源泉.我国医学高校附属医院存在着医学临床实践与基础理论研究脱节的问题,临床医学基础研究水平一直相对滞后.本文以汕头大学医学院几所附属医院为例,认为强化临床科研平台建设、规范科研管理、引导临床工作人员从医疗实践出发开展基础研究,是提升医学高校附属医院临床基础研究水平的关键.  相似文献   


2020年7—8月,对上海市7个行政区36个调查点的1 358名新市民进行问卷调查。问卷包括流入地基本医疗保险参保情况、就医需求现状及相关影响因素和其他健康服务需求。


47.1%(562/ 1 194)的新市民身体不适时未选择及时就医,工作时间挤占就医时间是就医需求不能满足的主要原因。Logistic回归分析显示,日平均工作时间,居住区域和居住方式,健康状况、健康体检和体育锻炼及基本医疗保险参保类型是影响新市民就医需求的主要因素。新市民对“常见病多发病的健康咨询”“健康行为干预(戒烟限酒等)”“就医指导和宣传”“意外伤害预防(交通、工作、高空坠落等)”“健康合法权益维护”需求分别为57.1%(682/1 194)、41.3%(493/1 194)、34.9%(417/1 194)、32.2%(385/1 194)和31.9%(381/1 194)。




The detailed organization of an integrated medical sciences curriculum from its initial planning to the final stage of 'automatic' administration are described. Although some reduction in departmental autonomy results, this is outweighed by the advantages of a timetable and curriculum prepared, planned and carried out in a cooperative manner. Flexibility and scope for controlled change and experiment are retained.  相似文献   

Despite increases in national rates of sexually transmitted disease (STD), surveys indicate that medical students generally lack programs to train them in STD prevention techniques and in counseling patients about STD. The authors of this proposal investigated STD education for medical students at the University of California at Los Angeles and propose a project to involve third-year medical students in STD prevention techniques during their STD-clinic rotation. The long-term goal is to decrease the incidence and prevalence of STD. The immediate aims are to increase medical students' knowledge of STD prevention and to help them develop the communication skills necessary to effectively counsel patients about STD. Interventions would consist of a series of lectures and workshops using audiovisual aids, small group discussions, and role playing, and would be conducted by health educators and guest lecturers. A quasi-experimental research design would be used in testing the effectiveness of the project in two experimental and two control groups involving a total of 80 third-year medical students. The first intervention would be a 1-week lecture series. Written tests would be given before and after the first intervention to measure the baseline of the students' knowledge of STD prevention methods. The second intervention would be a 1-week workshop series. Students' interviews with patients would be videotaped before and after the second intervention so that the interviewer's communication skills may be assessed and compared. Sets of interventions would be scheduled for the fall of 1990 and the spring of 1991. Six months after the completion of the project, a followup questionnaire would be given to evaluate the project's overall effectiveness.  相似文献   

国外基本药物采购模式按照采购主体的不同,可以大致分为三类:卫生机构为主体、医疗机构为主体和第三方采购为主体。分析不同国家的药品采购模式及其优缺点,同时对我国药品集中采购的问题进行比较,以期从中得到启发,探寻出一套适合我国药品集中采购的方式,不仅仅能够使卫生资源能够得到有效利用,而且也能够更好地使得基本药物制度能够更好地推行。  相似文献   

国外基本药物采购模式按照采购主体的不同,可以大致分为三类:卫生机构为主体、医疗机构为主体和第三方采购为主体.分析不同国家的药品采购模式及其优缺点,同时对我国药品集中采购的问题进行比较,以期从中得到启发,探寻出一套适合我国药品集中采购的方式,不仅仅能够使卫生资源能够得到有效利用,而且也能够更好地使得基本药物制度能够更好地推行.  相似文献   

Research integrated into undergraduate education is important in order for medical students to understand and value research for later clinical practice. Therefore, attempts are being made to strengthen the integration of research into teaching from the first year onwards. First-year students may interpret attempts made to strengthen research integration differently than intended by teachers. This might be explained by student beliefs about learning and research as well as student perceptions of the learning environment. In general, student perceptions of the learning environment play a pivotal role in fostering student learning outcomes. This study aims to determine whether a curriculum change intended to promote research integration fosters student learning outcomes and student perceptions of research integrated into teaching. To serve this purpose, three subsequent cohorts of first-year students were compared, one before and two after a curriculum change. Learning outcomes of these students were measured using scores on a national progress test of 921 students and assessments of a sample of 100 research reports of a first-year student research project. 746 Students filled out the Student Perceptions of Research Integration Questionnaire. The findings suggest that learning outcomes of these students, that is, scores on research related test items of the progress test and the quality of research reports, were better than those of students before the curriculum change.  相似文献   

从总额控制的基本概念着手,介绍了总额预算的基本概念、分类、作用机制、影响以及优缺点评价,分析并总结了总额控制在我国的实施现状,总额的制定与调整机制、医保机构与医疗机构的协商谈判机制以及医疗服务质量监管机制尚未形成、配套措施落实不到位等是当前我国总额控制实施过程中的主要问题。最后提出因地制宜,选择适宜改革路径;科学测算和设计,综合考量多元化目标;逐步构建多元支付体系,配套措施落实到位等相应对策。  相似文献   

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