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水流量热法是强流离子束束功率测量常用的方法,由于测量仪表安装位置的问题,EAST(Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak)全超导托卡马克中性束注入水流热量累积测量系统中存在不可忽略的误差。本文结合水流热量累计测量系统的原理分析其误差的来源,针对其中由于采集时间有限和真空室内外热传递损失三部分误差来源进行了详细的分析和修正,将沉积功率百分比由73.72%提高到86.27%,修正结果显著。最终将修正方法嵌入到现有的沉积功率计算系统中,实时地进行误差修正,从而得到更精确的沉积在热承载部件上的功率沉积,为功率沉积分布和中性化效率的精确测量提供依据。  相似文献   

For the heating of plasma in steady-state superconducting tokamak (SST-1) (Y.C. Saxena, SST-1 Team, Present status of the SST-1 project, Nucl. Fusion 40 (2000) 1069–1082; D. Bora, SST-1 Team, Test results on systems developed for the SST-1 tokamak, Nucl. Fusion 43 (2003) 1748–1758), a neutral beam injector is provided to raise the ion temperature to 1 keV. This injector has a capability of injecting hydrogen beam with the power of 0.5 MW at 30 keV. For the upgrade of SST-1, power of 1.7 MW at 55 KeV is required. Further, beam power is to be provided for a pulse length of 1000S. We have designed a neutral beam injector (S.K. Mattoo, A.K. Chakraborty, U.K. Baruah, P.K. Jayakumar, M. Bandyopadhyay, N. Bisai, Ch. Chakrapani, M.R. Jana, R. Onali, V. Prahlad, P.J. Patel, G.B. Patel, B. Prajapati, N.V.M. Rao, S. Rambabu, C. Rotti, S.K. Sharma, S. Shah, V. Sharma, M.J. Singh, Engineering design of the steady-state neutral beam injector for SST-1, Fusion Eng. Des. 56 (2001) 685–691; A.K. Chakraborty, N. Bisai, M.R. Jana, P.K. Jayakumar, U.K. Baruah, P.J. Patel, K. Rajasekar, S.K. Mattoo, Neutral beam injector for steady-state superconducting tokamak, Fusion Technol. (1996) 657–660; P.K. Jayakumar, M.R. Jana, N. Bisai, M. Bajpai, N.P. Singh, U.K. Baruah, A.K. Chakraborty, M. Bandyopadhyay, C. Chrakrapani, D. Patel, G.B. Patel, P. Patel, V. Prahlad, N.V.M. Rao, C. Rotti, V. Sreedhar, S.K. Mattoo, Engineering issues of a 1000S neutral beam ion source, Fusion Technol. 1 (1998) 419–422) satisfying the requirements for both SST-1 and its upgrade. Since intense power is to be transported to SST-1 situated at a distance of several meters from the ion source, the optical quality of the beam becomes a primary concern. This in turn, is determined by the uniformity of the ion source plasma and the extractor geometry. To obtain the desired optical quality of the beam, stringent tolerances are to be met during the fabrication of ion extractor system.

SST-1 neutral beam injector is based on positive ion source. The extraction system consists of three grids, each having extraction area of (width) 230 mm × (height) 480 mm and 774-shaped apertures of 8-mm diameter. To obtain horizontal focal length of 5.4 m and vertical of 7 m, each grid consists of two halves with 387 apertures. Two halves are inclined at an angle of 1.07 ± 0.01°. For long pulse operation, active water cooling is provided by in-laid down of dense network of 22 wavy semicircular (r = 1.1 ± 0.05 mm) cooling channels in the space available between the apertures. The required flatness of the copper plate is 100 μm and positioning tolerance of aperture is ±60 μm. The measurement obtained after fabrication is compared with the specifications. It is pointed out that fabrication within set tolerance limit could be achieved only through process of fabrication and high-resolution measurements.  相似文献   

大功率NBI系统的PLC时序控制应用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
论述了利用PLC逻辑关系对放电实验控制运行的工作原理,介绍了PLC梯形图应用程序和VB6.0环境下上位机监控程序的开发以及良好的人机操作界面,通过上位机监控界面来实时监控各电源及设备的运行状态.PLC控制系统的应用保障了实验装置的安全运行,极大地方便了实验中对放电参数的改变和设置.  相似文献   

Selected reactor physics and isotope balance characteristics of a fusion hybrid supported D-3He satellite nuclear energy system are formulated and investigated. The system consists of two types of reactors: a parent D-fueled fusion device and a number of smaller reactors optimized for D-3He fusion. The parent hybrid station breeds the helium-3 for the satellites and also breeds fissile fuel for an existing fission reactor economy. Various hybrid operational regimes are examined in order to determine favorable reactorQ values and effective fusion and fission efficiencies. A number of analytical correlations between power output, plasma energetics, blanket neutronics, breeding capacity, and energy conversion cycles are established and evaluated. Numerical examples of performance parameters such as fission-to-fusion power, overall conversion efficiency, and the ratio of satellite to parent fusion power are presented. The range of reactor efficiencies is elucidated as affected by the internal plasma power balances. As an upper bound based on optimistic injection and direct conversion efficiencies, we find the D-3He satellite system power output attaining at best 1/3 of the parent fusion power.  相似文献   

中性束注入器偏转磁铁是剥离束流中剩余离子的关键设备,它与剩余离子吞食器等内部部件构成了中性束注入器的束偏转系统。束偏转系统的性能对中性束注入器束流的品质及其束传输效率发挥着重要作用。本文根据EAST(Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak,EAST)中性束注入器对束偏转系统的要求,对其偏转磁铁各性能参数进行了估算。为中性束注入器设计了一台用以剩余离子180°偏转的偏转磁铁。该偏转磁铁采用H型二极电磁铁结构;其磁极端面设计为138cm×47cm的圆角矩形结构;其线圈设计为每侧2饼,每饼2层,每层8根的串联结构,导线选用外方内圆空心铜导体,以满足偏转磁铁稳态运行的需要。该设计的偏转磁铁在370 A励磁电流条件下,可提供80keV氘离子束偏转所需的磁场。实验测试结果显示:500 A励磁电流稳态运行条件下,偏转磁铁线圈冷却水温升约21.5℃,该设计结构的偏转磁铁满足EAST中性束注入器满参数稳态运行和未来运行参数逐步提高的需要。  相似文献   

In this paper,a reflection magnet to be installed in the EAST neutral beam injection system is simulated and designed.The field intensity of reflection magnet of 42-cm maximum bending radius is about 1.539×10-1 T for 100 keV deuterium beam.The shielding cage is formed by rods.Using the ANSOFT software,the magnetic shielding effect was estimated at about 3% at the magnet pole region.  相似文献   

A radio frequency(RF) ion source was developed for neutral beam injector in Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences(ASIPP). A cylindrical driver based RF plasma source was tested and optimized for long pulse operation. Recently, the plasma source achieved 1000 s stable plasma discharge with RF power of 35 k W and source pressure of 0.7 Pa for the first time.The heat loading on each of driver components such as the Faraday shield(FS), RF coil and expansion chamber was measured by the water flow calorimeter system. The experiment results showed that FS is the component with highest heat loading and the heat loading on FS was about 65.8% of total heat loading on source. The details of the long pulse operation of RF plasma source are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

月球~3He资源开发的经济、技术可行性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从能量学的角度对开采月球3_He资源作为D-3_He聚变燃料的经济技术可行性进行了研究。拟分如下部分:太阳风的参数分析与月球表层土中的3_He贮量估算;月球He的开采成本估算;月球白天就地真空加热抽取He的成本估算;月球夜晚就地低温分离同位素3_He/4_He的成本计算;液态3_He从月球运回地球的成本估算;以月球运回的3_He作为D-3_He聚变燃料的能量偿还比计算。最后与地球上开采235_U和煤发电的能量偿还比对照,给出D-3_He与D-T燃料聚变能单位电价的比较。  相似文献   

A direct-energy converter was developed for use on neutral-beam injectors. The purpose of the converter is to raise the efficiency of the injector by recovering the portion of the ion beam not converted to neutrals. In addition to increasing the power efficiency, direct conversion reduces the requirements on power supplies and eases the beam dump problem. The converter was tested at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory on a reduced-area version of a neutral-beam injector developed for use on the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor at Princeton. The conversion efficiency of the total ion power was 65 ±7% at the beginning of the pulse, decaying to just over 50% by the end of the 0.6-s pulse. Once the electrode surfaces were conditioned, the decay was due to the rise in pressure of only the beam gas and not to outgassing. The direct converter was tested with 1.7 A of hydrogen ions and with 1.5 A of helium ions through the aperture with similar efficiencies. At the midplane through the beam, the line power density was 0.7 MW/m, for comparison with our calculations of slab beams and the prediction of 2–4 MW/m in some reactor studies. Over 98 kV was developed at the ion collector when the beam energy was 100 keV. When electrons were suppressed magnetically, rather than electrostatically, the efficiency dropped to 40%. However, a better designed electron catcher could improve this efficiency. New electrode material released gas (mostly H2 and CO) in amounts that exceeded the input of primary gas from the beam. The electrodes were all made of 0.51-mm-thick molybdenum cooled only by radiation. This allowed the heating by the beam to outgas the electrodes and for them to stay hot enough to avoid the reabsorption of gas between shots. By minor redesign of the electrodes, adding cryopanels near the electrodes, and grounding the ion source, these results extrapolate with high confidence to an efficiency of 70–80% at a power density of 2–4 MW/m. Higher power may be possible with magnetic electron suppression.  相似文献   

Depth resolution of time-of-flight ERDA using a 4He beam (He TOF-ERDA) has been studied. The measurement system consists of a time detector of the ion transmission type and a silicon surface-barrier detector. Depth resolution was measured using samples of carbon layers on silicon wafers and 4He beams with energies between 3.5 and 10.1 MeV. The depth resolution of 6.0 ± 1.6 nm (FWHM) was obtained with a 3.5 MeV 4He incident beam. The measured depth resolution agreed with that evaluated by a calculation. Comparison with other methods such as heavy ion (HI) TOF-ERDA, resonant elastic scattering and nuclear reaction analysis (NRA) was performed. Depth resolution obtained by He TOF-ERDA is superior to that by NRA or resonant elastic scattering, and comparable to that by HI TOF-ERDA.  相似文献   

The systematic study on D-3He advanced fuel fusion in China has been performed.Comparisons between D-3He and D-T fuel cycles in physics,engineering,environmental safety and so on have been made.D-3He fusion offers significant adavantages for reducing the neutron yield by a factor of 10-60,The 3He resource and mining possibility are investigated.The energy payback factor of 97 for mining lunar 3He resource is calculated.The operating parameter scope for D-3He fueled Tokamak reactor is analyzed.The prompt energy broadening for fusion products is calculated and results are consistent with those obtained by Lehner using a different method.Centrally peaked current drive with high efficiency is studied utilizing plasma synchrotron radiation.Centrally peaked current drive with gigh efficiency is studied utilizing plasma synchrotron radiation.More than 80% of plasma current required can be driven passively.A D-^3He fueled Tokamak commercial reactor-Mooncity was designed.Neutronics calculations show that the radioactivity,afterheat,BHP value for Mooncity are 10-60 times less than those for D-T fusion.  相似文献   

The magnetic fusion reactor using the advanced D-^3He fuels has the advantage of much less-neutron productions so that the consequent damages to the first wall are less serious. If the establishment of this kind of reactor becomes realistic, the exploration of 3^He on the moon will be largely motivated. Based on recent progresses in the spherical torus (ST) research, we have physically designed a D-^3He fusion reactor using the extrapolated results from the ST experiments and also the present-day tokamak scaling. It is found that the reactor size significantly depends on the wall reflection coefficient of the synchrotron radiation and of the impurity contaminations. The secondary reaction between D-D that promptly leads to the D-T reaction producing 14 MeV neutrons is also estimated. Comparison of this D-^3He ST reactor with the D-T reactor is made.  相似文献   

高温D-~3He等离子体聚变产物的即时能谱展宽计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从动量守恒和能量守恒关系式出发,通过反应前后坐标系之间的转换,利用S.Perkins计算反应粒子带入反应的平均能量的方法,引入一个等效动力学温度,得到的质子和α粒子即时能谱最大展宽与G.Lehner用其它方法算得的即时能谱半宽度合理地接近。结果对开端位形的高能带电粒子直接能量收集器设计有参考价值。  相似文献   

Monte Carlo calculations have been performed to obtain estimates of the background gas pressure and molecular number density as a function of position in the PDX-prototype neutral beam injector, which has undergone testing at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Estimates of these quantities together with the transient and steady-state energy deposition and molecular capture rates on the cryopanels of the cryocondensation pumps and the molecular escape rate from the injector were obtained utilizing a detailed geometric model of the neutral beam injector. The molecular flow calculations were performed using an existing Monte Carlo radiation transport code, which was modified slightly to monitor the energy of the background gas molecules. The credibility of these calculations is demonstrated by the excellent agreement between the calculated and experimentally measured background gas pressure in front of the beamline calorimeter located in the downstream drift region of the injector. The usefulness of the calculational method as a design tool is illustrated by a comparison of the integrated beamline molecular density over the drift region of the injector for three modes of cryopump operation.  相似文献   

中国散裂中子源3He管电子学读出系统研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了中国散裂中子源(CSNS)高通量粉末衍射仪中3He管电子学读出系统的设计,重点介绍了其中电荷测量插件(MQ插件)的设计,包括了电路结构、FPGA逻辑及其算法的实现.最后给出了与探测器联调的测试结果.  相似文献   

利用Geant4软件模拟计算了5种具有较好对称性的多测量面结构探测器对不同方向入射中子的探测效率。计算结果表明,具有对称性的多测量面结构探测器对不同方向入射的中子具有较好的探测效率响应方向一致性。其中球形正比探测器加6只圆形半导体探测器的结构芯体在各方面表现最均衡,具有应用于非准直中子场能谱测量的潜力。  相似文献   

A radio frequency(RF)driven ion source is a very important component of a neutral beam injector for large magnetic confinement fusion devices.In order to study the key technology and physics of an RF driven ion source for a neutral beam injector in China,an RF ion source test facility was developed at the Institute of Plasma Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences.In this paper,a two-dimensional fluid model is used to simulate the fundamental physical characteristics of RF plasma discharge.Simulation results show the relationship of the characteristics of plasma(such as electron density and electron temperature)and RF power and gas pressure.In order to verify the effectiveness of the model,the characteristics of the plasma are investigated using a Langmuir probe.In this paper,experimental and simulation results are presented,and the possible reasons for the discrepancies between them are given.This paper can help us understand the characteristics of RF plasma discharge,and give a basis for further R&D for an RF ion source.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the observation results of mantle tritium (3H) in two volcanic lakes, Lakes Nemrut (Turkey) and Laacher (Germany). The presence of excess 3H in the lakes can be explained as material released from mantle source because of the correlation of excess 3H with mantle 3He and 4He. We conclude that excess 3H in these two lakes, after the origin of the excess 3H from atmosphere and conventional nuclear reactions are excluded and the correlation of the excess 3H and mantle 3He is considered, might be from a mantle source and produced by nuclear fusion (d–d reaction) in the deep Earth. We have also investigated helium isotopes in the hydrothermal vent fluids at Mid-Ocean Ridge (MOR). The results show nearly constant 3He/4He ratio (3He/4He = 1.12 ± 0.13 × 10−5) and approximately constant 3He/heat ratios ((5–10) × 10−18 mol/J). The correlation of 3He with 4He and heat suggests that it is reasonable to suppose 3He is produced by nuclear fusion (d–d reaction) and 4He from α-decay of U and Th in the deep Earth. Based on that, 3He/4He ratios for 10 hydrothermal vent fluids are calculated. The results agree with the measurement at hydrothermal vent fluids and Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts (MORB) on the average. We concludes that the narrow distribution of 3He/4He ratio peaked at ∼8 RA in MORB can be explained by the hypothesis that 3He is produced in nuclear fusion.  相似文献   

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