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刘敬  金伟其  王霞  鲁啸天  温仁杰 《物理学报》2016,65(9):94201-094201
由于探测器响应的γ特性, 造成光电偏振成像中直接利用图像灰度重构的偏振信息与真实目标场景偏振信息的严重偏离, 基于重构偏振信息的后续定量化处理将完全失去意义. 为此, 提出了一种考虑探测器γ特性的光电偏振成像系统偏振信息重构方法, 分别针对分时和同时偏振成像模式分析了实现方法, 并设计进行了实际偏振成像实验. 实验数据表明: 探测器γ特性直接影响偏振成像系统重构的斯托克斯矢量和偏振度, γ值偏离1越大, 直接利用图像灰度重构的偏振度的重构误差也越大; 该偏振信息重构方法能够准确地重构出目标场景的斯托克斯矢量和偏振度信息, 为后续偏振成像的研究和定量应用奠定了理论基础.  相似文献   

针对暗弱目标偏振融合图像存在背景噪声强、细节轮廓特征不明显等问题,利用偏振度图像中高斯背景噪声灰度与待测目标灰度的差异性,提出了基于噪声模板阈值匹配的偏振度图像去噪算法.分析了偏振角图像中纯噪声区域子图像与目标轮廓区域子图像的灰度相关性,提出了基于区域灰度相关性匹配的偏振角图像去噪算法,与传统去噪方法相比,该算法可有效...  相似文献   

针对现有偏振去雾算法难以兼顾去雾效果和实时性问题,提出了一种基于中值滤波和偏振调制的雾天偏振图像快速增强方法。利用中值滤波估算大气光;采取半反法估计无穷远处大气光强,并基于大气散射模型对图像进行恢复;使用场景偏振度对恢复的图像进行偏振调制增强。相比较其他方法,文章通过降采样方法减少图像尺寸,选取小尺度的滤波窗口,在保持足够的大气光估算精度的同时,显著降低了处理时间,并采用偏振调制和直方图均衡化方法提高目标与背景的对比度,较好地解决了去雾效果和算法实时性问题。实验结果表明,经过该方法增强的图像,在信息熵、去雾前后梯度比、目标与背景对比度等三个指标上都有较大提升,达到了良好的去雾效果;对于分辨率为1393×986的图像,处理时间仅为16ms,完全满足实时性要求。  相似文献   

叶松  方勇华  孙晓兵  洪津 《光学学报》2007,27(6):99-1003
大气散射严重影响了航空遥感图像的质量。为了提高航空遥感图像的识别能力,提出一种基于偏振信息的航空遥感图像大气散射校正方法。大气散射具有显著的偏振特性,而对于垂直探测的地物辐射信号偏振度非常低,该方法正是利用大气散射偏振特性与地物目标偏振特性的差别,从图像中提取地物目标辐射信息,从而提高遥感图像的质量。通过机载多波段偏振CCD相机获取航空偏振遥感图像数据,并采用一组443 nm波段的航空偏振图像数据进行图像大气散射校正实验,实验结果表明该方法能有效地进行航空遥感图像的大气散射校正,从而提高了航空遥感图像的识别能力。  相似文献   

偏振图像的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要介绍了偏振光检测的基本原理和方法,以表面粗糙程度不同的植物叶子和塑料制成的竹叶与真竹叶为例具体说明了偏振光检测的实际应用.  相似文献   

赵录建  高隽  毕冉  范之国 《应用光学》2017,38(3):415-420
相对于传统光学探测技术,偏振探测在目标探测、识别方面有着独特的优势。针对雾、霾等天气下图像退化的问题,提出一种利用偏振信息的图像去雾方法,通过获取3个角度下目标的偏振图像,求解出场景目标的斯托克斯矢量,从斯托克斯矢量与穆勒矩阵的关系出发,分析偏振图像光强随着偏振角度的变化规律,获取最大和最小光强下的正交偏振图像,利用偏振滤波和亮通道先验方法分别估算大气光偏振度和其无穷远处大气光强值,最终重构出无雾图像。实验结果表明,在雾霾天气下,利用获取的正交偏振图像能够重构出清晰的图像,且重构图像的平均梯度和边缘强度均提升了约3倍,灰度标准差提升了约88%。  相似文献   

针对现有偏振去雾算法鲁棒性不强和图像增强效果有限的问题,提出一种基于多尺度奇异值分解的图像融合去雾算法.首先,利用偏振测量信息的冗余特性,采用最小二乘法,提高了传统偏振图像去雾算法中偏振信息的准确度;然后,从传统偏振图像去雾算法的局限性出发,定性分析了偏振图像融合去雾的可行性,并提出了一种基于多尺度奇异值分解的偏振图像...  相似文献   

为了提高最终图像的质量,结合传统的直接重构算法和相位重构算法,提出了一种基于迭代的傅里叶望远镜图像重构方法。对反演得到的傅里叶频谱进行逆傅里叶变换得到直接重构图像,取直接重构图像的阈值图像作为相位重构算法的初始输入,通过迭代能够获得质量更高的图像。成像仿真实验结果表明,成像信噪比为50倍时,与直接重构图像相比,迭代重构图像斯特列尔比从0.82提高到0.88,峰值信噪比从17dB提高到19dB;在成像信噪比为100倍时,迭代重构图像斯特列尔比从0.89提高到0.93,峰值信噪比从20dB提高到22dB。  相似文献   

根据红外偏振特性图像的冗余性与互补性,提出了一种基于梯度特征和支持度变换的二次融合方法。利用提出的方法先对红外偏振度与偏振角图像进行梯度特征融合,然后利用支持度变换对梯度特征融合图像和合成强度图像进行二次融合,得到了边缘突出、轮廓清晰、对比度高的的融合图像。实验结果表明:融合图像与偏振角图像、偏振度图像、合成强度图像相比局部方差分别提高23.02%、176.9%、148.2%;对比度分别提高67.84%、196.5%、49.39%;平均梯度分别提高46.09%、164.1%、214.5%。  相似文献   

偏振是强度、波长和相位之外描述电磁波基本属性的第四个重要的“信息维度”参量,物体反射光或辐射光的偏振特性与其材质、几何形状、纹理结构和表面粗糙度、理化特性等本身性质密切相关。偏振光学成像是基于对光的偏振信息进行探测的新型光学成像手段,其利用目标反射光和背景杂散光的偏振特性差异,以达到改善目标成像质量、提高作用距离、提升探测能力和增强识别概率的目的。作为对强度、光谱和红外成像方式的有效补充手段,偏振光学成像对低信噪比复杂背景环境、强散射环境、低照度环境下的目标探测,具有重要的应用价值。结合作者多年来在偏振光学成像探测方面的研究工作基础,围绕相关的器件、技术和应用发展状况,对偏振光学成像研究领域进行了较为详细的介绍。包括偏振光学成像技术及偏振相机的国内外研究、发展和应用状况,与偏振光学成像密切相关的偏振光Stoke矩阵表示及偏振光学成像基本原理,以及研究团队在偏振相机研制及偏振光学成像探测方面开展的研究工作,主要涉及分孔径偏振光学成像系统的设计及关键器件和技术,偏振图像的信息处理技术及算法和应用。最后,对偏振光学成像研究目前需要解决的技术问题和发展方向给出了思考和建议。  相似文献   

A holographic image subtraction technique is proposed. The vector nature of light is utilized in introducing a phase difference of π between the two reconstructed object waves. The experimental results are also presented.  相似文献   

The maximum a posteriori (MAP) model is widely used in image processing fields, such as denoising, deblurring, segmentation, reconstruction, and others. However, the existing methods usually employ a fixed prior item and regularization parameter for the whole image and ignore the local spatial adaptive properties. Though the non-local total variation model has shown great promise because of exploiting the correlation in the image, the computation cost and memory load are the issues. In this paper, a content-based local spatial adaptive denoising algorithm is proposed. To realize the local spatial adaptive process of the prior model and regularization parameter, first the degraded image is divided into several same-sized blocks and the Tchebichef moment is used to analyze the local spatial properties of each block. Different property prior items and regularization parameters are then applied adaptively to different properties’ blocks. To reduce the computational load in denoising process, the split Bregman iteration algorithm is employed to optimize the non-local total variation model and accelerate the speed of the image denoising. Finally, a set of experiments and performance evaluation using recent image quality assessment index are provided to assess the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

基于IR-SFS算法空间目标红外影像3D重建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在利用单幅影像的明暗恢复形状(Shape From Shading,SFS)三维重构算法的基础上,提出同时考虑外界辐射源和目标自身红外辐射的IR-SFS(infrared-SFS)算法。首先通过分析SFS算法原理和空间目标的红外成像特性,建立IR-SFS辐射方程并进行了仿真研究,然后利用温度场估计获得红外差值图,在人工合成的理想半球体、半圆柱体卫星红外影像上进行算法测试,并以美国STS107真实红外影像作为实验目标进行三维重建。实验结果表明,所提出IR-SFS算法经过参数优化后,与原SFS算法相比,重建模型的峰值信噪比更高,对STS107顶部舱门、尾翼、机舱、机舱内方形部件具有更佳显示度,整体效果得到明显改善。  相似文献   

Quiney HM  Nugent KA  Peele AG 《Optics letters》2005,30(13):1638-1640
Iterative algorithms that reconstruct images from far-field x-ray diffraction data are plagued with convergence difficulties. An iterative image reconstruction algorithm is described that ameliorates these convergence difficulties through the use of diffraction data obtained with illumination modulated in both intensity and phase.  相似文献   

Accelerating the imaging speed without sacrificing image structures plays an important role in magnetic resonance imaging. Under-sampling the k-space data and reconstructing the image with sparsity constraint is one efficient way to reduce the data acquisition time. However, achieving high acceleration factor is challenging since image structures may be lost or blurred when the acquired information is not sufficient. Therefore, incorporating extra knowledge to improve image reconstruction is expected for highly accelerated imaging. Fortunately, multi-contrast images in the same region of interest are usually acquired in magnetic resonance imaging protocols. In this work, we propose a new approach to reconstruct magnetic resonance images by learning the prior knowledge from these multi-contrast images with graph-based wavelet representations. We further formulate the reconstruction as a bi-level optimization problem to allow misalignment between these images. Experiments on realistic imaging datasets demonstrate that the proposed approach improves the image reconstruction significantly and is practical for real world application since patients are unnecessarily to stay still during successive reference image scans.  相似文献   

Compressed sensing (CS)-based methods have been proposed for image reconstruction from undersampled magnetic resonance data. Recently, CS-based schemes using reference images have also been proposed to further reduce the sampling requirement. In this study, we propose a new reference-constrained CS reconstruction method that accounts for the misalignment between the reference and the target image to be reconstructed. The proposed method uses a new image model that represents the target image as a linear combination of a motion-dependent reference image and a sparse difference image. We then use an efficient iterative algorithm to jointly estimate the motion parameters and the difference image from sparsely sampled data. Simulation results from a numerical phantom data set and an in vivo data set show that the proposed method can accurately compensate the motion effects between the reference and the target images and improve reconstruction quality. The proposed method should prove useful for several applications such as interventional imaging, longitudinal imaging studies and dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging.  相似文献   

利用CCD探测物体反射光的偏振信息,再通过适当的图像变换,得到物体的偏振图像。通过和物体原光强图像相比,可看出物体的偏振图像具有普通成像技术所不具有的优势,在目标识别、植被探测等方面都具有广泛的应用前景。在主要进行的三组实验中,不同情况下的植被树叶被作为对象并拍摄了它们的偏振图像,并通过与树叶光强图像的对比,显示了偏振图像的优势所在。  相似文献   

徐强  王海晏  杨海燕  陈鑫  王芳 《应用光学》2013,34(6):1025-1029
针对单机红外搜索跟踪(IRST)系统探测距离和精度有限,得到的红外图像在杂乱背景和强噪声环境中弱小目标难以检测的问题,采用双机IRST对同时刻同目标区域探测后的图像进行配准融合,融合过程中采用高频基于区域、低频基于像素的多规则算法,提出一种基于小波变换与边缘信息表征的目标检测方法。仿真实验表明,多规则融合算法使图像质量评价指标提高了30%~50%,该目标检测方法可有效剔除虚假目标及滤除杂波干扰,从融合滤波前的7个减少到3个,虚警率降低,有助于弱小目标更为精确的检测识别。  相似文献   

Infrared small moving target detection is one of the crucial techniques in infrared search and tracking systems. This paper presents a novel small moving target detection method for infrared image sequence with complicated background. The key points are given as follows: (1) since target detection mainly depends on the incoherence between target and background, the proposed method separate the target from the background according to the morphological feature diversity between target and background; (2) considering the continuity of target motion in time domain, the target trajectory is extracted by the RX filter in random projection. The experiments on various clutter background sequences have validated the detection capability of the proposed method. The experimental results show that the proposed method can robustly provide a higher detection probability and a lower false alarm rate than baseline methods.  相似文献   

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