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Kleine-Levin综合征1例报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
患者男 ,2 3岁 ,因反复发作性睡眠增多 5年 ,复发 1d入院。患者自 1994年不明原因睡眠增多 ,全天均表现睡眠状 ,可醒来进食及解便 ,唤之可醒转 ,随后立即入睡 ,持续 6d好转。以后每 1~ 2月发作 1次 ,持续 2~ 6d不等。发作前觉头昏、持续性额枕部胀痛、头重 ,无贪食、多饮、多尿及其它不适。间隙期正常生活及工作。院外服苯妥因钠 0 .1g ,3 /d ,发作延长至 3~ 5月 1次 ;既往史、家族史无特殊。入院查体 :体型瘦小 ,内科检查无异常。嗜睡 ,认知功能正常 ,四肢肌张力高 ,肌力 5级 ,指鼻试验及快复轮替动作笨拙。颈轻度抵抗 ,双侧Ken…  相似文献   

李武雄 《海南医学》2004,15(1):107-107
患者男 ,1 4岁。因发作性嗜睡、食欲亢进 2年 ,再次发作 4天入院。患者 2年前夏天跟随父亲上山种木薯 ,玩耍间突然出现极端困倦 ,倒地后迅速入睡 ,呼之不醒 ,家人以为中暑 ,抱荫凉处 ,给予饮水、扇风、并行静脉输液等处理未奏效。嗜睡维持 1周后 ,患者自行醒来 ,醒后感精神充沛  相似文献   

病人,男,37岁。5年前无任何诱因出现嗜睡,持续2d。睡前无任何先兆,无猝倒,在与他人谈话中发作,起初谈话声音逐渐变小,约3min后进入睡眠状态。睡眠中不伴随鼾声,无磨牙,无肌肉收缩,无梦游、躁动、喊叫,也无梦魇、幻觉、遗尿。无心跳、呼吸加快、出汗。醒后问其本人无任何不适,无精神改变,一切如常。事后仅有多食,  相似文献   

宋延民 《疑难病杂志》2011,10(12):891-891
<正>患者,女,18岁。于4年前开始起出现不可抗拒的睡意和睡眠时间增多,嗜睡能被唤醒,醒后烦躁不安,言语幼稚,易激怒,暴饮暴食,很快又入睡眠状态,期间可以自理二便和摄食,无发热,无肢体抽搐,5d后缓解。之后4年内共发作10余次.每次均持续5~8 d。发作间期一切正常。曾到当地医院多次行头CT、MR、EEG和腰穿检查均未见异常。既往体健,足月  相似文献   

目的 介绍KLS的临床主要特征,探讨其病因、发病机理和治疗。结果 本组病例均有典型的周期性嗜睡发作,食欲的改变和精神行为障碍,其病因有垂体肿瘤、脑梗塞、感染或原因不明。结论 本综合征的病因和发病机理仍不明确,无特效治疗。  相似文献   

Kleine-Levin综合征(Kleine-levin syndrome,KLS)是一种临床上较为少见的疾病,国内报道病例较少.现将临床收治的1例女性病例报道如下. 1 临床资料 患者,女,32岁.因“突发呼之不应7h”于2008年5月30日入院.入院7h前患者于夜间睡眠中跌落床下,仍为熟睡状,面色正常,呼吸均匀,呼之不应,无头部及身体其他部位外伤,无恶心、呕吐及二便失禁,无口角歪斜、口吐白沫、双眼凝视等.家属将其扶到床上仍处于睡眠状,次日11:00后开始逐渐苏醒,醒后意识清楚,精神差,懒言少动,易激惹,对发作及跌落床下无记忆.追问病史,6年多来平均每月发作1次,发作时睡眠持续时间最长36 h,中间可有上厕所及饮食等动作,完毕后继续睡觉.自诉对以前发作过程中上厕所和进食断续有记忆,并且在发作后3d左右进食量较平时多两倍.  相似文献   

在心血管内科和血管外科入院的病员中 ,因睡眠严重打鼾症状 ,经多导睡眠图 (PSG)检查确诊为阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征 (OSAS) 3例 ,报告如下。1 临床资料均为男性 ,年龄 5 0~ 70岁 ,高血压病史 3例 ,冠心病病史 2例 ,吸烟史 2例 ,饮酒史 3例。本组血压均在 2 4/13 3kPa以上 ,均体态肥胖 ,体重96± 5kg ,悬率垂和扁桃体中度肥厚 1例 ,重度肥厚 2例 ,舌体胖大肥厚重度 3例 ,均有夜间憋醒 ,晨起头晕、乏力、夜尿增多症状 ,白天嗜睡 2例 ,记忆力减退 1例。2 结 果睡眠时使用P&D— 96 0 0睡眠呼吸监测系统进行连续、全程、多…  相似文献   

快速动眼睡眠(REM)行为障碍(REM sleep behavior disorder,RBD)最早由美国医生Schenck 等[1]于1986年提出,并将其作为一种新的睡眠异常行为疾病首次进行报道.其临床特点主要表现为REM期肌肉弛缓消失,同时出现与生动梦境相关的面部和肢体不自主活动,从床上坐起、说梦话等,甚至出现暴力行为,如拳打脚踢、翻滚、呼喊、咒骂、坠床,严重者可对自身和同床者造成伤害.RBD可发生于任何年龄段,但多见于60~70岁以上的人群.Olson等[2]统计93例RBD患者,发现患者年龄均在50岁以上,平均61岁,80% ~ 90%为男性.  相似文献   

目的:探讨脑血管病与睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(sleep apnea syndrome,SAS)的关系。方法:随机抽取20例确诊脑血管病患者查多导睡眠图、血粘滞度及经颅多普勒检查(transcranial doppler,TCD);20例确诊SAS患者做血粘滞度及TCD检查;对照组做多导睡眠图、血粘度检查及TCD检查。结果:脑血管病组和SAS组呼吸暂停时间及呼吸紊乱指数(respiratory dist  相似文献   

目的:探讨阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(OSAS)的诊断和治疗。方法:对例临床疑有睡眠呼吸障碍者进行整夜82多导睡眠图监测,组≥例,对照组例。分析组的临床表现和两组参数,对典型病例(PSG)OSAS(AHI5)57(AHI<5)25OSAS PSG用经鼻治疗,比较治疗前后参数的变化。CPAPPSG 结果:组打鼾例,白天嗜睡例,夜间憋醒例OSAS57(100%)31(54.4%) 16(。口咽窄小例,肥胖例,高血压例,糖尿病例,肺心病例。组最长28.1%)52(91.2%)28(49.1%)22(38.6%)2(3.5%) 3(5.3%)OSAS呼吸暂停时间±,平均呼吸暂停时间±,±,最低56.2521.36 s25.1310.86 sAHI 45.2220.54 SaO2%±。治疗 () 61.2517.68CPAP后,多项参数均有明显好转,症状改善。PSG结论:加强对的认识,早期诊断和治疗非常重要,是诊断、病OSASPSG OSAS情及治疗效果评价的有效方法。  相似文献   

1 临床资料患儿男,2岁,因"生长和智力落后2年"入院.患儿系第2胎第2产,第1胎健康.患儿孕40 2周,顺产出生;Apgar评分:1 min 8分,5 min 10分;出生体质量2.6 kg,身长48 cm.半岁始抬头平稳,1岁半能独坐,现能扶站、扶走,能指认五官,仅会说"爸爸""妈妈"复音.  相似文献   

Carpenter syndrome is a rare hereditary disorder known as Acrocephalopolysyndyctyly (ACPS) type II characterized by acrocephaly, facial dysmorphism, brachedyctyly, syndyctyly, preaxial polydyctyly, obesity, congenital heart disease, cryptorchidism, hypogenitalism, bony abnormalities and umbilical hernia. Carpenter syndrome is autosomal recessive disorder and prenatal diagnosis of this syndrome is possible by ultrasonogram during pregnancy. We reported a case of carpenter syndrome of 2.5 months old female infant of consanguineous parents who was admitted in the paediatric ward of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) on 30th March 2010. She was diagnosed as a case of Carpenter syndrome having acrocephaly prominent ridge of sagital suture, polydactyly, syndyctyly on history, clinical examination findings and investigation reports.  相似文献   

Werner综合征1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
患者,女,43岁,因血糖升高6年,左足肿痛伴皮肤溃破3 d入院.6年前因左足趾化脓门诊治疗2周仍不愈,查血糖17 mmol/L,诊断为糖尿病,口服降糖药效果差,5年前改用胰岛素治疗,近1个月来予诺和灵50 R 85U/d及吡格列酮15 mg 1次/d,血糖控制尚可,间有四肢末端麻木,行走数步后足底疼痛,3 d前不慎刮破左足第二趾背皮肤后出现血性渗出液,并逐渐出现左足背、左下肢肿痛,2008年11月25日外科就诊给予青霉素治疗,效果欠佳.  相似文献   

Joubert syndrome is a very rare disorder characterised by respiratory irregularities, saccadic eye movements, hypotonia, ataxia, developmental retardation with abnormalities of cerebellum and brainstem. Epilepsy is rarely associated with this syndrome. Herein such a case with associated epilepsy is presented. Here in this case, a male child of 4 years was presented with delayed milestones and generalised tonic-clonic seizure. Pregnancy and prenatal period was uneventful. There was history of one of his siblings having the disorders of respiratory irregularities, saccadic eye movements, ataxia, hypotonia, etc (same as the child) and died at 3 1/2 years of age. MRI brain showed features of Joubert syndrome.  相似文献   

Bouveret syndrome is characterized by the migration of a gallstone through a cholecystenteric fistula into the proximal duodenum resulting in gastric outlet obstruction. Bouveret syndrome is a rare phenomenon that most commonly occurs in females and the elderly. A 79-year-old female presented with symptoms of gastric outlet obstruction and was diagnosed with Bouveret syndrome. This report describes the symptoms, diagnosis, and management of Bouveret syndrome, as well as its prevalence and differentiation from gallstone ileus. Patients with Bouveret syndrome present with varied, non-specific symptoms that may include emesis, abdominal pain, anorexia, and abdominal distention. Computed tomography remains the diagnostic modality of choice. Although different techniques are reported, surgical intervention is almost always required in the treatment of Bouveret syndrome.  相似文献   

Hallermann-Streiff syndrome (HSS) is a rare syndrome primarily affecting the head and face.As a result of many life-threatening complications, such as respiratory and cardiac difficulties,2 many patients die in infancy. Here, we report a 44-year-old patient with this syndrome who underwent phacoemulsification and piggyback intraocular lenses (IOLs) implantation in both eyes to improve visual function.  相似文献   

A fifty-year-old female presented with a one month history of progressive dyspnea, productive cough, pain of elbows and knees, and 40°C fever despite antibiotic treatment. She has been diagnosed of bronchial asthma over 25 years before admission and oral and depot glucocorticosteroids as a long-term therapy was applied. Recently, an attempt of inhaled corticosteroids and LABA treatment was introduced with no success. Four years before admission she also developed peripheral neuropathy. Physical examination revealed tachypnea, wheezes, rhonchi and wet cracles on auscultation, tachy?cardia, skin nodules, urticarial rash and necrotic bullae all over the body. Chest X-ray showed transient, patchy, nonsegmental areas of consolidation with predilection for lower zones with the area of consolidation in lower left zone. Obstruction was found on spirometry. Tachy?cardia on ECG and myocardial fluid on ECHO were also detected. Lab exams revealed elevated CRP, WBC, eosinophils, and IgE levels. ANA and ANCA antibodies were not found. Patient was diagnosed of Churg Strauss Syndrome and initial treatment of prednisone was introduced. After four days of treatment, temperature normalized, and dyspnea diminished. After one month of therapy skin lesions regressed. After 18 months of the treatment patient reports no signs, nor symptoms of the disease. Patient continues oral corticosteroid therapy.  相似文献   

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