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Nucleolin is an abundant nucleolar protein involved in several steps of ribosome biogenesis. The protein is highly conserved through evolution and possesses four RNA-binding domains (RBD), which are likely to determine its RNA binding specificity. Previous studies have shown that nucleolin interacts with two different RNA targets. The first is a small stem-loop structure, the nucleolin recognition element (NRE), found all along the pre-ribosomal RNA. The second is a short single-stranded RNA sequence, the evolutionary conserved motif (ECM), located five nucleotides downstream of the first processing site in the pre-ribosomal RNA 5' external transcribed spacer. Biochemical, genetic, and structural studies have shown that the first two RBD of nucleolin are necessary and sufficient for the specific interaction of nucleolin with the NRE motif. In this work, we have studied the interaction of nucleolin with the ECM sequence. Deletion and mutational analyses showed that all four RBDs of hamster nucleolin were required for the interaction with the ECM sequence. This RNA binding specificity is conserved between hamster and Xenopus laevis, whereas the Xenopus protein does not interact with the NRE. Nucleolin is the first example of a protein that requires four RBDs for its interaction with an RNA target, demonstrating that a single protein can use different combinations of RBD to interact specifically with several RNA sequences.  相似文献   

Nucleolin is an abundant 70 kDa nucleolar protein involved in many aspects of ribosomal RNA biogenesis. The central region of nucleolin contains four tandem consensus RNA-binding domains (RBD). The two most N-terminal domains (RBD12) bind with nanomolar affinity to an RNA stem-loop containing the consensus sequence UCCCGA in the loop. We have determined the solution structure of nucleolin RBD12 in its free form and have studied its interaction with a 22 nt RNA stem-loop using multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. The two RBDs adopt the expected beta alpha beta beta alpha beta fold, but the position of the beta 2 strand in both domains differs from what was predicted from sequence alignments. RBD1 and RBD2 are significantly different from each others and this is likely important in their sequence specific recognition of the RNA. RBD1 has a longer alpha-helix 1 and a shorter beta 2-beta 3 loop than RBD2, and differs from most other RBDs in these respects. The two RBDs are separated by a 12 amino acid flexible linker and do not interact with one another in the free protein. This linker becomes ordered when RBD12 binds to the RNA. Analysis of the observed NOEs between the protein and the RNA indicates that both RBDs interact with the RNA loop via their beta-sheet. Each domain binds residues on one side of the loop; specifically, RBD2 contacts the 5' side and RBD1 contacts the 3'.  相似文献   

P Bouvet  C Jain  J G Belasco  F Amalric    M Erard 《The EMBO journal》1997,16(17):5235-5246
The interaction of nucleolin with a short stem-loop structure (NRE) requires two contiguous RNA-binding domains (RBD 1+2). The structural basis for RNA recognition by these RBDs was studied using a genetic system in Escherichia coli. Within each of the two domains, we identified several mutations that severely impair interaction with the RNA target. Mutations that alter RNA-binding specificity were also isolated, suggesting the identity of specific contacts between RBD 1+2 amino acids and nucleotides within the NRE stem-loop. Our data indicate that both RBDs participate in a joint interaction with the NRE and that each domain uses a different surface to contact the RNA. The constraints provided by these genetic data and previous mutational studies have enabled us to propose a three-dimensional model of nucleolin RBD 1+2 bound to the NRE stem-loop.  相似文献   

Nucleolin is a 70 kDa multidomain protein involved in several steps of eukaryotic ribosome biogenesis. In vitro selection in combination with mutagenesis and structural analysis identified binding sites in pre-rRNA with the consensus (U/G)CCCG(A/G) in the context of a hairpin structure, the nucleolin recognition element (NRE). The central region of the protein contains four tandem RNA-binding domains (RBDs), of which the first two are responsible for the RNA-binding specificity and affinity for NREs. Here, we present the solution structure of the 28 kDa complex formed by the two N-terminal RNA-binding domains of nucleolin (RBD12) and a natural pre-rRNA target, b2NRE. The structure demonstrates that the sequence-specific recognition of the pre-rRNA NRE is achieved by intermolecular hydrogen bonds and stacking interactions involving mainly the beta-sheet surfaces of the two RBDs and the linker residues. A comparison with our previously determined NMR structure of RBD12 in complex with an in vitro selected RNA target, sNRE, shows that although the sequence-specific recognition of the loop consensus nucleotides is the same in the two complexes, they differ in several aspects. While the protein makes numerous specific contacts to the non-consensus nucleotides in the loop E motif (S-turn) in the upper part of the sNRE stem, nucleolin RBD12 contacts only consensus nucleotides in b2NRE. The absence of these upper stem contacts from the RBD12/b2NRE complex results in a much less stable complex, as demonstrated by kinetic analyses. The role of the loop E motif in high-affinity binding is supported by gel-shift analyses with a series of sNRE mutants. The less stable interaction of RBD12 with the natural RNA target is consistent with the proposed role of nucleolin as a chaperone that interacts transiently with pre-rRNA to prevent misfolding.  相似文献   

Nucleolin, a multi-domain protein involved in ribosome biogenesis, has been shown to bind the consensus sequence (U/G)CCCG(A/G) in the context of a hairpin loop structure (nucleolin recognition element; NRE). Previous studies have shown that the first two RNA-binding domains in nucleolin (RBD12) are responsible for the interaction with the in vitro selected NRE (sNRE). We have previously reported the structures of nucleolin RBD12, sNRE and nucleolin RBD12–sNRE complex. A comparison of free and bound sNRE shows that the NRE loop becomes structured upon binding. From this observation, we hypothesized that the disordered hairpin loop of sNRE facilitates conformational rearrangements when the protein binds. Here, we show that nucleolin RBD12 is also sufficient for sequence- specific binding of two NRE sequences found in pre-rRNA, b1NRE and b2NRE. Structural investigations of the free NREs using NMR spectroscopy show that the b1NRE loop is conformationally heterogeneous, while the b2NRE loop is structured. The b2NRE forms a hairpin capped by a YNMG-like tetraloop. Comparison of the chemical shifts of sNRE and b2NRE in complex with nucleolin RBD12 suggests that the NRE consensus nucleotides adopt a similar conformation. These results show that a disordered NRE consensus sequence is not a prerequisite for nucleolin RBD12 binding.  相似文献   

An RNA-binding protein of 28 kDa (28RNP) was previously isolated from spinach chloroplasts and found to be required for 3' end-processing of chloroplast mRNAs. The amino acid sequence of 28RNP revealed two approximately 80 amino-acid RNA-binding domains, as well as an acidic- and glycine-rich amino terminal domain. Upon analysis of the RNA-binding properties of the 'native' 28RNP in comparison to the recombinant bacterial expressed protein, differences were detected in the affinity to some chloroplastic 3' end RNAs. It was suggested that post-translational modification can modulate the affinity of the 28RNP in the chloroplast to different RNAs. In order to determine if phosphorylation accounts for this post-translational modification, we examined if the 28RNP is a phosphoprotein and if it can serve as a substrate for protein kinases. It was found that the 28RNP was phosphorylated when intact chloroplasts were metabolically labeled with [32P] orthophosphate, and that recombinant 28RNP served as an excellent substrate in vitro for protein kinase isolated from spinach chloroplasts or recombinant alpha subunit of maize casein kinase II. The 28RNP was apparently phosphorylated at one site located in the acidic domain at the N-terminus of the protein. Site-directed mutagenesis of the serines in that region revealed that the phosphorylation of the protein was eliminated when serine number 22 from the N-terminus was changed to tryptophan. RNA-binding analysis of the phosphorylated 28RNP revealed that the affinity of the phosphorylated protein was reduced approximately 3-4-fold in comparison to the non-phosphorylated protein. Therefore, phosphorylation of the 28RNP modulates its affinity to RNA and may play a significant role in its biological function in the chloroplast.  相似文献   

RNA helicase A (RHA) is a highly conserved protein with multifaceted functions in the gene expression of cellular and viral mRNAs. RHA recognizes highly structured nucleotides and catalytically rearranges the various interactions between RNA, DNA, and protein molecules to provide a platform for the ribonucleoprotein complex. We present the first solution structures of the double-stranded RNA-binding domains (dsRBDs), dsRBD1 and dsRBD2, from mouse RHA. We discuss the binding mode of the dsRBDs of RHA, in comparison with the known dsRBD structures in their complexes. Our structural data provide important information for the elucidation of the molecular reassembly mediated by RHA.  相似文献   

AU-rich element RNA-binding protein 1 (AUF1) binding to AU-rich elements (AREs) in the 3'-untranslated regions of mRNAs encoding many cytokines and other regulatory proteins modulates mRNA stability, thereby influencing protein expression. AUF1-mRNA association is a dynamic paradigm directed by various cellular signals, but many features of its function remain poorly described. There are four isoforms of AUF1 that result from alternative splicing of exons 2 and 7 from a common pre-mRNA. Preliminary evidence suggests that the different isoforms have varied functional characteristics, but no detailed quantitative analysis of the properties of each isoform has been reported despite their differential expression and regulation. Using purified recombinant forms of each AUF1 protein variant, we used chemical cross-linking and gel filtration chromatography to show that each exists as a dimer in solution. We then defined the association mechanisms of each AUF1 isoform for ARE-containing RNA substrates and quantified relevant binding affinities using electrophoretic mobility shift and fluorescence anisotropy assays. Although all AUF1 isoforms generated oligomeric complexes on ARE substrates by sequential dimer association, sequences encoded by exon 2 inhibited RNA-binding affinity. By contrast, the exon 7-encoded domain enhanced RNA-dependent protein oligomerization, even permitting cooperative RNA-binding activity in some contexts. Finally, fluorescence resonance energy transfer-based assays showed that the different AUF1 isoforms remodel bound RNA substrates into divergent structures as a function of protein:RNA stoichiometry. Together, these data describe isoform-specific characteristics among AUF1 ribonucleoprotein complexes, which likely constitute a mechanistic basis for differential functions and regulation among members of this protein family.  相似文献   

Phosphoprotein NSP5 is a component of replication intermediates that catalyze the synthesis of the segmented double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) rotavirus genome. To study the role of the protein in viral replication, His-tagged NSP5 was expressed in bacteria and purified by affinity chromatography. In vitro phosphorylation assays showed that NSP5 alone contains minimal autokinase activity but undergoes hyperphosphorylation when combined with the NTPase and helix-destabilizing protein NSP2. Hence, NSP2 mediates the hyperphosphorylation of NSP5 in the absence of other viral or cellular proteins. RNA-binding assays demonstrated that NSP5 has unique nonspecific RNA-binding activity, recognizing single-stranded RNA and dsRNA with similar affinities. The possible functions of the RNA-binding activities of NSP5 are to cooperate with NSP2 in the destabilization of RNA secondary structures and in the packaging of RNA and/or to prevent the interferon-induced dsRNA-dependent activation of the protein kinase PKR.  相似文献   

Most RNA-binding modules are small and bind few nucleotides. RNA-binding proteins typically attain the physiological specificity and affinity for their RNA targets by combining several RNA-binding modules. Here, we review how disordered linkers connecting RNA-binding modules govern the specificity and affinity of RNA–protein interactions by regulating the effective concentration of these modules and their relative orientation. RNA-binding proteins also often contain extended intrinsically disordered regions that mediate protein–protein and RNA–protein interactions with multiple partners. We discuss how these regions can connect proteins and RNA resulting in heterogeneous higher-order assemblies such as membrane-less compartments and amyloid-like structures that have the characteristics of multi-modular entities. The assembled state generates additional RNA-binding specificity and affinity properties that contribute to further the function of RNA-binding proteins within the cellular environment.  相似文献   

Zhao H  Yang Y  Zhou Y 《Nucleic acids research》2011,39(8):3017-3025
Mechanistic understanding of many key cellular processes often involves identification of RNA binding proteins (RBPs) and RNA binding sites in two separate steps. Here, they are predicted simultaneously by structural alignment to known protein-RNA complex structures followed by binding assessment with a DFIRE-based statistical energy function. This method achieves 98% accuracy and 91% precision for predicting RBPs and 93% accuracy and 78% precision for predicting RNA-binding amino-acid residues for a large benchmark of 212 RNA binding and 6761 non-RNA binding domains (leave-one-out cross-validation). Additional tests revealed that the method makes no false positive prediction from 311 DNA binding domains but correctly detects six domains binding with both DNA and RNA. In addition, it correctly identified 31 of 75 unbound RNA-binding domains with 92% accuracy and 65% precision for predicted binding residues and achieved 86% success rate in its application to SCOP RNA binding domain superfamily (Structural Classification Of Proteins). It further predicts 25 targets as RBPs in 2076 structural genomics targets: 20 of 25 predicted ones (80%) are putatively RNA binding. The superior performance over existing methods indicates the importance of dividing structures into domains, using a Z-score to measure relative structural similarity, and a statistical energy function to measure protein-RNA binding affinity.  相似文献   

The Nova onconeural antigens are implicated in the pathogenesis of paraneoplastic opsoclonus-myoclonus-ataxia (POMA). The Nova antigens are neuron-specific RNA-binding proteins harboring three repeats of the K-homology (KH) motif; they have been implicated in the regulation of alternative splicing of a host of genes involved in inhibitory synaptic transmission. Although the third Nova KH domain (KH3) has been extensively characterized using biochemical and crystallographic techniques, the roles of the KH1 and KH2 domains remain unclear. Furthermore, the specificity determinants that distinguish the Nova KH domains from those of the closely related hnRNP E and hnRNP K proteins are undefined. We demonstrate through the use of RNA selection and biochemical analysis that the sequence specificity of the Nova KH1/2 domains is similar to that of Nova KH3. We also show that the mutagenesis of a Nova KH domain to render it similar to the KH domains of the heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein E (hnRNP E) and hnRNP K allow it to recognize longer RNA sequences. These data yield important insights into KH domain function and suggest a strategy by which to engineer KH domains with novel sequence preferences.  相似文献   

Polyadenylation of RNA molecules in bacteria and chloroplasts has been implicated as part of the RNA degradation pathway. The polyadenylation reaction is performed in Escherichia coli mainly by the enzyme poly(A) polymerase I (PAP I). In order to understand the molecular mechanism of RNA polyadenylation in bacteria, we characterized the biochemical properties of this reaction in vitro using the purified enzyme. Unlike the PAP from yeast nucleus, which is specific for ATP, E.coli PAP I can use all four nucleotide triphosphates as substrates for addition of long ribohomopolymers to RNA. PAP I displays a high binding activity to poly(U), poly(C) and poly(A) ribohomopolymers, but not to poly(G). The 3′-ends of most of the mRNA molecules in bacteria are characterized by a stem–loop structure. We show here that in vitro PAP I activity is inhibited by a stem–loop structure. A tail of two to six nucleotides located 3′ to the stem–loop structure is sufficient to overcome this inhibition. These results suggest that the stem–loop structure located in most of the mRNA 3′-ends may function as an inhibitor of polyadenylation and degradation of the corresponding RNA molecule. However, RNA 3′-ends produced by endonucleolytic cleavage by RNase E in single-strand regions of mRNA molecules may serve as efficient substrates for polyadenylation that direct these molecules for rapid exonucleolytic degradation.  相似文献   

Gee SH  Quenneville S  Lombardo CR  Chabot J 《Biochemistry》2000,39(47):14638-14646
PDZ domains are modular protein-protein interaction domains that bind to specific C-terminal sequences of membrane proteins and/or to other PDZ domains. Certain PDZ domains in PSD-95 and syntrophins interact with C-terminal peptide ligands and heterodimerize with the extended nNOS PDZ domain. The capacity to interact with nNOS correlates with the presence of a Lys residue in the carboxylate- binding loop of these PDZ domains. Here, we report that substitution of an Arg for Lys-165 in PSD-95 PDZ2 disrupted its interaction with nNOS, but not with the C terminus of the Shaker-type K(+) channel Kv1.4. The same mutation affected nNOS binding to alpha1- and beta1-syntrophin PDZ domains to a lesser extent, due in part to the stabilizing effect of tertiary interactions with the canonical nNOS PDZ domain. PDZ domains with an Arg in the carboxylate-binding loop do not bind nNOS; however, substitution with Lys or Ala was able to confer nNOS binding. Our results indicate that the carboxylate-binding loop Lys or Arg is a critical determinant of nNOS binding and that the identity of this residue can profoundly alter one mode of PDZ recognition without affecting another. We also analyzed the effects of mutating Asp-143, a residue in the alphaB helix of alpha1-syntrophin that forms a tertiary contact with the nNOS PDZ domain. This residue is important for both nNOS and C-terminal peptide binding and confers a preference for peptides with a positively charged residue at position -4. On this basis, we have identified the C terminus of the Kir2.1 channel as a possible binding partner for syntrophin PDZ domains. Together, our results demonstrate that single-amino acid substitutions alter the specificity and affinity of PDZ domains for their ligands.  相似文献   

The heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hn- RNP) C proteins, among the most abundant pre-mRNA-binding proteins in the eukaryotic nucleus, have a single RNP motif RNA-binding domain. The RNA-binding domain (RBD) is comprised of approximately 80-100 amino acids, and its structure has been determined. However, relatively little is known about the role of specific amino acids of the RBD in the binding to RNA. We have devised a phage display-based screening method for the rapid identification of amino acids in hnRNP C1 that are essential for its binding to RNA. The identified mutants were further tested for binding to poly(U)-Sepharose, a substrate to which wild type hnRNP C1 binds with high affinity. We found both previously predicted, highly conserved residues as well as additional residues in the RBD to be essential for C1 RNA binding. We also identified three mutations in the leucine-rich C1-C1 interaction domain near the carboxyl terminus of the protein that both abolished C1 oligomerization and reduced RNA binding. These results demonstrate that although the RBD is the primary determinant of C1 RNA binding, residues in the C1-C1 interaction domain also influence the RNA binding activity of the protein. The experimental approach we described should be generally applicable for the screening and identification of amino acids that play a role in the binding of proteins to nucleic acid substrates.  相似文献   

Nucleolin is an abundant nucleolar protein which is involved in the early stages of ribosome assembly. The central 40-kDa domain of nucleolin comprises four RNA recognition motifs (RRM) which are presumed to be involved in specific interactions with pre-rRNA. In order to examine in detail the role of this central domain and the contribution of the N-terminal and C-terminal domains of nucleolin to RNA binding, we have used an Escherichia coli expression system to synthezise polypeptides corresponding to various combinations of the three domains and their subdomains. By means of an in-vitro binding assay and a synthetic RNA corresponding to a specific recognition site in pre-rRNA we have been able to demonstrate conclusively that the central 40-kDa domain is indeed responsible for the specificity of RNA recognition and that the N-terminal domain can be removed without affecting RNA binding. Most interestingly, it appears that the C-terminal 10-kDa domain, which is rich in glycine and arginine residues, is essential for efficient binding of nucleolin to RNA, but does not itself contribute to the specificity of the interaction. Circular dichroic spectroscopic probing of the RNA component shows that the C-terminal domain significantly modifies the RNA-binding properties of the central RRM core. Finally, infrared spectroscopic studies reveal that the central 40-kDa domain is structured in alpha helices and beta sheets and that the interaction with the specific pre-rRNA site induces subtle changes in the beta sheet conformation.  相似文献   

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