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赵珍  李贵仁 《地下水》2014,(4):43-45
深基坑降水引起的地面沉降给工程和周边环境带来很大的危害,以天津地铁 XX站深基坑为例,通过使用有限差分模拟软件Processing Modflow建立三维地下水渗流场与地面沉降耦合模型,利用抽水试验数据反演识别场区的水文地质参数,对基坑降水对周边环境的影响进行预测。结合施工要求,本着在规定时间内用最少的抽水量完成降水要求,并对基坑周围造成的环境影响最小的原则,对基坑降水进行优化设计。  相似文献   

基坑降水引起地面沉降的实时预测   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
张勇  赵云云 《岩土力学》2008,29(6):1593-1596
由于基坑降水引起周围土体应力的重新调整,造成基坑相邻建筑物地基不均匀沉降,情况严重则造成相邻建筑物破坏,因此对不均匀沉降量的预测具有现实意义。利用地下水动力学的非稳定流原理及土力学基本理论,介绍了基坑降水设计中引起周围地面沉降的实时预测方法,探讨了不同土层在降水过程中孔隙水压力消散对土层固结的影响,通过实例分析了公式中不同参数的取值合理性,编制了相关程序。该方法对分析、预测由于基坑降水所引起的周围地面沉降有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

深基坑开挖降水导致地面沉降机理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过漳州新城大厦地下室基坑开挖工程降水导致地面沉降的机理研究,阐述了引起地面沉降的因素、原理和预测方法,为类似工程降水地面沉降的预测计算提供理论计算依据和方法。  相似文献   

利用Modflow预测某基坑降水引起的地面沉降   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在掌握场区水文地质条件和抽水试验成果的基础上,通过利用Modflow对某基坑降水工程建立了较合理的渗流计算模型,并针对可能采用的基坑降水方案,模拟预测出基坑降水下的基坑内外地下水位变化,定量评估了基坑降水引起的附加地面沉降问题,为结构设计核算和施工应对措施提供了重要依据.  相似文献   

针对黄土地区深基坑降水导致地层不均匀沉降,危及坑周建筑物的问题,论文基于基坑降水诱发地面沉降机理分析,以分层总和法和剪切位移法为基础,推导出降水引起地面沉降的简化计算公式。在忽略群井效应和土层侧向变形的前提下,依据Dupuit公式得出基坑降水曲线方程,将坑周土体以降水曲线为界分为疏干区和饱和区。引入修正系数,对黄土地区不同性质土层因孔隙水压力减小产生的有效应力增量修正,同时考虑桩-土界面侧摩阻力对土体的约束作用,分别计算距井轴不同距离处的沉降量,叠加后得出最终的沉降值。对比数值模拟计算结果及工程实例监测值,分析表明:在桩-土交界处,侧摩阻力对土体竖向沉降的约束作用最明显;在1.5倍降水深度范围内的沉降计算值精度远高于规范算法,能够较好的预测降水期间黄土地区坑周不同距离处的地面沉降量。  相似文献   

上海地面沉降近年呈现出不均匀性特征,深基坑减压降水等工程活动是其主要原因之一.根据某地铁车站深基坑工程减压降水和地质环境监测结果,分析了深基坑工程的地面沉降效应.研究表明,减压降水是导致基坑周边地面沉降的主要因素,浅层地下水回灌可作为地面沉降控制的有效措施,而基坑围护与工程降水一体化设计是未来工程性地面沉降防治的重要方向.该研究成果可为工程性地面沉降防治提供科学依据和实践指导.  相似文献   

为了精确模拟预测松散沉积层中深基坑降水引起的地下水渗流场和地面沉降的变化特征,考虑土体孔隙度、渗透系数、储水率随地下水位下降发生的动态变化,建立了深基坑降水三维变参数非稳定渗流与太沙基一维固结理论的地面沉降耦合模型,并采用有限元数值分析方法对模型进行求解。以南京地铁三号线浦珠路站深基坑降水为例进行模拟计算。结果表明:采用15口坑内抽水井,抽水井过滤器埋深为22.0~37.0 m,基坑围护连续墙底部埋深至41.5 m为最优降水方案;不仅使基坑内地下水位满足开挖要求,又使基坑外地面沉降在控制范围内。经验证,所建立的模型合理,计算结果可靠,研究理论用于模拟预测此类地区深基坑降水引起的地下水流场变化具有较高的可信度。  相似文献   

深基坑降水与沉降的非线性耦合计算   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
周志芳  朱宏高  陈静  钟建驰  吉林  冯兆祥 《岩土力学》2004,25(12):1984-1988
结合润扬长江公路大桥南锚基坑工程,基于不同水文地质层水流运动特征的差异,对基坑降水过程中的地下水流计算,提出了双层结构数学模型,由此可以同时求出各分层地下水位。在土层降水-固结过程中,考虑到渗透系数和贮水系数随土层物理力学参数的非线性变化,提出了深基坑降水与沉降的非线性耦合计算方法。这为基坑土体变形预测、控制,指导工程施工和设计提供了新的途经。  相似文献   

地面沉降是上海地区的主要地质灾害之一,引起地面沉降的原因是抽取地下水.过去,上海地区地面沉降的研究大多是针对浦西地区抽取承压含水层引起的地面沉降,而对抽取潜水引起地面沉降则很少研究.降水预压是软土处理的新技术,对浦东某工程软基处理降水预压试验过程中水位、沉降、孔隙水压力等监测表明,降低潜水水位同样也产生地面沉降,本文分析了抽取潜水引起的地面沉降问题,得出了浦东地区潜水水位与沉降的关系.  相似文献   

从降落漏斗水位以上覆盖层、弱透水层的排水固结过程到多孔介质(岩土层)的压缩、水的压缩三方面分析了深井降水引起地面沉降的机理,得出降水引起地面沉降的压缩层厚度主要为降落漏斗水位以上降深范围内的覆盖层和弱透水层厚度的结论。同时收集了10个有代表性的深基坑降水工程的相关资料,通过实测值与理论值的比值,得出一批降水引起地面沉降修正系数 值(880组数据)。采用BP神经网络对这批数据进行处理,使它能在给定的输入 和输出( )之间,建立一种网络映射关系。利用该网络任意输入一组 值,即可得出不同 ,S对应的修正系数Ms等值线图,为类似地层的基坑降水工程,在预测不同的时间、距离的实际沉降量上具有实用价值。  相似文献   

王钰  刘静 《探矿工程》2020,47(9):63-69
扬州东部综合客运枢纽地下配套工程深大基坑采用大放坡+地下连续墙+内支撑围护,场地地层为深厚强透水地层,降水井布置在坡底还是坡间平台,将直接影响降水的动态控制。本文提出了方案一(坡底布井)和方案二(坡间平台布井)2套降水方案,并利用数值模拟方法进行了比选。对比结果:虽然方案一井数和最终总涌水量略少于方案二,但是需提前降水,会造成大量水资源的浪费;而方案二可以根据基坑开挖深度的增加,逐步增加抽水井,体现了按需降水的原则。因此,认为方案二更优。类似基坑进行降水方案设计时,不应仅考虑总井数和最终总涌水量,还应考虑到不同开挖阶段,动态控制、按需降水,才能从源头上实现基坑工程的绿色施工。  相似文献   

In terms of controlling groundwater in deep foundation pit projects, the usual methods include increasing the curtain depth, reducing the amount of pumped groundwater, and implementing integrated control, in order to reduce the drawdown and land subsidence outside pits. In dewatering design for confined water, factors including drawdown requirements, the thickness of aquifers, the depth of dewatering wells and the depth of cutoff curtains have to be considered comprehensively and numerical simulations are generally conducted for calculation and analysis. Longyang Road Station on Shanghai Metro Line 18 is taken as the case study subject in this paper, a groundwater seepage model is developed according to the on-site engineering geological conditions and hydrogeological conditions, the excavation depth of the foundation pit as well as the design depth of the enclosure, hydrogeological parameters are determined via the pumping test, and the foundation pit dewatering is simulated by means of the three-dimensional finite difference method, which produces numerical results that consistent with real monitoring data as to the groundwater table. Besides, the drawdown and the land subsidence both inside and outside the pit caused by foundation pit dewatering are calculated and analyzed for various curtain depths. This study reveals that the drawdown and the land subsidence change faster near the curtain with the increase in the curtain depth, and the gradient of drawdown and land subsidence changes dwindles beyond certain depths. In this project, the curtain depth of 47/49 m is adopted, and a drawdown-land subsidence verification test is completed given hanging curtains before the excavation. The result turns out that the real measurements basically match the calculation results from the numerical simulation, and by increasing the depth of curtains, the land subsidence resulting from dewatering is effectively controlled.  相似文献   

李福林 《探矿工程》2021,48(11):104-111
南京一过江隧道明挖段为超深基坑,有深厚强透水砂层,含水层厚度大、渗透系数大,接受长江水补给,基坑采用悬挂式止水帷幕,涌水量大,在降水井施工过程中,通过洗井试抽发现原降水方案不能满足降水要求,且偏差非常大。为确保基坑安全、顺利施工,现场边施工降水井边开展原位抽水试验,通过对试验数据的分析,并借助三维数值法进行参数反演及降水模拟,及时对开挖深度大的JD1、JD2节段的降水井管径、数量、水泵配置进行了调整。基坑内抽水试验反演的参数远大于原方案参数,实际基坑涌水量高达91000 m3/d,是原降水方案预估值42000 m3/d的2.2倍,由于及时科学地调整了降水方案,在总井数增加不多的情况了,将坑内水位降至基底以下,保证了基坑的顺利实施,充分说明了抽水试验及方案的优化调整在降水实施过程中的重要性。  相似文献   

In terms of controlling groundwater in deep foundation pit projects, the usual methods include increasing the curtain depth, reducing the amount of pumped groundwater, and implementing integrated control, in order to reduce the drawdown and land subsidence outside pits. In dewatering design for confined water, factors including drawdown requirements, the thickness of aquifers, the depth of dewatering wells and the depth of cutoff curtains have to be considered comprehensively and numerical simulations are generally conducted for calculation and analysis. Longyang Road Station on Shanghai Metro Line 18 is taken as the case study subject in this paper, a groundwater seepage model is developed according to the on-site engineering geological conditions and hydrogeological conditions, the excavation depth of the foundation pit as well as the design depth of the enclosure, hydrogeological parameters are determined via the pumping test, and the foundation pit dewatering is simulated by means of the three-dimensional finite difference method, which produces numerical results that consistent with real monitoring data as to the groundwater table. Besides, the drawdown and the land subsidence both inside and outside the pit caused by foundation pit dewatering are calculated and analyzed for various curtain depths. This study reveals that the drawdown and the land subsidence change faster near the curtain with the increase in the curtain depth, and the gradient of drawdown and land subsidence changes dwindles beyond certain depths. In this project, the curtain depth of 47/49 m is adopted, and a drawdown-land subsidence verification test is completed given hanging curtains before the excavation. The result turns out that the real measurements basically match the calculation results from the numerical simulation, and by increasing the depth of curtains, the land subsidence resulting from dewatering is effectively controlled.  相似文献   

Land subsidence in China occurs predominantly in 17 provinces (cities) situated in the eastern and middle regions of the country, including Shanghai, Tianjin and Jiangsu, and Hebei provinces. It is primarily caused by groundwater overpumping. One of the areas most severely affected by land subsidence is the Yangtze Delta, most of which consists of Shanghai City, the Su-Xi-Chang area (Suzhou, Wuxi and Changzhou cities) of Jiangsu Province, and the Hang-Jia-Hu area (Hangzhou, Jiaxing and Huzhou cities) of Zhejiang Province. The excessive exploitation of groundwater forms in a large regional cone of depression and, consequently, land subsidence is also regional, currently centered in the Shanghai and Su-Xi-Chang areas. In 2002, the maximum cumulative subsidence of Shanghai, Su-Xi-Chang and Hang-Jia-Hu were 2.63 m, 2.00 and 1.06 m, respectively. The land subsidence area is continuing to expand throughout the Yangtze Delta. To study the characteristics and the pattern of this land subsidence, the government has implemented a monitoring system involving the placement of 37 groups of extensometers (layers marks) and drilling of more than 1000 observation wells. These provide an invaluable historical record of deformation and pore water pressure and facilitate studies on the special features of soil deformation when the groundwater level changes due to pumping. Several measures have been taken in recent years to control the development of the land subsidence in the different areas; these include groundwater injection, prohibition of pumping deep confined groundwater, and an adjustment of the pumping depth and magnitude of the groundwater withdrawn. At present, although the subsidence area is still increasing slowly, the subsidence rate is controlled.  相似文献   

This thesis focuses Arsenic(As) distribution and occurrence in groundwater of Yangtze River Delta economic region, East China. 2019 groundwater samples were collected to analyze 26 chemical compositions, including As. The Principal Component Analysis(PCA) was used to find out As source in groundwater. The results show that average As concentration in groundwater of this study is 9.33 μg/l, and maximum As concentration is up to 510 μg/l. The variation coefficient is 314.34%. High arsenic phreatic water(10 μg/l) distributes along the Yangtze River and its estuary. Weak hydrodynamic conditions, wide p H value variation range and deteriorating environment are dominating factors, especially in Yangtze River Delta. The PCA suggests that arsenic in phreatic water is mainly of natural origin. Part of arsenic may directly originate from sediment organics and be related to organics decomposition.  相似文献   

李洪财 《探矿工程》2018,45(5):87-92
南京长江隧道盾构接收井地处江心洲上,开挖地层以粉细砂层和砾砂层为主,降水施工中成功地克服了强透水地层分布厚、受承压水影响大、基坑开挖深度深、民房离基坑边沿距离近、降水技术复杂、地表沉降控制难等一系列技术难题。本文对基坑降水方案设计、施工工艺及地表沉降控制等方面进行了研究和总结。  相似文献   

全新世气候变化与长江三角洲史前文化兴衰   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
张芸  朱诚 《地质论评》2001,47(5):556-560
来自长江三角洲的薛城遗址和金址三野村遗址的孢粉和植物硅酸体鉴定或地球化学分析结果表明,长江三角洲史前文化的兴衰与全新世气候变化有一定的耦合关系,薛城遗址相当于马家浜文化晚期,它是南京地区发现最早的新石器遗址,新仙女木冰期之后,该区进入明显的持续增温时期,直至全新世高温期,持续较长时期的暖湿气候使该区新石器文化得以发展,金坛三星村新石器遗址相当于马家浜 文化中期至崧泽文化中期,崧泽文化是在暖湿气候条件下出现和繁荣的,但在5500a BP之后,气候极为冷干,加上当时人类活动剧烈,自然植被破坏比较严重,导致崧泽文化发生中断。  相似文献   

陈立德 《华南地质》2023,39(4):666-671
全新世海侵以来,巨量泥沙在长江河口湾一带堆积,形成了自西向东雁列的六个亚三角洲河口沙坝。长江口随之从镇江、扬州向东南方向推进到长兴岛一带,加之百余年来长江中游荆江河曲的演化和簰洲湾弯曲河道的发展,长江中下游河道累计延长620 km。长江中下游河床纵比降的自动调整,促使了中游一带河道泥沙淤积达12.9 m。长江河道的不断延伸加长和长江中下冲积河床对纵比降的自动调整,是长江中游河道淤涨和洪水位上升的内因;而荆江一带人类工程活动的参与,强化了长江泥沙向下游输移,加速了长江三角洲的发展和长江河道的延伸,构成了长江中游河道淤涨和洪水位上升的正反馈机制。长江中游防洪减灾策略、长江流域防洪规划和流域国土空间规划,应统筹考虑长江口浚海清淤和长江三角洲泥沙资源化利用,或开辟新的防洪入海通道,如开辟南通-如东入海新运河暨防洪新河。  相似文献   

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