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Among birds, single cone sensitivities responsible for color vision appear surprisingly conserved even though chromatic signals vary greatly. Thus it is widely held that avian visual signal and receptor characteristics are rarely aligned. Analysis of a diverse passerine clade (Passerida) with characteristically ultraviolet-sensitive (UVS) vision revealed that plumage carotenoid reflectance spectra matched cone maximal sensitivities at several levels: (1) plumage carotenoid reflectance minima and maxima in aggregate aligned with the four UVS single cones; (2) the corresponding reflectance features of yellow (hydroxy- and ε-keto) and red (3- and 4-β-keto) carotenoid classes aligned with different combinations of cones; (3) pairs of reflectance features (e.g. one minimum and one maximum) of each carotenoid class aligned with pairs of (opponent) cones that evoke chromatic perception; (4) passerid plumage carotenoids aligned more closely to their own (UVS) visual system than to the distinctive homologous cone classes of the violet-sensitive system found in other birds. The ubiquitous occurrence of plumage carotenoids ipso facto demonstrates that alignments of avian visual signals and receptors are widespread, and provides novel evidence that carotenoids are important to avian communication. Moreover, alignment of different physical spectra to different cone combinations in a fixed receptor array provides a straightforward mechanism that accommodates signal diversity within the context of a relatively conserved visual system. The distinct patterns of variation and alignment observed for yellow versus red carotenoids further suggest that these pigment classes convey different physical aspects of content, which may foster carotenoid-based plumage diversity through signal design trade-offs.  相似文献   

Birds have sophisticated colour vision mediated by four cone types that cover a wide visual spectrum including ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths. Many birds have modest UV sensitivity provided by violet‐sensitive (VS) cones with sensitivity maxima between 400 and 425 nm. However, some birds have evolved higher UV sensitivity and a larger visual spectrum given by UV‐sensitive (UVS) cones maximally sensitive at 360–370 nm. The reasons for VS–UVS transitions and their relationship to visual ecology remain unclear. It has been hypothesized that the evolution of UVS‐cone vision is linked to plumage colours so that visual sensitivity and feather coloration are ‘matched’. This leads to the specific prediction that UVS‐cone vision enhances the discrimination of plumage colours of UVS birds while such an advantage is absent or less pronounced for VS‐bird coloration. We test this hypothesis using knowledge of the complex distribution of UVS cones among birds combined with mathematical modelling of colour discrimination during different viewing conditions. We find no support for the hypothesis, which, combined with previous studies, suggests only a weak relationship between UVS‐cone vision and plumage colour evolution. Instead, we suggest that UVS‐cone vision generally favours colour discrimination, which creates a nonspecific selection pressure for the evolution of UVS cones.  相似文献   

Of the four classes of vertebrate cone visual pigments, the shortwave-sensitive SWS1 class shows the shortest lambda(max) values with peaks in different species in either the violet (390-435 nm) or ultraviolet (around 365 nm) regions of the spectrum. Phylogenetic evidence indicates that the ancestral pigment was probably UV-sensitive (UVS) and that the shifts between violet and UV have occurred many times during evolution. This is supported by the different mechanisms for these shifts in different species. All visual pigments possess a chromophore linked via a Schiff base to a Lys residue in opsin protein. In violet-sensitive (VS) pigments, the Schiff base is protonated whereas in UVS pigments, it is almost certainly unprotonated. The generation of VS from ancestral UVS pigments most likely involved amino acid substitutions in the opsin protein that serve to stabilise protonation. The key residues in the opsin protein for this are at sites 86 and 90 that are adjacent to the Schiff base and the counterion at Glu113. In this review, the different molecular mechanisms for the UV or violet shifts are presented and discussed in the context of the structural model of bovine rhodopsin.  相似文献   

Colour vision in diurnal birds falls into two discrete classes, signified by the spectral sensitivity of the violet- (VS) or ultraviolet-sensitive (UVS) short wavelength-sensitive type 1 (SWS1) single cone. Shifts between sensitivity classes are rare; three or four are believed to have happened in the course of avian evolution, one forming UVS higher passerines. Such shifts probably affect the expression of shortwave-dominated plumage signals. We have used genomic DNA sequencing to determine VS or UVS affinity in fairy-wrens and allies, Maluridae, a large passerine family basal to the known UVS taxa. We have also spectrophotometrically analysed male plumage coloration as perceived by the VS and UVS vision systems. Contrary to any other investigated avian genus, Malurus (fairy-wrens) contains species with amino acid residues typical of either VS or UVS cone opsins. Three bowerbird species (Ptilonorhynchidae) sequenced for outgroup comparison carry VS opsin genes. Phylogenetic reconstructions render one UVS gain followed by one or more losses as the most plausible evolutionary scenario. The evolution of avian ultraviolet sensitivity is hence more complex, as a single shift no longer explains its distribution in Passeriformes. Character correlation analysis proposes that UVS vision is associated with shortwave-reflecting plumage, which is widespread in Maluridae.  相似文献   

The peak sensitivities (λ(max)) of the short-wavelength-sensitive-1 (SWS1) pigments in mammals range from the ultraviolet (UV) (360-400 nm) to the violet (400-450 nm) regions of the spectrum. In most cases, a UV or violet peak is determined by the residue present at site 86, with Phe conferring UV sensitivity (UVS) and either Ser, Tyr or Val causing a shift to violet wavelengths. In primates, however, the tuning mechanism of violet-sensitive (VS) pigments would appear to differ. In this study, we examine the tuning mechanisms of prosimian SWS1 pigments. One species, the aye-aye, possesses a pigment with Phe86 but in vitro spectral analysis reveals a VS rather than a UVS pigment. Other residues (Cys, Ser and Val) at site 86 in prosimians also gave VS pigments. Substitution at site 86 is not, therefore, the primary mechanism for the tuning of VS pigments in primates, and phylogenetic analysis indicates that substitutions at site 86 have occurred at least five times in primate evolution. The sole potential tuning site that is conserved in all primate VS pigments is Pro93, which when substituted by Thr (as found in mammalian UVS pigments) in the aye-aye pigment shifted the peak absorbance into the UV region with a λ(max) value at 371 nm. We, therefore, conclude that the tuning of VS pigments in primates depends on Pro93, not Tyr86 as in other mammals. However, it remains uncertain whether the initial event that gave rise to the VS pigment in the ancestral primate was achieved by a Thr93Pro or a Phe86Tyr substitution.  相似文献   

The ornaments used by animals to mediate social interactions are diverse, and by reconstructing their evolutionary pathways we can gain new insights into the mechanisms underlying ornamental innovation and variability. Here, we examine variation in plumage carotenoids among the true finches (Aves: Fringillidae) using biochemical and comparative phylogenetic analyses to reconstruct the evolutionary history of carotenoid states and evaluate competing models of carotenoid evolution. Our comparative analyses reveal that the most likely ancestor of finches used dietary carotenoids as yellow plumage colorants, and that the ability to metabolically modify dietary carotenoids into more complex pigments arose secondarily once finches began to use modified carotenoids to create red plumage. Following the evolutionary “innovation” that enabled modified red carotenoid pigments to be deposited as plumage colorants, many finch species subsequently modified carotenoid biochemical pathways to create yellow plumage. However, no reversions to dietary carotenoids were observed. The finding that ornaments and their underlying mechanisms may be operating under different selection regimes—where ornamental trait colors undergo frequent reversions (e.g., between red and yellow plumage) while carotenoid metabolization mechanisms are more conserved—supports a growing empirical framework suggesting different evolutionary patterns for ornaments and the mechanistic innovations that facilitate their diversification.  相似文献   

The shortwave-sensitive SWS1 class of vertebrate visual pigments range in lambda(max) from the violet (385-445 nm) to the ultraviolet (UV) (365-355 nm), with UV-sensitivity almost certainly ancestral. In birds, however, the UV-sensitive pigments present in a number of species have evolved secondarily from an avian violet-sensitive (VS) pigment. All avian VS pigments expressed in vitro to date encode Ser86 whereas Phe86 is present in all non-avian ultraviolet sensitive (UVS) pigments. In this paper, we show by site directed mutagenesis of avian VS pigments that Ser86 is required in an avian VS pigment to maintain violet-sensitivity and therefore underlies the evolution of avian VS pigments. The major mechanism for the evolution of avian UVS pigments from an ancestral avian VS pigment is undoubtedly a Ser90Cys substitution. However, Phe86, as found in the Blue-crowned trogon, will also short-wave shift the pigeon VS pigment into the UV whereas Ala86 and Cys86 which are also found in natural avian pigments do not generate short-wave shifts when substituted into the pigeon pigment. From available data on avian SWS1 pigments, it would appear that UVS pigments have evolved on at least 5 separate occasions and utilize 2 different mechanisms for the short-wave shift.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet (UV)-sensitive visual pigments are widespread in the animal kingdom but many animals, for example primates, block UV light from reaching their retina by pigmented lenses. Birds have UV-sensitive (UVS) visual pigments with sensitivity maxima around 360–373 nm (UVS) or 402–426 nm (violet-sensitive, VS). We describe how these pigments are matched by the ocular media transmittance in 38 bird species. Birds with UVS pigments have ocular media that transmit more UV light (wavelength of 50% transmittance, λT0.5, 323 nm) than birds with VS pigments (λT0.5, 358 nm). Yet, visual models predict that colour discrimination in bright light is mostly dependent on the visual pigment (UVS or VS) and little on the ocular media. We hypothesize that the precise spectral tuning of the ocular media is mostly relevant for detecting weak UV signals, e.g. in dim hollow-nests of passerines and parrots. The correlation between eye size and UV transparency of the ocular media suggests little or no lens pigmentation. Therefore, only small birds gain the full advantage from shifting pigment sensitivity from VS to UVS. On the other hand, some birds with VS pigments have unexpectedly low UV transmission of the ocular media, probably because of UV blocking lens pigmentation.  相似文献   

Birds display a tremendous variety of carotenoid-based colors in their plumage, but the mechanisms underlying interspecific variability in carotenoid pigmentation remain poorly understood. Because vertebrates cannot synthesize carotenoids de novo, access to pigments in the diet is one proximate factor that may shape species differences in carotenoid-based plumage coloration. However, some birds metabolize ingested carotenoids and deposit pigments that differ in color from their dietary precursors, indicating that metabolic capabilities may also contribute to the diversity of plumage colors we see in nature. In this study, we investigated how the acquisition and utilization of carotenoids influence the maintenance of species-typical plumage pigmentation in male American goldfinches (Carduelis tristis) and northern cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis). We supplemented the diet of captive goldfinches with red carotenoids to determine whether males, which are typically yellow in color, were capable of growing red plumage. We also deprived cardinals of red dietary pigments to determine whether they could manufacture red carotenoids from yellow precursors to grow species-typical red plumage. We found that American goldfinches were able to deposit novel pigments in their plumage and develop a striking orange appearance. Thus, dietary access to pigments plays a role in determining the degree to which goldfinches express carotenoid-based plumage coloration. We also found that northern cardinals grew pale red feathers in the absence of red dietary pigments, indicating that their ability to metabolize yellow carotenoids in the diet contributes to the bright red plumage that they display.  相似文献   

The estrildid finches (Aves: Passeriformes: Estrildidae) of Africa, Asia, and Australia have been the focus of several recent tests of sexual selection theory. Many estrildids display bright red, orange, or yellow colors in the beak or plumage, which typically are generated by the presence of carotenoid pigments. In this study, we used high-performance liquid chromatography to investigate the carotenoid content of feathers and other colorful tissues in seven species of estrildids. Star finches (Neochmia ruficauda) and diamond firetails (Stagonopleura guttata) circulated two main dietary carotenoids (lutein and zeaxanthin) through the blood and liver and used both to acquire a yellow plumage color. However, five other estrildids (common waxbill, Estrilda astrild; black-rumped waxbill, Estrilda troglodytes; zebra waxbill, Amandava subflava; red avadavat, Amandava amandava; and zebra finch, Taeniopygia guttata) circulated these same dietary carotenoids along with two metabolites (dehydrolutein and anhydrolutein) through the blood and/or liver and used all four as yellow plumage colorants. We subsequently tracked the distribution of these pigments using a published phylogeny of estrildid finches to determine the evolutionary pattern of carotenoid metabolism in these birds. We found that finches from the most ancient tribe of estrildids (Estrildini) possessed the ability to metabolize dietary carotenoids. Although carotenoids from the most ancestral extant estrildid species have yet to be analyzed, we hypothesize (based on their relationships with other songbirds known to have such metabolic capabilities) that these finches inherited from their ancestors the capability to metabolize carotenoids. Interestingly, later in estrildid evolution, certain taxa lost the ability to metabolize dietary carotenoids (e.g., in the Poephilini), suggesting that the occurrence of carotenoid metabolism can be labile and is likely shaped by the relative costs and benefits of color signaling across different species.  相似文献   

Carotenoids are essential dietary components utilized not only in pigmentation but also as immuno-stimulants and antioxidants. Reduced availability can have consequences on individual health and survival, thus making carotenoids a good indicator of environmental stress. We compared carotenoid profiles and plumage colour characteristics of an endangered passerine species in New Zealand, between its remnant island source population and two reintroduced island populations. Circulating carotenoids were predominantly lutein (mean of 82.2%) and zeaxanthin (mean of 14.8%), and these were the major carotenoids present as yellow pigments in the males' plumage. There were clear differences in total carotenoid concentrations and plumage colour among the three populations. Circulating carotenoid concentration was significantly higher in one of the reintroduced populations, and the yellow plumage of males was significantly higher in both reintroduced populations in comparison with the remnant population (reflected as a significant increase in hue). Understanding how these differences arise may be of importance to this species given the health benefits carotenoids impart and our ability to select plant species containing these compounds or artificially supplement them.  相似文献   

Evidence that similar color patterns occur in unrelated animals with different habits undermines the traditional view that homoplasy evolves through shared ecological selection pressures. Carotenoid pigments responsible for many yellow to red signals exhibit two related properties that could link ecology with appearance by nontraditional means. Ecologic homoplasy could arise through ecophenotypy because all animals must obtain carotenoids through their diet. Such homoplasy also could be hidden from view because increased carotenoid levels are more strongly encoded by decreased reflectance over ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths invisible to humans. To explore these possibilities, I examined apparent matches or mismatches between color and ecology among insectivorous (low carotenoid diet) and frugivorous (high carotenoid diet) bird species in relation to the typical yellow and black plumage pattern of insectivorous, UV-sensitive titmice (Paridae). Diagnostic features of reflectance spectra indicated that all yellow plumages resulted from carotenoids, black plumages from melanins, and olive green plumages from codeposition of both pigments. However, reflectance by carotenoid-bearing plumages correlated with diet independent of plumage pattern; compared to the insectivores, frugivores had reduced amounts of UV reflectance, and to a lesser extent, "red shifts" in longer-wavelength reflectance. Furthermore, an asymptotic decrease in amount of UV with increased redness implied that plumage reflectance of insectivorous species differed more over UV wavelengths, whereas that of frugivorous species differed more over longer wavelengths. I verified that dietary links to plumage reflectance resulted from greater amounts of plumage carotenoids in frugivores, presumably due to their carotenoid-rich diets. All of these ecological associations transcended post-mortem or post-breeding color change, and phylogeny. Thus, predictable associations between avian-visible plumage reflectance, pigmentation, and diet across evolutionary scales may arise directly (diet per se) or indirectly (honest signaling of diet) by ecophenotypy, although various genetic factors also may play a role.  相似文献   

Many birds obtain colorful carotenoid pigments from the diet and deposit them into growing tissues to develop extravagant red, orange or yellow sexual ornaments. In these instances, it is often unclear whether all dietary pigments are used as integumentary colorants or whether certain carotenoids are preferentially excluded or incorporated into tissues. We examined the carotenoid profiles of three New World passerines that display yellow plumage coloration—the yellow warbler (Dendroica petechia), common yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas) and evening grosbeak (Coccothraustes vespertinus). Using high-performance liquid chromatography, we found that all species used only one carotenoid—lutein—to color their plumage yellow. Analyses of blood carotenoids (which document those pigments taken up from the diet) in two of the species, however, revealed the presence of two dietary xanthophylls—lutein and zeaxanthin—that commonly co-occur in plants and animals. These findings demonstrate post-absorptive selectivity of carotenoid deposition in bird feathers. To learn more about the site of pigment discrimination, we also analyzed the carotenoid composition of lipid fractions from the follicles of immature yellow-pigmented feathers in G. trichas and D. petechia and again detected both lutein and zeaxanthin. This suggests that selective lutein incorporation in feathers is under local control at the maturing feather follicle.  相似文献   

Birds have four spectrally distinct types of single cones that they use for colour vision. It is often desirable to be able to model the spectral sensitivities of the different cone types, which vary considerably between species. However, although there are several mathematical models available for describing the spectral absorption of visual pigments, there is no model describing the spectral absorption of the coloured oil droplets found in three of the four single cone types. In this paper, we describe such a model and illustrate its use in estimating the spectral sensitivities of single cones. Furthermore, we show that the spectral locations of the wavelengths of maximum absorbance (max) of the short- (SWS), medium- (MWS) and long- (LWS) wavelength-sensitive visual pigments and the cut-off wavelengths (cut) of their respective C-, Y- and R-type oil droplets can be predicted from the max of the ultraviolet- (UVS)/violet- (VS) sensitive visual pigment.  相似文献   

Carotenoids produce the brilliant red, orange, and yellow colors of many animals. However, melanin pigments can also confer some of these same hues. Because carotenoid and melanin colors are produced in different ways and may serve different signaling functions, either within or between species, it is important to establish whether one or both types of pigment are responsible for coloration. We have discovered what appears to be an evolutionary switch from carotenoid- to melanin-based color in two sexually dichromatic New World orioles. Using a combination of reflectance spectrometry and chromatographic analyses of plumage pigments, we found that the chestnut plumage of adult male orchard orioles Icterus spurius is produced predominantly by phaeomelanins. Orchard oriole feathers also contain carotenoids, which appear to be masked by the high concentration of phaeomelanins. In contrast, both carotenoids and phaeomelanins appear to contribute to color in adult male Fuertes's orioles I. fuertesi . Moreover, yellow yearling male and female plumage in both species is produced by carotenoids alone. The masking of carotenoids with phaeomelanins in orchard orioles is interesting in light of the signaling roles that carotenoids are thought to play. In addition, these plumage differences produce a unique case of age and sexual pigment dimorphism in orchard and Fuertes's orioles.  相似文献   

The broad palette of feather colours displayed by birds serves diverse biological functions, including communication and camouflage. Fossil feathers provide evidence that some avian colours, like black and brown melanins, have existed for at least 160 million years (Myr), but no traces of bright carotenoid pigments in ancient feathers have been reported. Insight into the evolutionary history of plumage carotenoids may instead be gained from living species. We visually surveyed modern birds for carotenoid-consistent plumage colours (present in 2956 of 9993 species). We then used high-performance liquid chromatography and Raman spectroscopy to chemically assess the family-level distribution of plumage carotenoids, confirming their presence in 95 of 236 extant bird families (only 36 family-level occurrences had been confirmed previously). Using our data for all modern birds, we modelled the evolutionary history of carotenoid-consistent plumage colours on recent supertrees. Results support multiple independent origins of carotenoid plumage pigmentation in 13 orders, including six orders without previous reports of plumage carotenoids. Based on time calibrations from the supertree, the number of avian families displaying plumage carotenoids increased throughout the Cenozoic, and most plumage carotenoid originations occurred after the Miocene Epoch (23 Myr). The earliest origination of plumage carotenoids was reconstructed within Passeriformes, during the Palaeocene Epoch (66–56 Myr), and not at the base of crown-lineage birds.  相似文献   

Many animals use carotenoid pigments to produce yellow, orange, and red coloration. In birds, at least 10 carotenoid compounds have been documented in red feathers; most of these are produced through metabolic modification of dietary precursor compounds. However, it is poorly understood how lineages have evolved the biochemical mechanisms for producing red coloration. We used high‐performance liquid chromatography to identify the carotenoid compounds present in feathers from 15 species across two clades of blackbirds (the meadowlarks and allies, and the caciques and oropendolas; Icteridae), and mapped their presence or absence on a phylogeny. We found that the red plumage found in meadowlarks includes different carotenoid compounds than the red plumage found in caciques, indicating that these gains of red color are convergent. In contrast, we found that red coloration in two closely related lineages of caciques evolved twice by what appear to be similar biochemical mechanisms. The C4‐oxygenation of dietary carotenoids was responsible for each observed transition from yellow to red plumage coloration, and has been commonly reported by other researchers. This suggests that the C4‐oxygenation pathway may be a readily evolvable means to gain red coloration using carotenoids.  相似文献   

Carotenoid pigments are commonly used as colorants of feathers and bare parts by birds. However, parrots (Aves: Psittaciformes) use a novel class of plumage pigments (called psittacofulvins) that, like carotenoids, are lipid-soluble and red, orange, or yellow in color. To begin to understand how and why parrots use these pigments and not carotenoids in their feathers, we must first describe the distribution of these two types of pigments in the diet, tissues, and fluids of these birds. Here, we studied the carotenoid content of blood in five species of parrots with red in their plumage to see if they show the physiological ability to accumulate carotenoids in the body. Although Scarlet (Ara macao) and Greenwing Macaws (Ara chloroptera) and Eclectus (Eclectus roratus), African Gray (Psittacus erithacus) and Blue-fronted Amazon (Amazona aestiva) Parrots all use psittacofulvins to color their feathers red, we found that they also circulated high concentrations of both dietary (lutein, zeaxanthin, beta-cryptoxanthin) and metabolically derived (anhydrolutein, dehydrolutein) carotenoids through blood at the time of feather growth, at levels comparable to those found in many other carotenoid-colored birds. These results suggest that parrots have the potential to use carotenoids for plumage pigmentation, but preferentially avoid depositing them in feathers, which is likely under the control of the maturing feather follicle. As there is no evidence of psittacofulvins in parrot blood at the tune of feather growth, we presume that these pigments are locally synthesized by growing feathers within the follicular tissue.  相似文献   

Cellular identification of color receptors in crayfish compound eyes has been made by selective adaptation at 450 nm and 570 nm, wavelengths near the λmax''s of the two retinular cell classes previously demonstrated. By utilizing earlier evidence, the concentration of lysosome-related bodies (LRB) was used to measure relative light adaptation and thus wavelength sensitivity in 665 retinular cells from six eyes. The observed particle distributions demonstrate the following. Both violet and yellow receptors occur ordinarily in each retinula. Of the seven regular retinular cells two (R3 and R4 using Eguchi''s numbering [1965]) have mean sensitivities significantly greater to violet and less to yellow than the other five. The latter apparently comprise "pure" yellow receptors (R1 and R7) and mixed yellow and violet receptors (R2, R5, and R6). Explanations of such ambiguity requiring two visual pigments in single retinular cells or intercellular coupling of adjacent neuroreceptors are apparently precluded by previous evidence. Present data imply alternatively some positional variability in the violet pair''s location in individual retinulas. Thus R3 and R4 are predominantly the violet receptors but in some retinulas R2 and R3 or R4 and R5 (or rarely some other cell pairs) may be. The retinal distribution of such variations has yet to be determined. In agreement with intracellular recordings the blue and yellow cells here identified belong to both the vertical and horizontal e-vector sensitive channels.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Carotenoid pigments produce the red, orange, and yellow plumage of many birds. Carotenoid-containing feathers are typically rich in color and displayed by all adult members of the species. In many gulls and terns, however, an unusual light pink coloring (or flush) to the normally white plumage can be found in highly variable proportions within and across populations. The carotenoid basis of plumage flush was determined in an Elegant Tern ( Sterna elegans ; Hudon and Brush 1990 ), but it is not clear if all larids use this same mechanism for pink plumage coloration. We examined the carotenoid content of pink feathers in Franklin's ( Larus pipixcan ) and Ring-billed ( Larus delawarensis ) gulls and found that a single carotenoid—astaxanthin—was present. Astaxanthin was primarily responsible for the flush in Elegant Terns as well, but was accompanied by other carotenoids (e.g., canthaxanthin and zeaxanthin), as is typical of most astaxanthin-containing bird feathers. In both gull and tern species, carotenoids were contained within feathers and did not occur on the plumage surface in preen oil, as some have previously speculated. We hypothesize that some gulls turn pink because they acquire unusually high amounts of astaxanthin in their diets at the time of feather growth. It is tempting to link the increase in sightings of pink Ring-billed Gulls since the late 1990s with the introduction of pure, synthetic astaxanthin to the diets of hatchery-raised salmon.  相似文献   

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