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外周痛刺激诱导大鼠中缝背核内触液神经元Fos蛋白表达   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
实验应用CB-HRP逆行追踪和c-fos免疫细胞化学相结合的方法研究了大鼠足底注射福尔马林后中缝背核内触液神经元FOS蛋白的表达,以探讨大鼠中缝背核内触液神经元与外周痛的关系。  相似文献   

目的 :探讨大鼠触液神经元(cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons,CSF-CNs)p75神经营养因子受体(p75 neurotrophin receptor,p75NTR)在脊髓损伤后的表达变化。方法 :成年雌性Sprague-Dawley(SD)大鼠36只,按随机数字表法分为正常对照组(6只)、假手术组(6只)和脊髓损伤组(24只),脊髓损伤组采用Allen′s打击模型(10g×3cm)在大鼠脊髓T10段造成急性脊髓损伤,分别于损伤3d、1周、2周、4周后进行取材;对照组不做任何处理,假手术组只暴露脊髓,不击伤脊髓。对各组大鼠运动功能行BBB评分,各时间点取材行病理切片HE染色观察。取材前48h侧脑室注射霍乱毒素B亚单位与辣根过氧化物酶复合物(CB-HRP)特异性标记触液神经元。处死大鼠后,取损伤的脊髓节段10mm,用免疫荧光双标法检测触液神经元p75NTR的表达,ImagePro Plus计数目标神经元CB-HRP/p75双阳性细胞的数目。结果 :假手术组各时间点BBB评分均为21.0±0;脊髓损伤组在术后3d、1周、2周、4周各时间点BBB评分分别为3.20±0.81、10.73±1.02、12.48±1.86、13.29±1.93,两组各时间点差异均具有统计学意义(P0.05)。HE染色可见正常对照组和假手术组脊髓组织结构完整,细胞形态正常;脊髓损伤组脊髓组织结构紊乱,神经元变性坏死,胶质细胞增生,胶质瘢痕和脊髓空洞形成。免疫荧光双标示正常对照组和假手术组可见少量CB-HRP/p75双阳性细胞,计数分别为5.16±0.55、4.31±0.61,两组比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05);脊髓损伤组伤后3d、1周、2周CB-HRP/p75双阳性细胞数分别为13.35±1.53、21.68±2.15、16.26±2.09,与正常对照组和假手术组比较差异均有统计学意义(P0.05),伤后4周时,CB-HRP/p75双阳性细胞数为4.83±0.73,与正常对照组和假手术组比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论 :p75NTR可在大鼠脊髓触液神经元中表达,且在脊髓损伤后表达增加,触液神经元可能通过p75NTR参与脊髓损伤的修复过程。  相似文献   

目的:探讨Notch 1信号通路在调节小鼠触液神经元增殖中的作用.方法:(1)取出生24h内C57BL/6小鼠延髓组织,消化后提取细胞,经流式细胞分选得到触液神经元(cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons,CSF-cNs).将CSF-cNs悬浮培养并传代.(2)将CSF-cNs传至...  相似文献   

接触脑脊液神经元(cerebrospinal fluid contacting neurons,CSF-CNs)是中枢神经系统特别是脑内的一种特殊类型的神经细胞.依据其与室管膜的位置关系大致可分为室管膜上、室管膜下和远位触液神经元三类.近年来对触液神经元的结构、性质和功能的研究逐渐深入,为揭示神经体液调节的密切联系,进一步研究机体复杂的调节机制开辟了新的领域.  相似文献   

目的 评价远位触液神经元5-羟色胺1A(5-HT1A)受体在大鼠神经病理性痛中的作用.方法 雄性SD大鼠40只,体重230~270 g,采用随机数字表法,将其随机分为4组(n=10):假手术组(S组)、神经病理性痛组(NP组)、二甲基亚砜组(DMSO组)和8-羟基-2-(双-正丙胺基)-四氢萘满组(8-OH-DPAT组).采用坐骨神经慢性压迫法(CCI制备大鼠神经病理性痛模型,S组仅暴露坐骨神经,但不结扎.CCI后第7天,8-OH-DPAT组和DMSO组向远位触液神经元分别缓慢注射5-HT1A受体特异性激动剂8-OH-DPAT或DMSO 1 μl,5 min内注射完毕.分别于CCI前(T0)、CCI后第7天(T1)和给药后3、6 h(T2,3)时,测定缩足潜伏期(PWL)和缩足阈值(PWT).于给药后6 h时处死大鼠,取脑组织,采用免疫荧光标记法检测远位触液核神经元5-HT1A受体的表达.结果 与S组比较,NP组、DMSO组和8-OH-DPAT组T1时PWL缩短,PWT降低(P<0.01);与DMSO组比较,8-OH-DPAT组T2和T3时PWL延长,PWT升高(P<0.01).与S组比较,NP组和DMSO组5-HT1A受体表达下调(P<0.01);与NP组和DMSO组比较,8-OH-DPAT组5-HT1A.受体表达上调(P<0.01);NP组和DMSO组间5-HT1A受体表达比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 远位触液神经元5-HT1A受体参与了大鼠神经病理性痛的调控.
Objective To evaluate the role of 5-HT1A receptors in distal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-contacting neurons in neuropathic pain (NP) in rats. Methods Forty male SD rats weighing 230-270 g were randomly divided into 4 groups (n = 8 each): sham operation group (group S); NP group; dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) group and 8-OH-DPAT (a specific 5-HT1A receptor agonist) group. NP was induced by chronic constrictive injury (CCI) in groups NP, DMSO and 8-OH-DPAT. Four silk ligatures were placed on the sciatic nerve at 1 mm intervals . In group S, the sciatic nerve was exposed but not ligated. 8-OH-DPAT and DMSO 1 μl were injected into the region where most of CSF-contacting neurons are present over 5 min on 7th day after CCI in groups 8-OH-DPAT and DMSO respectively. Paw withdrawal latency (PWL) and paw withdrawal threshold (PWT) were measured before CCI, on 7th day after CCI, and at 3 and 6 h after administration. The rats were sacrificed 6 h after administration, and the brain tissues removed for determination of the expression of 5-HT1A receptors in the distal CSF-contacting neurons by immunofluorescence. Results Compared with group S, PWL was significantly shorten and PWT decreased at T, in groups NP, DMSO and 8-OH- DPAT (P < 0.01) . Compared with group DMSO, PWL was significantly prolonged and PWT increased at T2 and T3 in group 8-OH-DPAT ( P < 0.01). The 5-HT1A receptor expression was significantly down-regulated in groups NP and DMSO compared with group S, while up-regulated in group 8-OH-DPAT compared with groups NP and DMSO ( P < 0.01). There was no significant difference in 5-HT1A receptor expression between groups NP and DMSO ( P > 0.05). Conclusion 5-HT1A receptors in distal CSF-contacting neurons are involved in the regulation of NP in rats.  相似文献   

目的 观察静脉麻醉药氯胺酮和麻醉性镇痛药哌替啶对离体大鼠视上核(SON)神经元自发放电频率的影响。方法 将新生SD大鼠迅速断头取脑,置于通入95%O2和5%CO2混合气体的4℃人工脑脊液(ACSF)中,以振动切片机制成300—400μm含SON神经元的脑薄片,将脑薄片随机分为6组:哌替啶50μmol/L组、100μmol/L组、150μmol/L组和氯胺酮50μmol/L组、100μmol/L组、150μmol/L组,每组30张脑片,应用全细胞膜片钳记录技术观察给药前、给药后5min和正常ACSF冲洗后5min各组SON神经元自发放电频率。结果 与给药前即刻比较,3组灌流5min后、哌替啶150wnol/L组冲洗5min后SON神经元自发放电频率下降(P〈0.05或0.01);与哌替啶50μmol/L组比较,100μmol/L组和150μmol/L组灌流5min后、冲洗5min后SON神经元自发放电频率下降(P〈0.05或0.01)。与给药前即刻比较,氯胺酮100μmol/L组和150μmol/L组灌流5min后、150μmol/L组冲洗5min后SON神经元自发放电频率下降(P〈0.05或0.01);与氯胺酮50μmol/L组比较,氯胺酮100μmol/L组和150μmol/L组灌流5min后、150μmol/L组冲洗5min后SON神经元自发放电频率下降(P〈0.05或0.01)。结论 哌替啶和氯胺酮对大鼠SON神经元自发放电频率可产生明显可逆性的抑制作用。  相似文献   

背景 脊髓背角浅层中间神经元与初级传入纤维、背角浅层的投射神经元、来自上位脑结构的下行投射纤维以及其他类型的中间神经元之间形成复杂的局部环路,在感觉信息(如痛觉、触觉和痒觉等)的传导和调节过程中发挥了重要的作用. 目的 探究脊髓背角浅层抑制性中间神经元在瘙痒发生机制中的作用及其为瘙痒治疗提供的新靶点. 内容 脊髓背角浅层抑制性中间神经元表达的BhIhb5抑制性中间神经元(Bhlhb5-expressing inhibitory interneurons,B5-I)和神经肽Y(neuropeptide Y,NPY)中间神经元分别在“化学痒”和“机械痒”的研究中发挥的作用. 趋向 瘙痒机制研究的不断深入为其治疗提供了有力的理论支持.  相似文献   

为观察外用复方黄柏液治疗肛门瘙痒症的疗效,选取肛门瘙痒症患者181例,随机分为三组,一组用10%复方黄柏液坐浴患处(A组),一组用复方黄柏液原液涂抹患处(B组),另一组用冰磺洗剂涂抹患处(C组),对比分析三组患者的疗效。结果显示,A、B、C三组患者总显效率分别为74.6%o、93.5%和71.7%。经统计学分析,B组总显效率明显高于A、C组,P〈0.05;而A组和C组间差异无统计学意义,P〉0.05。结果表明,复方黄柏液原液外涂患处治疗肛门瘙痒症疗效显著。  相似文献   

核因子-κB活化在大鼠急性坏死性胰腺炎肺损伤中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过急性坏死性胰腺炎 (ANP)模型 ,探讨核因子 κB(NF κB )活化在大鼠ANP肺损伤发病机制中的作用。一、材料与方法1.实验动物分组与模型 :雄性Wistar大鼠 ,体重 2 0 0~ 2 5 0g ,随机分成 3组 ,对照组、ANP组、NF κB抑制剂二硫代氨基甲酸吡咯烷 (PDTC)组 ,每组 30只。大鼠禁食 2 4h ,自由饮水。 2 5 %戊巴比妥钠腹腔注射麻醉 ,胰管末端逆行穿刺 ,近肝门及十二指肠乳头处夹闭胰管两端 ,1ml/kg体重胰管内缓慢匀速注入 5 %牛磺胆酸钠。对照组胰管内注入等量0 9%生理盐水。模型制备后 ,PDTC组立即尾静脉缓慢匀速注入PDTC 10mg/…  相似文献   

核受体是配体依赖性转录因子超家族,对脂类代谢基因有重要的转录调控作用,与许多代谢性疾病密切相关,近年来,国内外对核受体在脂类代谢中调控作用的广泛研究,有助于进一步加深对胆固醇结石病等与脂类代谢相关疾病的发病机制认识.  相似文献   

接触脑脊液神经核,简称触液核,是作者团队在世界上首先发现和命名的一个独特神经核。与目前已知的神经核显著不同的是:触液核的胞体位于脑实质,突起伸在脑脊液中,专司脑-脑脊液的信息传递。本研究历时30余年,参与者超过100人,取得了一系列成果,2010年曾获江苏省科学技术一等奖。文章提供了90~400 g大鼠触液核中心点坐标...  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to make an equivalent and culturally adapted translation of an already existing scale for itching, the 5-D itch scale (5-D IS), developed as a short questionnaire and designed to measure pruritus, in order to be applied in a Spanish-speaking population. The 5-D IS consists of five sections that evaluate duration, degree, direction, disability and distribution of itching. The adequate translation process was performed according to the guidelines from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR). Two forward translations, one backwards translation, harmonization by an expert panel, and cognitive interviews with patients were included. The result was a culturally adapted Spanish version of the 5-D IS which was then field-tested in a burn population with an internal reliability of 0,83, considered good. As pruritus and pain are bothersome symptoms present in more that 90% of burned patients during the rehabilitation phase, this culturally adapted scale allows Spanish speakers clinicians to easily objectivize the severity of pruritus and measure the impact of any intervention or treatment.  相似文献   

Objective:To explore the clinical manifestation,diagnosis and surgical treatment of cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea in sphenoidal sinus.Methods: Nine cases of cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea in spenoidal sinus from 2007 to 2009 were retrospectivelyanalyzed consisting of their possible etiological factors,clinical manifestations, localization of the leakage site and treatment methods. Among them, there were 3 cases of traumatic rhinorrhea, 4 postoperative rhinorrhea and 2 spontaneous rhinorrhea. All 9 patients underwent 3-dimensional CT scan in sellar region including all para-nasal sinus. Leakage site was identified and repairing procedure was performed through trans-sphenoidal approach.Results:All cases were cured with the trans-sphenoidal microsurgical procedure. They were followed up for 9 months to 2 years. No recurrence, no infection and epilepsy complications were observed.Conclusion:For the cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea at sphenoidal sinus, it is critical to identify the leakage site accurately and the trans-sphenoidal approach is a microinvasive and effective way to repair the leakage, which is worthy to be advocated.  相似文献   

Objective:To explore the clinical manifestation,diagnosis and surgical treatment of cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea in sphenoidal sinus.Methods: Nine cases of cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea in spenoidal sinus from 2007 to 2009 were retrospectivelyanalyzed consisting of their possible etiological factors,clinical manifestations, localization of the leakage site and treatment methods. Among them, there were 3 cases of traumatic rhinorrhea, 4 postoperative rhinorrhea and 2 spontaneous rhinorrhea. All 9 patients underwent 3-dimensional CT scan in sellar region including all para-nasal sinus. Leakage site was identified and repairing procedure was performed through trans-sphenoidal approach.Results:All cases were cured with the trans-sphenoidal microsurgical procedure. They were followed up for 9 months to 2 years. No recurrence, no infection and epilepsy complications were observed.Conclusion:For the cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea at sphenoidal sinus, it is critical to identify the leakage site accurately and the trans-sphenoidal approach is a microinvasive and effective way to repair the leakage, which is worthy to be advocated.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Patients suffering from hydrocephalus are often treated by the surgical placement of a shunt, directing the excess of cerebrospinal fluid towards another body compartment. However, the degree of clinical improvement is variable and the dynamics of cerebrospinal fluid pressure in shunted hydrocephalus is poorly understood. A recently developed noninvasive technique makes it possible to follow pressure variations: it is based on otoacoustic emissions, sounds naturally emitted by the cochlea and routinely detected in audiology. When cerebrospinal fluid pressure changes, emissions undergo a phase shift while crossing the oval window. The goal of this work is to study how this shift is affected by shunt placement. METHOD: Otoacoustic emissions were recorded repeatedly in 22 adult patients who suffered from chronic hydrocephalus. Their phase shifts were measured, in sitting and recumbent positions, before and after surgical placement of a ventriculo-peritoneal shunt (Sophysa SM8). RESULTS: Postural shift in normal subjects is a phase lead, and this outcome was found in 17 of 22 patients preoperatively. After shunt placement, the postural effect became a phase lag in 18 patients of 20. In a given posture, sitting or recumbent, phase shifts changed from pre to postoperative measurements in a systematic manner. CONCLUSION: Otoacoustic emissions respond in a characteristic way to posture changes in normal adults, and having received a shunt for chronic hydrocephalus reverses the effect, presumably in relation to the existence of a "vacuum" in the inner ear.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo evaluate the effect of doxepin hydrochloride 5% cream on reducing pruritus in burn scar patients compared to a placebo cream.MethodWe conducted a multicenter triple-blind randomized clinical placebo-controlled crossover trial in which burn patients ≥18 years with an itch intensity ≥3 on a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) were randomized between a doxepin-placebo or placebo-doxepin treatment protocol. Patients used each cream during two weeks with a wash-out period of one week in between. Primary outcome was change in itch intensity in two weeks’ time using the VAS. Secondary outcome included the impact of itch (Burn Itch Questionnaire). Other parameters were the use of hydrating cream, silicon treatment, pressure garments, and other antipruritic medication.ResultsTwenty-seven patients were included. The change in itch intensity (VAS) was not different during the doxepin and placebo period (p = 0.994); neither the doxepin cream nor placebo cream reduced itch intensity. However, based on the Burn Itch Questionnaire, we observed a statistically significant decrease in itch intensity and improvement in impact scores in both treatment groups, but no difference in the degree of reduction between the groups.ConclusionDoxepin cream was not effective in reducing pruritus in our burn patient study population.  相似文献   

目的探讨不同血液净化方式对尿毒症皮肤瘙痒的治疗效果。方法选择70例尿毒症规律性血液透析伴皮肤瘙痒患者,分为血液灌流串联血液透析(HP/HD组)、血液透析滤过(HDF组)、高通量透析(HFD组)、普通血液透析(HD组)进行治疗。观察皮肤瘙痒等临床症状缓解情况及血清甲状旁腺素等指标变化。结果HP/HD组、HDF组、HFD组治疗前后,血清PTH水平下降,皮肤瘙痒明显缓解;与HD组比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01或P〈0.05)。结论血液灌流串联血液透析和血液透析滤过、高通量透析较普通血液透析能更有效的清除PTH,可有效缓解皮肤瘙痒等症状。  相似文献   

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