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We investigated factors that limited the distribution of phytophagous species within a woodiand system in Midlothian, Scotland. A pattern analysis was conducted of phytophagous species on a total of 45 Fagus sylvatica within 15 woodlands. Species richness counted on collected leaves was tested against within-and between-wood variables. Variables used in a regression with arthropod data from Fagus were used to estimate the phytophage richness on Betula pendula and Quercus robur in the same woods. Convariance in the number of phytophages in sampled woods was found for Fagus over three years and for Fagus, Betula and Quercus in 1992. Association analysis was used to classify the woods into species rich or poor based on presence or absence matrices. The main factors that limit phytophages on Fagus (gaps along the woodland edge, depth and species richness of the field layer. density of leaf litter and the extent of contiguous woodland cover, when including hedgerows and lines of trees) affect phytophages of similar life history strategy on other tree species within the same woods. Eighty-six per cent of species were lost because certain life history stages were vulnerable to factors that prevail in woods of poor structure. The nature conservation value of woodlands could be assessed using the correlated vulnerability of particular phytophages across tree species under specific woodland conditions.  相似文献   

节肢动物门是动物界中最大的1个门。按新的分类系统,本门分三叶虫亚门(已灭绝)、螯肢亚门、甲壳亚门、六足亚门和多足亚门等5亚门。六足亚门相当于以前分类系统中的昆虫纲(广义的), 是最重要的一类节肢动物;此亚门分原尾纲、弹尾纲、双尾纲和昆虫纲(狭义的)等4纲;昆虫纲分3亚纲30目,包括了前昆虫纲“有翅亚纲”中的各目。为便于读者了解新、旧系统的异同,文中列举前人的代表性系统加以对照。同时,对学术界关于节肢动物的起源和演化的一些新观点予以必要的说明,对现时流行的“泛节肢动物”、“泛甲壳动物”等概念作了简要的介绍。  相似文献   

Many vertebrates breed in cooperative groups in which more than two members provide care for young. Studies of cooperative breeding behavior within species have long highlighted the importance of environmental factors in mediating the paradox of why some such individuals delay independent breeding to help raise the offspring of others. In contrast, studies involving comparisons among species have not shown a similarly clear evolutionary-scale relationship between the interspecific incidence of cooperative breeding and any environmental factors. Here, we use a phylogenetically controlled comparative analysis of a complete, socially diverse group of birds-45 species of African starlings-to show that cooperative breeding is positively associated with living in semiarid savanna habitats and with temporal variability in rainfall. Savanna habitats are not only highly seasonal, but also temporally variable and unpredictable, and this temporal variability directly influences individual reproductive decisions in starlings and helps explain interspecific patterns of sociality. Cooperative breeding is likely to be adaptive in temporally variable environments because it allows for both reproduction in harsh years and sustained breeding during benign years. This "temporal variability" hypothesis might help explain the phylogenetic and geographic concentrations of cooperatively breeding vertebrates in savanna-like habitats and other temporally variable environments worldwide.  相似文献   

The existence of seasonal changes in concentrations of water-soluble carbohydrates in arthropods (both freezing-tolerant and intolerant species) from Signy Island was demonstrated. Seasonal patterns of variation, imposed by seasonality of the maritime Antarctic environment, in the production of soluble carbohydrates in response to low temperatures and/or dehydration for a range of terrestrial arthropods were confirmed. The freshwater copepod Pseudoboeckellapoppei exhibited much lower levels of soluble carbohydrates, with glycerol as the main component, and smaller seasonal fluctuations relative to the four terrestrial species. The two Antarctic mites (Alaskozetes antarcticus and Gamasellus racovitzai) accumulated glycerol (as a single-component cryoprotective system), in agreement with previous work reporting increased glycerol levels and lowering of the supercooling point in A. antarcticus. In the case of G. racovitzai, increased levels of glycerol may function in a different manner. The larval dipteran Eretmoptera murphyi and the collembolan Cryptopygus antarcticus have complex multi-component cryoprotective systems involving trehalose that may be related to low temperature acclimation and dehydration. These findings are discussed in relation to published work on single and multiple cryoprotective systems, supercooling points and the involvement of dehydration as a complementary stress in overwintering insects. Received: 28 February 1997 / Accepted: 20 October 1997  相似文献   

The evolutionary maintenance of sex, despite competition from asexual reproduction, has long intrigued the evolutionary biologists owing to its numerous apparent short-term costs. In aphids, winter climate is expected to determine the maintenance of sexual lineages in the high latitude zones owing to their exclusive ability to produce frost-resistant eggs. However, diverse reproductive modes may coexist at a local scale where climatic influence is counteracted by microgeographical factors. In this study, we tested the influence of local habitat characteristics on regional coexistence of reproductive modes in the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum. In the laboratory, the induction of sexual morph production of many pea aphid genotypes from the local fields of annual (pea and faba bean) and perennial (alfalfa and red clover) crops in Western France indicated that A. pisum lineages from annual crops had a significantly higher investment in sexual reproduction than A. pisum lineages from the perennial hosts. We propose that temporal habitat variability exerts a selective pressure to maintain the sexual reproduction in A. pisum. The ecological and evolutionary consequences of the association between the mode of reproduction and the host population on gene flow restriction and on ecological specialization are discussed.  相似文献   

It is presumed that the evolution of morphological diversity in animals and plants is driven by changes in the developmental processes that govern morphology, hence basically by changes in the function and/or expression of a defined set of genes that control these processes. A large body of evidence has suggested that changes in developmental gene regulation are the predominant mechanisms that sustain morphological evolution, being much more important than the evolution of the primary sequences and functions of proteins. Recent reports challenge this idea by highlighting functional evolution of Hox proteins during the evolutionary history of arthropods.  相似文献   

The function and evolution of Wnt genes in arthropods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wnt signalling is required for a wide range of developmental processes, from cleavage to patterning and cell migration. There are 13 subfamilies of Wnt ligand genes and this diverse repertoire appeared very early in metazoan evolution.In this review, we first summarise the known Wnt gene repertoire in various arthropods. Insects appear to have lost several Wnt subfamilies, either generally, such as Wnt3, or in lineage specific patterns, for example, the loss of Wnt7 in Anopheles. In Drosophila and Acyrthosiphon, only seven and six Wnt subfamilies are represented, respectively; however, the finding of nine Wnt genes in Tribolium suggests that arthropods had a larger repertoire ancestrally.We then discuss what is currently known about the expression and developmental function of Wnt ligands in Drosophila and other insects in comparison to other arthropods, such as the spiders Achaearanea and Cupiennius. We conclude that studies of Wnt genes have given us much insight into the developmental roles of some of these ligands. However, given the frequent loss of Wnt genes in insects and the derived development of Drosophila, further studies of these important genes are required in a broader range of arthropods to fully understand their developmental function and evolution.  相似文献   

We tested integrative bottom-up and top-down trophic cascade hypotheses with manipulative experiments in a tropical wet forest, using the ant-plant Piper cenocladum and its associated arthropod community. We examined enhanced nutrients and light along with predator and herbivore exclusions as sources of variation in the relative biomass of plants, their herbivores (via rates of herbivory), and resident predaceous ants. The combined manipulations of secondary consumers, primary consumers, and plant resources allowed us to examine some of the direct and indirect effects on each trophic level and to determine the relative contributions of bottom-up and top-down cascades to the structure of the community. We found that enhanced plant resources (nutrients and light) had direct positive effects on plant biomass. However, we found no evidence of indirect (cascading through the herbivores) effects of plant biomass on predators or top predators. In contrast, ants had indirect effects on plant biomass by decreasing herbivory on the plants. This top-down cascade occurred whether or not plant resources were enriched, conditions which are expected to modify top-down forces. Received: 9 August 1998 / Accepted: 1 December 1998  相似文献   

I examine here the effects of host heterogeneity in the growth of immune response on the evolution and co-evolution of virulence. The analysis is based on an extension of the 'nested model' by Gilchrist and Sasaki [Modeling host-parasite coevolution, J. Theor. Biol. 218 (2002), pp. 289-308]; the criteria for host and parasite evolution, in the paradigm of adaptive dynamics, for that model are derived in generality. Host heterogeneity is assumed to be fixed at birth according to a lognormal distribution or to the presence of two discrete types. In both cases, it is found that host heterogeneity determines a dramatic decrease in pathogen virulence, since pathogens will tune to the 'weakest' hosts. Finally we clarify how contrasting results present in the literature are due to different modelling assumptions.  相似文献   

Glypicans are multifunctional proteoglycans with regulatory roles in several intercellular signaling pathways. Here, we examine the functional requirements for glypican regulation of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-mediated body length in C. elegans. We provide evidence that two parts of C. elegans glypican LON-2 can independently inhibit BMP signaling in vivo: the N-terminal furin protease product and the C-terminal region containing heparan sulfate attachment sequences. While the C-terminal protease product is dispensable for LON-2 minimal core protein activity, it does affect the localization of LON-2. Cleavage of LON-2 into two parts at the conserved furin protease site is not required for LON-2 to inhibit BMP-like signaling. The glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI) membrane anchor is also not absolutely required for LON-2 activity. Finally, we show that an RGD protein-protein interaction motif in the LON-2 N-terminal domain is necessary for LON-2 core protein activity, suggesting that LON-2 inhibits BMP signaling by acting as a scaffold for BMP and an RGD-binding protein.  相似文献   

Several dioecious plant species exhibit sexual dimorphisms in defensive traits. However, the effects of sexual dimorphism on defense against herbivores remain poorly understood. Eurya japonica (Thunb.) (Theaceae) is a dioecious shrub that shows sexual dimorphism in the chemical defense of flower buds. Female calyces contain higher concentrations of total phenolics and condensed tannins than do male calyces. Male flower buds are edible for a florivore moth, Chloroclystis excisa (Butler) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), whereas the female flower buds are lethal to the moth larvae. The moths prefer to oviposit on male over female E. japonica flower buds. As the moths also occur in areas lacking E. japonica, we tested whether the oviposition preference for E. japonica flower sex differed between moths sympatric and allopatric with E. japonica. The moths sympatric with E. japonica showed a stronger preference for male E. japonica than the moths allopatric with E. japonica. Our phylogeographic study using mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene sequences revealed little genetic differentiation between moth populations sympatric and allopatric with E. japonica. These results suggest that the adaptive oviposition preference for flower sex of E. japonica has evolved rapidly in C. excisa.  相似文献   

The modulation of the chromatin organization of eukaryotic cells plays an important role in regulating key cellular processes including host defence mechanisms against pathogens. Thus, to successfully survive in a host cell, a sophisticated bacterial strategy is the subversion of nuclear processes of the eukaryotic cell. Indeed, the number of bacterial proteins that target host chromatin to remodel the host epigenetic machinery is expanding. Some of the identified bacterial effectors that target the chromatin machinery are ‘eukaryotic‐like’ proteins as they mimic eukaryotic histone writers in carrying the same enzymatic activities. The best‐studied examples are the SET domain proteins that methylate histones to change the chromatin landscape. In this review, we will discuss SET domain proteins identified in the Legionella, Chlamydia and Bacillus genomes that encode enzymatic activities targeting host histones. Moreover, we discuss their possible origin as having evolved from prokaryotic ancestors or having been acquired from their eukaryotic hosts during their co‐evolution. The characterization of such bacterial effectors as modifiers of the host chromatin landscape is an exciting field of research as it elucidates new bacterial strategies to not only manipulate host functions through histone modifications but it may also identify new modifications of the mammalian host cells not known before.  相似文献   

The linear, four-step oxidation of water to molecular oxygen by photosystem II requires cooperation between redox reactions driven by light and a set of redox reactions involving the S-states within the oxygen-evolving complex. The oxygenevolving complex is a highly ordered structure in which a number of polypeptides interact with one another to provide the appropriate environment for productive binding of cofactors such as manganese, chloride and calcium, as well as for productive electron transfer within the photoact. A number of recent advances in the knowledge of the polypeptide structure of photosystem II has revealed a correlation between primary photochemical events and a core complex of five hydrophobic polypeptides which provide binding sites for chlorophyll a, pheophytin a, the reaction center chlorophyll (P680), and its immediate donor, denoted Z. Although the core complex of photosystem II is photochemically active, it does not possess the capacity to evolve oxygen. A second set of polypeptides, which are water-soluble, have been discovered to be associated with photosystem II; these polypeptides are now proposed to be the structural elements of a special domain which promotes the activities of the loosely-bound cofactors (manganese, chloride, calcium) that participate in oxygen evolution activity. Two of these proteins (whose molecular weights are 23 and 17 kDa) can be released from photosystem II without concurrent loss of functional manganese; studies on these proteins and on the membranes from which they have been removed indicate that the 23 and 17 kDa species from part of the structure which promotes retention of chloride and calcium within the oxygen-evolving complex. A third water-soluble polypeptide of molecular weight 33 kDa is held to the photosystem II core complex by a series of forces which in some circumstances may include ligation to manganese. The 33 kDa protein has been studied in some detail and appears to promote the formation of the environment which is required for optimal participation by manganese in the oxygen evolving reaction. This minireview describes the polypeptides of photosystem II, places an emphasis on the current state of knowledge concerning these species, and discusses current areas of uncertainty concerning these important polypeptides.Abbreviations A 23187 ionophore that exchanges divalent cations with H+ - Chl chlorophyll - cyt cytochrome - DCPIP dichlorophenolindophenol - DPC diphenylcarbazide - EGTA ethyleneglycoltetraacetic acid - P680 the chlorophyll a reaction center of photosystem II - pheo pheophytin - PQ plastoquinone - PS photosystem - QA and QB primary and secondary plastoquinone electron acceptors of photosystem II - Sn (n=0, 1, 2, 3, 4) charge accumulating state of the oxygen evolving system - Signals IIvf, IIf and IIs epr-detectable free radicals associated with the oxidizing side of photosystem II - Z primary electron donor to the photosystem II reaction center The survey of literature for this review ended in September, 1984.  相似文献   

The role of octopamine in locusts and other arthropods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The biogenic amine octopamine and its biological precursor tyramine are thought to be the invertebrate functional homologues of the vertebrate adrenergic transmitters. Octopamine functions as a neuromodulator, neurotransmitter and neurohormone in insect nervous systems and prompts the whole organism to “dynamic action”. A growing number of studies suggest a prominent role for octopamine in modulating multiple physiological and behavioural processes in invertebrates, as for example the phase transition in Schistocerca gregaria. Both octopamine and tyramine exert their effects by binding to specific receptor proteins that belong to the superfamily of G protein-coupled receptors. Since these receptors do not appear to be present in vertebrates, they may present very suitable and specific insecticide and acaricide targets.  相似文献   

The high diversity of phytophagous insects has been explained by the tendency of the group towards specialization; however, generalism may be advantageous in some environments. The cerambycid Apagomerella versicolor exhibits intraspecific geographical variation in host use. In northern Argentina it is highly specialized on the herb Pluchea sagittalis (Asteraceae), while in central and southern areas it uses seven Asteraceae species. To study host species geographical variation from ecological and evolutionary perspectives, we investigated field host availability and use across a wide latitudinal range, and performed laboratory studies on insect oviposition preference and larval performance and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation in a phylogeographical framework. Geographic variation in host use was unrelated to host availability but was highly associated with laboratory oviposition preference, larval performance, and mtDNA variation. Genetic studies revealed three geographic races of A. versicolor with gene flow restriction and recent geographic expansion. Trophic generalism and oligophagy within A. versicolor seem to have evolved as adaptations to seasonal and spatial unavailability of the preferred host P. sagittalis in cooler areas of the species’ geographic range. No single genotype is successful in all environments; specialization may be advantageous in environments with uniform temporal and spatial host availability, while being a trophic generalist may provide an adaptive advantage in host-constrained environments.  相似文献   

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