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稀土元素Gd对Mg-Y-Zr合金组织和高温力学性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用光学显微镜、扫描电镜、透射电镜、X射线衍射、高温力学性能测试等对3种合金的显微组织与力学性能进行了分析,研究了Gd元素对合金显微组织及高温力学性能的影响。稀土元素Gd和Y以Mg5Gd、Mg3Gd和Mg24Y5相存在于铸态组织晶界,这些相均具有很好的耐热性,是主要的强化相。试验合金经挤压+T6时效峰值处理后,合金中会析出弥散强化相β′(cbco)和β(Mg5Gd,fcc),且随Gd含量的提高,弥散析出相增多,在时效过程中形成的析出相对位错运动和变形产生很大的阻力。1#、2#、3#合金在300℃拉伸时强度分别为192.7 MPa、245.3 MPa、252.8 MPa。高温力学性能测试表明,Gd元素添加量的增加,使合金高温抗拉强度得到了较大提高。  相似文献   

本文通过真空熔炼炉在氩气保护下制备了Mg-9Li-3Al-xSi(x=0,0.1,0.5,1.0 wt%)合金。实验使用光学显微镜(OM),扫描电子显微镜(SEM),力学性能测试和X射线衍射(XRD)研究合金的微观组织和力学性能。实验结果表明:铸态Mg-9Li-3Al合金组织中主要由α-Mg、β-Li、Mg17Al12相组成。加入Si后,合金中出现了新相Mg2Si,晶粒得到了明显细化;当合金中的Si含量过高时,α-Mg相粗化,且会在相界处出现块状和汉字状的Mg2Si相。合金的强度随着Si含量的增加呈现先增加后降低的趋势,合金的延伸率随着Si含量的增加呈现逐渐降低的趋势。当合金中Si含量为0.1%时,抗拉强度达到最大值182.5MPa,延伸率为12.1%,相比未添加Si的Mg-9Li-3Al合金,抗拉强度提高了59.6%。  相似文献   

借助光学显微镜、扫描电镜和电子万能试验机研究AM90合金中加入钐(Sm)后的显微组织和力学性能,并分析Sm对合金显微组织和力学性能的影响.结果表明:AM90-xSm合金是由α-Mg、β-Mg17Al12和Al2Sm金属间化合物组成.随着Sm含量的增加,β-Mg17Al12相的尺寸减小,AM90-xSm合金的晶粒得到细化.当Sm含量为2.0%时,屈服强度和极限抗拉强度分别达到最大值147MPa和168MPa.当Sm含量为1.0%时伸长率达到最大值,进一步增加Sm的含量时合金的伸长率有所降低.  相似文献   

镁合金经Ca合金化处理和稀土Nd变质处理后,在100MPa压力下挤压铸造成形,研究了Nd对Mg-8Al-1.0Ca合金组织和性能的影响。经XRD扫描及EDS能谱分析发现,通过挤压铸造,使得镁合金晶粒细化,有利于位错形成,析出相变得均匀细小,力学性能明显改善;当Nd添加量为0.4%时,镁抗拉强度达到230MPa,屈服强度为121MPa,伸长率为4.8%,合金性能达到最佳,较未变质时分别提高了28%、61%和78%。  相似文献   

研究了稀土Gd的添加对铸态Mg-2Al-Zn合金显微组织和力学性能的影响。结果表明,Mg-2Al-Zn-xGd合金由α-Mg和Al2Gd两相组成,Al优先与Gd反应生成Al2Gd,且合金中Al2Gd的数量和形态受Gd的添加量影响。弥散分布的Al2Gd使合金室温力学性能得到显著提高,在Gd的添加量(质量分数)为2%时,抗拉强度和屈服强度分别达到252MPa和135MPa。但Gd的添加量达到3%时,Al2Gd相尺寸变大、数量过多,导致合金的力学性能迅速下降。颗粒状和针状Al2Gd在晶界上或基体上的团聚导致合金由韧性断裂转变为解理断裂。  相似文献   

Y、Nd对Mg-5Al合金组织和性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过微观分析和力学性能测试等方法.研究了Y、Nd对Mg-5Al合金时效组织和性能的影响.结果表明,加入少量Y、Nd后,合金中Al-RE相以粒状(Al2Y,Al2Nd)、棒状和针状(Al2Nd)分布于基体上,Mg17Al12相数量减少,形态弥散细小.研究表明,Mg-5Al合金中加入0.5%的Y、0.5%的Nd及0.5%的Y+0.5%的Nd后,合金的晶粒尺寸由104.5 μm分别降为86.1、83.5、78.6μm;随着Y、Nd的加入,合金的抗拉强度提高、伸长率增加,其中Mg-5Al-0.5Y-0.5Nd合金具有最高的强度和伸长率,分别为225.2 MPa和13.92%.  相似文献   

Y对Mg-Zn合金组织和力学性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在7.5 kW的坩埚电阻炉中制备了Y质量分数分别为1.5%、3.0%、6.0%的3种Mg-3Zn合金试样,分析讨论了Y在合金中的存在形式和作用机制.随着Y含量的提高,合金的二次相由I相 W相过渡到W相 H相,合金的组织结构有粗化的趋势,晶间组织的形态也由细线状向网状转变.测试了合金的力学性能,结果发现,当Y含量从1.5%提高到3.0%时,合金的屈服强度、冲击韧度和硬度分别提高了56.6%、7.6%和27.4%,而伸长率降低了11.8%.但当Y含量达到6.0%时,合金的屈服强度和硬度仍有所提高,但冲击韧度却有所下降.  相似文献   

通过配置6种成分的合金进行的试验发现,铸态AE41合金的显微组织具有典型的树枝晶特征,由α-Mg基体和针状的Al110RE3相组成。AE41合金中加入少量的Ca后,合金的组织得到了细化,同时有新的热稳定相Al2Ca形成。Al2Ca有两种形貌:一种是骨骼状,主要沿晶界分布;另一种呈颗粒状,主要存在于晶粒内部。加入Ca后合金的室温和高温屈服强度以及高温瞬时抗拉强度得到改善,但是同时也降低了合金的塑性。  相似文献   

以镁合金AM50为研究对象,向其中加入分别加入0.5%。1.0%和1.5%的稀土Nd。AM50合金由金属型铸造方法制备。对AM50镁合金进行了微观组织观察、力学性能测试。结果表明,合金组织随着稀土的加入得到细化。合金的各项力学性能也得到显著提高,如抗拉强度σb、硬度HB、延伸率δ等。当合金中加入1%Nd的时候,合金表现出最好的显微组织和力学性能。  相似文献   

The effect of speed ratio (SR) in differential speed rolling on the development of texture and microstructure in Mg-3Al-1Zn alloy was systematically investigated in a wide SR range between 1 and 3 at a fixed thickness reduction of 20%. At low SRs, deformation bands and shear bands were dominant. At high SRs ≥ 2, however, dynamically recrystallized microstructures were developed. The intensity of the basal texture component increased with SR, but decreased to the level of the starting material at high SRs ≥ 2. The occurrence of the dynamic recrystallization at high SRs was attributed to high-dislocation density accumulation and high temperature rise of a deforming sheet due to large plastic deformation of which amount increased with SR. The basal texture weakening at high SRs was attributed to extensive tension twinning that occurred in the basal-oriented matrix, which is rarely observed in conventional rolling. Due to the positive effect of texture and microstructure, tensile ductility improvement was significant as compared to that by symmetric rolling.  相似文献   

本文通过显微组织分析和力学性能测试等试验手段,研究了热处理对Mg-4Y-3Nd-1.5Al合金显微组织和力学性能的影响。结果表明:铸态合金组织中第二相主要为Mg5RE、Mg24RE5和Al2RE相,经固溶处理后(525℃×6h+550℃×12h),Mg5RE、Mg24RE5相完全溶解,Al2RE不发生溶解。Mg-4Y-3Nd-1.5Al合金具有明显的时效硬化行为,经固溶+时效处理后,合金的力学性能显著提高。经固溶(525℃×6h+550℃×12h)+峰时效(225℃×10h)处理后,Mg-4Y-3Nd-1.5Al合金屈服强度、抗拉强度和延伸率分别为:185MPa、262MPa和6.5%。获得良好的力学性能与合金中析出高密度的细小β""和β"相有关。  相似文献   

Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of twin roll cast (TRC) Mg-3.3 wt.%Al-0.8 wt.%Mn-0.2 wt.%Ca (AM31 + 0.2Ca) alloy strip during warm rolling and subsequent annealing were investigated in this paper. The as-TRC alloy strip shows columnar dendrites in surface and equiaxed dendrites in center regions, as well as finely dispersed primary Al8Mn5 particles on interdendritic boundaries which result in the beneficial effect on microstructural refinement of strip casting. The warm rolled sheets show intensively deformed band or shear band structures, as well as finely and homogeneously dispersed Al-Mn particles. No evident dynamic recrystallization (DRX) takes place during warm rolling process, which is more likely attributed to the finely dispersed particle and high solid solution of Al and Mn atoms in α-Mg matrix. After annealing at 350 °C for 1 h, the warm rolled TRC sheets show fine equiaxed grains around 7.8 μm in average size. It has been shown that the present TRC alloy sheet has superior tensile strength and comparative elongation compared to commercial ingot cast (IC) one, suggesting the possibility of the development of wrought magnesium alloy sheets by twin roll strip casting processing. The microstructural evolution during warm rolling and subsequent annealing as well as the resulting tensile properties were analyzed and discussed.  相似文献   

本文主要研究了挤压前的时效处理工艺对AZ80镁合金显微组织的力学性能的影响,同时结合扫描电子显微镜对断口进行分析。结果表明:挤压前时效处理可以明显细化晶粒;时效过程中析出的Mg17Al12粒子弥散分布在晶界处,在动态再结晶过程中起到阻碍晶界移动、阻止晶粒长大、细化组织的作用;随着时效时间的延长或者时效温度的提高,晶粒细化效果减弱;时效后进行挤压,材料的屈服强度、抗拉强度和延伸率均提高。通过对断口形貌的分析发现,早期裂纹产生于晶界处粗大的第二相周围,导致了拉伸过程中延伸率的下降。本文中挤压前时效处理对AZ80的强化效果为高性能镁合金的设计和开发提供了一种全新的思路。  相似文献   

In this study, effects of solidification rate and 0·2, 0·5 and 1·0 wt-% Sb additions on the microstructure and mechanical properties of AM60 magnesium alloy were investigated. AM60 and AM60+xSb magnesium alloys were cast in a step-like mould with three different cooling rates. As cast microstructures of the different steps were examined with optical microscope, XRD, SEM and EDS. The results showed that grain structure became finer as the cooling rate increased which resulted in enhancement in the mechanical properties. Tensile and yield strengths reached the peak values as Sb content was 0·2% which yielded 30 and 28% higher strengths respectively as compared to the base AM60 alloy.  相似文献   

Accumulative roll bonding (ARB) has been used as a severe plastic deformation process for the production of high-strength materials. Ageing treatment has been found to enhance the strength of alloys by precipitation of a second phase. In the present work, ARB followed by the ageing process was used for the fabrication of the high-strength 6061 aluminum alloy. Samples of the alloy thus made were subjected under annealed and ARBed conditions to ageing treatment at different temperatures for different times and their mechanical properties were evaluated. It was found that the microhardness and tensile strength of the specimens increased with the number of ARB cycles but their elongation values decreased. After the ageing treatment, the mechanical properties of the ARBed specimens improved in terms of both strength and ductility. Based on TEM observations, it may be concluded that the improved mechanical properties after the duplex ARB-ageing process can be attributed to the precipitation of very fine particles with a slight decrease in dislocation density and limited structure coarsening. SEM observation of fracture surfaces of aged specimens indicated that the fracture was predominantly caused by microvoid coalescence at constituent particles.  相似文献   

Microstructural investigations on ultrafine eutectic (Ti65Fe35)100−xSnx alloys with x = 0, 1 and 3 at.% reveal that additional Sn is effective to control formation of the micron-scale dendrites and to decrease the length-scale of lamellar spacing with enhancing macroscopic plasticity at room temperature compression. Hence, it is possible to understand the influence of the microstructural change on the plasticity of the ultrafine eutectic Ti–Fe–Sn alloys.  相似文献   

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