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Three cultivars of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.), which are sensitive to aluminium (Al) in the order Primahill > Monohill > Regina, were grown in water culture for 2 weeks. Nutrients were supplied at 15% increase of amounts daily, corresponding to the nutrient demand for maximal growth. The 2.4-dinitrophenol (DNP)-sensitive (metabolic) and DNP-insensitive (non-metabolic) uptake of aluminium, phosphate. 45Ca2+ and K+(86Rb+) in roots were measured as well as transport to shoots of intact plants. All 3 cultivars absorbed more aluminium if DNP was present during the aluminium treatment than in its absence. It is suggested that sugar beets are able to extrude aluminium activity or that they possess an active mechanism to keep Al outside the cell. The presence of Al in the medium during the 1-h experiment affected the metabolic and non-metabolic fluxes of 45Ca2+ and K+(86Rb+) in different ways. In the presence of DNP, the influx of both 45Ca2+ and K+(86Rb+) and the efflux of 45Ca2+ were inhibited by Al in a competitive way. At inhibition of 45Ca2+ influx, 2 Al ions are probably bound per Ca2+ uptake site in cv. Regina (Al-tolerant), but in cvs Primahill and Monohill only one Al ion is bound (more Al sensitive). Aluminium competitively inhibited the active efflux of 45Ca2+ (absence of DNP) in almost the same way in the 3 cultivars. In contrast, aluminium stimulated the influx of K+(86Rb+) in cvs Primahill, Monohill and Regina in the absence of DNP. Thus, the Al effects on active and passive K+(86Rb+) influx are different. The total influx of K+(86Rb+) increased in the presence of Al and might be connected to an active exclusion of Al. Regina is the least Al-sensitive cultivar, probably because Al interferes less with the Ca2+ fluxes and because this cultivar actively excludes phosphate in the presence of Al. Thus Al-phosphate precipitation within the plant could be avoided.  相似文献   

Passive fluxes of K+ (86Rb) into roots of sunflower ( Helianthus annuus L. cv. Uniflorus) were determined at low K+ concentration (0.1 and 1.0 mM K+) in the ambient solution. Metabolic uptake of K+ was inhibited by 10−4M 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP). K+ (86Rb) fluxes were studied both continuously and by time differentiation of uptake. In high K+ roots passive uptake was directly proportional to the K+ concentration of the uptake solution, indicating free diffusion. This assumption was supported by the fact that passive Rb+ uptake was not affected by high K+ concentrations. In low K+ roots the passive uptake of K+ was higher than in high K+ roots. The increase was possibly due to carrier-mediated K+ transport. As K+ effluxes were quantitatively similar to influxes, it is suggested that passive K+ fluxes represent exchange diffusion without relation to net K+ transport.  相似文献   

To clarify the reaction mechanism of a (Na++ K++ Mg2+)ATPase activity in sugar beet roots ( Beta vulgaris L. cv. Monohill) phloridzin, oligomycin (inhibitors of animal ATPases) and metavanadate (NH4VO3) have been used. Kinetic studies showed that: 1) Phloridzin inhibition is uncompetitive with respect to MgATP and not influenced by Na+ or K+. 2) This inhibition is only found in preparations made in the absence of sucrose. 3) Oligomycin and vanadate inhibit the ATPase in different ways. Omission of sucrose from the preparation medium favours vanadate inhibition but suppresses oligomycin inhibition. 4) The kinetic pattern of the Na+ activation of the ATPase differs in preparations made in the absence and presence of sucrose, but that of K+ activation is the same. – These results indicate that inclusion as against omission of sucrose from the preparation medium causes a conformational change of the membrane fragments/vesicles, which then expose different surfaces to the surrounding medium.  相似文献   

The regulatory role of abscisic acid (ABA) and kinetin on influx of K+(86RB+) IN tools of 7day old intact winter wheat which plant (Fritieun aestivum I ass starke 1 and 11) Was studied the inhibitory effect of 40,80 μM ABA in the uptake solution on K+(86RB+)influx was transiently stipulated pretreatment of the plants with ABA kinetin content enacted inhibitors effect caused by ABA. At low water potential in the uptake solution (05MPa)K+(86RB+) influx was slights higher in the presence of ABA than in is absence High humidity 123kpa ca 100% relative humidity (RID)around the shoots counteracted the inhibitory effect on k+(86RB+) influx caused by A,B,A IN the uptake solution the present data contain the hypothesis that when plants are subjected to conditions such as low water potential and low temperature. ABA stimulates K influx to facilitate water uptake.  相似文献   

Sugar beets ( Beta vulgaris L. cv. Monohill) grown in a complete nutrient solution, were treated with Cd2+ (5 or 50 μ M ) and/or EDTA (10 or 100 μ M ) in different combinations. The Cd contents of five-week-old roots and shoots were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, and the sucrose, glucose and fructose contents were measured enzymatically. The Cd2+ uptake in both roots and shoots shows a linear relationship to the concentration of free Cd2+ in the nutrient solution. This uptake is diminished in the presence of EDTA, suggesting that the Cd-EDTA complex is unable to penetrate the membranes. The contents of glucose, fructose and sucrose in both roots and shoots decrease with increasing uptake of free Cd2+. This may be a secondary effect caused by the inhibition of photosynthesis in the presence of Cd2+. EDTA reduces the inhibition of Cd2+ on sugar formation and accumulation. In the presence of EDTA alone the sugar content increases somewhat. EDTA slightly influences the dry weights of whole plants. The ratio roots:whole plants increases. Cd2+ (≤ 50 μ M ) increases the dry matter portion of roots by ca 30%, but not that of shoots.  相似文献   

Sugar-beet plants ( Beta vulgaris L. cv. Monohill) were cultivated for 4 weeks in a complete nutrient solution. Indirect effects of cadmium were studied by adding 5, 10 or 20 μ M CdCl2 to the culture medium while direct effects were determined by adding 1, 5, 20, 50 or 2 000 μ M CdCl2 to the assay media. The photosynthetic properties were characterized by measurement of CO2 fixation in intact plants, fluorescence emission by intact leaves and isolated chloroplasts, photosystem (PS) I and PSII mediated electron transport of isolated chloroplasts, and CO2-dependent O2 evolution by protoplasts. When directly applied to isolated leaves, protoplasts and chloroplasts. Cd2+ impeded CO2 fixation without affecting the rates of electron transport of PSI or PSII or the rate of dark respiration. When Cd2+ was applied through the culture medium the capacity for, and the maximal quantum yield of CO2 assimilation by intact plants both decreased. This was associated with: (1) decreased total as well as effective chlorophyll content (PSII antennae size), (2) decreased coupling of electron transport in isolated chloroplasts, (3) perturbed carbon reduction cycle as indicated by fluorescence measurements. Also, protoplasts isolated from leaves of Cd2+-cultivated plants showed an increased rate of dark respiration.  相似文献   

Kinetic studies of a microsomal (Na++ K++ Mg2+)ATPase from sugar beet roots ( Beta vulgaris L. cv. Monohill) show that sucrose influences the MgATPase in different ways depending on the presence of K+ and/or Na+ 1) In the presence of the substrate MgATP and Na+ the effect of sucrose follows simple Michaelis-Menten kinetics. 2) In the presence of substrate together with K+ or (K++ Na+), sucrose has little effect on the ATPase activity. 3) In the presence of Na+, onabain acts as an uncompetitive inhibitor with respect to MgATP. 4) In the presence of K+ or (K++ Na+), the inhibition by ouabain is somewhat depressed and shows non-linearity when 1/v is plotted versus 1/MgATP. 5) Sucrose and Na+ activate in a competitive way, so that a successive increase of the Na+ level decreases the activation by sucrose. Both Km and V-values are thereby changed. 6) The sucrose activation in the presence of Na+ is also influenced by ouabain. It is, therefore, suggested that Na+ may regulate the interference between the Na+/K+ pump and a sucrose sensitive system.  相似文献   

Continuous measurements of CO2-release from intact roots of Lolium multiflorum growing in nutrient solution were carried out during 3–7 weeks. Periods of days with high level of irradiance and periods with low level alternated. Root respiration rate was found to depend on photosynthesis. The change in root respiration, induced by change in photosynthesis, was delayed. The root respiration rate showed diurnal fluctuations with two characteristic peaks occurring 4–6 and 14–16 hours after onset of the photoperiod. The amplitudes increased with increasing photosynthesis. The frequencies were independent of the length of photoperiod, when this varied between 8 and 16 hours. The fluctuations are discussed in relation to diurnal fluctuations in protein synthesis.  相似文献   

The classic compartment analysis of ion efflux from roots is often applied with the assumption that there is a system of 3 compartments in series. However, complex ion transport across the root tissues, as well as influences from the shoot, may complicate the picture. The present experiments were performed to study the immediate effects that excision of the shoot before the experiment exerts on the efflux of Rb+(86Rb+) and of K+(86Rb+) from 9-day-old roots of plants of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Salve). The efflux from high K+ and low K+ roots of intact and detopped plants were compared. After excision of the shoot of high K+ plants, a marked increase in efflux was observed after 2.5 h with a maximum at about 7 h. The increase in efflux was seen as a peak in plots of efflux versus time. Excision of the shoot from low K+ roots did not give rise to a consistent increase in efflux. Regular K+ ion efflux curves were observed from roots of intact plants of high or low K+ status. Furthermore, after a pulse treatment of 9-day-old roots of intact plants of high or low K+ status with a solution containing Rb+(86Rb+), the Rb+(86Rb+) transport to the shoots was not reduced during the following 3 h in unlabelled solution. It is suggested that both the peak appearing in the efflux plots and the maintained tracer transport to the shoots after transfer of the roots to an unlabelled solution indicate the existence of a K+/Rb+ transport system in the symplasm of the roots that has only a slow exchange with the bulk cytoplasm and vacuoles.  相似文献   

A microsomal (Na++ K++ Mg2+)ATPase preparation from sugar beet roots was used. The activation by simultaneous addition of Na+ and K+ at different levels was examined in terms of steady state kinetics. The observed data can be summarized in the following way: 1. The apparent affinity between the enzyme and the substrate MgATP depends on the ratio between Na+ and K+. At low Na+ concentration (below 5 mM), the apparent Km decreases with increasing concentrations of K+ (1–20 mM). At 5 mM Na+, the K+ level does not change the apparent Km, while at Na+ levels above 10 mM, the apparent Km between enzyme and substrate increases with increasing concentration of K+. 2. When the MgATP concentration is kept constant, homotropic cooperativity (concerning one type of ligand) and heterotropic cooperativity (concerning different types of ligands) exist in the activation by Na+ and K+. The Na+ binding is cooperative with different Km values and Hill coefficients (n) in the presence of low and high concentration of K+. At low Na+ level (< 5 mM). a negative cooperativity exists for Na+ (nNa < 1) which is more pronounced in the presence of high [K+]. When the concentration of Na+ is raised the negative cooperativity disappears and turns into a positive one (nNa > 1). Only K+ binding in the presence of low [Na+] shows cooperativity with a Hill coefficient that reflects changes from negative to positive homotropic cooperativity with increasing concentrations of K+ (nK < 1 → nK > 1). In the presence of [Na+] > 10 mM, the changes in nk are insignificant. 3. A model is proposed in which one or two different K sites and one or two Na sites control the catalytic activity, with multiple interactions between Na+, K+ and MgATP. 4. In the presence of Na+ (< 10 mM), K+ is probably bound to two K sites, one of which translocates K+ through the membrane by an antiport Na+/K+ mechanism. This could be connected with an elevated K+ uptake in the presence of Na+ and could therefore explain some field properties of sugar beets.  相似文献   

Abstract Uptake of Cd2+ into Cd-resistant cells was approximately four times lower than in Cd-sensitive cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae . Binding of Cd2+ to the yeast cells increased during incubation of the cells in the presence of Cd2+. The increase in the binding was much higher for wild-type cells than for Cd-resistant cells. This increased binding is ascribed to permeabilization of part of the cells. There is no single relation between the relative rate of K+ efflux and the cellular Cd content as has been found previously for wild-type cells. The rates of K+ efflux were much less than those found for the wild-type cells. Only with short incubation periods of the cells with Cd2+ was the same dependence found between the efflux of K+ and the cellular Cd content for both types of cell. The discrepancies found after extended incubation of the cells with Cd2+ are ascribed to the fact that Cd-provoked K+ release proceeds via an all-or-nothing process and that K+ released from permeabilized cells can be reaccumulated in still intact cells. The latter proceeds more efficiently in Cd-resistant cells than in wild-type cells.  相似文献   

Levels of Mg2+, Ca2+ and Fe2+/Fe3+ were determined in roots and shoots of sugar beet seedlings (Beta vulgaris L. cv. Monohill) cultured for 5 weeks in a complete nutrient solution to which either Cd2+ (0, 5 or 50 μM), EDTA (0, 10 or 100 μM) or a combination of both was added. The plants subjected to the various treatments showed a variety of deficiency symptoms. Leaves of the Cd2+-treated plants became thin and chlorotic (Mg- and Fe-deficiency symptoms). The plants showed reduced growth and developed only a few brownish roots with short laterals (Ca-deficiency symptoms). EDTA treatment resulted in green, stunted, hard leaves and reduced growth (Ca-deficiency symptoms). The deficiency symptoms observed correspond well with the observed uptake rates and distributions of Mg2+, Ca2+ and Fe2+/Fe3+. Increases in either Cd2+, EDTA or a combination of both in the growth medium, were correlated with increasing Mg2+ levels in the roots and with decreasing Mg2+ levels in the shoots. Cd2+ alone or in combination with EDTA had little influence on Ca2+ levels in the shoots but decreased Ca2+ levels in the roots. Thus, Cd2+ affects Mg2+ and Ca2+ transport in opposite ways: Mg2+ transport to the shoots is inhibited while that of Ca2+ is facilitated. Treatment with EDTA alone did not affect Ca2+ concentrations in either the shoots or the roots. Treatment with Cd2+ lowered Fe2+ concentrations in both roots and shoots.  相似文献   

Plants of barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Salve) were grown with 6.5–35% relative increase of K+ supply per day (RKR) using a special computer-controlled culture unit. After a few days on the culture solution the plants adapted their relative growth rate (RGR) to the rate of nutrient supply. The roots of the plants remained in a low salt status irrespective of the rate of nutrient supply, whereas the concentration of K+ in shoots increased with RKR. Both Vmax and Km for K+(86Rb) influx increased with RKR. It is concluded that with a continuous and stable K+ stress, the K+ uptake system is adjusted to provide an effective K+ uptake at each given RKR. Allosteric regulation of K+ influx does not occur and efflux of K+ is very small.  相似文献   

Two cultivars of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cvs Kadett and WW 20299) were grown for 9 days with 20% relative increase in nutrient supply per day at pH 4.1. Aluminium at 50 μ M retarded the growth of roots more than that of shoots in both cultivars, thus decreasing the root/shoot ratio. The inhibition was largest in WW 20299. With long term Al treatment (9 days), Km for K+(86Rb) influx increased five times in both cultivars and Vmax decreased in WW 20299. Efflux of K+(86Rb) was little affected. When the roots were treated with aluminium for two days, only relative growth rate of roots was retarded, while growth of shoots was unaffected and influx of K+(86Rb) adjusted to the actual K+ demand of the plants. It is concluded that the effects of aluminium on K+ uptake in these wheat cultivars are not primary factors contributing to aluminium sensitivity. However, in soil with Al the demand for a comparatively high concentration of K+ to maintain an adequate K+ uptake rate, in combination with a slow growth rate of the roots, may secondarily lead to K+ deficiency in the plants.  相似文献   

NH4+ and K+ uptake experiments have been conducted with 3 ectomycorrhizal fungi, originating from Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.] Franco) stands. At concentrations up to 250 μM, uptake of both NH4+ and K+ follow Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Laccaria bicolor (Maire) P. D. Orton, Lactarius rufus (Scop.) Fr. and Lactarius hepaticus Plowr. ap. Boud. exhibit Km values for NH4+ uptake of 6, 35, and 55 μM, respectively, and Km values for K+ uptake of 24, 18, and 96 μM, respectively. Addition of 100 μM NH4+ raises the Km of K+ uptake by L. bicolor to 35 μM, while the Vmax remains unchanged. It is argued that the increase of Km is possibly caused by depolarization of the plasma membrane. It is not due to a competitive inhibition of K+ by NH4+ since the apparent inhibitor constant is much higher than the Km, for NH4+ uptake. The possibility that NH4+ and K+ are taken up by the same carrier can be excluded. The Km, values for K+ uptake in the two other fungi are not significantly affected by 100 μM NH4+. Except for a direct effect of NH4+ on influx of K+ into the cells, there may also be an indirect effect after prolonged incubation of the cells in the presence of 100 μM NH4+.  相似文献   

Kinetic studies of a microsomal, dithiotreitol treated, homogenate from sugar beet roots led to the following conclusions about its ATPase activity: (1) MgATP in complex appears to be the primary substrate for the reaction. The reciprocal equilibrium constant for the binding to the enzyme is estimated to be approximately 0.2 × 10?3M. (2) Free ATP acts as a competitive inhibitor of the MgATP. The binding constant is about twice as high as for MgATP. Consequently the enzyme has less affinity for ATP than for MgATP. (3) Free Mg2+ has little influence on the velocity, as the binding affinity of the enzyme for Mg2+ is almost negligible.  相似文献   

Four-week-old sunflower plants ( Helianthus annuus L. cv. Halcón), grown in different nutrient solutions, were used to study the effects of gibberellic acid (GA3) on K+ (Rb+) uptake by roots or transport to the shoot. Gibberellic acid application to the nutrient solution did not affect the exudation process of excised roots. When GA3 was sprayed on leaves 2 to 6 days before excising the roots, the rate of exudation and the K+ flux increased. When the exudation study was done keeping the roots in a nutrient solution in which Rb+ replaced K+, the GA3 effects were evident also on Rb+ uptake and transport. In intact plants, GA3 increased the Rb+ transported to the shoot but did not affect Rb+ accumulation in the root. It is suggested that these GA3 effects can be explained if it is assumed that GA3 acts on the transport of ions to the xylem vessels.  相似文献   

Kinetic studies of a dithiothreitol treated membrane ATPase fraction from sugar beet roots led to the following conclusions: 1) In the presence of MgATP, Na+ and K+ stimulate the ATPase activity in different ways following simple Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Thus separate sites for Na+ and K+ are suggested. 2) In the absence of K+, Na+ acts as an uncompetitive modifier raising the apparent Km and Vmax for MgATP. 3) In the absence of Na+, K+ activates non-competitively with respect to MgATP. Thus K+ increases Vmax but does not affect the apparent affinity constant. 4) K+ and Na+ double the rate constants. 5) In the presence of Na+ or K+, Mg2+ in excess acts as a weak inhibitor to Na+ and/or K+ activity. 6) The temperature-activity dependence in the 5–40°C interval shows biphasic Arrhenius plots with the transition point between 15–18°C. The activation energy is lowered at temperatures > 18°C.  相似文献   

The carboxanilide systemic fungicide 2-iodobenzanilide (2-IB) after 2 h pretreatment at 0.25 m M inhibited K+ and SO42- uptake by excised corn roots ( Zea mays L., cv. Dekalb 342) up to ca 70 and 40%, respectively. Proton extrusion from corn roots was also reduced by ca 50% after 1 h contact, and the microsomal K+-stimulated ATPase activity from corn roots and pea stems ( Pisum sativum L., cv. Alaska) inhibited by 50 and 72%, respectively. In contrast, the Mg2+-ATPase activities of microsomes and mitochondria at pH 6.0 and 8.7, respectively, were unaffected. After 2 h of preincubation with 0.25 m M 2-IB, O2 consumption by corn roots and pea stems was inhibited by 12 and 18%, respectively. ATP content of corn roots was not altered by 2-IB treatment. Therefore, energy availability "in vivo" was unaffected and the primary effect on corn roots is suggested to be at the plasmalemma ATPase which forms the proton gradient.
With isolated pea stem mitochondria, 0.25 m M 2-IB inhibited O2 consumption by ca 60% when NADH or malate plus pyruvate were added as substrates; when succinate was used O2 consumption was unaffected. The mode of action on isolated mitochondria was different from that shown for carboxin and also formerly attributed to the whole class of carboxanilide fungicides.  相似文献   

Young sunflower plants ( Helianthus annuus L. cv. Halcón), grown in nutrient solution at two K+ levels (0.25 and 2.5 m M ) were used to study the effect of K+ content in the root on uptake and transport of K+ to the exuding stream of decapitated plants. Roots of plants grown in low K+ gave higher exudation flux, higher K+ concentration in exudate and higher K+ flux than high K+ roots. After 6 h of uptake the K+ flux in low K+ roots was about three times that in high K+ roots. When the roots were kept in a nutrient solution in which Rb+ replaced K+, low K+ roots exuded much more Rb+ than K+ after the first 2 h, whereas high K+ roots exuded about similar amounts of K+ and Rb+. In intact plants grown at three different K+ levels (0.1, 1.0 and 10.0 m M ), there was an inverse relationship between the K+ level in the nutrient solution and the Rb+ accumulated in the roots or transported to the shoot. The results suggest that the transport of ions from xylem parenchyma to stele apoplast may be controlled by ions coming down from the shoot in sieve tubes.  相似文献   

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