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生物多样性保护与利用的主要研究方向   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
生物多样性是有机界一个无所不包的术语,系指一个生态系统、一个区域乃至整个地球物种(包括动物、植物和微生物)丰富和均匀的程度,它既包含生物之间以及生物与环境之间复杂的相互关系的含义,也反映一个区域的发展规划是否符合客观规律的重要标志。可从遗传样性和生态系统多样性三个不同水平来研究和分析其基本特点,当然,不同水平研究的关系是非常密切的。本文主要介绍其当前的基本情况,研究的战略思想,目标和主要研究内容,  相似文献   

杂草的基本特点及其在丰富栽培地生物多样性中的作用   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
杂草资源的特点表现为;各地杂草区系具相对的一致性,杂草抗逆性强,适应性灵活,生物量丰富,具有被持续利用的优势,杂草资源易于被人们采集。杂草资料在科学及生产实践中有多种用途在植物资源研究中,也不应忽视杂草种质资源保护的问题。生物多样性研究也应包括对杂草的研究。  相似文献   

哈萨克斯坦是全球生物多样性最丰富的国家之一,同时也是生物多样性遭受威胁最严重的国家之一。新疆特殊的地理地形、景观带和气候条件也决定了其拥有多种类型的生态系统。通过对哈萨克斯坦和新疆生物多样性的概况、特点、面临的威胁,及其目前开展的生物多样性保护工作的一些情况的概述,对二者进行了对比分析。  相似文献   

毛乌素沙地荒漠化与生物多样性的保护   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
李新荣 《中国沙漠》1997,17(1):58-62
生物多样性是全人类的共同财富,是人类赖以生存的基本条件。地处鄂尔多斯高原的毛乌素沙地由于其特殊的生态背景,其生物多样性非常丰富。然而生态系统的退化使生物多样性遭受严重的威胁,而荒漠化是这一地区生态系统退化的核心问题。正确评估荒漠化对该地区生物多样性的影响,对制定生物多样性的恢复和保护对策具有重要的意义。荒漠化的治理和逆转是维护毛乌素沙地这一区域生物多样性的持续发展的最根本的途径。  相似文献   

台湾省湿地的生物多样性与保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>湿地是水陆相互作用形成的特殊自然综合体,是一种独特的生态系统,具有多种功能和价值,是人类社会赖以生存和发展的环境之一。台湾地区位于欧亚大陆板块东侧,地处亚热带,雨量丰沛,极为潮湿,全年平均年雨量达  相似文献   

陈平  田竹君  李曌  刘朋 《地理科学》2015,35(9):1130-1139
作为生物多样性公约缔约国,日本通过制定并修订生物多样性国家战略、颁布《生物多样性基本法》等政策加强生物多样性保护。2008年,日本成立生物多样性综合评价委员会,应用DPSIR概念模型建立综合评价指标体系,由14项原因评价指标和16项状态评价指标构成,共计30项评价指标;使用行政统计、国土资源调查、环境监测及科学研究等104种数据,对1950s以来50 a间日本全境的生物多样性状况进行了综合评价。日本生物多样性综合评价的管理特征和综合特征十分突出。评价方式是利用已有调查和监测数据(定量数据),分析因果关系,得出趋势结论,提出相应对策,为一种定性和定量相结合的趋势分析之综合评价方法。评价区域分为森林、农田、城市、陆地水域、沿岸和海洋、岛屿(离岛)六大生态系统类型区,分析了造成日本生物多样性损失的四次大的危机。探讨了其对中国生物多样性评价工作的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

云南的圣境及其在环境和生物多样性保护中的意义   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
罗鹏  裴盛基  许建初 《山地学报》2001,19(4):327-333
圣境是由于传统的信仰文化的原因而建立和被保护的一类特殊自然-人文景观单元,对圣境的起源、分类在云南的分布和数目、生态价值和其它特征进行了描述和举例分析,提出了传统信仰文化和将乡土保护体系运用于农村生态恢复和生态多样性管理的潜在价值。以及将其纳入现代保护和开发项目的必要性。  相似文献   

生物土壤结皮对荒漠昆虫多样性的影响   总被引:4,自引:6,他引:4  
生物土壤结皮广泛分布在干旱半干旱地区与寒区荒漠,是荒漠生态系统的主要组成和景观特征之一,其重要性已被大量的研究报道所证实。然而,关于生物土壤结皮与昆虫种类多样性之间关系的研究却很少。本文以腾格里沙漠东南缘的沙坡头地区半固定沙丘柠条-油蒿群落和固定沙丘柠条-油蒿群落为观测样地,选择具有不同类型生物土壤结皮分布的植被群落为观测样方。昆虫的调查采用100 m×100 m的样方,利用样筐和网捕法收集昆虫,记录昆虫数量,采集标本在室内进行鉴定。结果表明:与无结皮覆盖的植被区相比,生物土壤结皮在地表的覆盖显著地增加了昆虫的多样性和种的丰富度,其中以苔藓和地衣为主的结皮覆盖的植被样方中昆虫种的多样性和丰富度显著地高于以蓝藻和藻类为主的结皮样方。生物土壤结皮对荒漠昆虫多样性的贡献可能是由于稳定了土表、改善了植被系统中的土壤环境,为昆虫,特别是幼虫阶段提供相对适宜的土壤生境或部分食物来源。  相似文献   

陈平  田竹君  李曌  刘朋 《地理科学》2015,(9):1130-1139
作为生物多样性公约缔约国,日本通过制定并修订生物多样性国家战略、颁布《生物多样性基本法》等政策加强生物多样性保护。2008年,日本成立生物多样性综合评价委员会,应用DPSIR概念模型建立综合评价指标体系,由14项原因评价指标和16项状态评价指标构成,共计30项评价指标;使用行政统计、国土资源调查、环境监测及科学研究等104种数据,对1950s以来50 a间日本全境的生物多样性状况进行了综合评价。日本生物多样性综合评价的管理特征和综合特征十分突出。评价方式是利用已有调查和监测数据(定量数据),分析因果关系,得出趋势结论,提出相应对策,为一种定性和定量相结合的趋势分析之综合评价方法。评价区域分为森林、农田、城市、陆地水域、沿岸和海洋、岛屿(离岛)六大生态系统类型区,分析了造成日本生物多样性损失的四次大的危机。探讨了其对中国生物多样性评价工作的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

There are legal and moral imperatives to protect biological resources and the ‘traditional knowledge’ associated with them. These imperatives derive from complex legal geographies: international law (such as the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Nagoya Protocol), State and federal laws, Indigenous customary law, codes of ethics and research protocols. This paper reports on a ‘patent landscape’ analysis of patents that refer to Australian plant species for which there is Indigenous Australian knowledge. We have identified several patents of potential new biopiracy concern. The paper highlights the way in which actors can gain private property monopolies over biological resources and associated traditional knowledge, even though there are overlapping sovereign rights and Indigenous rights claims. Regulatory gaps need to be closed nationally to fully govern the diverse human–plant bio-geographies in Australia. Further, Indigenous laws and governance have largely been ignored by these actors. We suggest that the introduction of ‘disclosure of origin’ requirements in patent applications, sui generis Indigenous knowledge protections, the development of biocultural protocols, and a more nationally consistent system for ‘access and benefit-sharing’ are required to ensure more ‘fair and equitable’ use of plants and Indigenous knowledge in/from Australia, and to ensure the recognition of Indigenous rights to knowledge.  相似文献   

Agricultural biodiversity has a high importance in social-cultural, economic, and environmental aspects, and can help in adapting to and withstanding climate change. Conserving the GIAHS sites and the important components within them can help conserve the agricultural biodiversity and traditional agricultural culture of the whole country. This study considered Ifugao Rice Terraces, Dong’s Rice-Fish-Duck System, and Hani Rice Terraces System as three examples which show that traditional culture can be used to protect agricultural biodiversity, while as a carrier of traditional culture, agricultural biodiversity also conveys and protects the traditional culture of the nation. According to the analyses, through several years of efforts, the status of agricultural biodiversity and traditional culture in them has improved. Then, to further promote agricultural biodiversity conservation and traditional culture protection, several suggestions are made, such as establishing community seed banks; documenting and preserving traditional farming methods, techniques, and tools and developing participatory activities which encourage more farmers to participate in the protection work.  相似文献   

Traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) guides resource management across the globe, but is at risk amid social and ecological change. This has prompted numerous calls for TEK maintenance efforts, but these remain largely unexamined in the literature. Here, we discuss three examples of in situ TEK maintenance from Malekula Island in Vanuatu, locally known as kastom schools. Based on qualitative data, we find that the kastom schools may create several opportunities to maintain TEK (e.g., establishing local control over education), and argue that they represent the creative and adaptive management of tradition in dynamic social–ecological contexts. However, a number of challenges, both practical (e.g., lack of funding) and epistemological (e.g., changing modes of cultural transmission), threaten the efficacy of the kastom schools. We argue that in situ modes of TEK maintenance have promise, but that issues of power and heterogeneity require serious consideration if such measures are to succeed.  相似文献   

20世纪中期以来,麻山喀斯特山区随着周边社会环境的巨变,这些巨变冲击了麻山地区生态系统的脆弱环节,使麻山地区石漠化灾变日趋扩大。国家从20世纪60年代开始虽经多方救治,成效甚微。我们在对苗族生计方式的田野调查后发现,生息在这里的苗族积累有高效利用与精心维护喀斯特生态系统的经验和技能,发掘和利用苗族传统的地方性知识和技能,在石漠化灾变救治中具有不可替代的特殊价值。  相似文献   

Knowledge Sharing and Service is one effective way to eliminate knowledge poverty and promote social development. Existing knowledge sharing and service is mainly provided in some organizations or specific social groups. Besides, a knowledge sharing and service system about geography, natural resources and ecology has not been reported. We proposed a public welfare professional knowledge-sharing and service platform for all members of society in geography, natural resources and ecology. The construction of a knowledge-sharing and service platform is based on five aspects of work: analysis of user requirements, setting standards and drafting policies, aggregating knowledge resources, the technical realization and the maintenance of service. Knowledge resources can be aggregated by using a “two-step” strategy. A knowledge-sharing and service system can be implemented by using “four-tier” structures that are comprised of resources, resource access, application and service, based on the Hadoop-distributed cluster architecture. It has been proven that adhering to the idea of co-building and co-sharing, and using the mechanism of “payment is equal to benefit” can effectively promote the gathering of knowledge resources, and arouse the enthusiasm of all members of society to participate in knowledge sharing and service, to achieve the objective of narrowing the knowledge gap between social groups.  相似文献   

本文对意大利的旅游地进行类型划分,并对意大利旅游业的空间分布格局进行了分析,在此基础上对该国旅游业近期的发展战略提出了几点意见。  相似文献   

Aboriginal inhabitants of the Wet Tropics of Queensland advocate for greater inclusion of their Indigenous knowledge (IK) in natural resource management (NRM) to fulfil their customary obligations to country and to exert their Native Title rights. Despite a legal and institutional framework for inclusion of IK in NRM, IK has so far been applied only sporadically. We conducted an ethnographic case study to investigate perceptions on IK, science and how they affect integration of the two knowledge systems in the Wet Tropics. Our results show that IK and science are perceived as different concepts; that integration is limited by weak Indigenous internal and external governance; and that stronger Aboriginal governance and more focused engagement strategies are required to further the application of IK in local NRM. We conclude by arguing that NRM in the Wet Tropics needs to be reconceptualised to accommodate IK holistically, by considering its epistemology and the values and ethic that underpin it.  相似文献   

近年国外传统村镇旅游研究进展及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着传统村镇旅游的日益兴起,有关传统村镇的旅游学研究日益受到学术界重视和关注.总结了国内外关于传统村镇的旅游学研究进展,指出国外研究成果主要集中在传统村镇旅游发展影响研究、传统村镇旅游发展与文化原真性保持之间的关系、传统村镇旅游可持续发展等方面.国内研究与之相比,在研究内容、方法、领域、深度等方面仍有很大差距,有待进一步扩展和深入.今后应注意以下几方面问题:研究内容流于表层,应加强研究领域的延伸和深度的扩展;研究方法、手段较为单一,研究理论和方法焏待提高;理论研究滞后于旅游发展实践的现状焏待改善.  相似文献   

传统农业生态系统正面临着来自现代化发展及其带来的技术经济变革的严重威胁,在一些传统农业地区现代农业替代传统农业已经引发了严重的生态环境问题。生态足迹,作为可持续发展评价的方法之一,由于无法全面衡量人类活动对生态系统造成的各种影响,因此无法揭示传统农业地区真实的生态环境状况,也无法给出科学合理的可持续发展评价。能值生态足迹是对传统生态足迹的一种改进,试图利用能值分析理论的优点囊括人类利用生态系统产品和服务的各种活动。然而,目前能值生态足迹研究往往受到传统生态足迹理论的局限,无法真正将人类消费的各种资源、产品和服务纳入进来。为此,本文将生态系统服务概念引入能值生态足迹理论框架中,进一步改进和完善了能值生态足迹模型,使之能够全面衡量人类活动的生态环境影响。本文利用改进的能值生态足迹模型,以我国传统农业地区贵州省从江县为例,开展生态环境状况评估和可持续发展评价。结果表明,从江县2007年人均能值生态承载力为9.3311 ha,人均能值生态足迹为14.5638 ha,人均能值生态赤字为5.2327 ha。可见,从江县的生态承载力仅能满足当地居民消费总需求的64%,当地处于不可持续发展状态,生态环境状况不容乐观。这与传统生态足迹的评价结果差异十分显著。传统生态足迹评价结果显示,从江县的生态承载力不仅能够满足当地居民的消费需求而且有少量生态盈余。进一步分析显示,从江县居民对生态系统的污染物吸纳服务和侵蚀控制服务的消费,在从江县总生态足迹中占有相当大的比例。这说明,从江县传统农业生产方式受现代农业影响而发生的部分改变,所产生的生态环境影响已经逐步显现。过量施用化肥农药所引起的面源污染以及频繁翻耕和砍伐森林所引起的水土流失,已经严重威胁当地的生态环境健康和可持续发展。  相似文献   


This study expands the Inter-Institutional Gaps (IIGs) framework to conceptualize the legitimacy associated with different types of ecological knowledge (e.g., scientific, traditional and local) used in natural resource governance. We draw on primary qualitative data, and document analysis to examine a case of inland fisheries management in the north-eastern floodplain of Bangladesh. We posit that the pragmatic, moral, cognitive, and regulative legitimacy for different types of ecological knowledge are repeatedly reevaluated by rule-makers and resource users in the process of rule-devising. Results show that inter-institutional gaps may be perpetuated when formal rules do not sufficiently consider traditional and local ecological knowledge. While it is widely proposed that systematically incorporating different knowledge types can better address local-national policy problems, this study underscores that the source of legitimacies for different knowledge types often differs across formal and informal institutional actors. Recognizing the differences is critical to fishers’ resource management.  相似文献   

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