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通过锅炉合理掺烧高炉煤气试验,详细分析了锅炉掺烧高炉煤气产生的经济效益和环保效益,阐明了锅炉在启停或经济负荷情况下,合理掺烧高炉煤气的经济性和可行性。  相似文献   

提出了用二甲醚(DME)替代燃油作为锅炉点火及稳燃燃料的技术方案,并对其技术可行性、经济可行性及环保可行性进行了初步分析。阐述了分析结果。  相似文献   

In reconstruction of operating pulverized coal-fired boilers, one of the main factors is the choice of a method for slag removal: dry bottom ash removal (DBAR) or slag-tap removal (STR). In this case, ecological and economic aspects should be taken into account, and also the early ignition of pulverized coal fuel, the reliability of operation of the furnace walls in the mode without slagging, and the stability of slag removal should be provided. In this work, issues of changeover of the pulverized coal-fired boilers of the TPP-210A type from the STR mode to the DBAR mode are considered. As of today, the main problems during the operation of these boilers are the high emissions of nitrogen oxides together with flue gases into the atmosphere and the appropriated payoffs, a small range of loads available, the necessity of stabilization of the pulverizedcoal flame sustainability by using the highly reactive fuel, large mechanical fuel underburning, etc. Results of studying aerodynamics of a furnace with DBAR obtained in the process of physical simulation are given; technical solutions and preliminary design (configuration of burners and nozzles in the boiler furnace, conceptual design of the pulverized coal burner, configuration of TPP-210A boiler with the low heat liberation of furnace cross-section and volumetric heat release) are set forth, which are associated with the optimization of aerodynamics of furnace volume, when the direct-flow burners and nozzles are used, and with organization of the efficient staged combustion of solid fuel. Two versions of possible modernization of a boiler unit are considered. Under conditions of the planned increase in the steam production capacity, the most promising measures are as follows: the DBAR implementation with reducing heat releases of the cross-section and volume of the furnace approximately by half, the installation of the direct-flow burners and nozzles with injection of recirculation gases into the active combustion zone by bleeding them from the turning chamber.  相似文献   

分级燃烧降低煤粉炉NOx排放的化学机理及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
再燃燃料在还原性气氛下对主燃区煤粉燃烧生成的氮氧化物的还原反应中 ,再燃燃料中产生了中间产物氰基、氨基和烃根等起到分解氮氧化物的作用。同一再燃燃料中烃类物质在燃料的贫富气氛中起到完全相反的作用。在实际应用中应使再燃区内处于弱还原性气氛下以保证再燃对降低NOx 生成所起的效果。同时最好采用气体燃料作为再燃燃料 ,并在保证达到NOx 排放水平的前提下尽量选取较高的空气过量系数 ,以同时降低飞灰中的含碳量和减轻高温腐蚀的程度  相似文献   

循环流化床锅炉对煤种的适应性及灰平衡与煤种的关系   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
在75t/h锅炉上对煤种的适应性进行实验,结果表明,循环流化床锅炉对煤种的适应性是有限的,燃用低灰分高热值燃料将导致灰平衡被破坏,燃烧、传热和流动均受到影响.合理添加河砂或石灰石类床料可以调整到理想工况。  相似文献   

W型火焰煤粉锅炉炉内三维流动和燃烧过程的数值模拟   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
本文对W型火焰煤粉锅炉炉内气-固两相三维流动,换热和气-固两相湍流燃烧进行了全面的数值模拟,对三种不同炉型的流场作了计算比较,文中详细全面地预报W型火焰煤粉锅炉内气-固两相流动,温度场分布,各气相组份浓度场分布,发热率分布,煤粉颗粒及挥发份和一氧化碳的燃烬情况等。  相似文献   

利用Fluent软件对某钢厂300 MW煤粉/高炉煤气混燃锅炉进行数值模拟,探讨了燃烬风配比、高炉煤气配比、过量空气系数及运行负荷等因素对炉膛内CO浓度分布及NOx浓度分布的影响规律。研究表明:燃烬风配比增加,燃烧器附近的CO浓度峰值增加且炉膛内部的NOx浓度整体降低;高炉煤气配比增加,炉膛内部的CO浓度的峰值下降,同时NOx浓度呈整体下降趋势;随着过量空气系数增加,燃烧器上部的CO浓度均有所下降,而NOx浓度逐渐上升;运行工况对炉膛内部CO浓度的分布影响不大,随着负荷的降低,峰值略有升高,然而NOx浓度分布在燃烧器上部受负荷影响较显著,随着负荷下降,NOx浓度逐渐下降。  相似文献   

针对东方锅炉(集团)股份有限公司开发的600 MW低质量流速垂直管圈超临界"W"火焰锅炉进行全炉膛炉内过程的数值模拟,计算结果表明:炉内流动、炉膛再热器热偏差及炉膛出口氧量的分布与同类型锅炉实测趋势相吻合.数值模拟作为试验研究的补充在一定程度上是可以信赖的,同时可以帮助我们对一些物理现象进行深入分析和探讨,加深理解.计算预测了炉膛出口污染物的排放,得到的炉膛水冷壁壁面热流修正后可以直接用于锅炉的水动力计算.  相似文献   

The expert test results of the TPP-312 boiler no. 4 at the Zuev District Power Station (DPS) without supply and with the supply of the RA-GEN-F anaklarid to the boiler by means of its introduction in the approved dosing with the secondary air are presented. It is shown that the introduction of anaklarid positively affects the furnace process parameters during the combustion of grade GSSh coal. The possibility of the boiler operation at its minimal (490 t/h) and extremely minimal (440 t/h) steam output without supporting the flame by natural gas and the provision of the mode of liquid slag removal in the night drop of electrical loads.  相似文献   

介绍了小油量气化燃烧直接点燃煤粉的工作原理,系统构成。主要为小油量气化小油枪与水平浓淡燃烧器的结合。该结构应用到410t/h锅炉上后,冷态启动无需投入大油枪,运行稳定,节油效果明显,经济效益显著。  相似文献   

神头一电厂650t/h锅炉结渣原因分析及技术措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李东雄  武贵荣 《电力学报》2000,15(1):37-39,56
详细分析了角置式 6 50t/h直流炉炉内结渣严重的原因 ,并提出相应的技术措施供厂方技改时参考。  相似文献   

It is shown that it is important to take into account the variation of particle sizes due to their fragmentation in fluidized bed biomass combustion. The present state of investigations into the fragmentation process is analyzed. It is shown that primary fragmentation, a process involving cracking and disintegration of initial fuel particles into two or more parts due to thermal stresses and growth of pressure in the particles during their rapid heating at the drying and devolatization stages is the most essential issue. Factors causing the cracking of fuel particles and the nature of this process are considered. The particle fragmentation quantitative characteristics and criteria are analyzed. It is shown that the particle critical diameter is the simplest criterion for estimating the susceptibility of different fuels to fragmentation. The main factors influencing the occurrence of primary fragmentation, namely, particle size, heating rate, bed temperature, and fuel characteristics, are considered. The list of fuel’s main characteristics affecting its primary fragmentation includes the volatiles content, porosity, moisture and ash content, susceptibility of particles to swelling or shrinking, and the organic part composition. Matters concerned with predicting primary fragmentation of fuels are considered. Information about the interrelation between the main characteristics of fuels, their susceptibility to primary fragmentation, and its nature is presented. In view of biomass properties and its combustion conditions, both of the primary fragmentation mechanisms, namely due to devolatization induced stresses and thermal stresses, are supposed to take place. It can be expected that the domination of one or another mechanism will depend on the combination of particle size and heating temperature. The lines of and methods for studying the nature of biomass particles primary fragmentation and its quantitative characteristics under different conditions are outlined. The data obtained as a result of such fundamental investigations will form the basis for elaborating methods for designing furnace devices and gasifiers operating on biomass taking into account the effect of particle fragmentation on the combustion, gasification, carryover, and heating surface contamination processes.  相似文献   

介绍了上海石化煤粉锅炉在点火和稳燃过程中燃烧芳烃馏分C_(?)、相对于燃烧轻柴油所产生的问题,提出了相应的燃烧器改进措施,经试验后获得应用,取得良好的收效。  相似文献   

对440t/h循环流化床锅炉结焦原因进行分析,提出相应的防止措施。  相似文献   

苏宇  王灵梅 《电力学报》2000,15(2):119-121
分析了PG650t/h锅炉结渣的原因 ,提出了相应的技术对策。  相似文献   

480t/h锅炉低氮燃烧系统改造及效果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对480 t/h燃煤锅炉燃烧系统氮氧化合物排放的现状,采用美国阿米那电力环保公司(LP Amina公司)的技术,对8号炉进行了低氮燃烧改造。改造后氮氧化物排放含量为262 mg/m^3,降幅达40%以上。同时改造后锅炉效率有所提高,起到了节能减排的效果。  相似文献   

生物质能是一种可再生、对环境友好和利用过程中二氧化碳零排放的能源资源, 所以研究生物质气化发电技术意义重大。在烧生物质燃料气的燃气轮机性能计算中, 需要使用生物质燃料气的燃气热力性质数据, 如果将其比热视为常数或采用平均比热都会引起较大误差, 因此需要基于变比热的生物质燃料气的燃气热力性质计算方法。生物质燃料气属于含有不可燃成分的混合气体燃料, 因而将基于变比热的混合气体燃料(含不可燃成分)燃气热力性质的计算方法应用于变比热的生物质燃料气的燃气热力性质计算, 并且用Delphi6 0开发了计算程序。通过对烧某一生物质燃料气的LM2500型燃气轮机的某一工况点热力性能计算, 对该计算方法和程序进行了验证。结果表明, 混合气体燃料(含不可燃成分) 燃气热力性质的计算方法可以应用于生物质燃料气的燃气热力性质计算, 编制的计算程序为烧生物质燃料气的燃气轮机性能计算提供了解决方案。  相似文献   

叙述了FK5D32型锅炉给水泵平衡管角焊缝的开裂泄漏情况,分析了泄漏的原因,提出处理方案,并通过实践证明了该方案的正确性。  相似文献   

Results of a thermal-hydraulic investigation of a steam-water heater equipped with dimpled heat-transfer tubes are presented. It is shown that heat transfer on the internal dimpled surface has risen by 60% with their drag increased by a factor of 2.1.  相似文献   

电力电缆的允许短路电流通常依据IEC949进行计算。针对该标准中推荐方法存在的涉及物性及中间参数多、物理概念晦涩、理解和记忆困难、应用繁琐等问题,从电缆短路时的热传导模型出发,推导出一种简单易懂、准确实用的计算方法。在计算充油/交联聚乙烯绝缘电缆的线芯及金属屏蔽等允许短路电流时,其结果与IEC949的偏差不超过4%.且计算结果偏于保守.可保证电缆的实际安全运行。  相似文献   

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