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IntroductionIt’sknownthatinnumericalapproximationoffirst_orderhyperbolicequations,theuseofadaptivefiniteelementmethods (see [1 ] )hasbeenexpandedtomanyfieldssuchascomputationalflowmechanics,thermalanalyses,electricalengineering ,etc.Theh_versionadaptivefini…  相似文献   

This paper gives the stress space and the strain space formulations of the elastoplastic constitutive relations at a singular point on a yield surface, discusses the parallelism of the two space formulations and points out that the strain space formulation has a wider range of applicability.  相似文献   

IntroductionThenonlinearGalerkinmethodisamulti_levelschemetofindtheapproximatesolutionforthedissipativePDE (partialdifferentialequation) .Thismethodconsistsinsplittingtheunknownintotwo (ormore)terms ,whichbelongtothediscretespaceswithdifferentmeshsize .The…  相似文献   

Solution of spline function of elastic plates   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In this paper.from four and three-order differential equations defined by cubic andquadratic splines of generaized beam.The beam functions with many boundary conditionsand under various loads are reduced.The approximate solution of deformation surface andstress of elastic thin plate is very accurate.  相似文献   

From the potential theorem, the fundamental boundary eigenproblems can be converted into boundary integral equations (BIEs) with the logarithmic singularity. In this paper, mechanical quadrature methods (MQMs) are presented to obtain the eigensolutions that are used to solve Laplace's equations. The MQMs possess high accuracy and low computation complexity. The convergence and the stability are proved based on Anselone's collective and asymptotical compact theory. An asymptotic expansion with odd powers of the errors is presented. By the h3-Richardson extrapolation algorithm (EA), the accuracy order of the approximation can be greatly improved, and an a posteriori error estimate can be obtained as the self-adaptive algorithms. The efficiency of the algorithm is illustrated by examples.  相似文献   

A posteriori error estimators are fundamental tools for providing confidence in the numerical computation of PDEs. To date, the main theories of a posteriori estimators have been developed largely in the finite element framework, for either linear elliptic operators or non‐linear PDEs in the absence of disparate length scales. On the other hand, there is a strong interest in using grid refinement combined with Richardson extrapolation to produce CFD solutions with improved accuracy and, therefore, a posteriori error estimates. But in practice, the effective order of a numerical method often depends on space location and is not uniform, rendering the Richardson extrapolation method unreliable. We have recently introduced (Garbey, 13th International Conference on Domain Decomposition, Barcelona, 2002; 379–386; Garbey and Shyy, J. Comput. Phys. 2003; 186 :1–23) a new method which estimates the order of convergence of a computation as the solution of a least square minimization problem on the residual. This method, called least square extrapolation, introduces a framework facilitating multi‐level extrapolation, improves accuracy and provides a posteriori error estimate. This method can accommodate different grid arrangements. The goal of this paper is to investigate the power and limits of this method via incompressible Navier Stokes flow computations. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The diffusion equation for the configurational distribution function of Hookean dumbbell suspensions with the hydrodynamic interaction (HI) was solved, in terms of Galerkin’s method, in steady state shear flow; and viscosity,first and second normal-stress coefficients and molecular stretching were then calculated. The results indicate that the HI included in a microscopic model of molecules gives rise to a significant effect on the macroscopic properties of Hookean dumbbell suspensions. For example, the viscosity and the first normal stress coefficient, decreasing as shear rate increases, are no longer constant; the second normal-stress coefficient, being negative with small absolute value and shear-rate dependent, is no longer zero; and an additional stretching of dumbbells is yielded by the HI. The viscosity function and the first normal-stress coefficient calculated from this method are in agreement with those predicted from the self-consistent average method qualitatively, while the negative second normal-stress coefficient from the former seems to be more reasonable than the positive one from the latter.  相似文献   

Residual based on a posteriori error estimates for conforming element solutions of incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with stream function form which were computed with seven recently proposed two-level method were derived. The posteriori error estimates contained additional terms in comparison to the error estimates for the solution obtained by the standard finite element method. The importance of these additional terms in the error estimates was investigated by studying their asymptotic behavior. For optimal scaled meshes, these bounds are not of higher order than of convergence of discrete solution.  相似文献   

The study of bending of cracked circular cylinders is of more significance. The bending of cylinders containing radical crack or cracks was discussed by refs. [1]–[4] and that of concentrically craked circular cylinders was studied by [5]. Continuing [6] and using complex variable methods in elasticity, this paper deals with the bending problems of a circular cylinder, containing an internal linear crack at any position under an acting force perpendicular to the crack. The general forms of displacements, stresses, and stressintensity factors, expressed in terms of series, are obtained and to this bending problems with small Ah are presented good approximate formulas for the stress-intensity factors whose variations with the center of the crack are analysed. Finally, the twist angle per unit length and the center of bending for the radically cracked circular cylinder, one of whose crack-tips is located at the origin, have been computed and the results are almost the same as that calculated in [1].  相似文献   

This paper deals with blow-up solutions to a nonlinear hyperbolic equation with variable exponent of nonlinearities. By constructing a new control function and using energy inequalities, the authors obtain the lower bound estimate of the L2 norm of the solution. Furthermore, the concavity arguments are used to prove the nonexistence of solutions; at the same time, an estimate of the upper bound of blow-up time is also obtained. This result extends and improves those of [1], [2].  相似文献   

When multicollinearity is present in a set of the regression variables, the least square estimate of the regression coefficient tends to be unstable and it may lead to erroneous inference. In this paper, generalized ridge estimate β(K) of the regression coefficient β =vec(B) is considered in multivaiate linear regression model. The MSE of the above estimate is less than the MSE of the least square estimate by choosing the ridge parameter matrix K. Moreover, it is pointed out that the Criterion MSE for choosing matrix K of generalized ridge estimate has several weaknesses. In order to overcome these weaknesses, a new family of criteria Q(c) is adpoted which includes the criterion MSE and criterion LS as its special case. The good properties of the criteria Q(c) are proved and discussed from theoretical point of view. The statistical meaning of the scale c is explained and the methods of determining c are also given. The projects Supported by Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province  相似文献   

Recently, we developed an explicit a posteriori error estimator especially suited for fluid dynamics problems solved with a stabilized method. The technology is based upon the theory that inspired stabilized methods, namely, the variational multiscale theory. The salient features of the formulation are that it can be readily implemented in existing codes, it is a very economical procedure, and it yields very accurate local error estimates uniformly from the diffusive to the advective regime. In this work, the variational multiscale error estimator is applied to develop adaptive strategies for the advection–diffusion‐reaction equation. The performance of L1 and L2 local error norms combined with three strategies to adapt the mesh is investigated. Emphasis is placed on flows with sharp boundary and interior layers but also attention is given to diffusion‐dominated flows. Computational results show that the method generates meshes with a smooth transition of the element size, which capture all the flow features. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An adaptive finite element approximation for an optimal control problem of the Stokes flow with an L2‐norm state constraint is proposed. To produce good adaptive meshes, the a posteriori error estimates are discussed. The equivalent residual‐type a posteriori error estimators of the H 1‐error of state and L2‐error of control are given, which are suitable to carry out the adaptive multi‐mesh finite element approximation. Some numerical experiments are performed to illustrate the efficiency of the a posteriori estimators. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents an anisotropic adaptive finite element method (FEM) to solve the governing equations of steady magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) duct flow. A residual error estimator is presented for the standard FEM, and two-sided bounds on the error independent of the aspect ratio of meshes are provided. Based on the Zienkiewicz-Zhu estimates, a computable anisotropic error indicator and an implement anisotropic adaptive refinement for the MHD problem are derived at different values of the Hartmann number. The most distinguishing feature of the method is that the layer information from some directions is captured well such that the number of mesh vertices is dramatically reduced for a given level of accuracy. Thus, this approach is more suitable for approximating the layer problem at high Hartmann numbers. Numerical results show efficiency of the algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper builds symmetrically general theories of rods and shells under mathematical frame of "Hilbert Space", and successfully obtains the error estimate to the system of theory.  相似文献   

在均匀网格上求解对流占优问题时,往往会产生数值震荡现象,因此需要局部加密网格来提高解的精度。针对对流占优问题,设计了一种新的自适应网格细化算法。该方法采用流线迎风SUPG(Petrov-Galerkin)格式求解对流占优问题,定义了网格尺寸并通过后验误差估计子修正来指导自适应网格细化,以泡泡型局部网格生成算法BLMG为网格生成器,通过模拟泡泡在区域中的运动得到了高质量的点集。与其他自适应网格细化方法相比,该方法可在同一框架内实现网格的细化和粗化,同时在所有细化层得到了高质量的网格。数值算例结果表明,该方法在求解对流占优问题时具有更高的数值精度和更好的收敛性。  相似文献   

基于分析动力学与分析结构力学在数学理论上的一致性,在有限元分析方面,同时对时间、空间坐标离散组成混和的时空有限元网格.然后利用Hamilton变分原理,取一次变分为零,导出三维混和元列式;混和元列式矩阵的对称性,保证了混和有限元保辛的性质.数值例题表明,时-空混和有限元能灵活地处理多尺度波动问题和变动边界问题.  相似文献   

IntroductionThenonlinearGalerkinmethodisamulti_levelschemetofindtheapproximatesolutionforthedissipativePDE .ThismethodhasfirstmainlybeenaddressedbyFoias_Manley_Temam[1],Marion_Temam[2 ],Foias_Jolly_Kevrekidis_Titi[3]andDevulder_Marion_Titi[4 ]inthecaseofspect…  相似文献   

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