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利用节点效率评估复杂网络功能鲁棒性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
周漩  张凤鸣  周卫平  邹伟  杨帆 《物理学报》2012,61(19):190201-190201
为了克服现有复杂网络鲁棒性研究模型只考虑节点失效的局部影响性和网络拓扑鲁棒性的缺陷, 提出了一种利用节点效率来评估复杂网络功能鲁棒性的方法. 该方法综合考虑节点失效的全局影响性, 利用网络中节点的效率来定义各节点的负载、极限负载和失效模型, 通过打击后网络中最终失效节点的比例来衡量网络的功能鲁棒性, 并给出了其评估优化算法. 实验分析表明该方法对考虑节点负载的复杂网络功能鲁棒性的评定可行有效, 对于大型复杂网络可以获得理想的计算能力.  相似文献   

复杂网络中节点重要性排序的研究进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
刘建国  任卓明  郭强  汪秉宏 《物理学报》2013,62(17):178901-178901
如何用定量分析的方法识别超大规模网络中哪些节点最重要, 或者评价某个节点相对于其他一个或多个节点的重要程度, 这是复杂网络研究中亟待解决的重要问题之一. 本文分别从网络结构和传播动力学的角度, 对现有的复杂网络中节点重要性排序方法进行了系统的回顾,总结了节点重要性排序方法的最新研究进展, 并对不同的节点重要性排序指标的优缺点以及适用环境进行了分析, 最后指出了这一领域中几个有待解决的问题及可能的发展方向. 关键词: 复杂网络 节点重要性 网络结构 传播动力学  相似文献   

利用重要度评价矩阵确定复杂网络关键节点   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26       下载免费PDF全文
周漩  张凤鸣  李克武  惠晓滨  吴虎胜 《物理学报》2012,61(5):50201-050201
为了对复杂网络节点重要度进行评估,针对节点删除法、节点收缩法和介数法的不足,通过定义节点效率和节点重要度评价矩阵, 提出了一种利用重要度评价矩阵来确定复杂网络关键节点的方法.该方法综合考虑了节点效率、节点度值和相邻节点的重要度贡献,用节点度值和效率值来表征其对相邻节点的重要度贡献,其优化算法的时间复杂度为O(Rn2). 实验分析表明该方法可行有效,对于大型复杂网络可以获得理想的计算能力.  相似文献   

本文研究复杂网络动力学模型的无向网络牵制控制的优化选点及节点组重要性排序问题.根据牵制控制的同步准则,网络的牵制控制同步取决于网络的Laplacian删后矩阵的最小特征值.因此,通过合理选择受控节点集得到一个较大的Laplacian删后矩阵最小特征值,是牵制控制优化选点问题的核心所在.基于Laplacian删后矩阵最小...  相似文献   

刘金良* 《物理学报》2013,62(4):40503-040503
针对具有随机节点结构的复杂网络, 研究其同步问题. 基于Lyapunov稳定性理论和线性矩阵不等式技术给出了复杂网络同步稳定的充分性条件, 该充分性条件不仅与复杂网络的状态时延有关, 还与节点结构的概率分布有关. 数值仿真表明本文方法的有效性. 关键词: 复杂网络 随机节点 同步稳定 时滞  相似文献   

面向结构洞的复杂网络关键节点排序   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
韩忠明  吴杨  谭旭升  段大高  杨伟杰 《物理学报》2015,64(5):58902-058902
复杂网络中的结构洞节点对于信息传播具有重要作用, 现有关键节点排序方法多数没有兼顾结构洞节点和其他类型的关键节点进行排序. 本文根据结构洞理论与关键节点排序相关研究选取了网络约束系数、介数中心性、等级度、效率、网络规模、PageRank值以及聚类系数7个度量指标, 将基于ListNet的排序学习方法引入到复杂网络的关键节点排序问题中, 融合7个度量指标, 构建了一个能够综合评价面向结构洞节点的关键节点排序方法. 采用模拟网络和实际复杂网络进行了大量实验, 人工标准试验结果表明本文排序方法能够综合考虑结构洞节点和核心节点, 关键节点排序与人工排序结果具有较高的一致性. SIR传播模型评估实验结果表明由本文选择TOP-K节点发起的传播能够在较短的传播时间内达到最大的传播范围.  相似文献   

于会  刘尊  李勇军 《物理学报》2013,62(2):20204-020204
复杂网络中的节点重要性评价在实际应用中有着重要意义.现有的一些重要性评价指标如度、介数等存在适用范围有限,评价结果不够全面等缺点,因为节点在复杂网络中的重要性不仅仅受单一因素的影响.为此,本文提出了一种基于多属性决策的复杂网络节点重要性综合评价方法.该方法将复杂网络中的每一个节点看作一个方案,其多个重要性评价指标作为该方案的属性,通过计算每个方案到理想方案的接近程度,最终得到该节点的重要性综合评价结果.该方法不仅可以用于不同类型复杂网络的节点重要性评价,而且便于扩展,实验结果表明了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

复杂网络中最小K-核节点的传播能力分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
任卓明  刘建国  邵凤  胡兆龙  郭强 《物理学报》2013,62(10):108902-108902
K-核分解方法对于识别复杂网络传播动力学中最重要节点具有重要的价值, 然而该方法无法对复杂网络中大量最小K-核节点的传播能力进行准确度量. 本文主要考察最小K-核节点的传播行为, 利用其邻居的K-核信息, 提出一种度量这类节点传播能力的方法. 实证网络数据集的传播行为仿真结果表明, 该方法与度、介数等指标相比更能准确度量最小K-核节点的传播能力. 关键词: 复杂网络 传播能力 K-核分解 最小K-核节点  相似文献   

针对无线多媒体传感器网络广泛的应用前景和目前节点平台稀缺的情况,设计并研制了一种小型化的无线多媒体传感器网络节点。节点采用ADI公司的ADSP-BF561微处理器和Helicomm公司的基于Zigbee网络协议的无线收发模块IP-Link研制而成。在输入通道上可分别支持模拟图像传感器和数字图像传感器。输出通道具有多媒体传输通道和数据/命令传输通道,其中多媒体传输通道用于传输实时的模拟视频,数据/命令传输通道用于传输节点处理之后的有效数据以及接收来自上层网络的命令。  相似文献   

宋玉蓉  蒋国平 《物理学报》2010,59(11):7546-7551
针对实际网络中节点存在抗攻击差异以及边的非均匀传输等情况,基于平均场理论,提出具有抗攻击差异和非均匀传输特性的网络病毒传播平均场SIR模型.该模型中,通过引入脆弱性函数和传输函数,分别描述节点的抗攻击差异以及边的非均匀传输能力.通过对所提模型的分析,得到传播阈值的理论结果.理论分析和仿真表明,节点的抗攻击差异以及边的非均匀传输,都可导致出现正的传播阈值,使得病毒传播风险有效降低.  相似文献   

We introduce a continuous weight attack strategy and numerically investigate the effect of continuous weight attack strategy on the Barabasi-Albert (BA) scale-free network and the Erdos-Rdnyi (ER) random network. We use a weight coefficient ω to define the attack intensity. The weight coefficient ω increases continuously from 1 to infinity, where 1 represents no attack and infinity represents complete destructive attack. Our results show that the continuous weight attack on two selected nodes with small ω (ω≈ 3) could achieve the same damage of complete elimination of a single selected node on both BA and ER networks. It is found that the continuous weight attack on a single selected edge with small ω (ω≈ 2) can reach the same effect of complete elimination of a single edge on BA network, but on ER network the damage of the continuous weight attack on a single edge is c/ose to but always smaller than that of complete elimination of edge even if ω is very large.  相似文献   

This article discusses the complete separability and partial separability of the mixed states of quantumnetwork of three nodes by means of the criterion of entanglement in terms of the covariance correlation tensor in quantumnetwork theory.  相似文献   

This article discusses the complete separability and partial separability of the pure states of the quantumnetwork of three nodes by means of the criterion of entanglement in terms of the covariance correlation tensor in quantumnetwork theory.  相似文献   

This article discusses the complete separability and partial separability of the mixed states of quantum network of three nodes by means of the crJterlon of entanglement in terms of the covarJance correlation tensor in quantum network theory.  相似文献   

This article discusses the complete separability and partial separability of the pure states of the quantum network of three nodes by means of the criterion of entanglement in terms of the covariance correlation tensor in quantum network theory.  相似文献   

The goal of software defect prediction is to make predictions by mining the historical data using models. Current software defect prediction models mainly focus on the code features of software modules. However, they ignore the connection between software modules. This paper proposed a software defect prediction framework based on graph neural network from a complex network perspective. Firstly, we consider the software as a graph, where nodes represent the classes, and edges represent the dependencies between the classes. Then, we divide the graph into multiple subgraphs using the community detection algorithm. Thirdly, the representation vectors of the nodes are learned through the improved graph neural network model. Lastly, we use the representation vector of node to classify the software defects. The proposed model is tested on the PROMISE dataset, using two graph convolution methods, based on the spectral domain and spatial domain in the graph neural network. The investigation indicated that both convolution methods showed an improvement in various metrics, such as accuracy, F-measure, and MCC (Matthews correlation coefficient) by 86.6%, 85.8%, and 73.5%, and 87.5%, 85.9%, and 75.5%, respectively. The average improvement of various metrics was noted as 9.0%, 10.5%, and 17.5%, and 6.3%, 7.0%, and 12.1%, respectively, compared with the benchmark models.  相似文献   

The recent financial crisis highlights the inherent weaknesses of the financial market. To explore the mechanism that maintains the financial market as a system, we study the interactions of U.S. financial market from the network perspective. Applied with conditional Granger causality network analysis, network density, in-degree and out-degree rankings are important indicators to analyze the conditional causal relationships among financial agents, and further to assess the stability of U.S. financial systems. It is found that the topological structure of G-causality network in U.S. financial market changed in diferent stages over the last decade, especially during the recent global financial crisis. Network density of the G-causality model is much higher during the period of 2007–2009 crisis stage, and it reaches the peak value in 2008, the most turbulent time in the crisis. Ranked by in-degrees and out-degrees, insurance companies are listed in the top of 68 financial institutions during the crisis. They act as the hubs which are more easily influenced by other financial institutions and simultaneously influence others during the global financial disturbance.  相似文献   

The recent financial crisis highlights the inherent weaknesses of the financial market. To explore the mechanism that maintains the financial market as a system, we study the interactions of U.S. financial market from the network perspective. Applied with conditional Granger causality network analysis, network density, in-degree and out-degree rankings are important indicators to analyze the conditional causal relationships among financial agents, and further to assess the stability of U.S. financial systems. It is found that the topological structure of G-causality network in U.S. financial market changed in different stages over the last decade, especially during the recent global financial crisis. Network density of the G-causality model is much higher during the period of 2007-2009 crisis stage, and it reaches the peak value in 2008, the most turbulent time in the crisis. Ranked by in-degrees and out-degrees, insurance companies are listed in the top of 68 financial institutions during the crisis. They act as the hubs which are more easily influenced by other financial institutions and simultaneously influence others during the global financial disturbance.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of Internet technology, the innovative value and importance of the open source product community (OSPC) is becoming increasingly significant. Ensuring high robustness is essential to the stable development of OSPC with open characteristics. In robustness analysis, degree and betweenness are traditionally used to evaluate the importance of nodes. However, these two indexes are disabled to comprehensively evaluate the influential nodes in the community network. Furthermore, influential users have many followers. The effect of irrational following behavior on network robustness is also worth investigating. To solve these problems, we built a typical OSPC network using a complex network modeling method, analyzed its structural characteristics and proposed an improved method to identify influential nodes by integrating the network topology characteristics indexes. We then proposed a model containing a variety of relevant node loss strategies to simulate the changes in robustness of the OSPC network. The results showed that the proposed method can better distinguish the influential nodes in the network. Furthermore, the network’s robustness will be greatly damaged under the node loss strategies considering the influential node loss (i.e., structural hole node loss and opinion leader node loss), and the following effect can greatly change the network robustness. The results verified the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed robustness analysis model and indexes.  相似文献   

This article discusses the separability of the pure and mixed states of the quantum network of four nodesby means of the criterion of entanglement in terms of the covariance correlation tensor in quantum network theory.  相似文献   

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