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目的 比较观测个体均值(observed individual means,OIM)模型与贝塔二项-正态分布(betabinomial-normal,BBN)模型结果及其在铅膳食长期暴露评估中的运用.方法 利用2002年中国居民营养与健康状况调查中24 h膳食回顾法收集的消费量数据、2000-2006年污染物监测数据及2005-2006年海关出口农产品监测数据.OIM模型通过计算调查期间个体食物的平均消费量与污染物平均浓度匹配相乘,计算每日暴露量,而BBN模型通过调整个体内变异,保留个体间变异构建长期膳食暴露量.以铅污染数据为实例,对两模型结果进行比较.结果 OIM模型高端百分位数值均大于BBN模型,OIM模型全人目第25~99.9百分位数(P25~P99 9)的摄入量为1.167 ~7.313 μg·kg-1·d-1,BBN为1.193 ~5.729 μg·kg-1·d-1.各组OIM模型与BBN模型结果中位数较为接近,两模型全人群摄入量分别为1.543和1.579 μg· kg-1·d-1.结论 在膳食长期暴露评估中,OIM模型分析结果比BBN模型在高端百分位数部分更具保守性.  相似文献   

目的 评价肉块模型用于婴幼儿喂养指导的短期效果,探索农村离乳期儿童喂养干预的新方法。方法 采用方便抽样,对河北省赵县两个乡镇263名6~11月龄儿童的家长进行6个月喂养干预指导,使用10 g熟猪瘦肉模型辅助评估食肉量。结果 儿童食肉量随年龄推进而增加,1周食肉量与血红蛋白水平的上升趋势基本一致。相对于基础调查,干预组和对照组儿童1周食肉量的自身前后增加值在中期调查时分别为30.54(23.09,37.98)g和6.24(2.56,9.93)g(P=0.000 1);终末调查时分别为36.33(23.77,48.89)g和19.74(7.57,31.91)g(P=0.073)。4.7%的干预组儿童和1.8%的对照组儿童24 h食肉量达到项目推荐最小量(P=0.190),终末调查时为4.7%和1.8%(P=0.060)。结论 肉块模型方法得到婴幼儿家长的接受和配合,初步实现儿童食肉量的定量计算,膳食改善效果显现。  相似文献   

目的 了解成都市居民膳食中铅、镉暴露的基础数据,评估成都市居民膳食铅、镉暴露风险.方法 对成都市市售食品中铅、镉含量进行监测,参考2002年中国居民营养与健康状况调查中的成都市居民膳食摄入量,应用WHO推荐的食品中化学污染物膳食暴露评估方法,对成都市居民膳食中铅、镉暴露水平进行评估.结果 成都市居民平均每周膳食中铅暴露量为0.006 9 mg/kg BW,占暂定每周可耐受摄入量(PTWI)的27.6%;镉暴露量为0.005 1 mg/kg BW,占暂定每周可耐受摄入量(PTWI)的72.86%.结论成 都市居民膳食中镉暴露水平高于铅暴露水平,正常情况下均低于PTWI,但仍有进一步降低的必要.  相似文献   

邱泓  车望军  张浩  刘桂明  雷钫普  白云 《职业与健康》2010,26(13):1463-1464
目的分析对电焊工噪声暴露水平测定过程中的不确定度,明确影响测定准确性的主要因素。方法找出测定过程中各不确定度分量,计算合成标准不确定度以及扩展不确定度。结果在各分量不确定度中,方向偏差和测量重复性引入的不确定度对测理结果的不确定度的贡献较大。结论噪声测定过程中,要做好对测定对象的分组,提高测定对象的同质性,以降低测量不确定度。  相似文献   

目的了解邯郸市居民膳食摄入及膳食结构状况,为指导当地居民合理膳食,提高营养水平和促进健康提供科学依据。方法采用多阶段分层与人口成比例的整群随机抽样方法,以家庭为单位进行入户调查,利用3d24h膳食回顾和3d全家称重数据,用Excel建立数据库,用SPSS17.0统计软件进行数据分析。结果邯郸市居民膳食摄入以谷类为主,平均标准人日谷类食物摄入量440.9g,水果摄入量34.9g,奶及其制品摄入量52.6g,食用油、盐平均摄入量分别为43.2和11.7g。每标准人日摄入能量为8369.2kJ,蛋白质标准人日摄入量为60.9g;脂肪为85.5g,膳食纤维为11.4g。谷类食物提供的能量占总能量的47.8%,来源于脂肪提供的能量比例为37.9%。结论邯郸市居民膳食摄入以谷类为主,蔬菜和水果摄入明显不足,油、盐摄入相对较高,脂肪摄入高于全国水平,脂肪供能比超出建议范围,膳食结构不合理。相关部门应加强宣传与干预,倡导正确的平衡膳食理念。  相似文献   

The consumption of capsaicinoids, the active components in chili peppers, has been associated with both positive and negative health effects, and the level of capsaicinoid exposure may be an important determinant. Dietary capsaicinoid exposure was estimated using a previously developed database for capsaicinoid content and a 24-h dietary recall dataset obtained from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The estimated consumption level was evaluated to determine its potential effects on weight reduction and gastrointestinal distress. The estimated daily mean capsaicinoid intake was 3.25 mg (2.17 mg capsaicin), and most Koreans consumed 1–30 mg of capsaicinoids (0.67–20 mg capsaicin) in a day. No adverse effect of capsaicin consumption was reported other than abdominal pain. For long-term repeated consumption, 30 mg may be the maximum tolerable dose. However, the effects on body weight or energy balance were inconsistent in 4–12 week clinical studies conducted with various capsaicin doses (2–135 mg), which was likely due to the complex interplay between capsaicin dose, study length, and participant characteristics. Therefore, the capsaicin consumption of most Koreans was below the levels that may cause adverse effects. However, more long-term studies for the dose range of 2–20 mg are required to further characterize capsaicin’s health benefits in Koreans.  相似文献   

[目的]对某外资蓄电池生产厂职业性铅接触评估,探索职业卫生工作模式。[方法]开展职业卫生学调查,对作业场所环境中铅浓度和职业接触人群血中铅水平进行检测和评估,并收集、分析了历年检测和健康监护数据,结合职业卫生组织管理模式,总结控制职业性铅危害的经验。[结果]2个铅烟作业场所历年28次检测结果中,合格率为92.8%;3个铅尘作业场所45次检测结果中,合格率为88.2%;98%的铅接触者血铅水平低于40μg/dl(1.93μmol/L),无铅中毒病例发生。[结论]采取综合干预,员工理解,互相促进的互动模式,可有效控制职业铅接触的危害。  相似文献   

郑州市巡警个体噪声暴露的测量与分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
[目的]了解郑州市巡警个体噪声暴露水平和暴露特点。[方法]以辖区为单位 ,采用个体噪声计量仪测量工作日早班 (8:00~12:00)、中班 (12:00~18:00)和晚班 (18:00~22:00)巡警的个体噪声暴露水平。[结果]郑州市巡警共分5个辖区 ,噪声暴露水平依次为(82.7±6.1)dB(A)、(89.6±6.3)dB(A)、(93.6±9.3)dB(A)、(96.6±5.2)dB(A)和(88.7±7.4)dB(A) ,范围为77.2~106dB(A)。个体噪声暴露存在突然升高的现象 ,这由处理突发事件造成。巡警的主要噪声暴露水平集中在80~100dB(A)。1至4辖区执勤点均设于商业区 ,5辖区位于城乡结合部 ,大型机动车的流量较大。其中1、2辖区的噪声水平在三班之间无明显差别 ,3、4辖区的噪声水平早班高、晚班低 ,5辖区的噪声水平早班和晚班较高 ,而中班低。[结论]郑州市巡警接触较高水平的环境噪声 ,机动车鸣笛是主要原因之一。建议今后对禁止机动车鸣笛后巡警的个体噪声暴露进行再评价 ,并建议巡警在执勤过程中尽量避免鸣警笛  相似文献   

A retrospective exposure assessment was performed for use in a health outcomes study of a facility manufacturing circuit boards, business machines, and other equipment during the years 1969–2002. A matrix was developed identifying chemical use by department-year based on company-provided information. Use of six chemical agents (fiberglass, lead, methylene chloride, methyl chloroform, perchloroethylene, and trichloroethylene) and six chemical classes (acid-base, aromatic hydrocarbons, chlorinated hydrocarbons, other hydrocarbons, chlorofluorocarbons, and metals), and general (including unspecified) chemicals was identified. The matrix also contained an assignment for each department-year categorizing the potential for use of chemicals as negligible, intermittent/incidental, or routine. These department-based exposure matrix data were combined with work history data to provide duration of potential chemical use for workers. Negligible, intermittent/incidental or routine extent-of-chemical-use categories comprised 42.6%, 39.4%, and 17.9%, respectively, of total person-years of employment. Cumulative exposure scores were also developed, representing a relative measure of the cumulative extent of potential exposure to the six chemical agents, six chemical classes, and general (including unspecified) chemicals. Additionally, the study period was divided into manufacturing eras showing trends in chemical use, and showing that process use of trichloroethylene and methylene chloride ended in the mid-1980s and the mid-1990s, respectively. This approach may be useful in other assessments addressing a variety of chemicals, and with data constraints common to retrospective chemical exposure studies.  相似文献   

评价化学法尿铅筛选职业性铅接触的价值。收集157名同一铅接触工人的血标本及尿标本,同时测定血铅,悄铅,红细胞游离原卟啉,锌卟啉,尿δ-氨基酮戊酸,以血铅≥40μg/dl,≥60μg/dl的铅接触水平为金标准。用Receiver-Operating Characteristic曲线分析软件评价化学法尿负及其它测定指标的准确性。  相似文献   

Considering the large amounts of PAHs emitted into the ambient air in China, it is urgent to take preliminary health risk assessment of citizens through inhalation exposure to PAHs in China. The incremental lifetime cancer risk (ILCR) model was used to get the risk level of Tianjin citizens as an example, and Monte Carlo simulation was adopted to deal with the uncertainty. Exposure analysis found that the average values of B[a]P equivalent (B[a]Peq) daily exposure doses for children in the indoor, traffic and outdoor settings were estimated to be 2,446.8, 478.4, and 321.6 ng day−1, respectively. And those for adults were 3,344.1, 794.9, and 519.0 ng day−1, respectively. Much attention must be paid to indoor exposure, as it contributes more than 70% of the B[a]Peq daily exposure dose. ILCR falls within the range of 10−5–10−3, which is higher than the acceptable risk level of 10−6, and lower than the priority risk level (10−3). So this risk should be compared with those of other public health issues in the purpose of risk management. Sensitivity analysis found that the two variables, indoor air PAHs concentration distribution and the cancer slope factor (CSF) of BaP, contribute about 89% of the total risk uncertainty. Thus they are considered as the two main factors influencing the accuracy of the PAHs health risk assessment.  相似文献   

累积法在医学中应用及其检验效率的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文阐述了累积法分析等级资料的原理和性质,并对单因素和多因素等级资料作了实例分析,用蒙特卡洛随机抽样研究,比较了累积法与其他统计方法的Ⅰ类和Ⅱ类误差。结果表明:累积法简便实用,可作交互作用和残差分析。Ⅰ类误差大于CPD法,而Ⅱ类误差明显低于CPD法。  相似文献   

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