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OBJECTIVES: A case of bilateral ectopic pelvic kidney is presented whose clinical symptoms were hypogastric pain and cloudy urine. The few cases reported in the world medical literature are briefly reviewed. METHODS: Patient evaluation included intravenous urography, selective right renal arteriography and transoperative left antegrade pyelography. A left nephrectomy was performed. RESULTS: All symptoms disappeared after nephrectomy. CONCLUSIONS: Bilateral ectopic pelvic kidneys are uncommon as shown by the few cases reported in the literature. To our knowledge, the present case is the first case reported in the Spanish literature.  相似文献   

A 66-year-old woman with locally advanced and metastatic breast carcinoma received combination chemotherapy, which comprised mitomycinC (total 84 mg) and anthracyclines (total : epirubicin 350 mg and pirarubicin 450 mg). She had been alive without tumor progression for more than one year thanks to these chemotherapies. Nevertheless, she thereafter complained of severe bone pain due to progression of bone disease. Since morphine administration could not give her sufficient pain relief, we tried to treat her bone pain with pamidronate in a dose of 30 mg weekly or biweekly. The pamidronate markedly relieved her bone pain and improved osteolytic bone lesions. In conclusion, pamidronate therapy can be a promising therapeutic modality for bone-derived pain in terminal patients.  相似文献   

Numerous randomized trials have been conducted in an attempt to demonstrate the role of adjuvant chemotherapy in localized operable breast cancer. A major meta-analysis has demonstrated its effectiveness in certain indications. These trials show that only long-term combination chemotherapy has an undeniable efficacy. The reference protocol is the classical CMF combining cyclophosphamid, methotrexate and 5 fluoro-uracil. Efficacy is clear for patients under 50 years of age. After this age, tamoxifen is effective. There does not appear to be any benefit from prolonging chemotherapy over 6 months. The meta-analysis has not however answered all the questions raised by adjuvant chemotherapy. Should chemotherapy be used in N-forms? What is the effect of treatment in patients over 65? What is the optimal treatment duration? Is there a dose-efficacy relationship? What is the relative effect of chemotherapy versus radiotherapy? Does perioperative chemotherapy add any benefit? What should be the relative roles of hormone therapy and chemotherapy? Is castration as effective as chemotherapy before menopause and tamoxifen after menopause? Currently, only partial answers to these questions have been obtained and many remaining problems will only be solved by the results of controlled trials currently under way.  相似文献   

Metastases of breast cancer are a major cause of treatment failure. To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of suicide gene therapy in metastatic breast cancer, we used the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (HSV-tk) gene followed by ganciclovir (GCV) administration to treat breast cancer, generated by an adenocarcinoma cell line MOD in syngeneic mice. The bystander effect of HSV-tk + GCV on tumor cell killing was illustrated by demonstrating complete regression of subcutaneous tumors consisting of 90% parental tumor cells and 10% HSV-tk transformed tumor cells. To establish a model of breast cancer metastases in the liver, tumors were generated by intra-hepatic implantation of MOD cells in syngeneic animals. Two weeks after tumor cell implantation, replication defective adenoviral vectors expressing HSV-tk (ADV.tk), or beta-galactosidease (ADV. beta-Gal) were injected intratumorally, followed by buffer or GCV administration. Treatment with ADV.tk + GCV resulted in significant regression of tumor (P < .001), as assessed by computerized morphometric analysis of residual tumor. This was reflected as a significant prolongation of survival in treated animals (P < .001). These results demonstrate that ADV-mediated suicide gene therapy in vivo can be incorporated in a comprehensive treatment strategy for liver metastases of breast cancer.  相似文献   

In the mid-1980s, trials of adjuvant therapy for colon cancer in the United States had a "no treatment" arm, which reflected the belief that effective adjuvant chemotherapy did not exist for patients with surgically resected disease at high risk for recurrence. However, with the observation in the early 1990s that postsurgical adjuvant 5-FU plus levamisole reduced tumor recurrence and ultimately increased overall survival in stage III colon cancer, the potential of effective adjuvant chemotherapy was realized. Questions about the duration of adjuvant chemotherapy, the specifics of chemotherapy schedule/drug selection, and its use in stage II colon cancer are beginning to be clarified in large, randomized adjuvant therapy trials. In rectal carcinomas, combined modality postoperative pelvic irradiation plus chemotherapy for stage II and III disease has been shown to reduce both local and systemic recurrences and to prolong survival compared with that in patients treated with local surgery and radiation. Again, large randomized trials are attempting to clarify both the optimal chemotherapeutic agents and schedules to be used and also whether preoperative combined modality therapy can improve the resectability rate, rate of sphincter preservation, and survival. Future trials will examine new agents shown to be effective in advanced disease as well as monoclonal antibodies, such as MoAb 17-1A, that may have selective activity in minimal disease. Improvement in overall survival remains the ultimate endpoint of future adjuvant therapy trials; however, trials will also critically examine toxicity, quality of life, pharmacoeconomics, and genetic and biologic correlates that may help select more appropriate candidates for adjuvant therapies.  相似文献   

A variety of possible mechanisms for the loss of CD4+ T cells has been proposed, such as direct cytopathic effects by HIV-1 infection, and indirect induction of apoptosis. However, the fundamental picture of major and central pathogenic processes for the decay of immune systems is still missing in understanding the pathogenic mechanisms of HIV-1 infected humans. It is more appropriate to expand our focus onto entire organ systems involved in the development of immune system such as bone marrow and thymus. From the observations in the clinical studies, HIV-1 causes a variety of pathology on the T cell development pathway even from the hematopoietic progenitors and immature thymocytes, which should have a substantial impact on the failure of T cell homeostasis in the periphery. The SCID-hu mouse constructed by surgical implantation of human fetal hemato-lymphoid organs into the immunodeficient mouse has been used for the experimental evaluation of various parameters associated with HIV-1 infection and hematosuppression. Given the apparently normal structure and function of the human implants, the SCID-hu bone and Thy/Liv mice would appear to be potentially reliable models for the analysis of human physiology and patho-physiology.  相似文献   

Surgery alone does not cure breast cancer, and adjuvant chemotherapy has changed the management of this disease. Data obtained in 81 premenopausal women with operable breast cancer, treated at our clinic, are presented. Patients with axillary node disease were treated on three different protocols: cyclophosphamide + methotrexate + fluoro-uracil + vincristine + prednisone (CMFVP), cyclophosphamide + methotrexate + fluoro-uracil (CMF), and CMF + immunotherapy with methanol extract residue of BCG (CMF + MER). Patient discriminants and treatment regimens are discussed. Analysis of the results obtained in 49 patients in one study showed an extension of disease-free survival to 4,25 years, that CMFVP was superior to CMF with or without MER, and that immunotherapy was not beneficial. The literature is briefly reviewed and the motivation for our newer studies stated.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To identify predicting factors for local failure and increased risk of distant metastases by statistical analysis of the data after breast-conserving treatment for early breast cancer. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Between January 1976 and December 1993, 528 patients with nonmetastatic T1 (tumors < or = 1 cm [n = 197], >1 cm [n = 220]) or T2 (tumors < or = 3 cm [n = 111]) carcinoma of the breast underwent wide excision (n = 435) or quadrantectomy (n = 93) with axillary dissection (negative nodal status [n-]: 396; 1-3 involved nodes: 100; >3 involved nodes: 32). Radiotherapy consisted of 45 Gy to the entire breast via tangential fields. Patients with positive axillary lymph nodes received 45 Gy to the axillary and supraclavicular area. Patients with positive axillary nodes and/or inner or central tumor locations received 50 Gy to the internal mammary lymph node area. A boost dose was delivered to the primary site by iridium 192 Implant in 298 patients (mean total dose: 15.2+/-0.07 Gy, range: 15-25 Gy) or by electrons in 225 patients (mean total dose: 14.8+/-0.09 Gy, range: 5-20 Gy). The mean age was 52.5+/-0.5 years (range: 26-86 years) and 267 patient were postmenopausal. Histologic types were as follows: 463 infiltrating ductal carcinomas, 39 infiltrating lobular carcinomas, and 26 other histotypes. Grade distribution according to the Scarff, Bloom, and Richardson (SBR) classification was as follows: 149 grade 1, 271 grade 2, 73 grade 3, and 35 nonclassified. The mean tumor size was 1.6+/-0.3 cm (range: 0.3-3 cm). The intraductal component of the primary tumor was extensive (EIC = IC > or = 25%) in 39 patients. Tumors were microscopically bifocal in 33 cases. Margins were assessed in the majority of cases by inking of the resection margins and were classified as positive in 13 cases, close (< or = 2 mm) in 21, negative (>2 mm tumor-free margin) in 417, and indeterminate in 77. Peritumoral vascular invasion was observed in 40 patients. Tamoxifen was administered for at least 2 years in 176 patients. At least six cycles of adjuvant systemic chemotherapy were administered in 116 patients. The mean follow-up period from the beginning of the treatment was 84.5+/-1.7 months. RESULTS: First events included 44 isolated local recurrences, 8 isolated axillary node recurrences, 44 isolated distant metastases, 1 local recurrence with synchronous axillary node recurrence, 7 local recurrences with synchronous metastases, and 2 local recurrences with synchronous axillary node recurrences and distant metastases. Of 39 pathologically evaluable local recurrences, 33 were classified as true local recurrences and 6 as ipsilateral new primary carcinomas. Seventy patients died (47 of breast carcinoma, 4 of other neoplastic diseases, 10 of other diseases and 9 of unknown causes). The 5- and 10-year rates were, respectively: specific survival 93% and 86%, disease-free survival 85% and 75%, distant metastasis 8.5% and 14%, and local recurrence 7% and 14%. Mean intervals from the beginning of treatment for local recurrence or distant metastases were, respectively, 60+/-6 months (median: 47 months, range: 6-217 months) and 49.5+/-5.4 months (median: 33 months, range: 6-217 months). After local recurrence, salvage mastectomy was performed in 46 patients (85%) and systemic hormonal therapy and/or chemotherapy was administered to 43 patients. The 5-year specific survival rate after treatment for local recurrence was 78+/-8.2%. Multivariate analysis (multivariate generalization of the proportional hazards model) showed that the probability of local control was decreased by the following four independent factors: young age (< or = 40 yr vs. >40 yr; relative risk [RR]: 3.15, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.7-5.8, p = 0.0002), premenopausal status (pre vs. post; RR: 2.9, 95% CI: 1.4-6, p = 0.0048), bifocality (uni- vs. bifocal; RR: 2.7, 95% CI: 2.6-2.8,p = 0.018), and extensive intraductal component (IC <25% vs. IC > or = 25%; RR: 2.6, 95% CI: 13-5.2, p = 0  相似文献   

A moderate increase in plasma level of corticosterone was induced in dams by adding the hormone (200 micrograms/ml) to the drinking water from the day after delivery to weaning. This procedure produces a parallel increase in plasma levels of the hormone in the pups (from 0.7 +/- 0.1 to 1.2 +/- 0.2 micrograms/100 ml) at 10 days of lactation. A significant (P < 0.01) reduction in the magnitude of the long-term potentiation (LTP) of the CA1 population spike occurred in hippocampal slices obtained from 30-45 day old male corticosterone-nursed rats with respect to controls, while no significant difference occurred in the magnitude of the basal CA1 evoked extracellular somatic field potentials with respect to controls. The results demonstrate that a moderate increase in plasma corticosterone during neonatal life, obtained through maternal milk, has long-lasting effects on the hippocampal CA1 synaptic plasticity. In addition, these results together with our previous findings [Catalani, A. et al., Brain Res., 624 (1993) 209-215], demonstrating that 30 day old corticosterone-nursed offsprings perform better than controls in the place learning version of the Morris water maze, show no relationships between in vitro CA1 LTP induction and spatial learning in agreement with literature data.  相似文献   

During 1954-1977, among 2803 cases of breast cancer 99 (3.5%) had ipsilateral supraclavicular node mestastases. The results of treatment are reported, based on follow-up for more than 10 years. According to the treatment modality, the patients were divided into 4 groups: I. surgery with postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy and radiation therapy; II. radiation and chemotherapy; III. chemotherapy; IV. no treatment. In group I, surgical procedures consisted of segmental mastectomy in 6; simple mastectomy in 7; modified radical mastectomy in 16; standard radical mastectomy in 12, and extended radical mastectomy in 3. The over-all five-year survival rate was 9%. It was 18% (8/44) in group I, but only 5% (1/21) in group II. None survived for 5 years in group III and group IV. The results seem to indicate that more aggressive multi-modality treatment of breast cancer with ipsilateral supraclavicular lymph node metastases is indicated to expect better survival.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Tumor labeling index has emerged as a strong predictor of the clinical course of women with breast cancer. This study investigated whether labeling index of primary tumors correlates with labeling indices of concurrent regional node metastases. METHODS: With appropriate written consent, preoperative in vivo infusion of the thymidine analogue 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) was used to label 109 human breast cancers. Labeled S-phase cells were identified immunohistochemically with an antibody specific to DNA-incorporated BrdUrd. Labeling index was the fraction of labeled nuclei in 2000 tumor nuclei. For 30 women, there was sufficient cancer in axillary lymph nodes to compare labeling indices in primary breast cancer and regional lymph node metastases. RESULTS: The 30 women were from 25 to 82 years of age. Tumors were from 1 to 12 cm in size and there were from 1 to 26 positive nodes. Tumor labeling index ranged from 0.1% to 34%, (mean, 11.1%; median, 10.3%) and axillary lymph node metastasis labeling index ranged from 0.1% to 27.7% (mean, 10.8%; median, 10.0%). There was strong correlation between primary tumor labeling index and regional lymph node metastases labeling index (r = 0.82, with 95% confidence interval 0.65-0.91). The correlation persisted within subgroups according to age, tumor size, number of positive nodes, and hormone receptor status. Primary tumor and lymph node metastases labeling indices also had statistically similar relationships with age, level of hormone receptors, tumor size, and number of positive nodes. CONCLUSIONS: Primary tumor and regional node labeling indices correlate strongly; the relationship is not influenced by age, level of hormone receptors, tumor size, or number of positive nodes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of adjuvant systemic chemotherapy and adjuvant hormonal therapy on local relapse in the conservatively treated breast. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Before December 1989, 548 patients underwent lumpectomy with axillary dissection followed by radiation therapy to the intact breast. Adjuvant systemic therapy was administered as clinically indicated. The majority of patients with pathologically involved lymph nodes received adjuvant systemic therapy, whereas those with pathologically negative lymph nodes received no adjuvant systemic therapy. The majority of patients received a course of radiation therapy either concomitant with or before systemic therapy. In only nine cases was radiation therapy delayed more than 16 weeks after surgery. RESULTS: As of June 1992, the 548 patients had a median follow-up of 6.4 years. In univariate and multivariate Cox regression analysis, patient age and adjuvant systemic chemotherapy were statistically significant independent prognostic factors relating to breast relapse. Those patients who received adjuvant systemic chemotherapy had a lower breast relapse than those who did not. Among patients who received tamoxifen, there was a statistically insignificant trend toward a lower relapse rate compared with those who did not receive tamoxifen. CONCLUSIONS: It appears from this retrospective analysis that patients who received adjuvant systemic therapy, either concomitantly or after their course of radiation therapy, had a lower relapse rate in the conservatively treated breast than those patients who received no adjuvant systemic therapy.  相似文献   

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