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粮食烘干过程的噪声危害必须引起人们的重视,通过对噪声产生的根源及给作业人员健康带来的损害进行分析,结合生产实际,提出了防治措施。  相似文献   

简要介绍了几种毒物防治的技术措施。  相似文献   

从我国钢铁工业污染排放与处理现状,国内外钢铁工业污染治理现状比较、差距及问题和我国钢铁工业环境保护现状评估3个方面,论述了这个资源密集型、能源密集型国家基础工业污染治理的进步和发展方向.  相似文献   

马超 《安防科技》2011,(2):57-59
针对作业环境中粉尘危害的特性,分析粉尘的传播机理(包括:尘化作用、传播作用力和二次气流),提出了防治粉尘的七项技术措施。为有效地预防和减轻粉尘危害程度,保护作业环境中劳动者的身体健康,提供有使用价值的技术支持。  相似文献   

随着城市化建设的不断发展,大气环境所遭受的破坏也越来越严重,近年常发生的雾霾天气就是大气环境被破坏的证明,人们长期处在这样的大气环境中将令身体健康遭受极其严重的损害。我国对大气环境治理非常重视,正在全面开展大气污染监测与防治工作,本文对此作了简要分析,希望对提升大气污染监测与防治效果具有一定促进作用。  相似文献   

二恶英类物质污染及综合防治措施   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对二恶英类物质的结构及毒理学的描述,分析了二恶英类物质的主要污染来源,从系统论的角度出发提出了综合的技术及管理防治措施。  相似文献   

通过对某铅冶炼厂职业铅危害情况及防治现状进行调查分析,提出了防治铅中毒、铅吸收的措施。  相似文献   

煤氧化自燃既是重大的事故隐患 ,也降低了煤的经济价值。分析了煤堆自燃的原因 ,煤堆易发生自燃的部位 ,并提出防治措施  相似文献   

国内土壤环境污染现状与防治措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤是农业生产的物质基础,其环境污染影响着农产品质量、人体健康与国民经济发展。本文根据实际土壤环境污染情况调查结果,主要阐述了国内土壤环境污染现状,介绍了当前可应用的土壤污染修复技术,并针对污染现状提出了几点防治措施。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated and analyzed the causes of fire hazards on the basis of actual accidents that occurred during epoxy resin fiberglass-coating operations. Results of this study showed that during this process, two major factors could cause a fire. One factor was related to the heat produced during the mixing of the epoxy resin and a polyamide curing agent. From the results of thermal analysis, it was found that the Tonset of the epoxy resin and the polyamide curing agent was 52.8 °C by DSC and Td10 was 58.9 °C by DT/TGA, causing an exothermic hazard. Further, the results of a pseudo-adiabatic analysis performed in a Dewar vessel showed that the temperature increased from 23.5 °C to 177 °C.The other factor that could increase fire hazard was the illumination source used during the coating operation. Depending on the type of illumination source used, the temperature could increase above 350 °C. The decomposition temperature (Td10) of PVC was 276.3 °C. The experiments involving epoxy resin fiberglass coating using an illumination source showed serious burn marks, and the polyvinyl chloride (PVC) electrical cable emitted small flames. Therefore, it can be concluded that fire was caused by the combination of two factors—the exothermic reaction between epoxy resin and the polyamide curing agent and the effect of prolonged illumination, both of which caused an increase in temperature leading to auto-ignition of the PVC electric cable.  相似文献   

BDD薄膜电极作为一种新型的电极材料运用于废水处理是环境电化学领域的研究热点.介绍了BDD薄膜的表面形貌和结构、制备方法及该薄膜电极的电化学特性,并对其在酚类废水、染料废水、农药废水等难降解有机废水中的研究进展进行了总结,同时指出目前研究存在的问题,并展望了BDD薄膜电极电化学处理技术的应用前景.  相似文献   

When encountering pressure equipment with a structural defect such as a local thinning defect (LTA), a critical question often arises regarding the safety of continued operation. This is primarily determined by the strength at the LTA zone, as it represents the weakest point of the structure. The remaining strength factor (RSF) is proposed as an indicator to evaluate the remaining strength and life of pressure equipment when a severe LTA is identified. The API 579/ASME FFS standard offers a series of practical engineering approaches for field engineers to follow, which have achieved great success. However, it has been found that the simpler Level 1 and Level 2 approaches sometimes fail to differentiate between LTAs on the inner or outer surface of the pressure equipment, yielding identical numerical processes and results. Moreover, the use of critical thickness profiles to replace the actual thickness profile in analysis can lead to overly optimistic estimation of the RSF, posing a potential danger when the RSF is close to the allowable limit. Key issues investigated in this study include: (a) discrepancies caused by the use of simplified critical thickness profiles or parabolic profiles, as API 579 suggested, on the RSF; (b) differences in RSFs when the same LTA is on the inner and outer wall; and (c) comparisons of membrane stress and bending stress, as well as their influences on the RSF at the cross-section of the vessel wall. It can be concluded with certainty that all simplified geometries (CTP and PTP) tend to underestimate the RSF and should be used with caution. Additionally, the actual remaining strength of the outer LTA was found to be slightly lower than that of the inner LTA of identical size. Therefore, when remaining life and derating for prolonged operation are of interest, finite element analysis on pressure equipment with the LTA is recommended.  相似文献   

H2O2辅助TiO2/CdS/壳聚糖复合膜光催化甲基橙脱色研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为利用可见光对染料废水进行高效脱色,采用仿生矿化法制备了具有可见光响应的TiO2/CdS/壳聚糖复合膜光催化剂.用氙灯模拟日光,以甲基橙为目标污染物,探讨了催化剂用量、H2O2投加量、甲基橙初始浓度、溶液pH值、无机阴离子和催化剂重复使用对甲基橙溶液脱色效果的影响.结果表明,甲基橙质量浓度为15 mg/L,催化剂质量浓度为1.00 g/L,H2O2浓度为3.9 mmol/L,pH值为6.0时,光照130 min后甲基橙溶液的脱色率可达到99.90%.催化剂重复使用试验表明,制得的催化剂使用寿命较长,且其反应活性良好.  相似文献   

我国液化石油气运输安全事故预防与应急对策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来国内外液化石油气运输安全事故频发,给人民生命、财产造成了重大损失.本文分析了我国液化石油气运输安全管理存在主要问题,并以上海市为例,评估了液化石油气运输爆炸事故的危害,包括不同数量的液化石油气爆炸的影响范围和伤亡人数.最后,提出了我国液化石油气运输安全事故预防和应急处置的基本原则和具体措施,可为我国液化石油气运输安全管理提供指导.  相似文献   

介绍了呼吸性粉尘的概念,试验粉尘的基本要求,研究了试验呼吸性粉尘的制备方法,并对研制的滤料阻尘效果进行了测试分析.  相似文献   

烟花爆竹具有悠久的历史,在社会发展的各个阶段为节日庆典等重大活动渲染气氛.然而烟花爆竹的燃放会带来严重的环境危害,这又与现代文明的发展和理念南辕北辙.本文重点综述国内外烟花爆竹燃放引发污染以及监测办法,以及烟花爆竹污染防治相关的研究进展.从烟火药配方着手,采用无硫、无金属、无毒原料,通过控制氧平衡,并且利用合适的黏合剂,使烟火药达到充分燃烧,降低烟花爆竹燃放引发的污染是本领域未来的研究方向.  相似文献   

为解决踩踏事故预防监控领域发展现状、发展趋势及发展脉络不清晰问题,运用可视化软件CiteSpace,对Web of Science核心合集及中国知网收集到的365篇相关文献开展知识图谱研究.结果表明:中国在踩踏事故预防监控领域发文量最多,占40.6%,其次为美国,占15.4%,29个国家间仅有25条合作连线;国内外研究...  相似文献   

目前,我国积极开展大气污染防治工作,提出了系列防治工作目标,正在全面落实。做好大气污染的防治,并将其作为系统性工程,落实到实践,对推动社会经济可持续发展有着重要意义。本文基于可持续发展目的,针对当前大气污染防治工作做了简单论述,并提出了防治策略,希望能够给相关人员提供参考。  相似文献   

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