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自旋电子学和相干态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夏建白  常凯 《物理》2001,30(9):533-538
自旋电子学是近年来发展起来的一个新研究领域,它研究固体,特别是半导体中的电子自旋相干态,实验发现,自旋相干态能够保持足够长的时间(几百ps量级),因此有可能用来制造一个固态的量子计算机,但是制造实际的自旋电子器件,首先需要解决的是将自旋极化电子(或穴穴)注入半导体中的方法和如何检测它们。  相似文献   

压缩相干态腔场的类自旋GHZ态的制备   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
压缩相干态是准粒子空间的相干态,研究大振幅情况下的单模压缩相干态腔场,其特性类似于大振幅下的单模相干态腔场,与自旋1/2的两态粒子同构.文中提出一种方案,利用大失谐的JaynesCummings模型来制备处于压缩相干态的三个腔场的类自旋GreenbergerHorneZeilinger(GHZ)态. 关键词: 压缩相干态 类自旋GHZ态 大失谐JaynesCumminys模型 同构  相似文献   

本文利用有序算符内的积分(IWOP)技术,构造了一个基于单变量厄米多项式H2j(ξ*+τξ/2√τ)的新复变函数空间,该空间与纠缠态表象及施温格玻色环境下的自旋相干态有关。推导出了包含二元厄米多项式的二项式定理,有助于构造新的复变函数空间。同时还提出了一种新的基于H2j(ξ*+τξ/2√τ)的积分变换及其逆变换,这对于推导某些算符恒等式是很有用的。  相似文献   

黄洪斌 《物理学报》1993,42(9):1385-1394
基于平均场和Bogoliubov近似,将由外界相干抽运场产生并与库耦合的非平衡玻色凝结体系的哈氏量线性化。发现若忽略体系与库的耦合,则线性化后的哈氏量的动力学代数为Heisenberg和SU(1,1)李代数,利用相干态方法计算了它的本征值和本征函数——平移压缩粒子数态与一般SU(1,1)相干态的直积。尔后引进元激发的推迟格林函数计算耦合情形下元激发的能谱,进而给出弱耦合情形下激子体系的态函数。 关键词:  相似文献   

黄洪斌 《物理学报》1991,40(9):1396-1401
本文引进自旋体系的一般SU(2)相干态,讨论它的压缩特性、反聚束特性及其产生。证明当SU(2)群收缩到谐振子群时,一般SU(2)相干态转变成一般Glauber相干态,并给出有关的收缩结果。 关键词:  相似文献   

余海军  杜建明  张秀兰 《物理学报》2012,61(16):164205-164205
根据小波变换的量子力学机理, 通过选取不同的系数, 构造出两组新的母小波函数. 在此基础上, 利用正规乘积内积分技术, 推导出相干态和粒子数态的小波变换, 并数值模拟出它们的小波变换图谱.  相似文献   

罗质华 《物理学报》2013,62(20):207201-207201
采用关联表象变分波函数方案, 介入三个非经典关联效应, 求解有限温度双能态自旋-晶格声子耦合量子隧道系统的非经典态, 着重研究化解由于粒子自旋-单声子相互作用引起的量子涨落导致双能态系统的退相干性量子耗散. 这三个非经典关联效应是: 1) 声子位移-粒子自旋 (σz)间强非绝热关联; 2) 声子压缩态效应及其伴随发生的单声子相干态-声子压缩态两过程相干效应; 3) 由关联表象导致的声子位移(UD)与声子压缩(US)的表象关联非绝热修正. 结果表明: 由于引入粒子自旋-双声子相互作用, 大幅度地增强了声子场压缩态, 特别是更进一步极大幅度地增强了非经典压缩-相干态效应. 因此, 由粒子自旋-单声子相互作用产生的Debye-Walle相干弹性散射效应导致量子隧道项(-Δ0σx)的强烈指数衰减及其伴随严重的量子相干损失的极大幅度的抑制, 并且自旋-晶格声子耦合量子隧道系统的非经典态能量大幅度降低. 关键词: 非经典能态 量子隧穿相干损失 自旋-双声子相互作用 压缩相干态效应  相似文献   

Schwinger Bose实现下自旋相干态Wigner函数的特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
宋军  范洪义 《物理学报》2010,59(10):6806-6813
在Schwinger Bose实现下,引入纠缠态表象及Wigner算符在该表象下的表示,得到自旋相干态的Wigner函数,数值计算画出相空间中Wigner函数的分布图,并加以分析,发现在SchwingerBose实现下自旋相干态确实体现出纠缠特性。  相似文献   

It is quite relevant the extension of decoration transformation for quantum spin models since most of the real materials could be well described by Heisenberg type models. Here we propose an exact quantum decoration transformation and also showing interesting properties such as the persistence of symmetry and the symmetry breaking during this transformation. Although the proposed transformation, in principle, cannot be used to map exactly a quantum spin lattice model into another quantum spin lattice model, since the operators are non-commutative. However, it is possible the mapping in the “classical” limit, establishing an equivalence between both quantum spin lattice models. To study the validity of this approach for quantum spin lattice model, we use the Zassenhaus formula, and we verify how the correction could influence the decoration transformation. But this correction could be useless to improve the quantum decoration transformation because it involves the second-nearest-neighbor and further nearest neighbor couplings, which leads into a cumbersome task to establish the equivalence between both lattice models. This correction also gives us valuable information about its contribution, for most of the Heisenberg type models, this correction could be irrelevant at least up to the third order term of Zassenhaus formula. This transformation is applied to a finite size Heisenberg chain, comparing with the exact numerical results, our result is consistent for weak xy-anisotropy coupling. We also apply to bond-alternating Ising–Heisenberg chain model, obtaining an accurate result in the limit of the quasi-Ising chain.  相似文献   

Sudha Singh 《Pramana》2006,66(3):615-620
Two fully quantized generalized Jaynes-Cummings models for the interaction of a two-level atom with radiation field are treated, one involving intensity dependent coupling and the other involving multiphoton interaction between the field and the atom. The unitary transformation method presented here not only solves the time dependent problem but also allows a determination of the eigensolutions of the interacting Hamiltonian at the same time.  相似文献   

X.-F. Gu 《哲学杂志》2013,93(24):3281-3292
A simple 2-D analytical method has been developed for calculating the crystallographic features, including the orientation relationship (OR), habit plane (HP) and the direction and spacing of dislocations in the HP, under the condition that a pair of Burgers vectors from both phases are parallel to each other lying in the HP. In contrast to previous 2-D models for the OR and HP, which are on the plane normal to the parallel Burgers vectors, the present 2-D model is based on vector analysis in the HP. Closed-form expressions for the crystallographic features have been derived as functions of lattice parameter ratios. While the results are in agreement with those from a 2-D method based on the O-line model, the present method is simpler and improves our understanding of crystallographic features.  相似文献   

An integrable spin lattice is a higher dimensional generalization of integrable spin chains. In this paper we consider a special spin lattice related to quantum mechanical interpretation of the three-dimensional lattice model in statistical mechanics (Zamolodchikov and Baxter). The integrability means the existence of a set of mutually commuting operators expressed in the terms of local spin variables. The significant difference between spin chain and spin lattice is that the commuting set for the latter is produced by a transfer matrix with two equitable spectral parameters. There is a specific bilinear functional equation for the eigenvalues of this transfer matrix.The spin lattice is investigated in this paper in the limit when both sizes of the lattice tend to infinity. The limiting form of bilinear equation is derived. It allows to analyze the distributions of eigenvalues of the whole commuting set. The ground state distribution is obtained explicitly. A structure of excited states is discussed.  相似文献   

邓小清  孙琳  李春先 《物理学报》2016,65(6):68503-068503
基于密度泛函理论第一原理系统研究了界面铁掺杂锯齿(zigzag)形石墨烯纳米带的自旋输运性能, 首先考虑了宽度为4的锯齿(zigzag)形石墨烯纳米带, 构件了4个纳米器件模型, 对应于中心散射区的长度分别为N=4, 6, 8和10个石墨烯单胞的长度, 铁掺杂在中心区和电极的界面. 发现在铁磁(FM)态, 四个器件的β自旋的电流远大于α自旋的电流, 产生了自旋过滤现象; 而界面铁掺杂的反铁磁态模型, 两种电流自旋都很小, 无法产生自旋过滤现象; 进一步考虑电极的反自旋构型, 器件电流显示出明显的自旋过滤效应. 探讨了带宽分别为5和6的纳米器件的自旋输运性能, 中心散射区的长度为N=6个石墨烯单胞的长度, FM 态下器件两种自旋方向的电流值也存在较大的差异, β自旋的电流远大于α自旋电流. 这些结果表明: 界面铁掺杂能有效调控锯齿形石墨烯纳米带的自旋电子, 对于设计和发展高极化自旋过滤器件有重要意义.  相似文献   

The approximate analytical solutions of the Dirac equation with the Poeschl-Teller potential is presented for arbitrary spin-orbit quantum number κ within the framework of the spin symmetry concept. The energy eigenvalues and the corresponding two Dirac spinors are obtained approximately in closed forms. The limiting cases of the energy eigenvalues and the two Dirac spinors are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

In ferromagnet/normal‐metal bilayers, the sensitivity of the spin Hall magnetoresistance and the spin Nernst magnetothermopower to the boundary conditions at the interface is of central importance. In general, such boundary conditions can be substantially affected by current‐induced spin polarizations. In order to quantify the role of the latter, we consider a Rashba two‐dimensional electron gas with a ferromagnet attached to one side of the system. The geometry of such a system maximizes the effect of current‐induced spin polarization on the boundary conditions, and the spin Hall magnetoresistance is shown to acquire a non‐trivial and asymmetric dependence on the magnetization direction of the ferromagnet.  相似文献   

采用Lewis-Riesenfeld不变量方法研究了具有非线性场和任意形式原子与场相互作用的Jaynes-Cummings模型.该模型由于具有超对称代数结构,因此其Hamiltonian量可用超对称算符的线性组合表示.在算符N′的本征值子空间,用生成元算符构造出系统的不变量后,利用不变量方法求得了系统的一般波函数和时间演化算符,同时也计算了原子布居数和光子数的时间演化表达式.  相似文献   

We propose a scheme for the effective polarization and manipulation of electron spin by using a quantum dot with both charge and spin bias. Using the equation of motion for Keldysh nonequilibrium Green function, we study the spin accumulation and polarization for the system. Through analytical analysis and a few numerical examples, it is demonstrated that fairly large spin accumulation and polarization can be produced due to the breakingsymmetry of the chemical potential for different electron spin in the leads. Moreover, the direction and the strength of the spin polarization can be conveniently controlled and tuned by varying the charge bias or the gate voltage.  相似文献   

透镜型量子点中类氢杂质基态能的计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过有效质量近似和变分法,研究了垂直磁场下透镜型量子点中类氢杂质基态能量,并与球型量子点进行了比较.研究表明:对于球型量子点,基态能仅与杂质的偏离距离有关,与垂直和水平偏离无关;而对于透镜型量子点,由于水平方向和垂直方向束缚势的非对称性,电子基态能不仅与杂质的偏离距离有关,还与杂质偏离方向有关. 关键词: 透镜型量子点 基态能 变分法  相似文献   

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