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通过选择高效窄带隙聚合物给体材料PTB7与电子受体材料PC71BM作为聚合物太阳电池的活性层,采用Glass/ITO/poly(ethylenedioxythiophene)∶polystyrene sulphonate(PEDOT∶PSS)/PTB7∶PC71BM/electron extraction layer(EEL)/Al的器件结构研究了不同EEL对器件性能及光稳定性的影响。通过采用小分子有机材料Alq3与低功函数碱金属Ca作为EEL,发现由于Ca的活泼金属特性及不稳定性,以Ca作为EEL的聚合物太阳电池的初始效率在3d之后就下降了60%;而以Alq3作为EEL的器件在空气中放置一个月之后其初始效率仅下降30%。此外,以Alq3作为EEL的器件光伏效率完全比得上传统器件中以Ca作为EEL的光伏器件。研究结果表明,Alq3是一种潜在的长寿命聚合物太阳电池的EEL材料。  相似文献   

杨冰洋  何大伟  王永生 《物理学报》2015,64(10):108801-108801
采用Bathocuproine/Ag (BCP/Ag)复合电极代替Ca/Al复合电极, 制备PTB7:PC71BM 作为光敏层的聚合物光伏器件, 并通过改变BCP薄膜厚度来研究BCP/Ag复合电极对于器件光电转换器和稳定性的影响. 研究发现: 在光敏层和金属电极之间插入BCP修饰层后, 器件性能得到了显著的改善, 在BCP厚度为5 nm时, 器件的效率达到了6.82%, 且略高于Ca/Al复合电极的器件效率; 相比于采用Ca/Al复合电极的器件, BCP/Ag复合电极增大了器件的短路电流和外量子效率, 使器件效率得到提高; 同时器件的稳定性得到了显著的改善, BCP/Ag 复合电极器件的衰减速率几乎和未插入BCP的器件衰减速率相同, 相对于Ca/Al复合电极器件大幅提高.  相似文献   

氧化锌具有良好电子传输性和高透光性,ZnO作为电子传输层已被广泛应用于聚合物太阳能电池。但采用溶胶凝胶法和真空镀膜制备ZnO电子传输层,因ZnO界面具有大量缺陷,极大增加载流子复合。抑制ZnO界面复合电流和改善ZnO界面接触性能,是提高ZnO基电子传输层聚合物太阳能电池性能关键所在。基于P3HT:PCBM反转型聚合物太阳能电池,采用磁控溅射ZnO层,研究了离子液功能化碳纳米粒子(ILCNs)修饰层或Ar/O2混合气体溅射沉积ZnO修饰层,以及Ar/O2溅射ZnO界面层与ILCNs联合修饰ZnO界面的聚合物太阳能电池性能。纯Ar和Ar/O2混合气体下一步溅射沉积ZnO电子传输层,其电池效率分别为2.2%和2.8%。经ILCNs修饰或Ar/O2溅射ZnO修饰层,电池效率分别达到3.4%和3.1%,并且分步溅射ZnO层并联合ILCNs修饰ZnO界面,聚合物太阳能电池效率可提高到3.8%。ZnO修饰型聚合物太阳能电池克服了电化学阻抗负阻效应,降低了反向暗电流并显示出更好的整流特性。研究表明,采用ILCNs修饰ZnO层和分步溅射ZnO层能有效抑制ZnO界面缺陷和改善界面接触性能,而采用分步溅射ZnO层与ILCNs联合修饰ZnO界面,这种联合修饰ZnO界面方案,更能增强ZnO层电子传输和提取能力,是提高聚合物太阳能电池效率更为有效方案。  相似文献   

硫硒化锑薄膜太阳电池因其制备方法简单、原材料丰富无毒、光电性质稳定等优点,成为了光伏领域的研究热点.经过近几年的发展,硫硒化锑太阳电池的光电转换效率已经突破10%,极具发展潜力.本文针对硫硒化锑太阳电池中n/i界面引起的载流子复合进行了深入研究.发现硫硒化锑太阳电池的界面特性会受到界面电子迁移能力和能带结构两方面的影响.界面电子迁移率的提高能使电子更有效地传输至电子传输层,实现器件短路电流密度和填充因子的有效提升.在此基础上,引入ZnO/Zn1-xMgxO双电子传输层结构能够进一步优化硫硒化锑太阳电池性能.其中,Zn1-xMgxO能级位置的改变可以同时调节界面和吸光层的能级分布,在Zn1-xMgxO导带能级为-4.2 eV,对应Mg含量为20%时,抑制载流子复合的效果最为明显,硫硒化锑太阳电池也获得了最佳的器件性能.在去除缺陷态的理想情况下,双电子传输层结构硫硒化锑太阳电池在600 nm厚时获得了20.77%的理论光电转换效率,该研究结果为硫硒化锑太阳电池...  相似文献   

于立军  贺小光  王宁  田苗苗 《发光学报》2014,(11):1349-1353
介绍了一种简单的光退火提高倒置型聚合物太阳电池效率的方法。通过采用易于溶液加工的Cs2CO3作为电子传输层,在光退火15 min之后,器件的光电转换效率达到了8.35%,其中短路电流密度为15.8 mA/cm2,开路电压为0.76 V,填充因子为69.5%。该填充因子是目前基于PTB7聚合物太阳电池的最高填充因子。X射线光电子能谱结果显示,Cs2CO3在光退火的过程中转变为了Cs2O与CO2。为了验证该机制,采用不同辐照时间的Cs2CO3作为电子传输层,所得到的光伏器件的效率几乎与光退火时相同。此外,通过真空热蒸发Cs2CO3作为电子传输层,也几乎得到了和光退火条件下同样的光电转换效率。上述结论证明光退火是一种非常有效的、简单的提高聚合太阳电池效率的方法。  相似文献   

本研究利用溶胶凝胶法制备了Ti_xZn_(1-x)O纳米粒子,并且分析了Ti掺杂对ZnO纳米粒子晶体结构与光学特性的影响.微观结构分析得知Ti掺杂会使ZnO结晶较差,晶格常数与压缩应力增大,但可使晶粒缩小至5 nm左右.光致发光(PL)光谱分析得出Ti掺杂会造成氧空位缺陷减少,近带边发光(NBE)峰值蓝移,但NBE峰值强度增幅变化却不大.拉曼光谱分析表明Ti_xZn_(1-x)O的结晶品质不佳且NBE峰值强度的增幅未完全依循多声子模态信号减弱而增强的规律,其原因是NBE峰值强度除受多声子模态信号影响外还受其它因素的影响.TC(002)值越高时样品的多声子模态信号会越弱,而NBE峰值强度增幅越大.  相似文献   

陷光是改善薄膜太阳电池光吸收进而提高其效率的关键技术之一. 以非晶硅(α-Si)薄膜太阳电池为例,设计了一种新的复合陷光结构:在Ag背电极与硅薄膜之间制备一维Ag纳米光栅,并通过保形生长在电池前表面沉积织构的减反膜. 采用有限元数值模拟方法,研究了该复合陷光结构对电池光吸收的影响,并对Ag纳米光栅的结构参数进行了优化. 模拟结果表明:该复合陷光结构可在宽光谱范围内较大地提高太阳电池的光吸收;当Ag纳米光栅的周期P为600 nm,高度H为90 nm,宽度W为180 nm时,在AM1.5光谱垂直入射条件下α-Si薄膜电池在300–800 nm波长范围内总的光吸收较无陷光结构的参考电池提高达103%,其中在650–750 nm长波范围内的光子吸收率提高达300%以上. 结合电场强度分布,对电池在各个波段光吸收提高的物理机制进行了分析. 另外,该复合陷光结构的引入,还较大地改善了非晶硅电池对太阳光入射角度的敏感性. 关键词: 非晶硅太阳电池 陷光 银纳米光栅 数值模拟  相似文献   

闫悦  赵谡玲  徐征  龚伟  王大伟 《物理学报》2011,60(8):88803-088803
以ZnO纳米棒和聚[2-甲氧基-5-(2-乙基-己氧基)-1,4-苯撑乙烯撑](MEH-PPV)的复合体系作为光敏层制备了太阳电池.为了增大电池的光吸收,在ZnO纳米棒与MEH-PPV之间插入了有机n型小分子多环类苝四甲酸二酐(PTCDA),制备了不同厚度的PTCDA、结构为ITO/ZnO纳米棒/PTCDA/MEH-PPV/Au的太阳电池.实验发现,插入PTCDA后,电池在可见光区的吸收增强,光生激子数量增大,光电流密度增大.当蒸镀的PTCDA厚度为40 nm时,薄膜的粗糙度适中,表面形貌较为平滑,器件性 关键词: 有机太阳电池 ZnO纳米棒 聚合物  相似文献   

为了克服主客掺杂型有源材料均匀性和稳定性差的问题,采用键合掺杂方法,将高温热解法制备的油酸修饰掺铒氟钇钠纳米晶粒与甲基丙烯酸甲酯发生共聚反应,形成键合型有源芯层材料。纳米晶粒均匀固定在聚合物分子链上,抑制了高浓度掺杂时的团聚析出且材料更稳定。纳米粒子在聚合物中的质量百分比达到约1wt%,具有良好的成膜性,用原子力显微镜照片观察薄膜表面粗糙度为1.76 nm。用椭偏仪测量薄膜光学性质,并用柯西色散模型拟合出薄膜折射率随波长的变化关系,材料在1550 nm信号光波长的折射率为1.485。设计嵌入式波导结构,采用有限元方法进行模式分析和计算光场强度分布。采用紫外光刻和感应耦合等离子体刻蚀工艺制备凹槽形下包层,填充有源材料制备条形波导放大器。实验结果表明,当1550 nm信号光功率为0.1mW,1480 nm泵浦光功率为390 mW时,在1.2 cm长的样品中得到了3.58 d B的信号光相对增益。  相似文献   

光纤型热光可调光衰减器的设计及其衰减分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种基于热光调节的可调光衰减器结构。该衰减器通过腐蚀光纤包层到一定厚度和长度后,在表面涂覆较大热光系数的聚合物材料得到。从模场变化角度分析了传输光束的衰减与涂覆材料折射率的关系,并从实验上测试了使用不同涂覆材料时的衰减。理论分析与实验结果均表明在涂覆材料折射率略大于原光纤包层材料折射率时,涂覆材料折射率微小的变化将引起传播光束衰减的大幅度变化,并且光纤被腐蚀的长度越长或包层材料剩余厚度越小,衰减越大。因此,由热光系数大、折射率略大于光纤包层的聚合物材料所组成的可调光纤衰减器,具有衰减调节范围大且功耗小、插入损耗小、成本低、低偏振特性、易于与其它光纤器件耦合或集成等特点。  相似文献   

We report an MoO3/Ag/Al/ZnO intermediate layer connecting two identical bulk heterojunction subcells with a poly(3-hexylthiophene) and [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (P3HT and PCBM) active layer for inverted tan- dem polymer solar cells. The highly transparent intermediate layer with an optimized thickness realizes an Ohmic contact between the two subcells for effective charge extraction and recombination. A maximum power conversion efficiency of 3.76% is obtained for the tandem cell under 100 mW/cm2 illumination, which is larger than that of a single cell (3.15%). The open-circuit voltage of the tandem cell (1.18 V) approaches double that of the single cell (0.61 V).  相似文献   

We report an MoO3/Ag/Al/ZnO intermediate layer connecting two identical bulk heterojunction subcells with a poly(3-hexylthiophene) and [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester(P3HT and PCBM) active layer for inverted tandem polymer solar cells. The highly transparent intermediate layer with an optimized thickness realizes an Ohmic contact between the two subcells for effective charge extraction and recombination. A maximum power conversion efficiency of 3.76% is obtained for the tandem cell under 100 mW/cm2 illumination, which is larger than that of a single cell(3.15%).The open-circuit voltage of the tandem cell(1.18 V) approaches double that of the single cell(0.61 V).  相似文献   

李琦  章勇 《物理学报》2017,66(19):198201-198201
利用多巴胺氧化自聚合形成聚多巴胺(PDA)与ZnO结合形成PDA/ZnO复合阴极缓冲层,制备了以P3HT:PC_(61)BM为活性层的倒置结构聚合物太阳能电池,通过改变PDA的自聚合时间来分析复合阴极缓冲层对器件性能的影响.实验发现,随着PDA的自聚合时间的增加,聚合物太阳能电池的光电转换效率先增大后减小,当自聚合时间为10 min时,相应器件光伏性能达到最优值,其开路电压V_(OC)为0.66 V,短路电流密度J_(SC)为9.70 mA/cm~2,填充因子FF为68.06%,光电转换效率PCE为4.35%.器件性能改善的原因是由于PDA/ZnO复合阴极缓冲层减小了ZnO与ITO之间的接触电阻,同时PDA中存在大量的氨基有利于倒置太阳能电池阴极对电子的收集.  相似文献   

《Current Applied Physics》2020,20(1):172-177
Doping is a widely-implemented strategy for enhancing the inherent electrical properties of metal oxide charge transport layers in photovoltaic devices because higher conductivity of electron transport layer (ETL) can increment the photocurrent by reducing the series resistance. To improve the conductivity of ETL, in this study we doped the ZnO layer with aluminum (Al), then investigated the influence of AZO on the performance of inverted bulk heterojunction (BHJ) polymer solar cells based on poly [[4,8-bis [(2-ethylhexyl)oxy]benzo [1,2-b:4,5-b’]dithiophene-2,6-diyl]-[3-fluoro-2[(2-ethylhexyl)-carbonyl]-thieno-[3,4-b]thiophenediyl ]] (PTB7):[6,6]-phenyl C71 butyric acid methyl ester (PC71BM). The measured conductivity of AZO was ~10−3 S/cm, which was two orders of magnitude higher than that of intrinsic ZnO (~10−5 S/cm). By decreasing the series resistance (Rs) in a device with an AZO layer, the short circuit current (Jsc) increased significantly from 15.663 mA/cm2 to 17.040 mA/cm2. As a result, the device with AZO exhibited an enhanced power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 8.984%.  相似文献   

徐苗  彭俊彪 《物理学报》2010,59(3):2131-2136
用渡越时间法(TOF)分别测试了采用旋涂和滴涂方法制备的poly[2-methoxy-5-(2′-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4- phenylenevinylene](MEH-PPV)薄膜的空穴迁移率,用原子力显微镜对这两种方法制备的薄膜表面形貌进行了研究.结果表明使用滴涂法有利于聚合物形成有序薄膜结构,能有效提高空穴迁移率.用滴涂法制备的基于MEH-PPV:phenyl C61- butyric acid methyl ester(PCBM)共混薄膜的太阳电池,对比用旋涂法制备的太阳电池,其能量 关键词: 太阳电池 聚合物 迁移率  相似文献   

The effects of annealing rate and morphology of sol–gel derived zinc oxide(ZnO)thin films on the performance of inverted polymer solar cells(IPSCs)are investigated.ZnO films with different morphologies are prepared at different annealing rates and used as the electron transport layers in IPSCs.The undulating morphologies of ZnO films fabricated at annealing rates of 10 C/min and 3 C/min each possess a rougher surface than that of the ZnO film fabricated at a fast annealing rate of 50 C/min.The ZnO films are characterized by atomic force microscopy(AFM),optical transmittance measurements,and simulation.The results indicate that the ZnO film formed at 3 C/min possesses a good-quality contact area with the active layer.Combined with a moderate light-scattering,the resulting device shows a 16%improvement in power conversion efficiency compared with that of the rapidly annealed ZnO film device.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of using different thicknesses of pure and vanadium-doped thin films of TiO_2 as the electron transport layer in the inverted configuration of organic photovoltaic cells based on poly(3-hexylthiophene) P3HT:[6-6] phenyl-(6) butyric acid methyl ester(PCBM). 1% vanadium-doped TiO_2nanoparticles were synthesized via the solvothermal method. Crystalline structure, morphology, and optical properties of pure and vanadium-doped TiO_2 thin films were studied by different techniques such as x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, transmittance electron microscopy, and UV–visible transmission spectrum. The doctor blade method which is compatible with roll-2-roll printing was used for deposition of pure and vanadium-doped TiO_2 thin films with thicknesses of 30 nm and 60 nm. The final results revealed that the best thickness of TiO_2 thin films for our fabricated cells was 30 nm. The cell with vanadium-doped TiO_2 thin film showed slightly higher power conversion efficiency and great J_(sc) of 10.7 mA/cm~2 compared with its pure counterpart. In the cells using 60 nm pure and vanadium-doped TiO_2 layers, the cell using the doped layer showed much higher efficiency. It is remarkable that the external quantum efficiency of vanadium-doped TiO_2 thin film was better in all wavelengths.  相似文献   

Shiqi Yu 《中国物理 B》2022,31(10):107307-107307
Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have witnessed great achievement in the past decade. Most of previous researches focus on the n—i—p structure of PSCs with ultra-high efficiency. While the n—i—p devices usually used the unstable charge transport layers, such as the hygroscopic doped spiro-OMeTAD, which affect the long-term stability. The inverted device with the p—i—n structure owns better stability when using stable undoped organic molecular or metal oxide materials. There are significant progresses in inverted PSCs, most of them related to charge transport or interface engineering. In this review, we will mainly summarize the inverted PSCs progresses related to the interface engineering. After that, we prospect the future direction on inverted PSCs.  相似文献   

We report the application of aluminum doped ZnO (ZnO:Al) layer as a buffer on ITO glass for fabrication of non-inverted polymer solar cells. The ZnO:Al thin film was deposited using DC magnetron sputtering, with the thickness being varied from 23 to 100 nm. The devices showed most discernible improvements in their efficiencies when a thin layer of ZnO:Al film of thickness ∼40 nm was introduced. The observed enhancement in short circuit current density and open circuit voltage is likely attributed to the role of the ZnO:Al film as an optical tuner and an interfacial diffusion barrier. The result suggests that a metal oxide layer inserted between ITO and polymer layers can be a route for improving both efficiency and stability of polymer solar cells.  相似文献   

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