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李雁鹏  于术娟  陈彦军 《物理学报》2015,64(18):183102-183102
通过数值计算, 研究了强激光场中CO2 分子在不同波长和取向角下产生的高次谐波辐射的效率. 发现CO2 分子的垂直谐波效率在较小的和中间的取向角时倾向于与平行谐波效率可比或更高, 而在较大的取向角时, 垂直谐波效率远低于平行谐波效率. 进一步的分析表明, CO2 分子的结构对其垂直谐波效率有重要的影响, 且该影响与波长有关. 建议对于较复杂的分子, 应该在分子的轨道成像实验中考虑垂直谐波的贡献.  相似文献   

郭中华  周效信 《物理学报》2008,57(3):1616-1621
在强场近似下,利用简单的近似波函数作为分子基态最高占据轨道的波函数,研究了N2分子在强激光场中产生高次谐波的特性,并将结果与用精确的分子波函数作为基态波函数得到的结果进行了比较.结果表明,采用这两种不同的分子基态波函数得到的高次谐波在分子轴与激光偏振方向间的夹角较小时符合得很好,而在夹角较大的情况下,两者的结果差异较大.通过分析不同波函数所给出的电子密度分布,给出了产生这种差异的原因. 关键词: 强激光场 强场近似 分子的高次谐波  相似文献   

针对单电子H2+和双电子H3+系统,采用对称分裂算符法求解波函数的时间演化。计算了电子的含时频谱和体系的高次谐波谱,结果表明:电子频谱和高次谐波谱呈互补规律,即电子频谱峰值出现在基波的偶数倍频率位置,高次谐波则出现在奇数位置。对高次谐波谱随软化库仑参数的变化规律进行了数值研究,发现只在软化库仑参数的一定范围内才产生高次谐波,对该现象作了解释。  相似文献   

在强场近似下,利用Lewenstein模型研究了N2分子在强激光场中发射高次谐波的干涉效应,通过对N2分子产生的高次谐波和分子中单个原子产生高次谐波的比较,表明了干涉效应的存在. 得出随着高次谐波阶数的增加,干涉极小值会随着分子轴与激光偏振方向间夹角的增加而减小,在角度接近900附近时干涉效应消失,与两中心干涉模型预测的趋势一致. 通过分析高次谐波产生的机制和相位随取向角的变化,给出了干涉产生的原因.  相似文献   

用含时薛定谔方程的多态展开(TDMA)方法求解含时薛定谔方程。该方法将含时波函数以基函数展开,通过求解展开系数的一阶微分方程组得到任意时刻的波函数。并将这一方法用于强激光场中谐振子的高次谐波的计算,以HCl分子为例,计算了在脉冲激光作用下高次谐波的产生和对应的激光强度、波长和脉冲宽度。  相似文献   

拉伸分子高次谐波产生的阿秒控制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过数值求解一维含时薛定谔方程,本文研究了高频阿秒脉冲对拉伸双原子分子模型与低频飞秒激光脉冲相互作用产生高次谐波谱的影响.研究表明,若阿秒脉冲在低频脉冲的第二个光学周期截止处注入时,只第二个平台截止位置IP 5.6UP(IP为电离势,UP为有质动力能)附近谐波的效率得到显著提高;若阿秒脉冲的包络峰值处于低频脉冲第三个光学周期T/4(为飞秒激光脉冲的光学周期)附近时,则谐波谱出现了明显的整体抬高现象.对此,本文根据拉伸分子谐波谱的四种产生机制及阿秒脉冲在飞秒激光不同相位注入时的电子电离曲线,对这些谐波谱的结构给出了合理解释.  相似文献   

用含时薛定谔方程的多态展开(TDMA)方法求解含时薛定谔方程.该方法将含时波函数以基函数展开,通过求解展开系数的一阶微分方程组得到任意时刻的波函数.并将这一方法用于强激光场中谐振子的高次谐波的计算,以HCl分子为例,计算了在脉冲激光作用下高次谐波的产生和对应的激光强度、波长和脉冲宽度.  相似文献   

理论研究了H2+、D2+、T2+辐射高次谐波的特点.结果表明,在核运动影响下,不仅奇次谐波呈现红移现象,而且谐波光谱呈现非奇次谐波.随着核质量增大,奇次谐波频移和非几次谐波强度都减弱.但是随着激脉宽增大,非奇次谐波的产生明显被增强.理论分析表明,谐波频移是由谐波辐射在激光上升和下降区间的非对称性导致的;非奇次谐波是由于分子对称性在较大核间距离处遭破坏产生的.  相似文献   

从电离的几率方程出发,得到了适用于任意激光脉冲宽度下原子的饱和激光强度和最高次光谐波光子能量与各激光参数的关系表达式,并由此给出了产生高次谐波的优化条件。解决了当超短脉冲激光的脉冲宽度小于皮秒时,产生高次谐波(HHG)的隧道电离理论中的Ammosov-Delone-Krainov方法对产生高次谐波的饱和激光强度以及最高次谐波光子能量的估算不可靠的问题。  相似文献   

 从电离的几率方程出发,得到了适用于任意激光脉冲宽度下原子的饱和激光强度和最高次光谐波光子能量与各激光参数的关系表达式,并由此给出了产生高次谐波的优化条件。解决了当超短脉冲激光的脉冲宽度小于皮秒时,产生高次谐波(HHG)的隧道电离理论中的Ammosov-Delone-Krainov方法对产生高次谐波的饱和激光强度以及最高次谐波光子能量的估算不可靠的问题。  相似文献   

周兆姸  袁建民 《中国物理》2007,16(3):675-679
Response of the wave packet of a one-dimensional Coulomb atom to an intense laser field is calculated using the symmetrized split operator fast Fourier method. The high-order harmonic generation (HHG) of the initial state separately being the ground and excited states is presented. When the hardness parameter \alpha in the soft Coulomb potential V(x)=-1/\sqrt{x^2+\alpha} is chosen to be small enough, the so-called hard Coulomb potential V(x)=-1/|x| can be obtained. It is well known that the hard one-dimensional Coulomb atom has an unstable ground state with an energy eigenvalue of $\sim0.5$ and it has no states corresponding to physical states in the true atoms, and has the first and second excited states being degenerate. The parity effects on the HHG can be seen from the first and second excited states of the hard one-dimensional Coulomb atom. The HHG spectra of the excited states from both the soft and hard Coulomb atom models are shown to have more complex structures and to be much stronger than the corresponding HHG spectrum of the ground state of the soft Coulomb model with $\alpha=2$ in the same laser field. Laser-induced non-resonant one-photon emission is also observed.  相似文献   

贾欣燕  樊代和  李卫东  陈京 《中国物理 B》2013,22(1):13303-013303
Nonsequential double ionization (NSDI) processes of nonaligned diatomic molecules N2 and O2 are studied using the S-matrix theory. Our results show that the NSDI process significantly depends on the molecular symmetry and structure. The ratio of NSDI rate to single ionization rate as a function of the field intensity is obtained. It is found that N2 behaves closely with its companion atom Ar in the ratios over the entire intensity range, while O2 exhibits an obvious suppression effect, which is qualitatively consistent with the experiment.  相似文献   

In this paper high-order harmonic generation (HHG) spectra and the ionization probabilities of various charge states of small cluster Na2 in the multiphoton regimes are calculated by using time-dependent local density approximation (TDLDA) for one-colour (1064 nm) and two-colour (1064 nm and 532 nm) ultrashort (25 fs) laser pulses. HHG spectra of Na2 have not the large extent of plateaus due to pronounced collective effects of electron dynamics. In addition, the two-colour laser field can result in the breaking of the symmetry and generation of the even order harmonic such as the second order harmonic. The results of ionization probabilities show that a two-colour laser field can increase the ionization probability of higher charge state.  相似文献   

Second harmonic generation (SHG) was observed in PbO-B2O3 glasses after heat treatment at elevated temperature followed by rapid quenching in water at room temperature (about 25 °C). According to the results of thermally stimulated depolarization current (TSDC) measurement and XRD patterns, no depletion layer or crystals was found in the rapidly quenched glass samples. The thermally induced nonlinear layer is located in the regions extended from the surface and 8 μm into the bulk. The possible mechanism responsible for the SHG is that the bond deformation of glass structure induced by stress gradient breaks the inversion symmetry of glass. The influencing factors of the SH intensity are also discussed.  相似文献   

杜慧  张宏丹  张军  刘海凤  潘雪飞  郭静  刘学深 《中国物理 B》2016,25(11):113201-113201
We apply the strong-field Lewenstein model to demonstrate the high-order harmonic generation of CO_2 with three vibrational modes(balance vibration,bending vibration,and stretching vibration) driven by an intense laser field.The results show that the intensity of harmonic spectra is sensitive to molecular vibrational modes,and the high harmonic efficiency with stretching vibrational mode is the strongest.The underlying physical mechanism of the harmonic emission can be well explained by the corresponding ionization yield and the time-frequency analysis.Finally,we demonstrate the attosecond pulse generation with different vibrational modes and an isolated attosecond pulse with a duration of about 112 as is generated.  相似文献   

We have studied high-order harmonic generation (HHG) from organic molecules irradiated with near-infrared high intensity laser pulses of 70 fs and 240 fs duration. The molecular systems studied were the aromatics benzene and naphthalene and the alkanes cyclopropane and cyclohexane (cyclic) and n-hexane (linear). Harmonic intensities were measured both as a function of laser intensity (in the range 5×1013-5×1015 W cm-2) and as a function of ellipticity of the laser field polarisation. The results were compared with those from the xenon atom. For 70 fs pulses, harmonic generation from the organic systems was similar to that of xenon, revealing an atom-like behaviour for molecules when the laser pulse duration is shorter than the fragmentation timescale of the molecule. We note significant differences between molecules with respect to HHG efficiencies and the suppression of HHG in larger species. We discuss these differences in the context of the molecular properties, electronic structure and behaviour of ionisation and fragmentation that result in enhancement of field ionisation in larger systems. Study of the polarisation ellipticity dependence of HHG shows that the harmonic yield in molecules is less sensitive to the polarisation than for atoms (xenon). This is consistent with the expected behaviour given the larger recollision cross-section presented by the core in the molecular system compared to the atom. Our results suggest that study of HHG from molecules exposed to ultra-short pulses is potentially a powerful tool for understanding the electron dynamics of molecules exposed to an intense field. Received 14 September 2000 and Received in final form 6 December 2000  相似文献   

陈高  杨玉军  郭福明 《物理学报》2013,62(8):83202-083202
通过数值求解中红外飞秒光脉冲与一维单电子多阱势相互作用的含时薛定谔方程, 研究了晶体环境下的高次谐波发射光谱, 发现了晶体谐波谱的截止位置公式.研究发现, 不同于气体环境下的谐波谱截止频率规律, 晶体谐波谱的截止频率与激光电场的峰值振幅及晶格参数成线性关系. 鉴于准经典力学的三步模型对于气体谐波截止频率的解释, 进一步采用准经典力学方法验证了晶体谐波截止位置规律的正确性. 关键词: 中红外飞秒光脉冲 晶体 高次谐波 截止频率  相似文献   

李国辉  蒋海灵  徐信业 《中国物理 B》2011,20(6):64201-064201
A fibre laser at 1111.6 nm is frequency doubled by two inhomogeneous MgO:LiNbO3 waveguides and the output powers of 85 mW and 49 mW at 555.8 nm have been generated with the conversion efficiencies of 47% and 27% respectively. By analysing the second harmonic generation temperature tuning curves, we investigate the influence of the optical inhomogeneities upon the conversion efficiency. The final result shows that the efficiency difference is mainly affected by the optical inhomogeneities in our case.  相似文献   

To quantify the changes in the geometric shielding effect in a molecule as the incident electron energy varies, an empirical fraction, which represents the total cross section contributions of shielded atoms in a molecule at different energies, is presented. Using this empirical fraction, the total cross sections for electron scattering by CH4, C2H6, C2H3F3, C2H4, C2F4, C2Cl4 and C2Cl2F2 are calculated over a wide energy range from 30 to 5000 eV by the additivity rule model at the Hartree-Fock level. The quantitative total cross sections are compared with those obtained by experiment and other theories where available. Good agreement is attained above 100 eV.  相似文献   

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