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The dystonias are a common clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of movement disorders. More than ten loci for inherited forms of dystonia have been mapped, but only three mutated genes have been identified so far. These are DYT1, encoding torsin A and mutant in the early-onset generalized form, GCH1 (formerly known as DYT5), encoding GTP-cyclohydrolase I and mutant in dominant dopa-responsive dystonia, and TH, encoding tyrosine hydroxylase and mutant in the recessive form of the disease. Myoclonus-dystonia syndrome (MDS; DYT11) is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by bilateral, alcohol-sensitive myoclonic jerks involving mainly the arms and axial muscles. Dystonia, usually torticollis and/or writer's cramp, occurs in most but not all affected patients and may occasionally be the only symptom of the disease. In addition, patients often show prominent psychiatric abnormalities, including panic attacks and obsessive-compulsive behavior. In most MDS families, the disease is linked to a locus on chromosome 7q21 (refs. 11-13). Using a positional cloning approach, we have identified five different heterozygous loss-of-function mutations in the gene for epsilon-sarcoglycan (SGCE), which we mapped to a refined critical region of about 3.2 Mb. SGCE is expressed in all brain regions examined. Pedigree analysis shows a marked difference in penetrance depending on the parental origin of the disease allele. This is indicative of a maternal imprinting mechanism, which has been demonstrated in the mouse epsilon-sarcoglycan gene.  相似文献   

Mutations in IHH, encoding Indian hedgehog, cause brachydactyly type A-1.   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
B Gao  J Guo  C She  A Shu  M Yang  Z Tan  X Yang  S Guo  G Feng  L He 《Nature genetics》2001,28(4):386-388
Brachydactyly type A-1 (BDA-1; MIM 112500) is characterized by shortening or missing of the middle phalanges (Fig. 1a). It was first identified by Farabee in 1903 (ref. 2), is the first recorded example of a human anomaly with Mendelian autosomal-dominant inheritance and, as such, is cited in most genetic and biological textbooks. Here we show that mutations in IHH, which encodes Indian hedgehog, cause BDA-1. We have identified three heterozygous missense mutations in the region encoding the amino-terminal signaling domain in all affected members of three large, unrelated families. The three mutant amino acids, which are conserved across all vertebrates and invertebrates studied so far, are predicted to be adjacent on the surface of IHH.  相似文献   

Focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is a common, non-specific renal lesion. Although it is often secondary to other disorders, including HIV infection, obesity, hypertension and diabetes, FSGS also appears as an isolated, idiopathic condition. FSGS is characterized by increased urinary protein excretion and decreasing kidney function. Often, renal insufficiency in affected patients progresses to end-stage renal failure, a highly morbid state requiring either dialysis therapy or kidney transplantation. Here we present evidence implicating mutations in the gene encoding alpha-actinin-4 (ACTN4; ref. 2), an actin-filament crosslinking protein, as the cause of disease in three families with an autosomal dominant form of FSGS. In vitro, mutant alpha-actinin-4 binds filamentous actin (F-actin) more strongly than does wild-type alpha-actinin-4. Regulation of the actin cytoskeleton of glomerular podocytes may be altered in this group of patients. Our results have implications for understanding the role of the cytoskeleton in the pathophysiology of kidney disease and may lead to a better understanding of the genetic basis of susceptibility to kidney damage.  相似文献   

We describe here eleven different mutations in SPINK5, encoding the serine protease inhibitor LEKTI, in 13 families with Netherton syndrome (NS, MIM256500). Most of these mutations predict premature termination codons. These results disclose a critical role of SPINK5 in epidermal barrier function and immunity, and suggest a new pathway for high serum IgE levels and atopic manifestations.  相似文献   

Mutations in ATP2C1, encoding a calcium pump, cause Hailey-Hailey disease   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Hailey-Hailey disease (HHD, MIM 16960) is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner and characterized by persistent blisters and erosions of the skin. Impaired intercellular adhesion and epidermal blistering also occur in individuals with pemphigus (which is due to autoantibodies directed against desmosomal proteins) and in patients with Darier disease (DD, MIM 124200), which is caused by mutations in a gene encoding a sarco/endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-Golgi calcium pump. We report here the identification of mutations in ATP2C1, encoding the human homologue of an ATP-powered pump that sequesters calcium into the Golgi in yeast, in 21 HHD kindreds. Regulation of cytoplasmic calcium is impaired in cultured keratinocytes from HHD patients, and the normal epidermal calcium gradient is attenuated in vivo in HHD patients. Our findings not only provide an understanding of the molecular basis of HHD, but also underscore the importance of calcium control to the functioning of stratified squamous epithelia.  相似文献   

Coats plus is a highly pleiotropic disorder particularly affecting the eye, brain, bone and gastrointestinal tract. Here, we show that Coats plus results from mutations in CTC1, encoding conserved telomere maintenance component 1, a member of the mammalian homolog of the yeast heterotrimeric CST telomeric capping complex. Consistent with the observation of shortened telomeres in an Arabidopsis CTC1 mutant and the phenotypic overlap of Coats plus with the telomeric maintenance disorders comprising dyskeratosis congenita, we observed shortened telomeres in three individuals with Coats plus and an increase in spontaneous γH2AX-positive cells in cell lines derived from two affected individuals. CTC1 is also a subunit of the α-accessory factor (AAF) complex, stimulating the activity of DNA polymerase-α primase, the only enzyme known to initiate DNA replication in eukaryotic cells. Thus, CTC1 may have a function in DNA metabolism that is necessary for but not specific to telomeric integrity.  相似文献   

Mutations in a gene encoding an ABC transporter cause pseudoxanthoma elasticum   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE) is a heritable disorder characterized by calcification of elastic fibres in skin, arteries and retina that results in dermal lesions with associated laxity and loss of elasticity, arterial insufficiency and retinal haemorrhages leading to macular degeneration. PXE is usually found as a sporadic disorder, but examples of both autosomal recessive and autosomal dominant forms of PXE have been observed. Partial manifestations of the PXE phenotype have also been described in presumed carriers in PXE families. Linkage of both dominant and recessive forms of PXE to a 5-cM domain on chromosome 16p13.1 has been reported (refs 8,9). We have refined this locus to an 820-kb region containing 6 candidate genes. Here we report the exclusion of five of these genes and the identification of the first mutations responsible for the development of PXE in a gene encoding a protein associated with multidrug resistance (ABCC6).  相似文献   

Using targeted exome sequencing, we identified mutations in NNT, an antioxidant defense gene, in individuals with familial glucocorticoid deficiency. In mice with Nnt loss, higher levels of adrenocortical cell apoptosis and impaired glucocorticoid production were observed. NNT knockdown in a human adrenocortical cell line resulted in impaired redox potential and increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels. Our results suggest that NNT may have a role in ROS detoxification in human adrenal glands.  相似文献   

Hartnup disorder, an autosomal recessive defect named after an English family described in 1956 (ref. 1), results from impaired transport of neutral amino acids across epithelial cells in renal proximal tubules and intestinal mucosa. Symptoms include transient manifestations of pellagra (rashes), cerebellar ataxia and psychosis. Using homozygosity mapping in the original family in whom Hartnup disorder was discovered, we confirmed that the critical region for one causative gene was located on chromosome 5p15 (ref. 3). This region is homologous to the area of mouse chromosome 13 that encodes the sodium-dependent amino acid transporter B(0)AT1 (ref. 4). We isolated the human homolog of B(0)AT1, called SLC6A19, and determined its size and molecular organization. We then identified mutations in SLC6A19 in members of the original family in whom Hartnup disorder was discovered and of three Japanese families. The protein product of SLC6A19, the Hartnup transporter, is expressed primarily in intestine and renal proximal tubule and functions as a neutral amino acid transporter.  相似文献   

Hyperimmunoglobulinaemia D and periodic fever syndrome (HIDS; MIM 260920) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of fever associated with lymphadenopathy, arthralgia, gastrointestinal dismay and skin rash. Diagnostic hallmark of HIDS is a constitutively elevated level of serum immunoglobulin D (IgD), although patients have been reported with normal IgD levels. To determine the underlying defect in HIDS, we analysed urine of several patients and discovered increased concentrations of mevalonic acid during severe episodes of fever, but not between crises. Subsequent analysis of cells from four unrelated HIDS patients revealed reduced activities of mevalonate kinase (MK; encoded by the gene MVK), a key enzyme of isoprenoid biosynthesis. Sequence analysis of MVK cDNA from the patients identified three different mutations, one of which was common to all patients. Expression of the mutant cDNAs in Escherichia coli showed that all three mutations affect the activity of the encoded proteins. Moreover, immunoblot analysis demonstrated a deficiency of MK protein in patient fibroblasts, indicating a protein-destabilizing effect of the mutations.  相似文献   

Familial tumoral calcinosis (FTC; OMIM 211900) is a severe autosomal recessive metabolic disorder that manifests with hyperphosphatemia and massive calcium deposits in the skin and subcutaneous tissues. Using linkage analysis, we mapped the gene underlying FTC to 2q24-q31. This region includes the gene GALNT3, which encodes a glycosyltransferase responsible for initiating mucin-type O-glycosylation. Sequence analysis of GALNT3 identified biallelic deleterious mutations in all individuals with FTC, suggesting that defective post-translational modification underlies the disease.  相似文献   

During development, visual photoreceptors, bipolar cells and other neurons establish connections within the retina enabling the eye to process visual images over approximately 7 log units of illumination. Within the retina, cells that respond to light increment and light decrement are separated into ON- and OFF-pathways. Hereditary diseases are known to disturb these retinal pathways, causing either progressive degeneration or stationary deficits. Congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) is a group of stable retinal disorders that are characterized by abnormal night vision. Genetic subtypes of CSNB have been defined and different disease actions have been postulated. The molecular bases have been elucidated in several subtypes, providing a better understanding of the disease mechanisms and developmental retinal neurobiology. Here we have studied 22 families with 'complete' X-linked CSNB (CSNB1; MIM 310500; ref. 4) in which affected males have night blindness, some photopic vision loss and a defect of the ON-pathway. We have found 14 different mutations, including 1 founder mutation in 7 families from the United States, in a novel candidate gene, NYX. NYX, which encodes a glycosylphosphatidyl (GPI)-anchored protein called nyctalopin, is a new and unique member of the small leucine-rich proteoglycan (SLRP) family. The role of other SLRP proteins suggests that mutant nyctalopin disrupts developing retinal interconnections involving the ON-bipolar cells, leading to the visual losses seen in patients with complete CSNB.  相似文献   

Hirschsprung disease (HSCR) is sometimes associated with a set of characteristics including mental retardation, microcephaly, and distinct facial features, but the gene mutated in this condition has not yet been identified. Here we report that mutations in SIP1, encoding Smad interacting protein-1, cause disease in a series of cases. SIP1 is located in the deleted segment at 2q22 from a patient with a de novo t(2;13)(q22;q22) translocation. SIP1 seems to have crucial roles in normal embryonic neural and neural crest development.  相似文献   

Mutations in ATP2A2, encoding a Ca2+ pump, cause Darier disease   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Darier disease (DD) is an autosomal-dominant skin disorder characterized by loss of adhesion between epidermal cells (acantholysis) and abnormal keratinization. Recently we constructed a 2.4-Mb, P1-derived artificial chromosome contig spanning the DD candidate region on chromosome 12q23-24.1. After screening several genes that mapped to this region, we identified mutations in the ATP2A2 gene, which encodes the sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2(+)-ATPase type 2 isoform (SERCA2) and is highly expressed in keratinocytes. Thirteen mutations were identified, including frameshift deletions, in-frame deletions or insertions, splice-site mutations and non-conservative missense mutations in functional domains. Our results demonstrate that mutations in ATP2A2 cause DD and disclose a role for this pump in a Ca(2+)-signalling pathway regulating cell-to-cell adhesion and differentiation of the epidermis.  相似文献   

Noonan syndrome (MIM 163950) is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by dysmorphic facial features, proportionate short stature and heart disease (most commonly pulmonic stenosis and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy). Webbed neck, chest deformity, cryptorchidism, mental retardation and bleeding diatheses also are frequently associated with this disease. This syndrome is relatively common, with an estimated incidence of 1 in 1,000-2,500 live births. It has been mapped to a 5-cM region (NS1) [corrected] on chromosome 12q24.1, and genetic heterogeneity has also been documented. Here we show that missense mutations in PTPN11 (MIM 176876)-a gene encoding the nonreceptor protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP-2, which contains two Src homology 2 (SH2) domains-cause Noonan syndrome and account for more than 50% of the cases that we examined. All PTPN11 missense mutations cluster in interacting portions of the amino N-SH2 domain and the phosphotyrosine phosphatase domains, which are involved in switching the protein between its inactive and active conformations. An energetics-based structural analysis of two N-SH2 mutants indicates that in these mutants there may be a significant shift of the equilibrium favoring the active conformation. This implies that they are gain-of-function changes and that the pathogenesis of Noonan syndrome arises from excessive SHP-2 activity.  相似文献   

Congestive heart failure (CHF) can result from various disease states with inadequate cardiac output. CHF due to dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a familial disease in 20-30% of cases and is associated with mutations in genes encoding cytoskeletal, contractile or inner-nuclear membrane proteins. We show that mutations in the gene encoding giant-muscle filament titin (TTN) cause autosomal dominant DCM linked to chromosome 2q31 (CMD1G; MIM 604145). Titin molecules extend from sarcomeric Z-discs to M-lines, provide an extensible scaffold for the contractile machinery and are crucial for myofibrillar elasticity and integrity. In a large DCM kindred, a segregating 2-bp insertion mutation in TTN exon 326 causes a frameshift, truncating A-band titin. The truncated protein of approximately 2 mD is expressed in skeletal muscle, but western blot studies with epitope-specific anti-titin antibodies suggest that the mutant protein is truncated to a 1.14-mD subfragment by site-specific cleavage. In another large family with DCM linked to CMD1G, a TTN missense mutation (Trp930Arg) is predicted to disrupt a highly conserved hydrophobic core sequence of an immunoglobulin fold located in the Z-disc-I-band transition zone. The identification of TTN mutations in individuals with CMD1G should provide further insights into the pathogenesis of familial forms of CHF and myofibrillar titin turnover.  相似文献   

Mutations in the gene encoding c-Abl-binding protein SH3BP2 cause cherubism   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Cherubism (MIM 118400) is an autosomal dominant inherited syndrome characterized by excessive bone degradation of the upper and lower jaws followed by development of fibrous tissue masses, which causes a characteristic facial swelling. Here we describe seven mutations in the SH3-binding protein SH3BP2 (MIM 602104) on chromosome 4p16.3 that cause cherubism.  相似文献   

Sensory motor neuropathy is associated with various inherited disorders including Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy/adrenomyeloneuropathy and Refsum disease. In the latter two, the neuropathy is thought to result from the accumulation of specific fatty acids. We describe here three patients with elevated plasma concentrations of pristanic acid (a branched-chain fatty acid) and C27-bile-acid intermediates. Two of the patients suffered from adult-onset sensory motor neuropathy. One patient also had pigmentary retinopathy, suggesting Refsum disease, whereas the other patient had upper motor neuron signs in the legs, suggesting adrenomyeloneuropathy. The third patient was a child without neuropathy. In all three patients we discovered a deficiency of alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase (AMACR). This enzyme is responsible for the conversion of pristanoyl-CoA and C27-bile acyl-CoAs to their (S)-stereoisomers, which are the only stereoisomers that can be degraded via peroxisomal beta-oxidation. Sequence analysis of AMACR cDNA from the patients identified two different mutations that are likely to cause disease, based on analysis in Escherichia coli. Our findings have implications for the diagnosis of adult-onset neuropathies of unknown aetiology.  相似文献   

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