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Fatty acid analysis is frequently performed in fat and other raw materials to classify them according to their fatty acid composition, but the need to carry out online determinations has generated a growing interest in more rapid options. This research was done to evaluate the ability of a polymer-sensor based electronic nose to classify Iberian pig fat samples with different fatty acid compositions. Significant correlations were found between individual fatty acids and sensor responses, proving that sensor response data were not fortuitously sorted. Significant correlations also appeared between some sensors and water activity, which was considered during the sample classification. Two supervised pattern recognition techniques were attempted to process the sensor responses: 85.5% of the samples were correctly classified by discriminant analysis, but the percentage increased to 97.8% using a one-hidden layer back-propagation artificial neural network. The electronic nose (specifically, sensor responses analyzed by a neural network) achieved success similar to that obtained using the more usual fatty acid analysis by gas chromatography.  相似文献   

Bacillus licheniformis I89 is a Gram-positive bacterium, a producer of the lantibiotic lichenicidin. No information is available on its fatty acid (FA) composition. Bacillus species are rich in branched FA (BrFA), claimed to be beneficial to human health and to treat diseases. Herein, the FA profile of B. licheniformis I89 was evaluated under different growth conditions: at two growth temperatures (37 and 50 °C) and at different growth phases (lag, exponential, and stationary), using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. The FA profile revealed predominant BrFA of the iso-series and anteiso-series (i-15:0, ai-15:0, i-16:0, i-17:0, and ai-17:0) and low amounts of saturated FA (14:0, 16:0, and 18:0). Comparing the FA profiles at different temperatures, in the lag phase, at 50 °C, there was a decrease of ai-17:0 and a decrease of i-15:0 in the exponential phase, in comparison with 37 °C. In all growth phases, there was a decrease of ai-15:0 and an increase of i-17:0. From the lag to the stationary phase, at 50 °C, there was a decrease of ai-17:0 and i-16:0, whereas i-15:0 increased, while at 37 °C, there was an increase of i-15:0 and i-16:0, and a decrease in ai-15:0 and ai-17:0. B. licheniformis I89 can adapt its FA profile, at moderate temperatures, by changing the iso-FA and anteiso-FA composition and the iso/anteiso ratio. This nonpathogenic bacterium species can be used as a source of BrFA with putative beneficial health effects for gut protection and with reported antitumor properties, foreseeing its use for producing compounds with biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the fatty acid composition and physicochemical properties of ostrich fat obtained by supercritical fluid extraction. The fatty acid composition was analysed by GC‐MS and the result revealed that ostrich fat contained 9‐octadecenoic acid (40.7 ± 0.3%), hexadecanoic acid (32.5 ± 0.3%), octadecanoic acid (7.43 ± 0.05%), 9, 12‐octadecadience acid (7.38 ± 0.02%) and 9‐hexadecenoic acid (7.13 ± 0.15%) as the major components. Furthermore, seven physicochemical indexes were assessed according to Chinese Pharmacopeia (2005) and relevant regulations as follows: relative density (0.92 ± 0.02%), melting point (34.7 ± 0.4°C), acid value (0.84 ± 0.02 mg KOH/g), peroxide value (0.10 ± 0.01 g/100 g), saponification value (226 ± 3 mg KOH/g), ester value (225 ± 3 mg KOH/g) and iodine value (74.6 ± 0.8 g I/100 g). It can be inferred from the basic information that ostrich fat is a promising raw material for the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries. Practical applications : With the increasing attention being paid to ostrich fat, it is necessary to elucidate the fatty acid composition and physicochemical properties of this natural product. This basic information not only reveals the essential characteristics of ostrich fat, but also provides the data support for the quality evaluation and efficacy research.  相似文献   

Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) studies in human babies of very-low-birth-weight suggest that the lipid emulsions currently available are not optimum for neonatal nutrition. Since fatty acid metabolism in human and pigs is very similar, the present study examines how lipid emulsions used in clinical TPN (i.e. ClinOleic, Intralipid, Lipofundin or Omegaven), with different fatty acid compositions, administered to neonatal piglets for 7 days, influenced their tissue fatty acid composition as compared to those enterally fed with a sow milk replacer. A positive linear relationship was found between the proportion of all individual fatty acids in the lipid emulsions or in the milk replacer versus those in plasma, skeletal muscle, subcutaneous fat, liver, heart, pancreas, stomach or intestine total lipids or in brain phospholipids, the latter showing the lowest correlation coefficient. With the exception of brain, the proportion of either oleic acid or alpha-linolenic acid in the individual tissues was correlated with those present in the corresponding lipid emulsion or milk replacer, whereas the proportion of linoleic acid correlated significantly with all the tissues studied. With the exception of brain phospholipids, both eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids were higher in the tissues of piglets receiving Omegaven than in all other groups. In conclusion, with the exception of the brain, fatty acid composition of plasma and different tissues in piglets are strongly influenced by the fatty acid profile of TPN emulsions. Fatty acid composition of brain phospholipids are, however, much less influenced by dietary composition, indicating an active and efficient metabolism that ensures its appropriate composition at this key stage of development.  相似文献   

To maintain strained yogurt freshness, it was shaped into balls (3–3.5 cm diameter), completely immersed in oil, and stored at refrigerated or ambient temperature for 6 months. The impacts of immersing strained yogurt in oil on the topped oil and product's final quality of lipids including fat oxidation, lipolysis, cholesterol oxidation, and conjugated linoleic fatty-acid content (CLNA) (i.e., as freshness indicators), during storage under various storage conditions, were evaluated. Peroxide value (PV), 7-keto-cholesterol, free fatty acids (FFA), and CLNA content were also determined. When stored in light, FFA of strained yogurt immersed in olive or corn oil increased from 0.44 to 1.29 and from 0.12 to 0.58, respectively. Olive oil-topped and corn oil-topped samples exposed to light had 48.9 and 7.9 (meq O2 kg−1) PV, respectively. Similar trends were reported for strained yogurt fat during storage for up to 6 months. Storage conditions showed little to no effects on the rate of fat and cholesterol oxidation, fat lipolysis, and CLNA content. Strained yogurt freshness indicators were maintained during the extended storage duration without refrigeration. The freshness indicators have a significant impact on enhancing consumer preference of strained yogurt.  相似文献   

Phosphate: acyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) acyltransferase PlsX is a peripheral enzyme catalysing acyl transfer to orthophosphate in phospholipid synthesis. Little is known about how it recognises substrates and catalyses the acyl transfer. Here we show that its active site includes many residues lining a long, narrow gorge at the dimeric interface, two positive residues forming a positive ACP docking pad next to the interfacial gorge, and a number of strictly conserved residues significantly contributing to the catalytic activity. These findings suggest a substrate recognition mode and a catalytic mechanism that are different from those of phosphotransacetylases catalysing a similar acyl transfer reaction. The catalytic mechanism involves substrate activation and transition-state stabilization by two strictly conserved residues, Lys184 and Asn229. Another noticeable feature of the catalysis is the release of the acyl phosphate product near the membrane, which might facilitate its membrane insertion.  相似文献   

甘草渣是甘草提取完活性成分后的剩余物,富含木质纤维素。以甘草渣为研究对象,以2种稀碱(Na2CO3水溶液和NaOH水溶液)以及稀碱(Na2CO3水溶液或NaOH水溶液)和醋酸乙醇胺离子液体混合液为溶剂对甘草渣进行预处理,研究不同碱浓度和预处理温度对甘草渣组成及酶解效果的影响。结果表明,质量分数2%的NaOH水溶液在固液比(w/v)1:10(即每克甘草渣加入10毫升溶剂)、100 ℃条件下预处理甘草渣1.5 h,木质素去除率达54.1%、纤维素回收率为77.2%;样品酶解24 h,葡萄糖得率可达53.5%,较预处理前甘草渣(10.6%)提高了4.0倍。最后,对预处理后的甘草渣进行高固酶解,在固液比3:10、酶用量45 FPU/g生物质条件下酶解72 h,葡萄糖产量达到86.2 g/L、木糖18.9 g/L。以此酶解液为碳源进行发酵,96 h后发酵液中2,3-丁二醇和乙偶姻总产量为43.9 g/L,还原糖转化率为0.42 g/g;与对照组相比,酶解液更有利于菌体生长,生产强度提高,但转化率略低。  相似文献   

When the transketolase-defective and D -ribose-producing Bacillus subtilis strain ATCC 21951 was cultured in a medium provided with certain organic acids, a significantly enhanced D -ribose titre was obtained, while the production of acetoin and 2,3-butanediol drastically decreased. Although the biochemical background of this phenomenon is not completely understood, it makes D -ribose synthesis more efficient and cheaper, the latter due to an easier recovery of D -ribose from the fermentation medium. ©1997 SCI  相似文献   

Probiotics make up a large and growing segment of the commercial market of dietary supplements and are touted as offering a variety of human health benefits. Some of the purported positive impacts of probiotics include, but are not limited to, stabilization of the gut microbiota, prevention of gastrointestinal disorders and modulation of the host immune system. Current research suggests that the immunomodulatory effects of probiotics are strain-specific and vary in mode of action. Here, we examined the immunomodulatory properties of Bacillus subtilis strain DE111 in a healthy human population. In a pilot randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled four-week intervention, we examined peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) at basal levels pre- and post-intervention, as well as in response to stimulation with bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS). We observed an increase in anti-inflammatory immune cell populations in response to ex vivo LPS stimulation of PBMCs in the DE111 intervention group. Overall perceived gastrointestinal health, microbiota, and circulating and fecal markers of inflammation (Il-6, sIgA) and gut barrier function (plasma zonulin) were largely unaffected by DE111 intervention, although the study may have been underpowered to detect these differences. These pilot data provide information and justification to conduct an appropriately powered clinical study to further examine the immunomodulatory potential of B. subtilis DE111 in human populations.  相似文献   

Poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) has been extensively utilized as a biodegradable plastic. The value of substrate inhibition constant (KI) was also established in shake flask cultures by varying the initial glucose concentration (20–160?g/L) in growth media. Excess carbon source adversely affected the growth of Bacillus subtilis cultures. The production kinetics of PHB was studied using batch fermentation strategy for B. subtilis culture. Batch cultivation was also performed in a 5-L stirred tank bioreactor to obtain a Biomass and PHB yield of 5.25 and 1.6?g/L, respectively. The kinetic data of biomass, PHB production, and substrate consumption was used to estimate the optimized values of the growth and product formation kinetic parameters. Optimal values of kinetic parameters (µm value of 0.325, KS value of 10.53?g/L for glucose, Y value of 0.183?g/g of glucose, KI value of 105?g/L, m value of 0.12?g/(g h), k1 of 0.36?g/g, and k2 value was 0.12?g/(g h)) and the initial values of biomass, substrate and PHB concentration (X?=?0.14?g/L, S?=?9.99?g/L, and P?=?0.13?g/L) were utilized to obtain a modified mathematical model for PHB production. Statistical validity of the mathematical model simulations were measured using F-test. The F-test showed that the statistical validity of the model was more than 95% when compared with experimentally obtained values. This model also predicted that the production of PHB using B. subtilis cultures is mainly growth associated.  相似文献   

The effects of linolenic acid (18∶3) concentration, combined with TBHQ addition, temperature, and storage time, on the oxidative and flavor stabilities of soybean oils (SBO) were evaluated. During storage under fluorescent light at both 21 and 32°C, the SBO with ultra-low-18∶3 concentration (1.0%, ULSBO) generally had greater oxidative stability than did SBO with low-18∶3 concentration (2.2%, LLSBO). The ULSBO had about half the p-anisidine value of LLSBO throughout storage. Although the ULSBO initially had significantly greater PV and poorer (lower) sensory scores for overall flavor quality than did LLSBO, significant differences disappeared with storage. The ULSBO had a lower content of polar compounds and greater oil stability indices than did LLSBO when TBHQ was present. All oils were more oxidatively stable with TBHQ addition, but the TBHQ addition did not result in improved flavor stability early in storage. In all tests, oils stored at 32°C were less stable than oils stored at 21°C. The TBHQ had a better antioxidant capacity when the 18∶3 concentration was lower. The retardation effect of TBHQ on lipid oxidation and the improved stability of ULSBO over LLSBO were more easily detected when the storage temperature was higher.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was carried out using corn plants (Zea mays L.), in order to define the possible utilization of the concentrated pig slurry as an organic fertilizer, avoiding soil pollution caused by its chemical composition. Results obtained showed that on a slightly loamy coarse sand soil an amount of 40 t ha–1 on fresh weight basis of concentrated pig slurry can eventually substitute mineral nitrogen and phosphate fertilization at planting. The effects of increasing amounts of this organic fertilizer on soil characteristics and corn fodder composition were also investigated.  相似文献   

Three hundred and fifty novel lipases and esterases discovered from environmental DNA samples were characterized for their fatty acid profile using GC-analysis. Enzymes were selected for further study based on activity and fatty acid chain length specificity. Additional characterization was based on enzyme activity towards tributyrin and 4-methylumbelliferyl butyrate, and enzyme heat stability. Several lipases were identified, which show high specificity towards short-chain fatty acids similar to pregastric lipases from kid and calf and a lipase from Mucor javanicus. Additionally, the metagenome-derived enzymes were thermostable. Selected metagenomic lipases were immobilized on Celite and used for the synthesis of structured triglycerides.  相似文献   

Nitro‐fatty acids possess anti‐atherogenic properties, but their effects on macrophage oxidative status and lipid metabolism that play important roles in atherosclerosis development are unclear. This study compared the effects of nitro‐oleic acid (OLA‐NO2) with those of native oleic acid (OLA) on intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, anti‐oxidants and metabolism of triglycerides and cholesterol in J774A.1 macrophages. Upon incubating the cells with physiological concentrations of OLA‐NO2 (0–1 µM) or with equivalent levels of OLA, ROS levels measured by 2, 7‐dichlorofluorescein diacetate, decreased dose‐dependently, but the anti‐oxidative effects of OLA‐NO2 were significantly augmented. Copper ion addition increased ROS generation in OLA treated macrophages without affecting OLA‐NO2 treated cells. These effects could be attributed to elevated glutathione levels and to increased activity and expression of paraoxonase2 that were observed in OLA‐NO2vs OLA treated cells. Beneficial effects on triglyceride metabolism were noted in OLA‐NO2vs OLA treated macrophages in which cellular triglycerides were reduced due to attenuated biosynthesis and accelerated hydrolysis of triglycerides. Accordingly, OLA‐NO2 treated cells demonstrated down‐regulation of diacylglycerol acyltransferase1, the key enzyme in triglyceride biosynthesis, and increased expression of hormone‐sensitive lipase and adipose triglyceride lipase that regulate triglyceride hydrolysis. Finally, OLA‐NO2vs OLA treatment resulted in modest but significant beneficial effects on macrophage cholesterol metabolism, reducing cholesterol biosynthesis rate and low density lipoprotein influx into the cells, while increasing high density lipoprotein‐mediated cholesterol efflux from the macrophages. Collectively, compared with OLA, OLA‐NO2 modestly but significantly reduces macrophage oxidative status and cellular triglyceride content via modulation of cellular anti‐oxidants and triglyceride metabolizing enzymes.  相似文献   

Rice bran oil was obtained from rice bran by solvent extraction using ethanol. The influence of process variables, solvent hydration (0-24% of water, on mass basis), temperature (60-90 °C), solvent-to-rice bran mass ratio (2.5:1 to 4.5:1) and stirrer speed (100-250 rpm) were analysed using the response surface methodology.The extraction yield was highly affected by the solvent water content, and it varied from 8.56 to 20.05 g of oil/100 g of fresh rice bran (or 42.7-99.9% of the total oil available) depending on the experimental conditions. It was observed that oryzanol and tocols behave in different ways during the extraction process. A larger amount of tocols is extracted from the solid matrix in relation to γ-oryzanol. It was possible to obtain values from 123 to 271 mg of tocols/kg of fresh rice bran and 1527 to 4164 mg of oryzanol/kg of fresh rice bran, indicating that it is feasible to obtain enriched oil when this renewable solvent is used. No differences in the chemical composition of the extracted oils were observed when compared to the data cited in the literature.  相似文献   

江汝清  余广炜  王玉  黎长江  邢贞娇 《化工进展》2022,41(12):6489-6499
以直接红23染料(DR23)溶液模拟印染废水,对比分析了酸改性前后猪粪生物炭对DR23的吸附特性与机理。通过静态吸附实验考察了DR23溶液的pH、初始浓度、吸附时间、吸附温度、吸附剂添加量等条件对吸附效果的影响,并确定了该吸附过程的吸附动力学和吸附等温线。研究发现,相比于未改性生物炭(PMB),酸改性后生物炭(PMBacid)结构变得疏松多孔,表面官能团丰富,表现出更优的脱色性能,对DR23的吸附去除率最高可达96.10%,最大饱和吸附量为111.51mg/g,且在经过3次循环再生后,PMBacid对DR23的去除率仍可达到88.31%;此外,pH对PMBacid的脱色吸附性能影响较小。PMBacid对DR23的吸附是一个受反应速率和扩散控制的复杂过程,符合于伪二级动力学模型和Langmuir等温吸附模型;PMBacid对DR23的吸附机理取决于吸附剂的物理化学性质,其孔结构及各官能团通过不同的机制参与了生物炭对DR23的吸附过程。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterize the fatty acid composition of the core and membrane of differently sized milk fat globules separated by microfiltration, which can now be used to manufacture dairy products. Native milk fat globules of various mean diameters, ranging from d43 = 2.3 µm to 8.0 µm, were obtained using microfiltration of raw whole milk. After milk fat globule washing, the milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) and the triglyceride core (TC) were separated by manual churning. After total lipid extraction from each fraction, their fatty acid composition was characterized using methyl ester analysis by gas chromatography. Regardless of season, no significant differences were observed in the fatty acid composition of the MFGM phospholipids. Conversely, significant differences were found in the fatty acid composition of TC; particularly, small fat globule TC contained more medium‐chain fatty acids and less stearic acid than large fat globule TC. These results show that the previously observed differences in total fatty acid composition among differently sized milk fat globules are due to their triglyceride composition and MFGM amount rather than to the composition of the MFGM.  相似文献   

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