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目的 探讨胺碘酮静脉给药治疗快速性心律失常的疗效及安全性。方法 20例难复性快速心律失常患者,予胺碘酮静脉注射液150mg溶于5%葡萄糖液20ml 15min内缓慢静脉注射,无效的间隔15min后重复1次,再以0.5—1mg/min维持静脉滴注,12例病人同时口服胺碘酮。结果 20例快速心律失常均被有效控制。结论 胺碘酮有较强的抗心律失常作用。它对房性、房室交界性、室性及预激综合征伴发的心律失常均有很好的疗效。  相似文献   

目的了解胺碘酮治疗快速性心律失常的临床疗效和安全性。方法对63例快速性心律失常患者给予胺碘酮150mg稀释后静脉注射,30min可视心律情况追加150mg,最多可静脉注射3次,随后以0.5~2.0mg/min维持静脉滴注2~10d,续以胺碘酮0.2mg,1日3次口服。结果总有效率98%,治疗期间3例出现心动过缓,6例出现低血压,经对症治疗后上述症状均缓解。治疗前后患者血压、心率及心电图间差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论胺碘酮治疗快速性心律失常疗效明显,未见明显不良反应。  相似文献   

胺碘酮在心律失常治疗中的应用现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大量临床研究发现胺碘酮在治疗和预防心律失常(如心房颤动、心房扑动、室性心动过速、心室颤动等)上疗效肯定,因此正确认识和评价胺碘酮对心律失常治疗的研究有重要意义.现就胺碘酮的作用机理、应用现状和不良反应作简要综述.  相似文献   

胺碘酮治疗心律失常53例临床分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
2004年1月~2006年1月,我院应用胺碘酮治疗心律失常53例,获得满意疗效。现报告如下。临床资料:本组53例患者中,男39例,女14例;年龄31~81岁,平均59.5岁。均曾应用多种抗心律失常药物(如异搏定、慢心律、心律平、心得安及普鲁卡因酰胺)治疗,疗效不佳。其中频发性早搏16例,频发性早  相似文献   

目的评价胺碘酮静脉治疗临床各科危重患者并发快速房性心律失常的疗效与安全性。方法对来自各科的30例危重症患者,给予胺碘酮5mg/kg负荷剂量静脉注射,如无效,则将胺碘酮加入输液泵中以1mg/min静脉持续治疗6小时。结果30例危重患者中有26例心律失常被及时有效终止,有效率为86.7%。无一例患者发生严重的不良反应。结论胺碘酮静脉治疗临床疗效显著,安全性高,可作为临床各科危重患者并发快速房性心律失常的首选用药。  相似文献   

快速性心律失常临床上较为常见 ,有时病情紧急 ,甚至威胁生命 ,需立即处理。我们采用胺碘酮静脉用药治疗不同类型心动过速 ,效果满意 ,现报告如下。1 资料与方法1 .1 临床资料 本组男 2 7例、女 8例 ,年龄2 1~ 80岁、平均 48.5± 1 3.2岁 ;其中冠心病1 0例 ,肺心病 2例 ,风湿性心脏病 5例 ,致心律失常性右室发育不良 2例 ,高血压病 2例 ,无明显器质性心脏病 1 4例。心动过速类型为房性心动过速 3例 ,显性预激综合征 1 0例 (其中合并房室折返性心动过速 7例 ,房性颤动 3例 ) ,隐匿性预激综合征 1 1例 ,阵发性房性颤动 (室性心率超过 1 0 …  相似文献   

胺碘酮联合中药治疗心律失常108例寿光市人民医院(262700)寿光化工总厂职工医院张庆祥王瑞云徐西林张松村李友芳我们采用胺碘酮联合中药治疗心律失常108例,效果较好。患者年龄38~77岁,均经心电图检查证实,68例做24小时动态心电图检查,均曾用多...  相似文献   

目的了解静脉胺碘酮在实际应用中出现的主要不良反应情况,探讨如何进一步规范使用胺碘酮,减少其副作用。方法对本院在2003年10月到2005年9月的静脉使用胺碘酮的全部住院病历进行回顾性研究,对出现不良反应的病例进行统计与分析。结果静脉胺碘酮后出现肝功能异常的发生率为12.6%,男性比女性更容易发生肝功能异常。重度肝功能异常的病例9例,需干预的严重心动过缓7例,需干预的低血压4例,过敏反应1例。结论尽管静脉胺碘酮有可能导致一些副作用,但只要密切监测,早期发现,早期处理,其使用是安全有效的。  相似文献   

例 1 男性 ,78岁。因上腹隐痛 2月、胃镜活检诊断为早期胃癌入院。既往有高血压病 2级、高血压性心脏病、Ⅱ型糖尿病、慢性萎缩性胃炎等病史 ,长期服用降压及降糖药物 ,血压、空腹血糖和餐后 2h血糖维持在正常范围。动态心电图示 :窦律 ,房性早搏 (简称房早 ) 2 4h 374次 ,短阵心房颤动 (简称房颤 ) ,心室率 12 0~ 140次 /分。胸片 :左室大 ,心胸比例 >0 .5。超声心动图 :左房 45mm ,左室舒张末期和收缩末期内径分别为 5 8和 49mm ,室间隔及左室后壁厚度均为 12mm ,左室顺应性下降。入院后行胃大部切除 (毕氏Ⅱ型 ) ,术后第 2日突…  相似文献   

胺碘酮静脉用药并口服治疗顽固性心律失常观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:观察胺碘酮静脉用药并口服对顽固室性心律失常的疗效。方法:回颐性分析42例顽固性室性心律失常患者静脉用药并口服胺碘酮治疗的资料。结果:88.1%患者心律失常得以控制,用药前、后P-R间期、QRS波、血压变化无统计学意义。结论:静脉并口服胺碘酮治疗顽固室性心律失常安全,有效。  相似文献   

住院患者营养筛查现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

正确的营养评估,是识别患者营养问题,判断其是否需要营养干预的重要手段。文章概述了目前最常使用的营养筛查工具,并比较各个筛查工具的优缺点。迄今为止,还没有被公认最有效的筛查工具,因此仍需通过良好的临床研究设计,以明确适用于中国住院患者的营养筛查工具。  相似文献   

Using His bundle recordings and stimulation techniques, theelectrical effects of amiodarone (5 mg/kg intravenously) wereassessed in 12 patients aged 34–80 years (mean 65) exhibitingin sinus rhythm, intraventricular conduction disturbances. Bundlebranch block was present in 10 patients: left bundle branchblock in three patients, right bundle branch block in three,bilateral bundle branch block in four. All the patients hada long H-V interval (65–80 ms; mean 71). As has been previouslyreported, amiodarone slowed the sinus rate, prolonged the QTinterval, increased the atrial effective refractory period anddepressed A-V nodal conduction. Despite the presence of advancedconduction disturbances within the His-Purkinje system, amiodaronedid not alter the H-V interval in 11 patients and increasedit in one by only 5 ms. Thus, clinically, the use of amiodaronein patients with bundle branch block should be safe.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the safety of buprenorphine administered intravenously for the treatment of opioid withdrawal in medically ill hospitalized patients. Data regarding demographic information, number of doses of buprenorphine, and measures of buprenorphine's effects were collected via chart reviews for 30 heroin-dependent patients who received buprenorphine intravenously during their hospitalization for an acute medical problem. No respiratory depression was observed, and no patients reported feeling "high." All patients reported that buprenorphine decreased withdrawal symptoms. Thus, intravenous administration of buprenorphine appears to be safe for the treatment of opioid withdrawal.  相似文献   

Hemodynamic effects of intravenous amiodarone   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Amiodarone is a potent antiarrhythmic agent that is effective in controlling both atrial and ventricular arrhythmias. Recently, intravenous administration was demonstrated to be effective in the acute management of rhythm disorders and, in addition, appeared to shorten the loading period normally required for oral drug administration. This investigation examined the hemodynamic effects of amiodarone after both acute intravenous bolus and continuous intravenous administration. Patients with a left ventricular ejection fraction greater than 0.35 experienced improved cardiac performance due to both acute and chronic peripheral vasodilation. However, patients with a lower ejection fraction developed a 20% decrease in cardiac index and clinically significant elevation of right heart pressures after acute bolus administration; these changes were variably compensated for by peripheral vasodilation when the drug was administered intravenously over 3 to 5 days continuously. Therefore, intravenous amiodarone can result in significant impairment of left ventricular performance in patients with preexisting left ventricular dysfunction.  相似文献   

目的:比较静脉用胺碘酮和毛花甙C治疗阵发性房颤(PAF)的即时疗效和安全性。方法:84例发作时间在 24~72 h的PAF患者被随机分为胺碘酮组和毛花甙C组(每组42例),分别静脉内给予胺碘酮150~1180 mg和毛花甙C 0.4~0.8 mg。结果:胺碘酮和毛花甙C PAF转复率分别是83.3%和42.9%(P<0.01);未转复者的心室率在胺碘酮组由(128.4±12.3)降至(87.8±11.4)次/min(P<0.01),毛花甙C组由(129.6±13.1)降至(90.3± 11.9)次/min(P<0.01)。两组均无严重副作用发生。结论:静脉用胺碘酮治疗阵发性房颤有效且安全,其转复率显著高于毛花甙C。  相似文献   

Efficacy, side effects and predictors of response for intravenous amiodarone were evaluated in 46 patients with recurrent drug-refractory sustained ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation, or both, who were treated with intravenous amiodarone. Of the 46 patients, 27 (58.5%) responded early to intravenous amiodarone and 6 (13%) showed a late response to amiodarone. The majority of patients who responded to intravenous amiodarone did so within the first 2 h of therapy, and all responded within 84 h. Patients with an ejection fraction greater than 25% were more likely to respond (p less than 0.05). Major side effects occurred in 13% of patients. The cumulative 2 year mortality rate due to arrhythmia recurrence or sudden death for responders discharged from the hospital was 23% and the cumulative overall 2 year mortality rate was 46%. In conclusion, intravenous amiodarone is rapidly effective in the majority of patients with recurrent ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation refractory to other drugs. The poor long-term outcome of patients who require this therapy, respond to it and are discharged on long-term oral amiodarone therapy warrants consideration of other long-term treatment of these patients. Use of intravenous amiodarone is an important new modality in the treatment of drug-refractory malignant ventricular arrhythmias.  相似文献   

目的 观察胺碘酮治疗老年充血性心力衰竭(CHF)伴快速心房纤颤(AF)的疗效。方法 选择2012年9月至2013年9月在苏北人民医院住院治疗的老年CHF伴快速AF患者70例,纽约心脏联合会分级(NYHA)Ⅱ~Ⅳ级,心室率≥120次/min;随机分为胺碘酮组和去乙酰毛花苷组,每组各35例。在常规治疗基础上,胺碘酮组首次剂量给予胺碘酮150mg缓慢静注,随后1.5mg/min微量泵维持;去乙酰毛花苷组首次剂量给予去乙酰毛花苷0.4mg或0.2mg缓慢静注,1h后无效者追加0.2mg。观察用药后不同时刻的心室率变化、药物平均起效时间、复律成功比例、B型利钠肽(BNP)变化、不良反应及随访效果。结果 两组患者用药后1,2,24h的心室率与用药前比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),胺碘酮组用药后30min的心室率与用药前比较差异亦有统计学意义(P<0.01);用药后2h胺碘酮组患者心室率较用药前下降47%, 去乙酰毛花苷组下降28%;胺碘酮组与去乙酰毛花苷组用药后30min,1h,2h,24h心室率间差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);胺碘酮组和去乙酰毛花苷组的治疗有效率分别为79.8%和72.3%(P>0.05); 胺碘酮组和去乙酰毛花苷组的复律成功率分别为34.3%和8.6%(P<0.01);两组患者间BNP变化差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);出院3个月后随访,两组患者治疗后(口服药物包括可达龙、美托洛尔、地高辛)仍为AF的比率分别为60.0%(21/35)和82.9%(29/35);而不良反应发生率分别为8.6%和11.4%(P>0.05)。结论 胺碘酮是治疗老年CHF合并AF有效的药物之一,副反应轻,使用安全。  相似文献   

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