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针对工业无线传感器网络对路由协议的QoS要求,研究了一种基于链路可靠性的两跳QoS路由(Link-Reliability Based Two-Hop Routing for QoS Guarantee in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks, LRTHQR).采用两跳速度策略和数据优先级调度策略提高实时性,采用改进的信任评估模型以选择可信路径进行路由,采用基于接收功率的链接概率和数据包重传次数作为衡量链路可靠性的指标,同时采用能够综合考虑节点剩余能量和转发能耗的转发策略,以改善网络寿命.仿真结果显示:与未考虑链路可靠性的NCSRT (NodeCredible Security Routing for IWSN Based on THTR)算法相比, LRTHQR算法在丢包率、时延以及包平均能耗方面有着明显优势;与同样侧重QoS要求的LRTHR (Link-Reliability based Two-Hop Routing)算法相比, LRTHQR算法在截止期错失率、路由开销以及包平均能耗方面有着显著提升.  相似文献   

本文研究了无线传感器网络最小空间重用链路调度(MSRLS)模型,给出了该模型的形式化描述,并在此基础上提出一种求解一般网络下MSRLS问题的集中式近似算法MSRLS-C。该算法同时考虑了无线传感器网络带宽需求分布和通信过程中的无线信道干扰,更适合真实网络。通过理论分析和实验对该算法的性能进行了论证和比较。  相似文献   

工业环境IEEE802.15.4链路的多频道可靠性分析与建模   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无线传感器网络协议设计依赖于网络环境中的链路特征.在实际环境中,链路易受外界环境的影响而产生剧烈的变化.但是,目前只有少量的链路模型涉及多频道传输可靠性及其时间变化特征.以丢包率描述链路的可靠性,针对链路可靠性在频道和时间上的变化特征,提出了统计建模的方法,引入丢包率(PDR)和丢包序列(PDS)定量刻画出了链路可靠性与频道、时间的关系.通过在钢铁厂车间、学校实验工厂对2.4GHz的IEEE802.15.4模块进行测试及统计分析,发现数据丢包率服从logistic或log-logistic分布;在一个确定丢包率下,两次数据丢包之间的间隔服从lognormal分布.在此基础上,通过分析干扰链路可靠性的原因,提出了一种工业无线传感器网络链路可靠性模型,并基于此模型对IEEE802.15.4e的两种提案进行了评估和分析.  相似文献   

针对传感器网络中正交信道较少和传感器节点不易配备过多Radio的特点,提出一种Multi-Sink Dual-Radio传感器网络中分布式信道分配算法(Channel Allocation,CA),并在此基础上提出一种半分布式链路调度算法(Link Scheduling,LS)。根据节点距离Sink节点的最少跳数,将网络划分为不同的层次,形成层次结构网络。CA能消除不同层次节点间的通信冲突,而LS能消除同层次节点间的通信冲突。从而CA和LS高效率地实现数据无冲突并行传输,可较好地解决传感器网络中的数据收集问题。实验结果表明,提出的算法可显著减少数据收集时间,提高网络吞吐量。  相似文献   

研究无线传感器网络最小空间重用链路调度(MSRLS)模型,提出一种求解一般网络下MSRLS问题的分步式近似算法MSRLS-D。该算法同时考虑无线传感器网络带宽需求分布和通信过程中的无线信道干扰,更适用于真实网络。通过理论分析和仿真实验,对该算法的性能进行论证和比较。  相似文献   

为了降低监测区域能耗总开销和减少网络传输时延,保证监测区域网络链路质量、实现网络的全面覆盖和延长网络生命周期,设计了一种基于扫描线和节点自适应调整苏醒时隙的节点调度方案;首先,定义了系统模型即网络假设和调度目标;然后判断网络是否实现当完全覆盖,当不能全面覆盖时,通过调整部分节点的感知半径来实现网络的全面覆盖;当链路质量过差导致传输延迟过大时,通过设计从源节点到目标节点的增加节点苏醒时隙,并根据节点的剩余能量和传输延迟阈值来减少数据传输次数以降低传输延迟;在NS2环境下进行实验,结果表明:文中方法能有效地实现传感器网络监测区域的全面覆盖,降低网络的传输延迟和提高网络的生命周期,与其他节点调度相比,具有很强的优越性和实用性.  相似文献   

分组调度管理网络链路带宽,是实现网络服务质量的核心技术之一。介绍了一种先进的分组调度和资源管理模型———链路共享模型;说明了CBQ和H-WF2Q 两种不同的实现算法;分析了它们用于传输实时流的可行性。使用网络仿真工具NS2,对实时流传输的服务质量保证进行了仿真分析。仿真结果表明:该链路共享模型可以为不同的组织、不同的通信类型提供特定的服务质量保证,大大地提高了网络带宽的利用率。  相似文献   

在使用TDMA和FDMA机制的WIA-PA网络中,由于其无线多跳的mesh结构,时隙和信道的调度复杂变得更为复杂.本文归纳分析了多信道无线多跣mesh网络中资源冲突的类型,提出了一种对时隙和信道进行调度的算法.算法利用无线mesh网络中数据传输的路由特征,以网关为根,使用广度优先搜索算法构造uplink路由,对路由图中的节点着色,从而确定每个链接使用的时隙;然后根据链接在路由中的层次,为连续三个层上的链接分配互不相同信道.算法使用至多2倍图的度数减2个时隙,使用不多于三个信道保证了各链接的无冲突传输.最后,分析证明了算法的有效性,并通过仿真验证了算法的性能.  相似文献   

井浩  张璟  李军怀 《计算机工程》2007,33(14):264-266
提出了一种利用链路跟踪检测技术并结合策略路由监控本地网络到多个ISP网络连通性的技术方案,克服了传统的使用静态路由方法对于因某一ISP网络发生故障时,无法实现路由实时检测和瞬时切换通路的技术缺陷,有效地实现了多出口网络的链路互备和负载均衡,从根本上解决了数据中心断网的难题。结合典型实例验证了该技术方案的可行性,为解决多出口网络中的相关具体问题提供了一条切实可行的途径。  相似文献   

1 引言从硬件上看,机群系统是由若干独立的高性能计算机(结点机)和起互连作用的高速网络组成的,各个结点间通过传递消息实现结点间的通信。因此,内部互联网络性能的优劣极大地影响着机群系统整体性能的好坏。一种互联网络可通过以下几个要素来表达:拓扑结构、路由选择方式、网络切换机制和流量控制技术。其中拓扑结构决定了网络的连接方式,一般分成直接网和多级网两大类。路由选择方式决定了如何为源结点到目的结点的数据包选取传送路径。路由选择在算法上  相似文献   

A potential system software bottleneck is demonstrated in designing an efficient process scheduling method for multiprocessor systems with shared-memory communication mechanism. The process scheduling overhead is considered. The main contribution of this work is to find the design tradeoffs between monitor bottleneck due to scheduling overhead and low process utilization due to load imbalancing. Choosing an optimum number of scheduling monitors is the key to resolve the bottlenecks. Because of the excessive number of memory requests generated by the dynamic monitor selection method, the use of the fixed monitor selection method is recommended. An analytic estimation provides a lower bound in determining the optimum number of monitors. Hill-climbing simulation is then used to find the optimum number of monitors  相似文献   

This paper explores the energy-efficient scheduling of real-time tasks on a non-ideal DVS processor in the presence of resource sharing. We assume that tasks are periodic, preemptive and may access to shared resources. When dynamic-priority and fixed-priority scheduling are considered, we use the earliest deadline first (EDF) algorithm and the rate monotonic (RM) algorithm to schedule the given set of tasks. Based on the stack resource policy (SRP), we propose an approach, called blocking-aware two-speed (BATS) algorithm, to synchronize the tasks with shared resources and to calculate appropriate execution speeds so that the shared resources can be accessed in a mutual exclusive manner and the energy consumption can be reduced. Particularly, BATS uses a static low speed to execute tasks initially, and then it switches to a high speed dynamically whenever a task blocks a higher priority task. More specifically, the processor runs at the high speed from the beginning of the blocking until the deadline of the blocked task or the processor becomes idle. In order to guarantee that the deadlines of tasks are met, the static low speed and the dynamic high speeds are derived based on the theoretical analysis of the schedulability of tasks. Compared with existing work, BATS achieves more energy saving because its dynamic high speeds are lower than that of existing work and the processor has less chance to execute tasks at the high speeds. The schedulability analysis and the properties of our proposed BATS are provided in this paper. We also evaluated the capabilities of BATS by a series of experiments, for which we have some encouraging results.  相似文献   

考虑信道频宽对链路传输距离和链路间干扰的影响,对可变频宽无线网络现有的累积干扰模型进行了改进,并基于改进的干扰模型对可变频宽无线网络的信道频谱分配和链路调度问题进行了建模分析。设计了一种两层优化算法对信道频谱分配和链路调度问题进行解耦,提出了一种考虑链路负载需求满足程度的链路优先级指标,启发式地构建并发传输信道分配矩阵的方法。仿真结果表明,两层优化算法能够在合理时间内收敛,启发式方法能够高效地构建并发传输信道分配矩阵。  相似文献   

Recently a few Continuous Query systems have been developed to cope with applications involving continuous data streams. At the same time, numerous algorithms are proposed for better performance. A recent work on this subject was to define scheduling strategies on shared window joins over data streams from multiple query expressions. In these strategies, a tuple with the highest priority is selected to process from multiple candidates. However, the performance of these static strategies is deeply influenced when data are bursting, because the priority is determined only by static information, such as the query windows, arriving order, etc. In this paper, we propose a novel adaptive strategy where the priority of a tuple is integrated with realtime information. A thorough experimental evaluation has demonstrated that this new strategy can outperform the existing strategies.  相似文献   

Nowadays, manufacturers have to share some of their resources with partners due to the competitive economic environment. The management of the availability periods of shared resources causes a problem because it is achieved by the scheduling systems, which assume a local environment where all resources are on the same site. Therefore, distributed scheduling with shared resources is an important research topic. In this communication, we introduce the architecture and behaviour of DSCEP framework (Distributed, Supervisor, Customer, Environment, and Producer) under shared resources situation with disturbances. We are using a simple example of manufacturing system to illustrate the ability of DSCEP framework to solve the shared resources scheduling problem in complex systems.  相似文献   

To improve the concurrent data transmission capability of wireless multi-hop networks,this paper proposes adopting a gray physical interference model instead of using the threshold physical interference model.The model allows non-ideal links to be involved in scheduling,under the premise of not affecting the quality of existing transmission links.In addition,we design two greedy algorithms to schedule more links with SINR values located in the transition region.The results show that a gray physical interference model is more accurate than a threshold physical interference one,the concurrent transmission capability of a network based on the gray physical interference model is significantly increased,and network throughput is increased by 20%.  相似文献   

链路干扰是无线多媒体传感器网络实现大容量、实时、可靠传输的主要困难。为提高多跳传输模式下无线网络性能,基于MAC层的调度算法得到了广泛关注。调度算法为每条链路分配合理的传输时槽,降低了冲突和重传次数,能显著提高网络传输性能。但随着网络规模的增大,无论是集中式还是分布式调度算法,都存在调度开销增大和性能降低的问题。针对这一问题,根据节点分布密度和承载网络流量大小,将网络划分为密集区域和稀疏区域。稀疏区域的节点传输冲突较小,直接采用CSMA的协议。密集区域的节点传输冲突大,采用基于队列长度的分布式调度。分区调度能够有效降低网络规模扩大导致的调度算法复杂性增大的问题。仿真实验表明,分区调度算法无论是在队列长度,还是在延时性能上,较传统算法有明显改善。  相似文献   

Dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) is a technique which is widely used to save energy in a real time system. Recent research shows that it has a negative impact on the system reliability. In this paper, we consider the problem of the system reliability and focus on a periodic task set that the task instance shares resources. Firstly, we present a static low power scheduling algorithm for periodic tasks with shared resources called SLPSR which ignores the system reliability. Secondly, we prove that the problem of the reliability-aware low power scheduling for periodic tasks with shared resources is NP-hard and present two heuristic algorithms called SPF and LPF respectively. Finally, we present a dynamic low power scheduling algorithm for periodic tasks with shared resources called DLPSR to reclaim the dynamic slack time to save energy while preserving the system reliability. Experimental results show that the presented algorithm can reduce the energy consumption while improving the system reliability.  相似文献   

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