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罗库溴铵用于全麻诱导气管插管的效果   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
罗库溴铵(rocuronium,爱可松)是起效迅速的新型甾类非去极化肌松药,可广泛用于全麻快速诱导气管插管和维持肌松。我院自2003年11月至2004年2月对66例全麻诱导气管插管的病人应用罗库溴铵,现报告如下。  相似文献   

剖宫产产妇全麻时需要快诱导气管插管,去极化肌松药琥珀酰胆碱是目前首选的肌松药。但是,琥珀酰胆碱有较多的副作用,如肌痛、血钾升高、眼内压升高、胃内压升高、颅内压升高等,限制了其在剖宫产手术中的应用。罗库溴铵是一种新型、中时效、副作用较少、胎盘转运率极低的甾体类非去极化肌松药,也是目前起效最快的非去极化肌松药。有文献报道罗库溴铵可能是替代琥珀酰胆碱用于剖宫产全麻插管较理想的肌松药。本研究拟探讨罗库溴铵在剖宫产术产妇全麻时的时效关系。  相似文献   

目的观察和比较罗库溴铵用于不同烧伤程度患者的肌松效应。方法选择择期手术患者115例,男81例,女34例,年龄18~55岁, BMI 18.5~24.9 kg/m~2,ASAⅠ—Ⅲ级,其中非烧伤骨科患者30例作为对照组;烧伤手术患者85例,根据烧伤程度分为三组:轻度烧伤组(n=29)、中度烧伤组(n=28)及重度烧伤组(n=28)。患者入室后连接肌松监测仪,持续监测拇内收肌肌颤抽搐反应。静脉推注罗库溴铵0.9 mg/kg后,记录肌松起效时间、气管插管条件及临床作用时间。当T1恢复至基础值的25%时,追加罗库溴铵0.3 mg/kg,直至最后一次追加罗库溴铵后,记录肌松恢复指数、95%恢复时间及术后肌松蓄积残余发生情况。结果轻、中、重度烧伤组的肌松起效时间明显长于对照组(P0.01)。中、重度烧伤组的临床作用时间明显短于对照组(P0.05)。重度烧伤组的肌松临床作用时间明显长于轻、中度烧伤组(P0.05)。中、重度烧伤组的肌松恢复指数、95%恢复时间明显短于对照组(P0.05)。重度烧伤组的肌松恢复指数、95%恢复时间明显长于轻、中度烧伤组(P0.05)。重度烧伤组出现2例(7%)苏醒延迟,5例(18%)拔管后呼吸抑制。结论临床麻醉工作中应根据患者烧伤程度的不同而调整罗库溴铵的用量,以维持良好的肌松效果以及减少术后肌松残余。  相似文献   

罗库溴铵在老年病人的肌松效应   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
目的:探讨罗库溴铵在老年病人的肌松效应。方法:30 例ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级接受芬太尼异丙酚静脉复合麻醉的病人分为老年组( n = 15,年龄72-4 ±4-0 岁) 和青壮年组(n = 15,年龄30-6 ±11-6 岁)。在静脉注射罗库溴铵0-6mg/kg 后用加速度仪检测其起效时间、无反应期、T125 % 恢复时间、T175% 恢复时间及恢复指数。结果:老年组病人与青壮年组病人相比,罗库溴铵的起效时间无明显差别(83-6 ±22-5vs88-1 ±24-0 秒,P> 0-05),但老年组的无反应期(36-3 ±10-6vs20-0 ±6-7 分钟,P< 0-01) 、T125% 恢复时间(52-6 ±17-9vs28-5 ±7-2 分钟,P< 0-01)、T175 % 恢复时间(75-8 ±20-0vs38-9±9-4 分钟,P< 0-01)及恢复指数(33-2 ±9-2vs10-4±5-0 分钟,P< 0-01)均显著延长。结论:在老年病人,罗库溴铵的肌松作用时间延长。  相似文献   

罗库溴铵用于老年人的有效剂量探讨   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
目的 用单次剂量法评估罗库溴铵在老年人和中年人剂量反应的差异 ,并探讨其可能的机制。方法 择期全麻手术患者 80例 ,分成中青年组 (30~ 4 5岁 )和老年组 (>6 5岁 ) ,每组 4 0例。按罗库溴铵用量将老年组再分成 10 0、15 0、2 0 0、2 5 0和 2 75 μg/kg五个亚组 ,中青年组分为 10 0、15 0、2 0 0、2 5 0和 30 0 μg/kg五个亚组 ,每亚组 8例。丙泊酚和芬太尼诱导及手控气囊面罩通气下 ,用加速度仪以连续 4次刺激方式刺激尺神经 ,获取静脉注射罗库溴铵后T1最大抑制 (Tmax)程度和时间。结果 老年组罗库溴铵的ED50 、ED90 和ED95分别为 (115 0 8± 35 10 ) μg/kg、(2 4 7 4 4± 32 95 )μg/kg和 (2 6 3 10± 34 15 ) μg/kg ,中青年组分别为 (15 0 5 0± 2 9 2 8) μg/kg、(2 74 0 4± 30 6 3) μg/kg和 (2 89 4 9± 31 70 ) μg/kg。老年组的ED50 、ED90 及ED95分别是中青年组的 76 %、90 3%和 91 2 %(P <0 0 1)。老年组的血清钾、血浆总蛋白和白蛋白浓度低于中青年组 (P <0 0 5 )。结论 罗库溴铵在正常体重老年人的作用强度大于中青年。年龄组间罗库溴铵作用强度的差异可能与电解质和血浆蛋白水平的差异有关  相似文献   

预注罗库溴铵对小儿全麻诱导插管肌松效果的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
罗库溴铵 (rocuronium ,Org94 2 6 )被认为是起效较快而又无不良反应的少数非去极化肌松药之一。肌松药的预注给药法往往可加快其起效时间。成人罗库溴铵的预注效果研究较多 ,但存在争议 ,而小儿该药的预注效果报道较少。本文拟探讨小儿罗库溴铵的预注以及芬太尼与丙泊酚诱导插管对肌松效果的影响。资料与方法一般资料  4 0例ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级左向右分流先心病患儿 ,年龄 3~ 10岁 ,男 16例 ,女 2 4例。体重 12~ 2 0kg ,身高97~ 12 0cm。术前均无明显神经肌肉系统疾病及水电解质平衡紊乱 ,术前未用影响神经肌肉功能的抗生…  相似文献   

目的探讨罗库溴铵和阿曲库铵联合应用时的肌松效应。方法择期全麻手术女性成年患者147例,丙泊酚和舒芬太尼静脉诱导,输注丙泊酚维持麻醉。面罩辅助或控制呼吸,用加速度仪以连续4次刺激(TOF)方式透皮刺激腕部尺神经,获取肌松药作用起效时间和T1最大抑制程度(Tmax)。按观测项目将患者均分成四组。结果阿曲溴铵ED95为(220.8±3.6)μg/kg,罗库溴铵ED95为(286.3±3.1)μg/kg。0.5×ED95的罗库溴铵与阿曲库铵联合使用,肌松效应达到T1抑制93%~97%时,阿曲库铵的剂量为63.6μg/kg。罗库溴铵0.5×ED95与阿曲库铵63.6μg/kg联合使用,Tmax为(95.3±0.9)%,变异系数1.0%。Ⅳ组中三个亚组的Tmax基本相同,合用组作用起效时间比阿曲库铵组快(P<0.01)。给予肌松药前和注药后5min内,MAP和HR的波动幅度均小于5%。结论罗库溴铵与阿曲库铵合用呈协同作用。当罗库溴铵剂量为0.5×ED95时,为获得T1抑制95%的肌松效应,阿曲库铵的合理用量为63.6μg/kg,比阿曲库铵的ED95减少71.2%。  相似文献   

合理伍用非去极化肌松药,以谋求最佳肌松效应、插管条件及最小副作用,已成为研究的热点。罗库溴铵起效快,有利于快速诱导插管,但它效价低且插管时存在膈源性咳嗽[1];阿曲库铵效价高且能产生优良插管条件,但起效慢,组胺释放作用强。本研究旨在观察罗库溴铵和阿曲库铵合用时肌松效应、插管条件、循环功能改变及组胺释放反应,探讨临床应用价值。资料与方法45例病人年龄24~58岁,ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级,行择期腹部手术,男29例,女16例,无影响神经肌肉传导功能因素。术前30分钟阿托品0.5mg、苯巴比妥0.1g肌注。患者…  相似文献   

罗库溴铵(rocuronium)是目前起效最快的中时效甾类非去极化肌松药,近年来在快速诱导气管插管中应用较广.本研究观察2倍ED95(0.6 mg/kg)罗库溴铵在全麻诱导气管插管时的起效时间、肌松程度及其插管条件,并与琥珀胆碱对照.[第一段]  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Monitoring of neuromuscular blockade still often relies on clinical judgement. Moreover, there are substantial national differences in the use of agents to 'reverse' their effects. We investigated the recovery characteristics and incidence of postoperative residual curarization after cisatracurium and rocuronium infusions for long duration interventions without systematic antagonism. METHODS: In 30 patients undergoing major surgery, we measured infusion dose requirements for rocuronium and cisatracurium during propofol anaesthesia. Infusions were discontinued at the beginning of surgical closure; spontaneous recovery of neuromuscular function was awaited in both groups. Neostigmine (50 microg kg(-1)) was administered only when a patient started to wake without a train-of-four ratio (TOF) of 0.9. RESULTS: In the cisatracurium and rocuronium groups, four (27%) and one (7%) patients, respectively, had a TOF ratio > or = 0.9 at the end of surgery. The TOF ratio in each group at that time was 51 +/- 32% for cisatracurium and 47 +/- 31% for rocuronium (P = 0.78). Six patients (40%) in the cisatracurium group and seven (47%) in the rocuronium group required neostigmine. The TOF ratio at the time of reversal was 63 +/- 7% for cisatracurium and 40 +/- 19% for rocuronium (P = 0.01). The time interval between the end of surgery and a TOF ratio of 0.9 was 10 +/- 9 min for cisatracurium and 18 +/- 13 min for rocuronium (P = n.s.). CONCLUSIONS: Patients receiving a cisatracurium or rocuronium infusion have a high incidence of postoperative residual curarization when the block is not antagonized. When 'reversal' is not attempted, cisatracurium seems to be safer than rocuronium.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Residual muscle paralysis after anesthesia is common after pancuronium, but less common following the intermediate-acting drugs vecuronium and atracurium. Therefore, many anesthetists do not monitor neuromuscular function when using an intermediate-acting agent. The purpose of this prospective, randomised and double-blind study was to establish the incidence and degree of postoperative residual block following the use of rocuronium in patients not monitored with a nerve stimulator, and to compare it with results obtained in patients monitored using acceleromyography (AMG). METHODS: During propofol/opioid anesthesia, 120 adult patients were randomised to two groups, one monitored with AMG, the other using only clinical criteria without a nerve stimulator. Postoperatively, TOF-ratio was measured with mechanomyography; a TOF-ratio < 0.80 indicated residual muscle paralysis. RESULTS: Residual muscle paralysis was found in 10 patients in the group without neuromuscular monitoring (16.7%) (95% confidence interval, 12-21%) and in two patients in the AMG-monitored group (3%) (95% CI, 0-8%); (P = 0.029, Fisher's exact test). Time from end of surgery to tracheal extubation was significantly longer in the AMG-monitored group (12.5 min) than in the group not monitored with AMG (10 min). CONCLUSION: Clinical evaluation of recovery of neuromuscular function does not exclude significant residual paralysis following the intermediate-acting muscle relaxant rocuronium, but the problem of residual block can be minimized by use of AMG.  相似文献   

目的 观察七氟醚、异氟醚对阿曲库铵肌松恢复的影响.方法 选择75例Ⅰ或Ⅱ级成年择期全麻手术病人随机均分为三组.Ⅰ组丙泊酚4~10 mg·kg-1·h-1泵入;Ⅱ、Ⅲ组分别吸入呼气末浓度为1 MAC的七氟醚、异氟醚.诱导插管后阿曲库铵均以30μg·kg-1·min-1的速度静脉泵入.使用Biomter加速度仪监测肌松恢复情况,记录T1恢复至25%,75%及TOFr恢复至0.7的时间.结果 Ⅱ、Ⅲ组T1恢复至25%、75%的时间及TOFr恢复至0.7的时间均比Ⅰ组显著延长(P<0.05).恢复指数(T1从25%至75%的时间)三组比较差异无统计学意义.结论 七氟醚、异氟醚均可增加阿曲库铵残余肌松作用.  相似文献   

背景 非去极化肌肉松驰药(nondepolarizing muscle relaxations,NDMRs)在临床麻醉及重症监护应用广泛,其作用靶点位于神经肌肉接头(neuromuscular junctions,NMJs)突触后膜的肌肉型乙酰胆碱受体(muscle-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor,m-nAChR),多种因素可影响其临床药效. 目的 阐述影响NDMRs效能的有关m-nAChR改变的因素,为临床麻醉用药提供参考. 内容 乙酰胆碱受体质和量的改变,包括受体的数量、分布密度、脱敏、磷酸化、构象和亲和力、离子通道阻滞的改变以及脂质和ATP对受体的影响等,都将影响NDMRs效能. 趋向 希望为探讨NDMRs效能变化的机制提供思路.  相似文献   

Forty-eight patients subjected to elective surgery were randomly selected for evaluation of neuromuscular transmission in the postoperative period. All patients were anaesthetized with thiopentone, nitrous oxide, fentanyl and pancuronium. On arrival in the postoperative ward, alertness, ability to sustain head lift and the train-of-four (TOF) ratio were estimated. Twenty-five percent of the patients had a markedly impaired neuromuscular transmission which was not acceptable from a clinical standpoint. The given dose of pancuronium was not excessively high and a fairly long time had elapsed between reversal and TOF-ratio measurement. There was a poor correlation between TOF ratio and ability to sustain head lift. The study indicates that residual curarization is a not uncommon fact which clinically is hard to assess. The only wat to avoid residual curarization seems to be to monitor the neuromuscular transmission during anaesthesia.  相似文献   

Residual curarization in the recovery room was evaluated in 19 patients randomly allocated to two groups with nine and ten patients in each group, respectively. In one group atracurium was used for relaxation, and gallamine was used in the other. Anaesthesia was achieved with thiopental, diazepam, fentanyl and nitrous oxide in oxygen. Mean train-of-four (TOF) ratio in the gallamine and atracurium group was 0.63 and 0.91, respectively. Fifty per cent of the patients in the gallamine group had TOF ratios below 0.70, and none of these patients were able to sustain a head lift for 5 s. All patients in the atracurium group had TOF ratios above 0.70, and all of them were able to lift their head for 5 s. All patients were fully awake when they were evaluated, and no patient had any sign of respiratory difficulty. We conclude that residual curarization in the recovery room remains a problem and that this problem seems to be reduced when muscle relaxants of intermediate duration of action are used for relaxation during operation.  相似文献   

背景非去极化肌松药在临床麻醉中使用非常普遍,术后不可避免地发生肌松残余作用,其危害主要为呼吸不良事件,严重可导致死亡。 目的有效合理的肌松拮抗能降低术后肌松残余的发生率,减少相关并发症,因此,拮抗至关重要。内容阐述非去极化肌松药使用后手术结束时是否需要拮抗、拮抗的时机、拮抗剂的剂量和新的拮抗模式。趋向选择性肌松拮抗可...  相似文献   

目的探讨临床常用的三种非去极化肌松药在无痛纤维支气管镜(纤支镜)检查中的应用及效果。方法拟行无痛纤支镜检查(超声下纤支镜淋巴结活检、气管、支气管扩张与冷冻治疗)患者120例,ASAⅠ或Ⅱ级,随机均分为四组:罗库溴铵组(R组)、维库溴铵组(V组)、顺式阿曲库铵组(CIS组)及生理盐水组(N组)。患者静脉麻醉诱导意识消失后,采用TOF-Guard肌松监测仪进行肌松监测,三组肌松药组均单次5s内静脉注射1倍ED95剂量的肌松药,待T1达到最大抑制时,置入三通喉罩,丙泊酚靶控输注维持麻醉。记录三种肌松药起效时间、恢复指数、TOFR 0.9恢复时间。并记录患者麻醉前(T0)、意识消失时(T1)、喉罩置入即刻(T2)、纤支镜检查即刻(T3)、检查完毕清醒即刻(T4)的MAP、HR,喉罩置入条件分级以及纤支镜操作时间。结果与N组比较,R、V和CIS组喉罩置入条件与分级均呈现明显优势。与N组比较,T0、T1时R、V和CIS组血流动力学指标差异均无统计学意义;T2~T4时R、V和CIS组MAP明显低于,HR明显慢于N组(P0.05)。与CIS组比较,R组起效时间明显缩短(P0.05),恢复指数明显降低(P0.05)。结论罗库溴铵较维库溴铵、顺式阿曲库铵更有利于短时纤支镜检查的全麻诱导与维持。  相似文献   

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