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A new mineral, kasatkinite, Ba2Ca8B5Si8O32(OH)3 · 6H2O, has been found at the Bazhenovskoe chrysotile asbestos deposit, the Central Urals, Russia in the cavities in rhodingite as a member of two assemblages: (l) on prehnite, with pectolite, calcite, and clinochlore; and (2) on grossular, with diopside and pectolite. Kasatkinite occurs as spherulites or bunches up to 3 mm in size, occasionally combined into crusts. Its individuals are acicular to hair-like, typically split, with a polygonal cross section, up to 0.5 mm (rarely, to 6 mm) in length and to 20 μm in thickness. They consist of numerous misoriented needle-shaped subindividuals up to several dozen μm long and no more than 1 μm thick. Kasatkinite individuals are transparent and colorless; its aggregates are snow white. The luster is vitreous or silky. No cleavage was observed; the fracture is uneven or splintery for aggregates. Individuals are flexible and elastic. The Mohs’ hardness is 4–4.5. D meas = 2.95(5), D calc = 2.89 g/cm3. Kasatkinite is optically biaxial (+), α = 1.600(5), β = 1.603(2), γ = 1.626(2), 2V meas = 30(20)°, 2V calc = 40°. The IR spectrum is given. The 11B MAS NMR spectrum shows the presence of BO4 in the absence of BO3 groups. The chemical composition of kasatkinite (wt %; electron microprobe, H2O by gas chromatography) is as follows: 0.23 Na2O, 0.57 K2O, 28.94 CaO, 16.79 BaO, 11.57 B2O3, 0.28 Al2O3, 31.63 SiO2, 0.05 F, 9.05 H2O, ?0.02 ?O=F2; the total is 99.09. The empirical formula (calculated on the basis of O + F = 41 apfu, taking into account the TGA data) is: Na0.11K0.18Ba1.66Ca7.84B5.05Al0.08Si8.00O31.80(OH)3.06F0.04 · 6.10H2O. Kasatkinite is monoclinic, space group P21/c, P2/c, or Pc; the unit-cell dimensions are a = 5.745(3), b = 7.238(2), c = 20.79 (1) Å, β = 90.82(5)°, V = 864(1) Å3, Z = 1. The strongest reflections (d Å–I[hkl]) in the X-ray powder diffractions pattern are: 5.89–24[012], 3.48–2.1[006], 3.36–24[114]; 3.009–100[ $12\bar 1$ , 121, $10\bar 6$ ], 2.925–65[106, $12\bar 2$ , 122], 2.633–33[211, 124], 2.116–29[ $13\bar 3$ , 133, 028]. Kasatkinite is named in honor of A.V. Kasatkin (b. 1970), a Russian amateur mineralogist and mineral collector who has found this mineral. Type specimen is deposited in the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.  相似文献   

A new mineral kobyashevite, Cu5(SO4)2(OH)6·4H2O (IMA 2011–066), was found at the Kapital’naya mine, Vishnevye Mountains, South Urals, Russia. It is a supergene mineral that occurs in cavities of a calcite-quartz vein with pyrite and chalcopyrite. Kobyashevite forms elongated crystals up to 0.2 mm typically curved or split and combined into thin crusts up to 1?×?2 mm. Kobyashevite is bluish-green to turquoise-coloured. Lustre is vitreous. Mohs hardness is 2½. Cleavage is {010} distinct. D(calc.) is 3.16 g/cm3. Kobyashevite is optically biaxial (?), α 1.602(4), β 1.666(5), γ 1.679(5), 2 V(meas.) 50(10)°. The chemical composition (wt%, electron-microprobe data) is: CuO 57.72, ZnO 0.09, FeO 0.28, SO3 23.52, H2O(calc.) 18.39, total 100.00. The empirical formula, calculated based on 18 O, is: Cu4.96Fe0.03Zn0.01S2.01O8.04(OH)5.96·4H2O. Kobyashevite is triclinic, $ P\overline{\,1 } $ , a 6.0731(6), b 11.0597(13), c 5.5094(6)?Å, α 102.883(9)°, β 92.348(8)°, γ 92.597(9)°, V 359.87(7)?Å3, Z?=?1. Strong reflections of the X-ray powder pattern [d,Å-I(hkl)] are: 10.84–100(010); 5.399–40(020); 5.178–12(110); 3.590–16(030); 2.691–16(20–1, 040, 002), 2.653–12(04–1, 02–2), 2.583–12(2–11, 201, 2–1–1), 2.425–12(03–2, 211, 131). The crystal structure (single-crystal X-ray data, R?=?0.0399) сontains [Cu4(SO4)2(OH)6] corrugated layers linked via isolated [CuO2(H2O)4] octahedra; the structural formula is CuCu4(SO4)2(OH)6·4H2O. Kobyashevite is a devilline-group member. It is named in memory of the Russian mineralogist Yuriy Stepanovich Kobyashev (1935–2009), a specialist on mineralogy of the Urals.  相似文献   

Ferrovalleriite, ideally 2(Fe,Cu)S · 1.5Fe(OH)2, a layered hydroxide-sulfide of the valleriite group and an analog of valleriite with Fe instead of Mg in the hydroxide block, has been approved by the IMA Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification as a valid mineral species. It was found in the Oktyabr’sky Mine, Noril’sk, Krasnoyarsk krai, Siberia, Russia. Ferrovalleriite occurs in cavities of massive sulfide ore mainly consisting of cubanite and mooihoekite. In different cases, it is associated with magnetite, Fe-rich chlorite-like phyllosilicate, ferrotochilinite, hibbingite, or rhodochrosite. Ferrovalleriite forms crystals flattened on [001] (from scaly to tabular; up to 5 mm across and up to 0.3 mm thick), typically split and curved. Occasionally, they are combined into aggregates up to 1.5 × 2 cm. Ferrovalleriite is dark bronze-colored, with a metallic luster and black streak. The Mohs’ hardness is ca. 1; VHN is 35 kg/mm2. Cleavage is perfect parallel to {001}, mica-like. Individuals are flexible and inelastic. D(calc) = 3.72 g/cm3. In reflected light, ferrovalleriite is pleochroic from yellowish to gray; bireflectance is moderate. Anisotropy is strong, with bluish gray to yellowish beige rotation colors. Reflectance values [R 1R 2 %, (λ, nm)] are: 15.6–16.6 (470), 14.8–20.5 (546), 14.7–22.3 (589), 14.5–24.1 (650). The IR spectrum shows the presence of (OH) groups bonded with Fe cations and the absence of H2O molecules. The chemical composition of the holotype (wt %; electron microprobe, H content is calculated) is as follows: 0.10 Al, 0.03 Mn, 45.31 Fe, 0.07 Ni, 18.29 Cu, 20.37 S, 15.62 O, 0.98 H, total is 100.77. The empirical formula calculated on the basis of 2 S atoms is: Al0.01Fe2.55Cu0.91S2(OH)3.07 = (Fe1.09Cu0.91)Σ2S2 · (Fe 1.34 2+ Fe 0.12 3+ Al0.01)Σ1.47(OH)3.07. The structure of ferrovalleriite is incommensurate (misfit); two sublattices are present: (1) sulfide sublattice, space group $R\bar 3m$ , R3m or R32; the unit-cell dimensions are: a = 3.792(2), c = 34.06(3) Å, V = 424(1) Å3 and (2) hydroxide sublattice, space group $P\bar 3m1$ , P3m1 or P321; the unit-cell dimensions: a = 3.202(3), c = 11.35(2)Å, V = 100.8(3) Å3. Together with this main polytype modification with three-layer (R-cell, Z = 3) sulfide block, the holotype ferrovalleriite contains the modification with one-layer (P-cell, Z = 1) sulfide block (sulfide sublattice with $P\bar 3m1$ , P3m1 or P321, unit cell dimensions: a = 3.789(4), c = 11.35(1) Å, V = 141(5) Å3). The strongest reflections in the X-ray powder pattern (d, Å-I) are: 5.69–100; 3.268–58; 3.163–36; 1.894–34; 1.871–45.  相似文献   

A new mineral, lahnsteinite, has been found in the dump of the Friedrichssegen Mine, Bad Ems district, Rhineland-Palatinate (Rheinland-Pfalz), Germany. Lahnsteinite, occurring as colorless tabular crystals in the cavities of goethite, is associated with pyromorphite, hydrozincite, quartz, and native copper. The Mohs’ hardness is 1.5; the cleavage is perfect parallel to (001). D calc = 2.995 g/cm3, D meas = 2.98(2) g/cm3. The IR spectrum is given. The new mineral is optically biaxial, negative, α = 1.568(2), β = 1.612(2), γ = 1.613(2), 2V meas = 18(3)°, 2V calc = 17°. The chemical composition (wt %, electron microprobe data; H2O was determined by gas chromatography of ignition products) is as follows: 3.87 FeO, 1.68 CuO, 57.85 ZnO, 15.83 SO3, 22.3 H2O, total is 101.53. The empirical formula is (Zn3.3Fe0.27Cu0.11)Σ3.91(S0.98O4)(OH)5 · 3H2.10O. The crystal structure has been studied on a single crystal. Lahnsteinite is triclinic, space group P1, a = 8.3125(6), b = 14.545(1), c = 18.504(2) Å, α = 89.71(1), β = 90.05(1), γ = 90.13(1)°, V = 2237.2(3) Å3, Z = 8. The strong reflections in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern [d, Å (I, %)] are: 9.30 (100), 4.175 (18), 3.476 (19), 3.290 (19), 2.723 (57), 2.624 (36), 2.503 (35), 1.574 (23). The mineral has been named after its type locality near the town of Lahnstein. The type specimen of lahnsteinite is deposited in the Fersman Mineralogical Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, registration number 4252/1.  相似文献   

Summary Niedermayrite, Cu4Cd(SO4)2(OH)6 · 4H2O, is a new mineral discovered in 1995 in the Km3-area of the Lavrion mining district, Greece. It forms tiny euhedral plates, commonly intergrown as green crusts up to several cm2 in size on a matrix consisting of a brecciated marble with sphalerite, chalcopyrite, galena, greenockite, hawleyite and pyrite. Associated secondary minerals are gypsum, malachite, chalcanthite, brochantite, hemimorphite, hydrozincite, aurichalcite, one unknown Cd-sulfate, monteponite and otavite. Niedermayrite is non-fluorescent and has a bluish-green colour with vitreous lustre, the streak is white. The crystals are brittle with perfect cleavage parallel {010}. Optics: biaxial (–) with n(calc.), n, and n =1.609, 1.642(2), and 1.661(2), respectively; orientation n//b. The calculated density is 3.292 gcm–3. The most prominent form is {010}. Analysis by electron microprobe gives CdO 16.5, CuO 45.7, SO3 21.6, H2O 16.2 wt.% (calc. to 100% sum) and the empirical formula Cu4.29Cd0.96S2.01O11.28 · 6.71 H2O (based on 18 oxygens p.f.u.). By TGA an H2O content of 18.9 wt.% was obtained. The ideal formula (confirmed by the crystal structure refinement) is Cu4Cd(SO4)2(OH)6 · 4H2O with a theoretical H2O content of 17.2 wt.%. The strongest lines in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern (Gandolfi camera, visually estimated I, refined lattice parameters a = 5.535(2), b = 21.947(9), c = 6.085(2) Å, = 91.98(3)°) are: (dobs[Å]/Iobs/hkl) (11.02/90/0 2 0), (5.874/20/0 1 1), (5.496/100/0 4 0), (5.322/25/0 2 1), (4.079/50/0 4 1), (3.660/20/0 6 0), (3. 437/30/1 5 0), (3.243/40/1 4 1), (2.470/30/2 4 0), (2.425/20/1 4 –2), (2.205/20/2 6 0) and (1.897/20/1 8 2). The mineral is monoclinic, P21/m, Z = 2, a = 5.543(1) Å, b = 21.995(4) Å, c = 6.079(1) Å, = 92.04(3)°, V = 740.7(2) Å3. The crystal structure was determined by single crystal X-ray methods and was refined to R1= 0.026, wR2 = 0.056. The structure of niedermayrite is characterized by 2 [Cu4(OH)6O2]2– sheets of edgesharing Cu coordination octahedra parallel to (010) with attached SO4 tetrahedra, and intercalated CdO2(H2O)4 octahedra with a system of hydrogen bonds. Close relationships to the crystal structures of christelite and campigliaite exist. The new mineral is named for Dr. Gerhard Niedermayr, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Austria.
Niedermayrit, Cu4Cd(SO4)2(OH)6 · 4H2O, ein neues Mineral aus dem Bergbaugebiet Lavrion, Griechenland
Zusammenfassung Niedermayrit, Cu4Cd(SO4)2(OH)6 · 4H2O, ist ein neues Mineral, das 1995 im Km3-Bereich des Bergbaugebietes Lavrion, Griechenland, gefunden wurde. Es bildet winzige gut ausgebildete Plättchen, häufig miteinander verwachsen in grünen Krusten bis zu mehreren cm2 Größe. Die Matrix besteht aus brecciösem Marmor mit Sphalerit, Chalcopyrit, Galenit, Greenockit, Hawleyit und Pyrit. Sekundäre Begleitminerale sind Gips, Malachit, Chalcanthit, Brochantit, Hemimorphit, Hydrozincit, Aurichalcit, ein unbekanntes Cd-Sulfat, Monteponit und Otavit. Niedermayrit fluoresziert nicht, besitzt blaugrüne Farbe mit Glasglanz, der Strich ist weiß. Die Kristalle sind spröd mit perfekter Spaltbarkeit parallel {010}. Optik: biaxial (–) mit n(ber.), n, und n=1.609, 1.642(2), und 1.661(2); Orientierung n//b. Die berechnete Dichte beträgt 3.292 gcm–3. Die auffallendste Flächenform ist {010}. Die chemische Analyse mittels Mikrosonde ergibt CdO 16.5, CuO 45.7, SO3 21.6, H2O 16.2wt.% (ber. auf 100% Summe) und die empirische Formel Cu4.29Cd0.96S2.01O11.28 · 6.71 H2O (basierend auf 18 Sauerstoffatomen pro Formeleinheit). Aus der TGA wurde ein H2O Gehalt von 18.9 Gew.% erhalten. Die Idealformel (bestätigt durch die Kristallstrukturverfeinerung) ist Cu4Cd(SO4)2(OH)6 · 4H2O bei einem theoretischen H2O-Gehalt von 17.2 Gew.%. Die stärksten Linien im Pulverdiffraktogramm (Gandolfi Kamera, visuell geschätzte I, verfeinerte Gitterkonstanten a = 5.535(2), b = 21.947(9), c = 6.085(2) Å, = 91.98(3)°) sind: (dobs[Å]/Iobs/hkl) (11.02/90/0 2 0), (5.874/20/0 1 1), (5.496/100/0 4 0), (5.322/25/0 2 1), (4.079/50/0 4 1), (3.660/20/0 6 0), (3.437/30/1 5 0), (3.243/40/1 4 1), (2.470/30/2 4 0), (2.425/20/1 4 –2), (2.205/20/2 6 0) und (1.897/20/1 8 2). Das Mineral ist monoklin, P21/m, Z = 2, a = 5.543(1) Å, b = 21.995(4) Å, c = 6.079(1) Å, = 92.04(3)°, V = 740.7(2) Å3 Die Kristallstruktur wurde mittels Einkristallröntgenmethoden bestimmt und zu R1 = 0.026, wR2 = 0.056 verfeinert. Die Struktur von Niedermayrit ist durch 2 [Cu4(OH)6O2]2– Schichten von kantenverknüpften Cu-Koordinationsoktaedern parallel (010) gekennzeichnet mit damit verbundenen SO4 Tetraedern und dazwischen befindlichen CdO2(H2O)4 Oktaedem mit einem Wasserstoffbrückensystem. Es bestehen enge Beziehungen mit den Kristallstrukturen von Christelit und Campigliait. Das neue Mineral ist nach Dr. Gerhard Niedermayr, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Österreich, benannt.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   

A new mineral aklimaite, Ca4[Si2O5(OH)2](OH)4 · 5H2O, has been found near Mount Lakargi, Upper Chegem caldera, Kabardino-Balkaria, the Northern Caucasus, Russia, in the skarnified limestone xenolith in ignimbrite. This hydrothermal mineral occurs in a cavity of altered larnite skarn and is associated with larnite, calcium humite-group members, hydrogarnets, bultfonteinite, afwillite, and ettringite. Aklimaite forms transparent, colorless (or occasionally with pinkish tint) columnar or lath-shaped crystals up 3 × 0.1 × 0.01 mm in size, flattened on {001} and elongated along {010}; they are combined in spherulites. The luster is vitreous; the cleavage parallel to the {001} is perfect. D calc = 2.274 g/cm3. The Mohs’ hardness is 3–4. Aklimaite is optically biaxial, negative, 2V meas > 70°, 2V calc = 78°, α = 1.548(2), β = 1.551(3), γ = 1.553(2). The IR and Raman spectra are given. The chemical composition (wt %, electron microprobe) is as follows: 0.06 Na2O, 0.02 K2O, 45.39 CaO, 0.01 MnO, 0.02 FeO, 24.23 SiO2, 0.04 SO3, 3.22 F, 27.40 H2O(calc.), ?1.36 -O=F2; the total is 99.03. The empirical formula calculated on the basis of 2Si apfu with O + OH + F = 16 is as follows: (Ca4.02Na0.01)Σ4.03[Si2.00O5.07(OH)1.93][(OH)3.16F0.84] Σ4.00 · 5H2O. The mineral is monoclinic, space group C2/m, a = 16.907(5), b = 3.6528(8), c = 13.068(4) Å, β = 117.25(4)·, V= 717.5(4) Å3, Z = 2. Aklimaite is representative of the new structural type, the sorosilicate with disilicate groups [Si2O5(OH)2]. The strongest reflections in the X-ray powder patterns [d, Å (hkl)] are: 11.64(100)(001), 2.948(32)(310, 203), 3.073(20) ( $\bar 404$ , $\bar 311$ ), 2.320(12)(005, 510), 2.901 (11)(004), 8.30(10) $\left( {\bar 201} \right)$ . The type specimen is deposited in the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.  相似文献   

We report new data on the stratigraphy, mineralogy and geochemistry of the rocks and ores of the Maslovsky Pt–Cu–Ni sulfide deposit which is thought to be the southwestern extension of the Noril’sk 1 intrusion. Variations in the Ta/Nb ratio of the gabbro-dolerites hosting the sulfide mineralization and the compositions of their pyroxene and olivine indicate that these rocks were produced by two discrete magmatic pulses, which gave rise to the Northern and Southern Maslovsky intrusions that together host the Maslovsky deposit. The Northern intrusion is located inside the Tungusska sandstones and basalt of the Ivakinsky Formation. The Southern intrusion cuts through all of the lower units of the Siberian Trap tuff-lavas, including the Lower Nadezhdinsky Formation; demonstrating that the ore-bearing intrusions of the Noril’sk Complex post-date that unit. Rocks in both intrusions have low TiO2 and elevated MgO contents (average mean TiO2 <1 and MgO?=?12?wt.%) that are more primitive than the lavas of the Upper Formations of the Siberian Traps which suggests that the ore-bearing intrusions result from a separate magmatic event. Unusually high concentrations of both HREE (Dy+Yb+Er+Lu) and Y (up to 1.2 and 2.1?ppm, respectively) occur in olivines (Fo79.5 and 0.25% NiO) from picritic and taxitic gabbro-dolerites with disseminated sulfide mineralization. Thus accumulation of HREE, Y and Ni in the melts is correlated with the mineral potential of the intrusions. The TiO2 concentration in pyroxene has a strong negative correlation with the Mg# of both host mineral and Mg# of host rock. Sulfides from the Northern Maslovsky intrusion are predominantly chalcopyrite–pyrrhotite–pentlandite with subordinate and minor amounts of cubanite, bornite and millerite and a diverse assemblage of rare precious metal minerals including native metals (Au, Ag and Pd), Sn–Pd–Pt–Bi–Pb compounds and Fe–Pt alloys. Sulfides from the Southern Maslovsky intrusion have δ 34S?=?5–6‰ up to 10.8‰ in two samples whereas the country rock basalt have δ 34S?=?3–4‰, implying there was no in situ assimilation of surrounding rocks by magmas.  相似文献   

Mineralogy and Petrology - Batagayite, CaZn2(Zn,Cu)6(PO4)4(PO3OH)3·12H2O, is a new secondary phosphate mineral from the Këster deposit, Arga-Ynnykh-Khai massif, NE Yakutia, Russia. It is...  相似文献   

Mineralogy and Petrology - Kampelite, Ba3Mg1.5Sc4(PO4)6(OH)3·4H2O, is a new Ba-Sc phosphate from the Kovdor phoscorite-carbonatite complex (Kola Peninsula, Russia). It is orthorhombic, Pnma,...  相似文献   

A new mineral, hillesheimite, has been found in the Graulai basaltic quarry, near the town of Hillesheim, the Eifel Mountains, Rhineland-Palatinate (Rheinland-Pfalz), Germany. It occurs in the late assemblage comprising nepheline, augite, fluorapatite, magnetite, perovskite, priderite, götzenite, lamprophyllite-group minerals, and åkermanite. Colorless flattened crystals of hillesheimite reaching 0.2 × 1 × 1.5 mm in size and aggregates of the crystals occur in miarolitic cavities in alkali basalt. The mineral is brittle, with Mohs’ hard-ness 4. Cleavage is perfect parallel to (010) and distinct on (100) and (001). D calc = 2.174 g/cm3, D meas = 2.16(1) g/cm3. IR spectrum is given. Hillesheimite is biaxial (?), α = 1.496(2), β = 1.498(2), γ = 1.499(2), 2V meas = 80°. The chemical composition (electron microprobe, mean of 4 point analyses, H2O determined from structural data, wt %) is as follows: 0.24 Na2O, 4.15 K2O, 2.14 MgO, 2.90 CaO, 2.20 BaO, 2.41 FeO, 15.54 Al2O3, 52.94 SiO2, 19.14 H2O, total is 101.65. The empirical formula is: K0.96Na0.08Ba0.16Ca0.56Mg0.58Fe 0.37 2+ [Si9.62Al3.32O23(OH)6][(OH)0.82(H2O)0.18] · 8H2O. The crystal structure has been determined from X-ray single-crystal diffraction data, R = 0.1735. Hillesheimite is orthorhombic, space group Pmmn, the unit-cell dimensions are: a = 6.979(11), b = 37.1815(18), c = 6.5296(15) Å; V=1694(3) Å3, Z = 2. The crystal structure is based on the block [(Si,Al)13O25(OH)4] consisting of three single tetrahedral layers linked via common vertices and is topologically identical to the triple layers in günterblassite and umbrianite. The strong reflections [d Å (I %)] in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern are: 6.857(58), 6.545(100), 6.284(53), 4.787(96), 4.499(59), 3.065(86), 2.958(62), 2.767(62). The mineral was named after its type locality. Type specimens are deposited in the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, registration number 4174/1.  相似文献   

Lammerite-β, Cu3(AsO4)2, occurs as a product of the post-eruption fumarole activity of the second cinder cone of the North breach of the Great Fissure Tolbachik eruption in 1975–1976, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia. Sporadic light to dark green splinter-shaped grains are no larger than 0.15 mm in size. Cleavage is not observed. The mechanical admixture of finely dispersed hematite forms condensed brownish spots that are occasionally zonal relative to the contours of the lammerite-β grains. Associated minerals are euchlorine, piypite, alumoklyuchevskite, alarsite, and lammerite. Lammerite-β is brittle and transparent and has vitreous luster. The calculated density is 5.06 g/cm3. The mineral is not pleochroic, biaxial (+), α = 1.887(5), β = 1.936(5), γ = 2.01(1), 2V(calc.) = 80.9°; dispersion is strong, r < v. The new mineral is monoclinic, the space group is P21/c, a = 6.306(1), b = 8.643(1), c = 11.310(1) Å, β = 92.26(1)°, V = 615.9(1) Å3, and Z = 4. Characteristic reflections in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern (I-d-hkl) are 100-2.83-004, 10-5.65-002, and 10-4.32-020. The chemical composition is as follows, wt %: 51.30 CuO, 0.32 ZnO, 49.12 As2O3, with a total of 100.74 wt %. The empirical and idealized formulas are Cu3.00Zn0.02As1.99O8 and Cu3(AsO4)2, respectively.  相似文献   

A new mineral vigrishinite, epistolite-group member and first layer titanosilicate with species-defining Zn, was found at Mt. Malyi Punkaruaiv, in the Lovozero alkaline complex, Kola Peninsula, Russia. It occurs in a hydrothermally altered peralkaline pegmatite and is associated with microcline, ussingite, aegirine, analcime, gmelinite-Na, and chabazite-Ca. Vigrishinite forms rectangular or irregularly shaped lamellae up to 0.05 × 2 × 3 cm flattened on [001]. They are typically slightly split and show blocky character. The mineral is translucent to transparent and pale pink, yellowish-pinkish or colorless. The luster is vitreous. The Mohs’ hardness is 2.5–3. Vigrishinite is brittle. Cleavage is {001} perfect. D meas = 3.03(2), D calc = 2.97 g/cm3. The mineral is optically biaxial (?), α = 1.755(5), β = 1.82(1), γ = 1.835(8), 2V meas = 45(10)°, 2V calc = 50°. IR spectrum is given. The chemical composition (wt %; average of 9 point analyses, H2O is determined by modified Penfield method) is as follows: 0.98 Na2O, 0.30 K2O, 0.56 CaO, 0.05 SrO, 0.44 BaO, 0.36 MgO, 2.09 MnO, 14.39 ZnO, 2.00 Fe2O3, 0.36 Al2O3, 32.29 SiO2, 29.14 TiO2, 2.08 ZrO2, 7.34 Nb2O5, 0.46 F, 9.1 H2O, ?0.19 O=F2, total is 101.75. The empirical formula calculated on the basis of Si + Al = 4 is: H7.42(Zn1.30Na0.23Mn0.22Ca0.07Mg0.07K0.05Ba0.02)Σ1.96(Ti2.68Nb0.41Fe 0.18 3+ Zr0.12)Σ3.39(Si3.95Al0.05)Σ4 20.31F0.18. The simplified formula is: Zn2Ti4?x Si4O14(OH,H2O,□)8 (x < 1). Vigrishinite is triclinic, space group P $\bar 1$ , a = 8.743(9), b = 8.698(9), c = 11.581(11)Å, α = 91.54(8)°, β = 98.29(8)°, γ = 105.65(8)°, V = 837.2(1.5) Å3, Z = 2. The strongest reflections in the X-ray powder pattern (d, Å, ?I[hkl]) are: 11.7-67[001], 8.27-50[100], 6.94-43[0 $\bar 1$ 1, $\bar 1$ 10], 5.73–54[1 $\bar 1$ 1, 002], 4.17-65[020, $\bar 1$ $\bar 1$ 2, 200], and 2.861-100[3 $\bar 1$ 0, 2 $\bar 2$ 2, 004, 1 $\bar 3$ 1]. The crystal structure model was obtained on a single crystal, R = 0.171. Vigrishinite and murmanite are close in the structure of the TiSiO motif, but strongly differ from each other in part of large cations and H-bearing groups. Vigrishinite is named in honor of Viktor G. Grishin (b. 1953), a Russian amateur mineralogist and mineral collector, to pay tribute to his contribution to the mineralogy of the Lovozero Complex. The type specimen is deposited in the Fersman Mineralogical Museum of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.  相似文献   

Geology of Ore Deposits - Epifanovite, NaCaCu5(PO4)4[AsO2(OH)2] · 7H2O, a new natural copper, sodium and calcium arsenate–phosphate, has been found in a quartz–phosphate pocket...  相似文献   

We present for the first time the mineralogical and isotope-geochemical particularities of zircon and baddeleyite from various rocks of the economic ore-bearing Noril’sk-1 intrusion located in the northwestern part of the Siberian platform. The ultramafic-mafic Noril’sk-1 intrusion hosts one of the world’s major economic platinum-group-element (PGE)-Cu-Ni sulphide deposits.A detailed study of crystal morphology and internal structure identify four zircon populations, characterized by different U-Pb (SHRIMP-II) ages. The U-Pb ages of baddeleyite and the defined zircon populations cover a significant time span (from 290 ± 2.8 to 226.7 ± 0.9 Ma). The established U-Pb ages imply that crystallization of baddeleyite and zircon populations corresponds to several stages of protracted evolution of the ore-forming magmatic system (290 ± 2.8, 261.3 ± 1.6, 245.7 ± 1.1, 236.5 ± 1.8, and 226.7 ± 0.9 Ma, respectively) that served as the favorable factor for accumulation of magmas and ores of unique scales and concentrations.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - Sergeysmirnovite, MgZn2(PO4)2 ·&nbsp;4H2O, is a new mineral from the oxidation zone of the Kester mineral deposit, Sakha-Yakutia, Russia. This mineral forms...  相似文献   

Summary The new mineral orschallite, Ca3(SO3)2SO4 · 12H2O, was found at the Hannebacher Ley near Hannebach, Eifel, Germany. Crystal structure analysis of the mineral, chemical analysis and water determination on synthetic material gave the composition Ca3(SO3)2SO4 · 12H2O. The mineral crystallizes in space group with a = 11.350(1), c = 28.321(2) Å, V = 3159.7 Å3, Z = 6, Dc = 1.87 Mg/m3, Dm = 1.90(3) Mg/m3. It is uniaxial positive with the optical constants = 1.4941, = 1.4960(4). The strongest lines in the powder pattern are (d-value (Å), I, hkl) 5.73, 100, 1 0 4/8.11, 80, 0 1 2/2.69, 80, 3 0 6/3.63, 60, 1 1 6/3.28, 40, 3 0 0. Refinement of the crystal structure led to a weighted residual of Rw = 0.043 for 600 observed reflections with I > 2(I) and 52 variable parameters.
Orschallit, Ca3(SO3)2SO4 · 12H2O, ein neues Kalzium-Sulfat-Sulfat-Hydrat-Mineral
Zusammenfassung Das neue Mineral Orschallit, Ca3(SO3)2SO4 · 12H2O, wurde in der Hannebacher Ley bei Hannebach, Eifel, Deutschland gefunden. Eine Analyse der Kristallstruktur an einem Einkristall des natürlichen Materials, chemische Analyse und Wasserbestimmung an synthetischem Material ergaben die Zusammensetzung Ca3(SO3)2SO4 · 12H2O. Das Mineral kristallisiert in der Raumgruppe mit a = 11.350(1), c = 28.321(2) Å, V = 3159.7 Å3, Z = 6, Dc = 1.87 Mg/m3, Dm = 1.90(3) Mg/m3. Es ist optisch einachsig mit den optischen Konstanten = 1.4941, = 1.4960(4). Die stärksten Linien des Pulver-diagramms liegen bei (d-Wert (Å), I, hkl) 5.73, 100, 1 0 4/8.11, 80, 0 1 2/2.69, 80, 3 0 6/3.63, 60; 1 1 6/3.28, 40, 3 0 0. Die Verfeinerung der Kristallstruktur ergab einen gewichteten Residualwert Rw = 0.043 für 600 beobachtete Reflexe mit I > 2(I) und 52 variable Parameter.

With 5 Figures  相似文献   

A new cerite group mineral species, taipingite-(Ce), ideally (Ce73+, Ca2)Σ9Mg(SiO4)3[SiO3(OH)]4F3, has been found in the Taipingzhen rare earth element (REE) deposit in the North Qinling Orogen (NQO), Central China. It forms subhedral grains (up to approximately 100 ​μm ​× ​200 ​μm) commonly intergrown with the REE mineral assemblages and is closely associated with allanite-(Ce), gatelite-(Ce), törnebohmite-(Ce), fluocerite-(Ce), fluocerite-(La), fluorite, bastnäsite-(Ce), parisite-(Ce) and calcite. Taipingite-(Ce) is light red to pinkish brown under a binocular microscope and pale brown to colorless in thin section, and it is translucent to transparent with a grayish-white streak and vitreous luster. This mineral is brittle with conchoidal fracture; has a Mohs hardness value of approximately 5½ and exhibits no cleavage twinning or parting. The calculated density is 4.900(5) g/cm3. Optically, taipingite-(Ce) is uniaxial (+), with ω ​= ​1.808(5), ε ​= ​1.812(7), c ​= ​ε, and a ​= ​b ​= ​ω. Furthermore, this mineral is insoluble in HCl, HNO3 and H2SO4. Electron microprobe analysis demonstrated that the sample was relatively pure, yielding the empirical formula (with calculated H2O): (Ce4.02La1.64Nd1.49Pr0.41Sm0.10Gd0.02Ho0.02Tm0.01Lu0.02Y0.03Ca0.66Mg0.05Th0.01–0.51)Σ9(Mg0.75Fe0.253+)Σ1(SiO4)3{[SiO3(OH)]3.98[PO3(OH)]0.02}Σ4(F1.81OH1.17Cl0.02)Σ3. Taipingite-(Ce) is trigonal and exhibits space group symmetry R3c with unit cell parameters a ​= ​10.7246(3) Å, c ​= ​37.9528(14) Å, V ​= ​3780.39(20) Å3 and Z ​= ​6. The strongest eight lines in the X-ray diffraction pattern are [d in Å(I)(hkl)]: 4.518(50)(202), 3.455(95)(122), 3.297(85)(214), 3.098(35)(300), 2.941(100)(02,10), 2.683(65)(220), 1.945(40)(238) and 1.754(40)(30,18). The crystal structure has been refined to a R1 factor of 0.025, calculated for the 2312 unique observed reflections (Fo ​≥ ​4σ). The mineral is named after its discovery locality and is characterized as the F-dominant analogue of cerite-(Ce).  相似文献   

Mineralogy and Petrology - A new mineral hermannjahnite, ideally CuZn(SO4)2, was found in the sublimates of Saranchinaitovaya fumarole, Naboko scoria cone, where the recent Fissure Tolbachik...  相似文献   

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