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Ninety-six weanling pigs (initial BW = 9.3 kg, initial age = 37 d) were used in a 4-wk experiment to evaluate the response to three Ca: total (t) P ratios (1.2:1, 1.6:1, or 2.0:1) fed in combination with two P levels (.07 or .16% available that correspond to .36 or .45% tP) and two phytase levels (PY; 700 or 1,050 units/kg of diet). A 3 x 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments was employed using a corn-soybean meal diet. Performance, serum mineral concentrations and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, Ca and P digestibility and excretion, and bone mechanical measurements were examined. Average daily gain (P < .001), average daily feed intake (P < .01), and gain:feed (P < .05) were decreased linearly as the Ca:tP ratio became wider. The digestibility of P and Ca were decreased (P < .001) linearly as the Ca:tP ratio became wider. The digestibility of P (P < .001) and fecal P excretion (P < .01) were increased at the higher level of P. Increasing PY from 700 to 1,050 units (U)/kg of diet increased (P < .05) P digestibility and decreased (P < .01) P excretion but did not improve bone measurements. Shear force, stress and energy, and percentage of ash of both metacarpal and 10th rib linearly decreased (P < .001 to .05) as the Ca:tP ratio became wider, and bone measurements were generally greater for pigs fed the higher P level. Serum Ca concentration increased (P < .01) and the P concentration decreased (P < .001) as the Ca:tP ratio increased, but Mg, Zn, and ALP activity were not influenced by the Ca:tP ratio. Serum Ca and P concentrations were affected by PY supplementation over the 4-wk trial, but serum Mg and Zn concentrations were not affected by dietary treatments. Adverse effects of a wide Ca:tP ratio were greater at the low P diet for all responses. In addition, the activity of supplemental PY in diets seemed to be decreased as the Ca:tP ratio became wider and this negative effect of Ca:tP ratio seemed greater at the low P level, and seemed to parallel the effects of Ca:tP ratio on performance, P digestibility, bone, and serum measurements. Narrowing the dietary Ca:total P ratio from 2.0:1 to 1.2:1 led to an approximate 16% increase in phytase efficacy for improving performance, digestibility, bone measurements, and serum Ca levels.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the effect of dietary PCPA on brain [3H]5-HT binding in rainbow trout. [3H]5-HT binding was quantitatively similar to that observed in mammalian species. Dietary treatment with PCPA had no effect on the Bmax of [3H]5-HT binding in either experiment while the KD was decreased in Experiment 1. These results demonstrate that [3H]5-HT binding affinity is increased following short term inhibition of 5-HT synthesis by PCPA in rainbow trout.  相似文献   

The effect of varying amounts of sources of dietary zinc on some blood parameters and the plasma protein ratios of fattening pigs was studied. During a 30-day pre-trial period, 42 pigs were depleted of Zn and divided into three groups of 14 animals each. During the 105-day experimental fattening period two experimental groups (T1-2) were repleted with dietary Zn in the form of inorganic salt (ZnSO4) or metallo-organic chelate (zinc methionate, ZnMET), while the control group (C) received no extra Zn. The supplements contained 84.3 and 40.9 mg Zn/kg diet, respectively. The nutritional effects of Zn were evaluated on the basis of red blood cell (RBC) count, mean corpuscular volume (MCV), haemoglobin (Hb) concentration, packed cell volume (PCV), white blood cell (WBC) and thrombocyte count, plasma total protein, albumin, and globulin concentrations, and albumin/globulin (A/G) ratio. During the parakeratosis period (days 28-56) both the basic feed (group C) and the diet enriched with 40.9 mg Zn/kg (as ZnMET) fed to group T2 pigs resulted in a lower red blood cell (RBC) count, Hb concentration and PCV than in group T1 fed a diet containing 84.3 mg Zn/kg (as ZnSO4). Dietary Zn of organic and inorganic origin had no effect on MCV and on the WBC and thrombocyte counts of fattening pigs. At the start of the parakeratosis period (day 28), group C pigs had significantly lower, and by its end (day 56) significantly higher plasma total protein and globulin concentrations than pigs of group T1. At the same time, no significant differences were observed in albumin concentration between group C and the two experimental groups. Throughout the trial, feed containing sufficient, and insufficient, quantities of Zn from various sources had no influence on blood plasma alpha and beta globulin concentrations. In the second part of the experiment (day 56) dietary Zn deficiency resulted in a significantly higher level of gamma globulin in group C pigs than in pigs given sufficient Zn of inorganic origin. While inorganic Zn increased some of the blood parameters, namely RBC count, Hb and possibly PCV, organic Zn seemed to be responsible for raising the proportion of plasma globulins.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted to identify several factors that might improve the accuracy and reproducibility of Zn bioavailability assays for chicks. Response of tissue Zn and metallothionein (MT) concentrations to various elevated levels and soluble sources of dietary Zn were measured, as well as the effect of delaying high Zn administration until 7 d posthatching to alleviate the detrimental effect of Zn sulfate on feed intake to 3 wk of age. Bone Zn increased (P < 0.01) in all experiments in response to increasing dietary Zn concentrations. Liver and pancreas MT were affected (P < 0.01) by a source by age interaction and variability that made this criterion unsuitable for bioavailability assays. Lastly, 1-d-old chicks were used to study the effect of delaying feeding of a high-Zn diet up to 7 d of age. The basal diet was fed continuously for 21 d as a control. A diet containing 1,000 ppm Zn was either fed continuously from Day 1, or started on Day 3, 5, or 7. Chicks given high Zn on Day 3, 5, or 7 decreased (P < 0.01) feed intake within 24 h of feeding. Delayed feeding of high dietary Zn might help to alleviate decreased feed intake observed in previous studies. Delaying the onset of high Zn feeding by several days may help alleviate feed intake problems observed with Zn sulfate. Use of either Zn gluconate or Zn acetate as a standard in assays or use of MT synthesis as a bioavailability criterion will probably not be useful to improve accuracy of the estimates.  相似文献   

Biotin deficiency in chicks fed a wheat-based diet   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A wheat-based diet produced severe biotin deficiency symptoms appearing at the age of ten to fourteen days and becoming very severe in the third and fourth week (group 1). Biotin supplementation with 50 mug/kg (group 2) reduced the symptoms almost completely, but did not restore completely growth compared to chicks receiving the diet supplemented with 300 mug biotin/kg compared to chicks receiving the diet supplemented with 300 mug biotin/kg (group 3). The plasma level of biotin was about, or lower than, 100 ng/100 ml plasma in groups 1 and 2, indicating biotin deficiency. In group 3, plasma biotin was above 200 ng/100 ml. Liver biotin, after two weeks, was low in group 1 (less than 600 ng/g), medium in group 2 (1000 to 1500 ng/g) and in group 3 above 2000 ng/g. Plasma and liver biotin levels are found to be suitable parameters for diagnosis of subclinical biotin deficiency in chicks.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) balance was determined in 36 pigs (BW 24 to 30 kg) fed diets inducing different ileal endogenous N losses (ENL). We tested the hypothesis that enhanced ENL may be indicative of a higher recycling of endogenous proteins that will induce a greater urinary N loss and a lower efficiency of the dietary N utilization for retention. The cornstarch-based diets contained either soy concentrate (SC), soybean meal (SBM), a mixture of toasted and untoasted soybean meal (mSBM), dehulled-toasted rapeseed cake (RC1), non-dehulled-toasted rapeseed cake (RC2), or dehulled-untoasted rapeseed cake (RC3). The diets were balanced for their content of apparent ileal digestible (ID) CP (108 g/kg feed) and apparent ID of Lys, Thr, Met+Cys, Trp, and Ile. Feeding level was 2.7 times ME for maintenance per kilogram BWx75 and restricted to 88% of the requirements for ID Lys as the first-limiting amino acid. During a 5-d period, urine and feces were collected daily in metabolism cages. Compared with the SC diet (low ENL), the diets with SBM (medium ENL) and mSBM (high ENL) resulted in a greater (P < .05) urinary N excretion. Nitrogen retention tended to be less (P = .08) in pigs fed diets that caused greater ENL. The utilization of ID N for retention in pigs fed the mSBM diet was lower (P < .05) than for those fed the SC diet. There were no differences in urinary N excretion, N retention, and the utilization of ID N for retention in pigs fed the rapeseed diets of different fiber contents (hulls as the NDF source). We concluded that, at similar intakes of the first-limiting ID amino acid, N retention in pigs fed soybeans tended to be reduced by greater ENL as induced by antinutritional factors (e.g., trypsin inhibitors). Rapeseed hulls, as the predominant fiber source, do not affect N retention and the utilization of ID N for retention.  相似文献   

The effect of a low and a high level of chronic immune system (IS) activation on the rate, efficiency, and composition of body growth and dietary lysine needs of pigs fed from 6 to 112 kg body weight was evaluated. All pigs were of a single genetic strain and geographical site of origin, and the low and high IS pigs were created by physically isolating pigs from and continually exposing pigs to major vectors of environmental antigen transmission. In each IS group, five littermate barrows from each of seven litters were individually penned and randomly allotted to one of five dietary amino acid regimens (.6, .9, 1.20, 1.50, and 1.80% lysine from 6 to 27 kg BW and .45, .60, .75, .90, and 1.05% lysine from 27 to 112 kg BW). Dietary lysine concentrations were achieved by altering the ratio of corn to soybean meal in the diets, and diets were formulated such that lysine was the first-limiting amino acid. Low IS pigs possessed lower (P < .01) T lymphocyte CD4+:CD8+ ratios and serum alpha-1-acylglycoprotein concentrations. Low IS pigs also consumed more (P < .01) feed, gained body weight faster (P < .01), required less (P < .01) feed per unit of gain, and at 112 kg BW produced bodies with more (P < .12) muscle and less (P < .10) fatty tissue and offal than high IS pigs. To allow their elevated capacities for proteinaceous tissue to be expressed, low IS pigs required .15 to .30 percentage units greater dietary lysine concentrations and 2 to 5 g higher daily lysine intakes at each 14-kg BW increment from 6 to 112 kg BW.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to test the hypothesis that maternal dietary protein deficiency decreases amino acid availability to the fetus, thereby contributing to retarded fetal growth. Primiparous gilts selected genetically for low or high plasma total cholesterol concentrations (low line and high line, respectively) were mated, and then fed 1.8 kg/d of isocaloric diets containing 13% or 0.5% crude protein. At d 40 or 60 of gestation, they were hysterectomized, and maternal and fetal blood samples as well as amniotic and allantoic fluids were obtained for analyses of amino acids, ammonia and urea. Dietary protein restriction decreased (P < 0.05) the following: 1) maternal plasma concentrations of urea at d 40 and 60 of gestation; 2) fetal plasma concentrations of alanine, arginine, branched-chain amino acids (BCAA), glutamine, glycine, lysine, ornithine, proline, taurine, threonine and urea at d 60 of gestation; 3) amniotic and allantoic fluid concentrations of urea at d 40 and 60 of gestation; and 4) allantoic fluid concentrations of alanine, arginine, BCAA, citrulline, cystine, glycine, histidine, methionine, proline, serine, taurine, threonine and tyrosine at d 40 of gestation, in gilts of both genetic lines. At d 60 of gestation, protein deficiency decreased (P < 0.05) allantoic fluid concentrations of arginine, cystine, glycine, taurine and tyrosine in low line gilts and of cystine, glutamine, ornithine, serine, taurine and tyrosine in high line gilts. Low line and high line gilts also differed remarkably in allantoic fluid concentrations of arginine, glutamine, ornithine and ammonia at d 40 and 60 of gestation. Our results suggest the following: 1) protein-deficient gilts maintain maternal plasma concentrations of amino acids by mobilizing maternal protein stores and decreasing oxidation of amino acids during the first half of gestation; 2) protein deficiency may impair placental transport of amino acids from the maternal to the fetal blood; and 3) low line and high line gilts differ in fetal amino acid metabolism. Decreases in concentrations of the essential and nonessential amino acids in the fetus may be a mechanism whereby maternal dietary protein restriction results in fetal growth retardation.  相似文献   

1. The effect of the ligation of the caeca on nitrogen utilisation and nitrogen excretion was examined in conventional chickens fed a diet containing 50 g protein/kg plus urea. 2. Ligation of the caeca significantly improved nitrogen balance and utilisation by up to more than 2 times as much as those of controls (P < 0.05). 3. The treatment significantly decreased uric acid excretion by 77 mg nitrogen/day (P < 0.01) and also total nitrogen excretion (P < 0.05): the former decrease almost explained the latter. 4. No effect of the ligation of caeca on urea and ammonia excretion was observed. 5. It is concluded that nitrogen metabolism in chickens is affected by possible changes in caecal fermentation by preventing entry into the caeca of substances from urine and digesta.  相似文献   

A physiological gradient in intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) has been hypothesized to exist along the colonic crypt base-mouth axis, which may be involved in the regulation of colonocyte proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. In addition [Ca2+]i may be modulated by dietary vitamin D3 which is thought to be protective against colorectal cancer. CF1 mice were maintained for 6 weeks on a defined diet containing either high or low vitamin D3. A colonic crypt base-mouth [Ca2+]i gradient of 201 +/- 79 nM (mean +/- SEM, P < 0.05) was observed in animals maintained on a high vitamin D3 diet and was abolished in mice maintained on a low vitamin D3 diet. The [Ca2+]i gradient was independent of extracellular calcium and elevated levels of [Ca2+]i observed in the basal regions of the crypt in animals maintained on low levels of vitamin D3 were also associated with an increase in intracellular calcium stores. Therefore, a [Ca2+]i gradient exists in colonic crypts and is dependent on dietary vitamin D3.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The murine analogue of X-linked hypophosphataemia is the Hyp mouse; it has chronic phosphate depletion from an inherited defect of renal tubular reabsorption. Phosphate directly regulates the parathyroid (PT) in normal rats and it is of interest whether this regulation is intact in Hyp mice. METHODS: Hyp mice were fed either a low-phosphate diet or control diet and PTH mRNA levels were measured. In addition changes in NMR-visible kidney and muscle intracellular phosphate potentials in normal and Hyp mice were determined. Mice were maintained on a low-phosphate (0.02%) or normal-phosphate (0.6%) diet for 24 and 72 h. RESULTS: On the normal diet, Hyp mice had hypophosphataemia, normocalcaemia, and normal PTH mRNA levels. Phosphate deprivation for 72 h led to a profound fall in plasma phosphate, a slight but significant rise in plasma calcium, and a dramatic decrease in PTH mRNA, similar to that of normal mice fed this diet. Changes in kidney and muscle intracellular phosphate measured by NMR spectroscopy were not affected by diet or genotype. CONCLUSION: Dietary phosphate deprivation decreased Hyp mice PTH mRNA levels and caused no change in intracellular phosphate potentials. Therefore Hyp mice parathyroids' adapt appropriately to phosphate deprivation albeit at a lower threshold compared to normal mice.  相似文献   

Microcapsules have been used as drug delivery systems in the pharmaceutical field for sustained or controlled release of drug, and for artificial cells and organs. Biodegradable polymers, especially polylactic acid, have been widely used in this field. In this study, an attempt was made to develop a new method to prepare polylactic acid microcapsules for drug delivery. The biodegradable polylactic acid microcapsules were made by the phase separation process: two types of polylactic acid, poly[(D,L)lactic acid] and poly[(L)lactic acid] were combined as the membrane material. Because of the difference of the crystal properties of the two polymers, the aggregation which happens frequently in the phase separation process was prevented. As a model drug, Ciprofloxacin was encapsulated in the polylactic acid microcapsules.  相似文献   

Liposarcoma is a malignant neoplasm of soft tissue. Its occurrence in the head and neck region is extremely rare. The case of a 26-year-old woman with neck liposarcoma is presented. The clinical manifestation, histopathology, possibility and results of the tumor treatment are described according to the literature.  相似文献   

The effect was investigated of dietary 0.5% sodium phytate on the hepatic and serum lipid status in rats fed on sucrose for 29 or 30 days. The increase in hepatic weight, levels of hepatic total lipids, triglyceride, cholesterol, serum triglyceride and phospholipid, and the activities of hepatic NADPH-generating enzymes due to sucrose feeding were generally depressed by dietary sodium phytate.  相似文献   

The effect of vitamin B12 on learning disturbance was tested in rats. Rats were fed a choline-enriched, choline-deficient, and choline-deficient diet with vitamin B12. Concentrations of acetylcholine in the brain were significantly lower in rats fed a choline-deficient diet than rats fed a choline-enriched diet. Passive avoidance learning shows that rats on a choline-deficient diet showed significantly impaired learning compared to rats on a choline-enriched diet. However, there was no significant difference of acetylcholine in the brain or in the passive avoidance learning between rats fed a choline-enriched and a choline-deficient with vitamin B12 diet. We, therefore, suggest that vitamin B12 potentiates learning in an acetylcholine-deprived brain.  相似文献   

Little is known about the mechanism responsible for retarded placental and fetal growth induced by maternal dietary protein malnutrition. On the basis of the recent finding that nitric oxide (NO) and polyamines (products of L-arginine) play an important role in embryonic and placental development, the present study was designed to determine whether protein deficiency decreases placental and endometrial activities of NO synthase (NOS) and ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) (the first and key regulatory enzyme in polyamine synthesis). Primiparous gilts selected genetically for low or high plasma total cholesterol concentrations (low line and high line, respectively) were mated and then fed 1.8 kg/d of isocaloric diets containing 13% or 0.5% crude protein. At d 40 or 60 of gestation, they were hysterectomized, and placenta and endometrium were obtained for incubations, NOS and ODC assays, and measurements of free amino acids and polyamines. Maternal dietary protein restriction decreased arginine and ornithine concentrations, constitutive and inducible NOS activities and NO production, as well as ODC activity and polyamine concentrations in placenta and endometrium of both lines of gilts. Placental NO synthase activity and NO generation were lower in high line gilts than in low line gilts. ODC activities and polyamine concentrations in placenta and endometrium were decreased at d 60 compared with d 40 of gestation. These changes in placental and endometrial synthesis of NO and polyamines during early gestation may be a mechanism responsible for reduced placental and fetal growth in protein-deficient gilts and for altered conceptus development in high line gilts.  相似文献   

The influence of a fat-free diet on the molecular species composition of phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), and phosphatidylinositol (PI) of rat liver microsomes was studied by using reversed-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography. In the three phosphoglyceride classes analyzed, the fat-free diet produced a large decrease in the 18:0/20:4n-6 species but less important changes were found in the 16:0/20:4n-6 species. In PC, the most abundant phosphoglyceride class of rat liver microsomes, the fall in the 18:0/20:4n-6 species was counterbalanced mainly by an enhancement in the 16:0/18:1n-9 species although it was not evident in PE. In PI, the decrease in the 18:0/20:4n-6 species was counterbalanced by an increase in the 18:0/20:3n-9 species. Fluorescence polarization measurements of 1,7-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene in liposomes of 16:0/18:1n-9, 18:0/18:1n-9-, 16:0/20:4n-6-, and 18:0/20:4n-6-PC indicated that the change in the saturated fatty acid in the sn-1 position accompanying the replacement of 20:4n-6 by 18:1n-9 could be very important for a homeoviscous compensation, maintaining the membrane physical properties without large alterations in spite of the essential fatty acid deficiency due to the fat-free diet.  相似文献   

Numerous studies demonstrate that chow-fed rats learn to prefer flavors that are associated with the postingestive effects of nutrients. The rats> limited dietary experience (i.e. only lab chow) may have facilitated preference learning because of the novelty of the training stimuli. This possibility was investigated by comparing nutrient conditioning in rats fed chow or a varied "cafeteria" diet. Rats in Experiment 1 were trained during alternate sessions (30 min/day) to drink two different flavors paired with concurrent intragastric infusions of 16% Polycose or water. Both diet groups displayed similarly strong preferences (89%) for and increased acceptance of the Polycose-paired flavor. A more demanding learning task was used in Experiment 2: new flavors were paired with delayed (15 min) infusions of Polycose or water. The chow and cafeteria groups both showed reduced, but comparable (78%, 77%) preferences for the Polycose-paired flavor. In Experiment 3, new flavors were paired with concurrent infusions of 7.1% corn oil or water. Again, the cafeteria and chow groups developed similar preferences for the nutrient-paired flavor (85%, 78%). Also, both groups preferred the Polycose-paired flavor of Experiment 1 to the oil-paired flavor of Experiment 3 (76%, 78%). These results indicate that dietary variety does not interfere with nutrient-conditioned flavor preference learning in rats.  相似文献   

Patients with persistent uterine bleeding that is unresponsive to conservative therapy may opt for endometrial ablation over total hysterectomy because of concerns over subsequent sexual dysfunction or other nonclinical issues. Twelve such women with healthy cervices who failed endometrial ablation, and eight candidates for ablation were offered subtotal vaginal hysterectomy as a definitive primary surgical intervention instead of endometrial ablation. Our experience suggests the safety and utility of subtotal vaginal hysterectomy in properly selected patients. Randomized, comparative studies of this technique as an alternative to hysteroscopic ablation or resection may be warranted.  相似文献   

Three trials were carried out with pigs between 5 and 8 wk of age to determine the limiting order of amino acids in a 13.5% CP corn-soybean meal-based diet containing 8% dried whey. The positive-control diet was a 19.2% CP corn-soybean meal-based diet (1.15% lysine), also with 8% dried whey. Amino acid additions to the low-protein, negative-control diet were based on levels needed to accomplish 110% of ideal ratios (to lysine, set at 1.15%). In Exp. 1, the addition of an amino acid mixture containing Lys, Trp, Thr, Met, Ile, and Val to the low-protein diet increased (P<.05) gain and gain: feed ratio, and these response traits were not different from those of pigs fed the 19.2% CP positive-control diet. Single deletion of Lys from the supplemental amino acid mixture depressed performance to a greater (P<.05) extent than single deletion of any of the other amino acids. Single deletions of Trp, Thr, Met, or Val decreased (P<.05) performance in a similar but lesser magnitude than the decrease caused by Lys deletion, whereas Ile deletion was without effect. Experiments 2 and 3 were designed to evaluate the limiting order of AA beyond Lys in the low-protein diet. Neither His nor Glu were found to be deficient, and, as in Exp. 1, deletion of Trp, Thr, Met, or Val from the supplemental amino acid mixture resulted in performance depressions (P<.05) that were similar. The results suggest that Lys is first-limiting and Trp, Thr, Met, and Val are equally second-limiting in a reduced protein (13.5% CP) corn-soybean meal-based diet with 8% whey for 10-kg pigs.  相似文献   

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