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马庆国  付辉建  卞军 《管理世界》2012,(6):163-168,179
神经科学的发展和神经科学测量工具的进步,促进了一系列交叉学科的诞生和发展。紧随神经经济学和神经营销学的诞生,神经管理学和神经工业工程也应运而生。神经管理学的发展主要依赖新一代信息技术以及神经科学测量平台(如fMRI,ERPs,Eyetracking,Biofeed back等)的快速发展。浙江大学团队在神经工业工程领域已进行了一系列的研究,并取得初步成果。伴随研究的不断深入和成果的广泛应用,该交叉学科领域将吸引更多相关领域的研究者们进入并逐渐成为一种研究趋势。  相似文献   

神经组织学旨在研究组织行为学的神经基础,并由此丰富组织行为学,为提高组织效率、促进组织变革提供新的手段。它是组织行为学与神经科学的交叉学科,是神经管理学的一个分支。长远看,它不仅会重构组织行为学,而且可能会重构管理学相当部分的框架。本文从管理学、心理学、认知神经科学的相关刊物中,选出147篇权威论文作为主要源文献,通过定性和定量分析结合,展示了神经组织学研究的主要现状、厘清了神经组织学的理论发展脉络。选择了领导力、团队合作、组织公平和组织变革4个组织行为学的热点问题,阐述基于神经科学研究进展,为组织行为学所带来的实质性改变。最后,探讨了神经组织学发展中的争议问题,分析了神经组织学渐进演化阶段和研究层面与视角,并提出了神经组织学重构管理学部分框架的设想。  相似文献   

当代中国管理科学与工程的学科发展与创新   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
自20世纪80年代以来我国管理科学与工程得到了快速发展并已经建立了较为完善的学科体系.管理科学与工程具有学科交叉与知识融合,基础学科与领域的拓展性,理论研究与应用的结合等区别于其他管理学科的特征.当代管理科学与工程学科有必要在以下几方面努力优化学科资源,完善教育体系与方法,以开放、学习与创新为特征强化管理研究,以服务社会为使命,以全面建设小康社会为契机,强化管理科学与工程的应用研究.  相似文献   

管理科学与工程学科“十四五”规划研究的重要内容之一是确定与我国国情相适应,并且能够满足我国“十四五”期间经济社会具体发展目标要求的学科重点前沿领域。本文介绍了管理科学与工程学科“十四五”重点前沿领域研究的思路与具体工作。首先,围绕提高学科基础理论研究水平和服务时代变革下的国家重大需求的学科发展目标,基于专家研讨和问卷调研确定了管理科学与工程学科“十四五”期间重点前沿领域的顶层布局,包括重大驱动要素和战略研究方向两方面。其次,通过问卷征集、同行评议、建议书提交与修改等环节,确定了学科重点前沿领域的具体内容,包括59个管理科学与工程学科内重点前沿领域以及8个学科交叉重点前沿领域。这些重点前沿领域凝聚了广大专家学者的集体智慧,给出了更明确的方向性指引,有助于关键基础领域提前布局以及面向国家重大需求的研究领域快速发展。  相似文献   

神经信息系统(neuro information systems,Neuro IS)是认知神经科学理论、方法和工具在信息系统领域的应用,从全新的方法论视角研究和解决信息系统中的相关问题.神经信息系统的研究主要集中在系统设计与优化、信息服务与决策、社会网络与互动这三大领域,主要的研究范式可分为情景实验的研究范式、心理学及决策科学经典任务应用的研究范式、多任务多方法结合三类.神经信息系统研究方法有效弥补了传统信息系统研究存在的不足,减少了应答偏误、实现了用户心理过程的准确测量并探索了用户决策的神经机制,发展和深化了信息系统的研究手段和理论基础.神经信息系统研究在补充和丰富现有理论的基础上,通过探索和发现传统信息系统领域中尚未解决以及存在争议的问题,揭示用户信息决策的机制,打开“黑箱”,推动信息系统科学研究向“更客观,更深入”的方向发展.当前数字经济蓬勃发展,神经信息系统方向的发展为从事信息系统研究的学者提出了新的历史使命,创造了新的历史机遇.  相似文献   

<正>一、组织触碰行为概述可以说从出生时起,个体就伴随着各种触碰行为。神经科学研究证实,个体与个体、个体与物体的接触过程中能够产生生物电,从而引发相关生理与心理反应。现阶段,触碰行为研究主要集中在教育学、心理学、脑神经科学等领域,领导学、管理学和组织行为学则鲜有涉及。这主要是因为触觉往往是领导者所忽视的管理因素,并且在很多  相似文献   

论管理科学的发展   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
本文指出,管理离不开一定的组织.广义的管理还包括经营,管理科学是自然科学与社会科学交叉融合的突破口和结合部;回顾20世纪管理科学的兴起与发展历程及其在各阶段的特点,可以认为基本上是按组织理论、管理方式方法这两条研究路径演进的;展望21世纪管理科学的新发展,从新发展的特点、趋势、方向来分析其轮廓,强调管理科学应在管理大变革研究中求发展,从研究信息管理与知识管理入手,从工业社会的管理科学转向信息社会的管理科学,分析这两种管理科学的异同,列举后者需研究的一系列新的管理实践.  相似文献   

公司社会责任(CSR)是20世纪以来凸现于经济学、法学、伦理学以及管理学等诸多学科领域的一个重要概念。尤其是近年来,公司社会责任问题也成为我国社会关注的焦点,它也是构建公司与社会和谐关系的一个基本思想。本文对公司社会责任理论中的概念、性质问题进行现有文献的梳理,在此基础之上提出了作者的简单结论并对今后公司社会责任的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

潍坊鸢都管理科学研究所坐落在山东省潍坊市奎文区幸福街78号。该研究所是在我国经济学管理学.领导学等领域著名的专家.教授指导下.由在国内知名学府获得经济学管理学,哲学.硕士.博士,博士后学位的中青年学者于2D05年9月共同创办的.并聘请各界有名的学者.教授担任顾问。  相似文献   

在全球交叉学科研究的背景下,法律经济学以法学与经济学相互的交叉渗透成为二十一世纪极具生命力的新兴研究方法与新型学科之一,笔者试基于大卫·D·弗里德Law's order:what economics has to do with law and why it matters一书为学习研究对象,分析法律经济学的理念及背景、研习经济学语境下法律规则与效率的关系。  相似文献   

We have reviewed disaster management research papers published in major operations management, management science, operations research, supply chain management and transportation/logistics journals. In reviewing these studies, our objective is to assess and present the macro level “architectural blue print” of disaster management research with the hope that it will attract new researchers and motivate established researchers to contribute to this important field. The secondary objective is to bring this disaster research to the attention of disaster administrators so that disasters are managed more efficiently and more effectively. We have mapped the disaster management research on the following five attributes of a disaster: (1) Disaster Management Function (decision‐making process, prevention and mitigation, evacuation, humanitarian logistics, casualty management, and recovery and restoration), (2) Time of Disaster (before, during and after), (3) Type of Disaster (accidents, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, landslides, terrorism and wildfires etc.), (4) Data Type (Field and Archival data, Real data and Hypothetical data), and (5) Data Analysis Technique (bidding models, decision analysis, expert systems, fuzzy system analysis, game theory, heuristics, mathematical programming, network flow models, queueing theory, simulation and statistical analysis). We have done cross tabulations of data among these five parameters to gain greater insights into disaster research. Recommendations for future research are provided.  相似文献   

人员管理的经济方法:过去的成就与未来的方向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人事经济学是最近不到20年在经济学和人力资源管理的交接地带兴起的一个新领域,它将经济学用于考察企业内部组织和人力资源管理问题,对现代人力资源管理产生了深远影响.本文对该领域过去的主要成就和未来的研究方向和国内研究动态进行综述.  相似文献   

The relationship between age and creative performance has been found to follow a hump‐shaped profile in the arts and sciences, and in great technological achievement. Accordingly, accelerating workforce aging raises concern about whether future capacity to innovate is endangered. This paper provides a literature survey and critical discussion of existing studies exploring the effects of age on innovative performance, both at the individual and the firm level. However, as individual‐level evidence and some of the firm‐level studies are of purely cross‐sectional nature, the existing results have to be interpreted with caution owing to the presence of selectivity biases and unobserved heterogeneity. Studies at the aggregate level of firms address some of these issues. In particular, the scarce longitudinal evidence reveals that it is very likely that older workers fare much better in innovation than previous cross‐sectional evidence suggests. Moreover, up to now, the literature survey does not find conclusive evidence that a youth‐centred human resource strategy (always) fosters innovation. Apart from integrating the existing empirical evidence on different levels of aggregation, a strong focus of this paper is on methodological challenges in the empirical study of workforce age and innovation and it aims to offer a sound conceptual and methodological basis for further studies in this field of management research.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in exploring the potential links between human biology and management and organization studies, which is bringing greater attention to bear on the place of mental processes in explaining human behaviour and effectiveness. The authors define this new field as organizational cognitive neuroscience (OCN), which is in the exploratory phase of its emergence and diffusion. It is clear that there are methodological debates and issues associated with OCN research, and the aim of this paper is to illuminate these concerns, and provide a roadmap for rigorous and relevant future work in the area. To this end, the current reach of OCN is investigated by the systematic review methodology, revealing three clusters of activity, covering the fields of economics, marketing and organizational behaviour. Among these clusters, organizational behaviour seems to be an outlier, owing to its far greater variety of empirical work, which the authors argue is largely a result of the plurality of research methods that have taken root within this field. Nevertheless, all three clusters contribute to a greater understanding of the biological mechanisms that mediate choice and decision‐making. The paper concludes that OCN research has already provided important insights regarding the boundaries surrounding human freedom to act in various domains and, in turn, self‐determination to influence the workplace. However, there is much to be done, and emerging research of significant interest is highlighted.  相似文献   

在我国管理科学领域,学者间的合作是一个非常普遍的现象。本文基于SNA(Social network analysis,社会网络分析)方法,以《管理评论》2004-2008年间的作者合作关系为样本,对我国管理科学合作网络的结构、特征和竞争力等问题进行了深入研究。研究发现,我国管理科学合作网络整体联系稀疏,呈现无标度网络特征,少数学者对于整个网络结构的形成起到了重要的作用。主要有基地型、团队型和师生型三种类型的子网络,其中基地型合作网络是我国管理科学研究的主力。学者的竞争力同他在子网络内部的学术地位密切相关。  相似文献   

Using our brains to develop better policy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Current governmental practices often use a method called weight of evidence (WoE) to integrate and weigh different sources of information in the process of reaching a decision. Recent advances in cognitive neuroscience have identified WoE-like processes in the brain, and we believe that these advances have the potential to improve current decision-making practices. In this article, we describe five specific areas where knowledge emerging from cognitive neuroscience may be applied to the challenges confronting decisionmakers who manage risks: (1) quantifying evidence, (2) comparing the value of different sources of evidence, (3) reaching a decision, (4) illuminating the role of subjectivity, and (5) adapting to new information. We believe that the brain is an appropriate model for structuring decision-making processes because the brain's network is designed for complex, flexible decision making, and because policy decisions that must ultimately depend on human judgment will be best served by methods that complement human abilities. Future discoveries in cognitive neuroscience will likely bring further applications to decision practice.  相似文献   

Michael Beer 《决策科学》2003,34(4):623-642
Top‐down total quality management (TQM) programs often fail to create deep and sustained change in organizations. They become a fad soon replaced by another fad. Failure to institutionalize TQM can be attributed to a gap between top management's rhetoric about their intentions for TQM and the reality of implementation in various subunits of the organization. The gap varies from subunit to subunit due to the quality of management in each. By quality of management is meant the capacity of senior team to (1) develop commitment to the new TQM direction and behave and make decisions that are consistent with it, (2) develop the cross‐functional mechanisms, leadership skills, and team culture needed for TQM implementation, and (3) create a climate of open dialogues about progress in the TQM transformation that will enable learning and further change. The TQM transformations will persist only if top management requires and ultimately institutionalizes an honest organizational‐wide conversation that surfaces valid data about the quality of management in each subunit of the firm and leads to changes in management quality or replacement of managers.  相似文献   

This paper calls for major rethinking in information management research as we enter the second half of the 1990s and approach the 21st century. It argues that, should we not take up the challenges identified herein, it is likely that what little remains of the discipline ‘information management’ will be subsumed into the realms of computer science/engineering at one end of the spectrum, and strategic management and organizational behaviour at the other. It argues that while it is no bad thing that aspects of the topic are dealt with in these related fields, it is important that information management should be seen as a discipline in its own right. In order to achieve this recognition – indeed, in order to earn this recognition – major restoration is required. The paper seeks to begin a debate on this topic by presenting a manifesto1 for reform in the field of information management by discussing a series of concerns regarding the focus, methods and quality of research in this field; its reference disciplines, and its international and cross-cultural considerations. This is not meant to be a comprehensive treatment of the issues by any means, but an attempt to present aspects of the topic that are of importance. By commencing the debate, it is hoped that the issues will become clearer, and action can begin to be taken. The list will doubtless be refined as the debate ensues.  相似文献   

This paper presents a conceptual model for the creation and operation of supply networks. Existing conceptual research relating to interorganizational relationships and networks is reviewed in terms of its relevance to understanding supply networks; this research is drawn from the fields of strategic management, channel management, industrial marketing and purchasing, organizational behaviour and supply‐chain management. The different perspectives each field has on networks are highlighted. Contributions made by each in assisting to understand supply networks are discussed and synthesized. Findings from an exploratory survey are used to structure the design of a conceptual model for analysing the processes involved in the creation and operation of supply networks. The authors identify nine different types of networking activities and discuss the nature of these activities in the context of supply. Four different types of contextual factors relating to supply networks are identified. The model is tested in eight in‐depth case studies and a validating survey of 58 focal firm networks. It is concluded that it provides a robust structure that enabled complex, cross‐case analysis of multi‐variable, multi‐disciplinary data from interorganization product/service supply networks, but that further testing by other researchers is required.  相似文献   

以1996~2020年Web of Science核心合集数据库中团队冲突在管理学研究中的文献为研究对象,运用Citespace等可视化科学工具绘制了团队冲突研究关键词共现图谱和战略坐标图,系统分析了团队冲突管理研究内容的内在关联与发展脉络,并绘制了团队冲突管理研究的热点趋势主线框架。研究结果发现:团队内部冲突、信任、绩效、战略性决策是团队冲突管理研究的热点。在未来的研究中,探究不同类型冲突间的转化过程及边界条件是明晰团队冲突结构及作用机制的突破口;结合其他冲突类型及团队生命周期各阶段展开对团队冲突与绩效影响关系的讨论是对团队冲突影响结果的有益探索;辨识高层管理团队成员间的信任障碍问题、虚拟团队中的快速信任机制是信任与冲突关系研究的重点议题;探究不同冲突管理策略组合运用的作用机理是找到冲突解决方案的关键一环。  相似文献   

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