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《Physics letters. A》2004,325(2):156-165
We have investigated the coherent mesoscopic transport through the system with a quantum dot coupled to single-wall carbon nanotubes (CN–QD–CN) interfered by microwave fields (MWFs). The investigation focuses on the tunneling behaviors induced by the double coherent MWFs and the nature of CN leads. The incoherent fields induce the tunneling current possessing symmetric resonant behaviors. The coherent fields induce the asymmetric tunneling current resulting from the interference of tunneling current branches to form asymmetric photon-assisted net current. The quantum leads possess specific density of state (DOS) structure, and the matching–mismatching behavior takes important role in the mesoscopic transport. The feature of coupled MWFs and the connected quantum wires together control the characteristics of the mesoscopic system.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the effect of applying a magnetic field on an elliptical microcavity pillar with quantum dots embedded, in the presence of external laser excitation. To obtain the system dynamics we use the matrix density formalism, taking into account realistic parameters and including losses. Our results show that it is possible to use the magnetic field strength to control the polarization of the photons inside the cavity, making our system behave like a photon polarization switch. We also report the best set of parameters where this is possible. Our results also indicate that we can use the polarization of the cavity photons to look into the fine structure of the energy levels of quantum dots.  相似文献   

We report capacitive coupling induced Kondo–Fano(K–F) interference in a double quantum dot(DQD) by systematically investigating its low-temperature properties on the basis of hierarchical equations of motion evaluations. We show that the interdot capacitive coupling U12 splits the singly-occupied(S-O) state in quantum dot 1(QD1) into three quasi-particle substates: the unshifted S-O0 substate, and elevated S-O1 and S-O2. As U12 increases, S-O2 and S-O1 successively cross through the Kondo resonance state at the Fermi level(ω = 0), resulting in the so-called Kondo-I(KI), K–F, and Kondo-II(KII) regimes. While both the KI and KII regimes have the conventional Kondo resonance properties, remarkable Kondo–Fano interference features are shown in the K–F regime. In the view of scattering, we propose that the phase shift η(ω)is suitable for analysis of the Kondo–Fano interference. We present a general approach for calculating η(ω) and applying it to the DQD in the K–F regime where the two maxima of η(ω = 0) characterize the interferences between the Kondo resonance state and S-O2 and S-O1 substates, respectively.  相似文献   

We calculate conductance of an Aharonov-Bohm (AB) interferometer for which a single-level quantum dot in the Coulomb blockade regime is embedded in one of its arms. Using the Schr?dinger equations and taking into account the Coulomb interaction on the dot, we calculate conductance G as a function of flux φ threaded through the ring and as a function of gate voltage V applied to the dot. It is found that the AB oscillations of G(φ) depend on the particle occupation on the dot, controlled by V. If the system is closed, there is no loss of particles, G(φ) is periodic and G(φ)=G(-φ), satisfying the Onsager relation. In this case G(φ) can reach its maximum value, 2e^2/h, at the resonance. When the system is open, one has G(φ)≠G(-φ), G(φ) yields a phase shift which depends on the loss rate of electrons in this open system.  相似文献   

By employing non-equilibrium Green's function method, the mesoscopic Fano effect modulated by Rashba spin–orbit (SO) coupling and external magnetic field has been elucidated for electron transport through a hybrid system composed of a quantum dot (QD) and an Aharonov–Bohm (AB) ring. The results show that the orientation of the Fano line shape is modulated by the Rashba spin–orbit interaction kRLkRL variation, which reveals that the Fano parameter q will be extended to a complex number, although the system maintains time-reversal symmetry (TRS) under the Rashba SO interaction. Furthermore, it is shown that the modulation of the external magnetic field, which is applied not only inside the frame, but also on the QD, leads to the Fano resonance split due to Zeeman effect, which indicates that the hybrid is an ideal candidate for the spin readout device.  相似文献   

A theoretical study of the effect of the confining potential on the nonlinear optical properties of two dimensional quantum dots is performed. A three-parameter Woods–Saxon potential is used within the density matrix formalism. The control of confinement by three parameters and an applied electric field gives one quite an advantage in studying their effects on the nonlinear properties. The coefficients investigated include the optical rectification, second and third-harmonic generation and the change in the refractive index. Their dependence on the electric field values, dot size and the energy of the incoming photons is studied extensively.It is shown that the Woods–Saxon potential can be used to model the confinement in quantum dots with considerable success.  相似文献   

The quantum phase and the related fields have attracted considerable attention. The geometric phase of spin-1/2 particle in the magnetic field has been discussed comprehensively, but few of spin-1. In this paper, the exact solution of spin-1 was obtained by using rotational frame method. The problems of the Rabi oscillation, dynamical phase, and geometric phase were solved.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have studied the effects of temperature, strain and magnetic field on non-extensive entropy of a two-dimensional (2D) quantum dot under spin–orbit interaction. To this end, we have obtained the energy levels and wave functions of the system in the presence of Bychkov–Rashba, Dresselhaus and strain effects by using diagonalization procedure. Then, we have used the Tsallis formalism and calculated the entropy of the system. It is found that the entropy is increased with enhancing the temperature with and without strain. The entropy increases with considering the negative strain. The strain has not strongly effect on the entropy at low temperatures.  相似文献   

The untwisting of the helical structure of a cholesteric liquid crystal under the action of a magnetic field and a shear flow has been studied theoretically. Both factors can induce the cholesteric–nematic transition independently; however, the difference in the orienting actions of the magnetic field and the shear flow leads to competition between magnetic and hydrodynamic mechanisms of influence on the cholesteric liquid crystal. We have analyzed different orientations of the magnetic field relative to the direction of the flow in the shear plane. In a number of limiting cases, the analytic dependences are obtained for the pitch of the cholesteric helix deformed by the shear flow. The phase diagrams of the cholesteric–nematic transitions and the pitch of the cholesteric helix are calculated for different values of the magnetic field strength and the angle of orientation, the flow velocity gradient, and the reactive parameter. It is shown that the magnetic field stabilizes the orientation of the director in the shear flow and expands the boundaries of orientability of cholesterics. It has been established that the shear flow shifts the critical magnetic field strength of the transition. It is shown that a sequence of reentrant orientational cholesteric–nematic–cholesteric transitions can be induced by rotating the magnetic field in certain intervals of its strength and shear flow velocity gradients.  相似文献   

Using standard quantum network method, we analytically investigate the effect of Rashba spin–orbit coupling (RSOC) and a magnetic field on the spin transport properties of a polygonal quantum ring. Using Landauer–Büttiker formula, we have found that the polarization direction and phase of transmitted electrons can be controlled by both the magnetic field and RSOC. A device to generate a spin-polarized conductance in a polygon with an arbitrary number of sides is discussed. This device would permit precise control of spin and selectively provide spin filtering for either spin up or spin down simply by interchanging the source and drain.  相似文献   

We study the full counting statistics of transport electrons through a semiconductor two-level quantum dot with Rashba spin–orbit (SO) coupling, which acts as a nonabelian gauge field and thus induces the electron transition between two levels along with the spin flip. By means of the quantum master equation approach, shot noise and skewness are obtained at finite temperature with two-body Coulomb interaction. We particularly demonstrate the crucial effect of SO coupling on the super-Poissonian fluctuation of transport electrons, in terms of which the SO coupling can be probed by the zero-frequency cumulants. While the charge currents are not sensitive to the SO coupling.  相似文献   

We consider the effect of electron correlations on tunneling from a 2D electron layer in a magnetic field parallel to the layer. A tunneling electron can exchange its momentum with other electrons, which leads to an exponential increase of the tunneling rate compared to the single-electron approximation. The effect depends on the interrelation between the dynamics of tunneling and momentum exchange. The results explain and provide a no-parameter fit to the data on electrons on helium. We also discuss tunneling in semiconductor heterostructures.  相似文献   

We provide an alternative means of electric field control for spin manipulation in the absence of magnetic fields by transporting quantum dots adiabatically in the plane of two-dimensional electron gas. We show that the spin splitting energy of moving quantum dots is possible due to the presence of quasi-Hamiltonian that might be implemented to make the next generation spintronic devices of post CMOS technology. Such spin splitting energy is highly dependent on the material properties of semiconductor. It turns out that this energy is in the range of meV and can be further enhanced with increasing pulse frequency. In particular, we show that quantum oscillations in phonon mediated spin-flip behaviors can be observed. We also confirm that no oscillations in spin-flip behaviors can be observed for the pure Rashba or pure Dresselhaus cases.  相似文献   

The quantum mechanical dynamic resonance due to dipole–dipole interaction is shown possibly to induce coherent modes of electrons within an ensemble of two-level systems or quantum dots. The physical origin of this coherence would naturally be postulated as the parity inheritance into a site being excited from another site being de-excited. An experimental spectrum suggestive of this dipole–dipole mode is also shown. This coherence is expected to be useful for quantum computing.  相似文献   

A formula for the contribution ΔG res(T) to the resonant tunneling conductance of the N–I–N junction (where N is a normal metal and I is an insulator) with a weak (low impurity concentrations) structural disorder in the I layer from the low-temperature “smearing” electron Fermi surfaces in its N shores is obtained. It is shown that the temperature dependence ΔG res(T) in such a “dirty” junction qualitatively differs from the corresponding dependence ΔG 0(T) in a “pure” (without resonant impurities in the I layer) junction: ΔG res(T) < 0, dG res)/dT < 0; ΔG 0(T) > 0, dG 0)/dT > 0, which can serve as an experimental test of the presence of impurity tunneling resonances in the disordered I layer.  相似文献   

A theoretical model is presented in this paper for degree of spin polarization in a light emitting diode (LED) whose epitaxial region contains quantum dots doped with magnetic impurity. The model is then used to investigate the effect of electron–phonon interaction on degree of spin polarization at different temperatures and magnetic fields. It is found that magnetic impurity increases the degree of spin polarization irrespective of temperature, while the electron–phonon interaction decreases the degree of spin polarization. Results are found to be in better agreement with experiments.  相似文献   

We have performed a non-equilibrium quantum transport calculations for a two-terminal mesoscopic system including a magnetic quantum dot. Using the non-equilibrium Green’s function technique, we have obtained electric current and charge distribution in the temperature range from 1 to 10 K as a function of magnetic field. Results indicate that the density of carriers essentially can be controlled by temperature and bias voltage.  相似文献   

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