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热带气旋路径集合预报试验   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
以MM5模式为试验模式,分别用增长模繁殖法(BGM)和模式物理过程扰(MPP)形成12个集合成员,对2005年登陆我国的8个热带气旋进行了52次路径集合预报试验,以寻找适合西北太平洋热带气旋路径的集合预报方法。结果表明:BGM方法的集合预报结果总体上好于控制试验结果,其中对强度较弱的热带气旋的集合预报效果更好。MPP方法的集合预报结果总体上不如控制试验结果,但对初始时刻强度达到台风的热带气旋的集合预报效果较好,集合预报相对于控制试验的改进效果明显。基于BGM方法和MPP方法集合预报的不同特点,将两种方法相结合形成扰动成员,这一综合方法的集合预报效果好于单一方法的集合预报效果。BGM方法和MPP方法的系统发散度总体上都偏小。  相似文献   

给出了一个嵌套于欧洲中期天气预报中心全球谱模式中的套网格模式,用于预报热带气旋路径趋势,提出了一种以欧洲中期天气预报中心提供的时距为24小时的预报场为基础的“接力预报”方法;设计了五种不同的“接力预报”方案;并对8507号和8509号两个热带气旋就各种不同预报方案进行了数值预报试验。结果表明,本模式对热带气旋路径趋势具有较强的预报能力,对疑难路径也具有一定的预报能力,为开展热带气旋的路径趋势预报提供了一个新的途径。文中还对影响热带气旋路径趋势的一些主要因子结合各预报结果进行了分析,为模式尽早投入业务提供了一定的依据。  相似文献   

热带气旋集合预报研究进展   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
集合预报是减小各种不确定性影响数值预报结果的有效方法,将该方法应用于热带气旋(TC)数值预报的研究开始于1990年代中期,已经取得了很多令人鼓舞的成果。对TC集合预报的研究进展做简要概述,主要包括:(1) TC集合预报技术包括基于单一模式的TC集合预报技术与TC多模式超级集合预报技术,前者包含初值扰动技术和模式扰动技术,后者在大部分情况下预报效果较好。(2) 基于全球中期集合预报系统的TC集合预报,是近年来TC集合预报发展的一个新趋势。(3)将集合预报应用于TC生成与发展的研究是近年来TC集合预报应用的拓展。未来TC集合预报的发展将与数值预报其他技术的发展更紧密地结合,集合预报技术在TC研究中将发挥越来越重要的作用。   相似文献   

热带气旋路径动力释用预报的集合预报方案   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
朱永  程戴晖 《气象科学》2000,21(3):229-238
考虑到热带气旋中心定位的不确定以及热带气旋(以下简称TC)路径动力释用预报对TC中心位置初值的敏感性,本文以TC路径动力释用预报方案为基础,应用集合预报原理构造了具有50个成员的集合预报试验方案,经1997和1998年15个TC的118次试验对比,结果表明,50个成员的集合预报方案2的改进效果较好,其平均距离误差较业务预报的平均距离误差有较显著的减小。集合预报原理应用于TC路径动力释用预报的可行性  相似文献   

应用最新研制出来的DLH1热带旋路径预报方案,在1994年及1995年两个台风季里,共对24个热带风暴,强热带风暴及台区进行了87次预报试验。结果表明,本方案在应用了T42高度预报场后,比原的“两层订正引导”方案有明显改进。  相似文献   

本文用-正压模式,采用滞后平均法(LAF)对2000年热带气旋进行路径集合预报试验,并与基于热带气旋初始结构扰动的集合预报方法进行了比较分析,结果表明LAF方法对热带气旋路径预报具有较好的改进作用。但LAF的集合预报效果受模式本身误差的影响,在完美模式的假设下,LAF集合预报相对于控制试验的技巧水平20~40%。  相似文献   

选择1979~1993年间的热带气旋为试验个例,通过扰动热带气旋初始位置和初始结构,构造集合成员, 用正压原始方程模式,进行路径集合预报试验, 并初步探讨预报成员的集合方法。试验结果表明:热带气旋定位误差影响路径预报,但扰动初始位置的集合平均预报与控制试验的预报水平相接近。扰动热带气旋初始结构的集合预报试验表明,约有60 %~70 %个例的集合路径预报得到改进。此外,试验结果还表明,当环境引导气流较弱时,进行扰动热带气旋初始结构的集合预报,预报结果的改善较明显。  相似文献   

基于多模式短期集合预报技术的热带气旋降水预报试验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用中尺度AREM和WRF模式为试验模式,由对降水预报结果影响颇大的积云和边界层参数化方案构成的10个集合预报成员,开展有限区域多模式短期集合预报在热带气旋降水预报中的应用与研究.分别研究了单个模式集合预报和多模式集合预报在热带气旋"天鹅"(0907)降水预报中的应用.试验结果表明:(1) WRF模式集合预报效果整体上...  相似文献   

In this paper,the observational data from Marine and Meteorological Observation Platform(MMOP)at Bohe,Maoming and buoys located in Shanwei and Maoming are used to study the characteristics of air-sea temperature and specific humidity difference and the relationship between wind and wave with the tropical cyclones over the South China Sea(SCS).The heat and momentum fluxes from eddy covariance measurement(EC)are compared with these fluxes calculated by the COARE 3.0 algorithm for Typhoon Koppu.The results show that at the developing and weakening stages of Koppu,both these differences between the sea surface and the near-surface atmosphere from the MMOP are negative,and data from the buoys also indicate that the differences are negative between the sea surface and near-surface atmosphere on the right rear portion of tropical cyclones(TCs)Molave and Chanthu.However,the differences are positive on the left front portion of Molave and Chanthu.These positive differences suggest that the heat flux is transferred from the ocean to the atmosphere,thus intensifying and maintaining the two TCs.The negative differences indicate that the ocean removes heat fluxes from the atmosphere,thus weakening the TCs.The wind-wave curves of TCs Molave and Chanthu show that significant wave height increases linearly with 2-min wind speed at 10-m height when the wind speed is less than 25 m/s,but when the wind speed is greater than 25 m/s,the significant wave height increases slightly with the wind speed.By comparing the observed sensible heat,latent heat,and friction velocity from EC with these variables from COARE 3.0 algorithm,a great bias between the observed and calculated sensible heat and latent heat fluxes is revealed,and the observed friction velocity is found to be almost the same as the calculated friction velocity.  相似文献   

The relationship between the tropical intra-seasonal oscillation (ISO) and tropical cyclones (TCs) activities over the South China Sea (SCS) is investigated by utilizing the National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) global reanalysis data and tropical cyclone best-track data from 1949 to 2009. The main conclusions are: (1) A new ISO index is designed to describe the tropical ISO activity over the SCS, which can simply express ISO for SCS. After examining the applicability of the index constructed by the Climate Prediction Center (CPC), we find that the convection spatial scale reflected by this index is too large to characterize the small-scale SCS and fails to divide the TCs activities over the SCS into active and inactive categories. Consequently, the CPC index can’t replace the function of the new ISO index; (2) The eastward spread process of tropical ISO is divided into eight phases using the new ISO index, the phase variation of which corresponds well with the TCs activities over the SCS. TCs generation and landing are significantly reduced during inactive period (phase 4-6) relative to that during active period (phase 7-3); (3) The composite analyses indicate distinct TCs activities over the SCS, which is consistent with the concomitant propagation of the ISO convective activity. During ISO active period, the weather situations are favorable for TCs development over the SCS, e.g., strong convection, cyclonic shear and weak subtropical high, and vice versa; (4) The condensation heating centers, strong convection and water vapor flux divergence are well collocated with each other during ISO active period. In addition, the vertical profile of condensation heat indicates strong ascending motion and middle-level heating over the SCS during active period, and vice versa. Thus, the eastward propagation of tropical ISO is capable to modulate TCs activities by affecting the heating configuration over the SCS.  相似文献   

用卡尔曼滤波预报南海热带气旋路径的试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用卡尔曼滤波方法预报南海热带气旋路径,发现采用卡尔曼滤波可以大大地降低预报误差,提高预测模型的预报能力。  相似文献   

近50年南海热带气旋时空分布特征及其海洋影响因子   总被引:7,自引:9,他引:7  
用中国气象局组织整编的《台风年鉴》资料和全球近表层简易海洋数据同化(SODA)资料,研究了近50年南海海域生成和经过的热带气旋位置点频数的时空分布特征及其海洋影响因子。结果表明,6~10月的热带气旋位置点频数表现出明显的地理分布集聚性特征,主要分布在南海15~22°N海域,并有明显的年代际变化特征。在1975年以前,海洋因子对南海海域生成和经过的热带气旋位置点频数的影响主要以La Nia和类La Nia事件为主,1975年之后以El Nio和类El Nio事件为主。  相似文献   

The characteristics of temporal and spatial distribution of tropical cyclone frequencies over the South China Sea areas and its affecting factors in the past 50yrs are analyzed based on typhoon data that provided by CMA and Simple Ocean Data Assimilation (SODA). The results show that the tropical cyclone frequencies from June to October show concentrated geographic distribution, for they mainly distribute over the SCS area from 15 - 20 °N. The characteristics present significant interdecadal changes. The impact of oceanic factors on the tropical cyclone frequencies in the SCS area is mainly realized by La Ni(n)a and La Ni(n)a-like events before 1975 but mainly by El Ni(n)o and El Nifo-like events after 1975.  相似文献   

8014号热带气旋发生发展过程的能量学诊断研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
利用动能和总位能收支方程,对8014号强热带风暴过程进行了能量学诊断研究。结果表明,地转作用是该热带气旋中辐散风动能向旋转风动能转换的主要物理机制;非绝热加热是热带气旋发展的主要能源,其对总位能的制造大部分用于次网格耗散和侧边界输出,只有一小部分被转化为辐散风动能;两个转换函数C(P,Kx)和C(Kx,Kφ)在时空分布上具有很好的一致性;该热带气旋与周围环境场有明显的能量交换,在高层有总位能和旋转风动能输出,在低层有辐散风动能输入;在总动能收支中,辐散风作功是主要的功能产生项,旋转风作功主要是消耗动能。  相似文献   

利用云分辨天气研究和预报模式(CR-WRF)模拟在清洁大气和污染大气下,气溶胶的云凝结核作用对不同强度南海热带气旋(TC)的强度变化影响,对比分析了动力结构和微物理结构的变化。(1)在污染大气环境中,更多气溶胶能进入到弱TC内部云带区,并充当凝结核作用,TC内部各相态水凝物含量都有明显增多,释放潜热有利于TC内部的对流发展,弱TC中心海平面气压下降,强度加强。(2)在污染大气环境中,气溶胶主要影响强TC的外部螺旋云带区;外部云带区各相态水凝物增多,释放潜热有利于该处对流的发展;外部云带区对流与云墙区内对流形成竞争,导致入流减弱,云墙区内上升运动减弱,强TC中心海平面气压上升,强度减弱。  相似文献   

The intraseasonal oscillation(ISO) of the South China Sea(SCS, 105-120°E, 5-20°N) convection and its influences on the genesis and track of the western North Pacific(WNP) tropical cyclones(TCs) were explored, based on the daily average of NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, the OLR data and the western North Pacific tropical cyclone best-track data from 1979 to 2008. The mechanism of the influences of ISO on TC movement and the corresponding large-scale circulation were discussed by a trajectory model. It was found as follows.(1) During the SCS summer monsoon, the SCS convection exhibits the ISO features with active phases alternating with inactive phases. The monsoon circulation patterns are significantly different during these two phases. When the SCS convection is active(inactive), the SCS-WNP monsoon trough stretches eastward(retreats westward) due to the activity(inactivity) of SCS monsoon, and the WNP subtropical high retreats eastward(stretches westward), which enhances(suppresses) the monsoon circulation.(2) The amount of TC genesis in the active phase is much more than that in the inactive phase. A majority of TCs form west of 135 °E during the active phases but east of 135 °E in the inactive phases.(3) The TCs entering the area west of 135 °E and south of 25 °N would move straight into the SCS in the active phase, or recurve northward in the inactive phase.(4) Simulation results show that the steering flow associated with the active(inactive)phases is in favor of straight-moving(recurving) TCs. Meanwhile, the impacts of the locations of TC genesis on the characteristics of TC track cannot be ignored. TCs that occurred father westward are more likely to move straight into the SCS region.  相似文献   

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