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1. The effect of acetylcholine (ACh) on the ion transport of frog (Rana esculenta) sartorius muscles was studied. ACh was applied in bathing solution, Na influx and K efflux were measured using 24Na and 42K isotopes. 2. Na influx of sartorius muscles was increased by 1 mmol/1 ACh 2-10 fold depending on the experimental arrangement. The increase was greater if Na influx was measured at the beginning of ACh depolarization. During ACh treatment the Na influx took about the same time course as the depolarization recorded extracellularly. This type of recording approximately reflects the depolarization proceeding on the sartorius muscle fibres. 3. The presence of 31 nmol/l tetrodotoxin (TTX) did not modify the degree of increase of Na influx. 4. Rate coefficients for K efflux were increased 2-5 fold by ACh. The maximum rate coefficients were obtained in the first minute of ACh treatment. 5. Increase in K loss evolves also in the presence of 31 nmol/l TTX. The increase in rate coefficients was found to be about 30% less than without TTX in the first minute of ACh action. 6. The results indicate that in the presence of ACh the observed increase in Na influx and K efflux is brought about mainly by changes in Na and K conductance induced by ACh at the end-plates rather than by the action potentials accompanying ACh depolarization.  相似文献   

Summary The response of normal and denervated frog sartorius muscles to several agonists differing in intrinsic activity was studied using the fluid electrode technique. The response to carbamylcholine could be irreversibly blocked by exposure of the muscles top-trimethylammoniumbenzenediazonium difluoroborate (TDF), but the response could be protected from blockage by agonists and antagonists indicating that both TDF and these ligands act at the acetylcholine binding site of the receptor. It is shown that specific reversible binding of the trimethylammonium group of TDF to the receptor plays little or no role in the irreversible reaction of TDF with the receptor, which accounts for the extremely low specificity of its reaction with the receptor.This work is taken from a thesis presented by J. M. Lindstrom in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph. D. degree in Biology at the University of California, June 1971.  相似文献   

Beta-actinin isoforms in various types of muscle and non-muscle tissues   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We found that beta-actinin isoforms are present in various types of tissues in adult chicken by using immunoblotting after two dimensional gel electrophoresis; for this purpose, an antibody was raised against beta-actinin purified from adult chicken breast muscle (pectoralis major). One of the beta-actinin subunits, beta I, was present in all tissues we examined, i.e. skeletal (pectoralis major, semitendinosus, and anterior latissimus dorsi), cardiac, and smooth (gizzard) muscles, non-muscle (brain, liver, and kidney) tissues and blood, whereas another subunit, beta II, was present only in muscle tissues. A new subunit (designated beta III) that was found in the embryonic stages of skeletal muscle (Asami, Funatsu & Ishiwata (1988) J. Biochem. 103, 72-75) was present instead of beta II in non-muscle tissues and blood. In cardiac and smooth muscles, beta III coexisted with beta I and beta II. The antibody of beta-actinin did not cross-react to cytoplasmic beta-actinin (molecular weight, 80,000 daltons) found in kidney. It was suggested that the combination of beta I and beta III present in non-muscle tissues and blood is identical to the barbed end capping protein isolated from brain by Killiman and Isenberg (EMBO J. 1, 889-894 (1982)). It is likely that beta-actinin forms a genetic family whose constituents have an ability to cap either the pointed or barbed end of actin filaments.  相似文献   

Presynaptic active zones were studied in slow, fast and intermediate types of frog muscle fibres in freeze-fracture replicas. In fast fibres, the double rows of paired particles are present on active zone ridges perperdicular to the longitudinal axis of the nerve whereas in slow fibres active zone ridges are rudimentary or absent and double rows of particles occur in all directions, mostly paired, sometimes single. In the intermediate type of muscle fibres both types of active zone deployment coexist on a single muscle fibre.  相似文献   

Phosphoinositides in frog skeletal muscle: a quantitative analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The contents of major phospholipids per g of wet wt. in frog skeletal muscle are: 5.3 mumol PC; 1.4 mumol PE; 1 mumol SM; 0.4 mumol PtdIns; 0.3 mumol CL; and 0.13 mumol PS. The quantities of polyphosphoinositides per g of wet wt. are: 181 nmol PtInsP; 28 nmol PtdInsP2; and 8 nmol lyso-PtdInsP2. The specific activity of labelling of the total muscle ATP attained by external incubation with [32P]Pi was found to be 57 dpm/nmol x g muscle wet wt. PtdInsP2, the highest labelled polyphosphoinositide, showed a specific activity of 64,000 dpm/nmol per g muscle wet wt., suggesting that high specific activity ATP may be compartmentalized in the local environment of the triads and used as a substrate by the PtdIns and PtInsP kinase in that region. PtdInsP2 which is the immediate precursor for the release of InsP3, is found at a significant concentration and strategically located for its postulated role as a substrate for the action of phosphoinositidase C. The presence of a novel endogenous polyphosphoinositide, lyso-PtdInsP2, in animal tissues is reported for the first time. Electrical stimulation leads towards a rapid catabolization of polyphosphoinositides revealed by reductions in the 3H- and 32P-labelling, suggesting that muscle excitation is associated with the activation of breaking down of polyphosphoinositides.  相似文献   

Studies have been made on the sensitivity of cholinoreceptors in identified isolated neuron from the pedal ganglion of the snail Planorbarius corneus and cholinoreceptors of m. rectus abdominis of the frog Rana temporaria to drugs which differ from acetylcholine by the structure either in cationic group, methylene chain, or ester group. Snail cholinoreceptors were found to be less sensitive to changes in the structure of cationic group and more sensitive to the increase in methylene chain from 3 to 4 groups, as compared to frog cholinoreceptors. The sensitivity of both preparations to changes in ester group, as well as to tetramethylammonium was found to be practically the same. Therefore, the sensitivity of neuronal cholinoreceptors in the snail to the effect of acetylcholine and tetramethylammonium analogues does not significantly differ from the sensitivity of cholinoreceptors in the abdominal muscle of the frog.  相似文献   

Efficacy of drugs reduced proximal reabsorption was compared in experiments with female Wistar rats. Urine flow rate for the 1st h of experiment was enhanced after polyethylene glycol-400 (PEG) and 6% Na2SO4 infusion by over 30-fold, exenatide--40-fold, glycerol--11-fold as compared with the control. The maximal values of Na+ excretion were observed during Na2SO4 and exenatide administration (280 +/- 31 micromol/h vs. 3.2 +/- 0.6 Imol/h/100 g bw). The highest K+ excretion was revealed in experiments with glycerol administration (41 +/- 5 micromol/h vs. 7 +/- 2 micromol/h/100 g bw), Mg2+ --after exenatide injection (5.3 +/- 1.3 micromol/h vs. 0.16 +/- 0.03 micromol/ h/100 g bw). Diuretic effects were additive after combined administration of maximal doses of exenatide and PEG which suggests a different mechanism of action of solutes filtrated (PEG) to the proximal nephron segment and generated due to Na+/HW-exchange inhibition (exenatide). Osmotic diuretics differ by potency, mechanism of diuretic action and selectivity of ion excretion).  相似文献   

Summary The compound eye of male (haploid) Xyleborus ferrugineus beetles was examined with scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The eye externally consists of ca. 19 to 33 facets. Each ommatidium is composed of a thickly biconvex lenslet with about 50 electron dense and rare layers, but at the junction area between two lenslets there are only about 35 to 37 layers that can be distinguished. A very short (3.4–4.0 m) acone type crystalline cone is located directly beneath the lenslet. Each ommatidium is surrounded by pigment cells, and pigment granules also appear throughout the cytoplasm of the retinular cells. Some pigment granules are even present below the basement membrane. There are 8 retinular cells. The rhabdomeres of 2 centrally situated photoreceptor cells fuse into a rhabdom which is enveloped by the rhabdomeres of 6 peripheral retinular cells. The rhabdomeres of the 6 peripheral retinular cells join laterally to form a rhabdomeric ring around the central rhabdom. No tracheation was observed among the retinular cells. Virus-like particles are evident near the nucleus in each Semper cell of the crystalline cone.This research was supported by the Director of the Research Division, C.A.L.S., University of Wisconsin, Madison; and in part by research grant No. RR-00779 from the Division of Research Resources, National Institutes of Health and by funds from the Schoenleber Foundation, Milwaukee, WI to D.M.N.  相似文献   

The muscle membrane of slow and fast fibers in cruralis and iliofibularis muscles and of intermediate fibers in submaxillaris muscle of the frog is studied in freeze-fracture replicas. A comparison of membrane folds, number, size and distribution of caveolae and of intramembrane particles (IMP) is given. In slow muscle fibers, the membrane folds are systematically present at the level of the I zone with a transversal continuity, whereas in fast and intermediate types the membrane folds are small and are randomly distributed. In slow muscle the caveolae are more numerous at the I zone than in the part corresponding to the center of the sarcomere. In fast muscle, small groups of caveolae form linear patterns, and in intermediate fibers the distribution is random. The number of caveolae in slow muscle fibers is two times more than in fast and intermediate fibers. The mean area of caveolae opening is largest in fast and smallest in slow muscle fibers. The number of IMP is significantly different in the three types of fibers, being highest in slow and lowest in intermediate fibers. The different pattern of folds in slow fibers may correspond to the different contractile properties of this fiber type. The presence of double the number of caveolae in slow fibers correlated to the less elaborate T system in this fiber type shows the possibility that slow fibers may be the result of an arrest during development for the performance of a different function. The difference in IMP density in the three muscle fiber types may be interpreted as the difference in their electrical properties.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1990,111(6):2613-2622
The structural elements required for normal maturation and assembly of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha subunit were investigated by expression of mutated subunits in transfected fibroblasts. Normally, the wild-type alpha subunit acquires high affinity alpha bungarotoxin binding in a time-dependent manner; however, mutation of the 128 and/or 142 cysteines to either serine or alanine, as well as deletion of the entire 14 amino acids in this region abolished all detectable high affinity binding. Nonglycosylated subunits that had a serine to glycine mutation in the consensus sequence also did not efficiently attain high affinity binding to toxin. In contrast, mutation of the proline at position 136 to glycine or alanine, or a double mutation of the cysteines at position 192 and 193 to serines had no effect on the acquisition of high affinity toxin binding. These data suggest that a disulfide bridge between cysteines 128 and 142 and oligosaccharide addition at asparagine 141 are required for the normal maturation of alpha subunit as assayed by high affinity toxin binding. The unassembled wild-type alpha subunit expressed in fibroblasts is normally degraded with a t1/2 of 2 h; upon assembly with the delta subunit, the degradation rate slows significantly (t1/2 greater than 13 h). All mutated alpha subunits retained the capacity to assemble with a delta subunit coexpressed in fibroblasts; however, mutated alpha subunits that were not glycosylated or did not acquire high affinity toxin binding were rapidly degraded (t1/2 = 20 min to 2 h) regardless of whether or not they assembled with the delta subunit. Assembly and rapid degradation of nonglycosylated acetylcholine receptor (AChR) subunits and subunit complexes were also observed in tunicamycin- treated BC3H-1 cells, a mouse musclelike cell line that normally expresses functional AChR. Hence, rapid degradation may be one form of regulation assuring that only correctly processed and assembled subunits accumulate, and ultimately make functional receptors in AChR- expressing cells.  相似文献   

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