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突发传染病的大规模传播模拟系统是传染病大规模传播复杂过程的综合集成,对于传染病防控的政策优化、传播风险预判及应急演练等具有重要意义.本文简要介绍了当前国际上几个典型的传染病大规模传播模拟系统,对比分析了各系统的特点,并对未来发展方向进行了讨论.  相似文献   

构建了符合甲型H1N1流感疫情传播和防控特点的仓室模型,并用该模型仿真分析了2009年4月到2010年5月之间,中美两国甲型H1N1流感疫情的发展过程.通过对模型中检疫隔离和疫苗接种等防控参数的敏感性分析,讨论了各种防控措施的有效性.结合中美防控策略分析得失,为今后类似的突发传染病疫情防控提供参考依据.  相似文献   

【摘要】 2019新型冠状病毒(2019 novel coronavirus, 2019-nCoV)感染疫情正在蔓延,严重威胁我国及境外人民的生命安全。2019-nCoV感染的肺炎作为急性呼吸道传染病已纳入《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》规定的乙类传染病,按甲类传染病管理。为进一步做好2019-nCoV感染预防与控制工作,有效降低2019-nCoV在医疗机构内传播风险,规范医务人员行为,现根据国家卫生健康委发布的技术指南、方案及有关资料,特起草介入科防控2019-nCoV感染的策略与建议。该文重点介绍介入科防控总体原则、门诊防控管理、会诊防控管理、病房防控管理和手术室防控管理等。  相似文献   

近年来, 随着新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情在世界范围内流行, 呼吸道传染病的防控越来越受到重视。目前我国海军正处于飞速发展阶段, 同时也面临着诸多挑战。新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情一旦发生在舰艇上, 将会对我海军战斗力造成极大的影响。由于舰上环境和人员特殊, 及时、有效的人员管控可以降低呼吸道传染病的感染率。笔者基于新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情现状, 并结合任务实际设计模拟场景, 启动撤侨工作期间预防疫情传播的应急预案, 将人员分为指挥组、采样检测组、隔离救治组和综合保障组, 并对不同准备阶段的人员管控进行了介绍, 以期为提高海上任务人员对于突发呼吸道传染病疫情的应急处置能力提供参考。  相似文献   

<正>随着社会经济的发展,重大传染病疫情频繁发生,直接威胁部队官兵和人民群众身体健康与生命安全,已成为越来越严重的社会和公共卫生问题。已知传染病呈死灰复燃趋势,新发传染病又不断出现,使基层部队医疗卫生机构的传染病疫情防控工作面临严峻考验,有效防控各类传染病疫情在军队中发生和传播,是维护官兵身体健康与生命安全,提高部队战斗力的重要保证。现就重大传染病疫情特点与基层部队医疗卫生机构的防控对策探讨如下。  相似文献   

当前各种突发传染病疫情所造成的经济损失越来越大,给社会经济运行带来了明显影响,深入研究突发传染病疫情导致经济损失的评估方法,可以为科学应对此类事件提供重要的决策依据.本文分析了突发传染病疫情经济损失评估研究的现实意义,探讨了疫情影响经济的途径,并对目前国内外相关研究方法及进展进行了讨论.  相似文献   

目的 通过处置1例新型冠状病毒IgM抗体检测单阳患者的应急措施复盘研究,进一步清晰应急处置工作的任务与流程,加强院内感染防控措施.方法 某医院在新冠肺炎疫情常态化防控中,妇产科对1例住院术后发热患者进行新冠病毒抗体主动筛查,发现该患者全血新冠病毒抗体IgM阳性.医院及时启动突发传染病疫情应急响应机制,固化工作场景,控制...  相似文献   

3月底以来,南京战区驻地的上海、江苏、浙江、安徽等多省市连续发生人感染H7N9禽流感疫情。为严防疫情输入部队,确保官兵健康安全,南京军区紧急下发通知,全面部署H7N9人禽流感疫情防控工作,将禽流感防治由常态管理转向应急状态,调整充实各级防治高致病性禽流感领导小组,及时举办人禽流感防治技术骨干培训,加强组织领导和技术指导;密切监测疫情动态,加强与地方疾病预防控制机构的联系,落实日报告和零报告制度;强化预防重大传染病防控措施,编印下发防治手册和公共卫生信息快报,普及禽流感防治知识,引导各级正确认识防控形势,既严防疫情传人部队,又防止引起官兵恐慌;结合开展第25个“爱国卫生月”活动,进行营区卫生综合整治,  相似文献   

肺结核是由结核分枝杆菌感染引起的常见呼吸系统传染病.该病通过传染性患者咽喉和肺部产生的飞沫在人际传播,在部队、学校时有疫情发生,对民众健康和部队战斗力影响较大.该文通过对一起发生在维和集训期间肺结核疫情的流行病学调查和防控工作的分析总结,就进一步加强对维和集训前后肺结核的防控,提出应尽早进行健康筛查及上报、加强监督和管...  相似文献   

传染病动力学建模研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
传染病动力学建模是探索传染病的传播规律、研究有效防控策略的重要方法。本文介绍了主要的几类传染病动力学建模方法,分析了这些方法的特点,并讨论了传染病动力学建模的发展方向以及如何选择合理的模型进行研究。  相似文献   

The central decision in every functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiment is whether pixels in brain tissues are showing activation in response to neural stimulus or as a result of noise. Images are degraded not only by random (e.g., thermal) noise, but also by structured noise due to MR system characteristics, cardiac and respiratory pulsations, and patient motion. A novel digital filter has been developed to suppress cardiac and respiratory structured noise in fMRI images, using estimates of structured and random noise power spectra obtained directly from the images. It is an adaptive filter based on stationary noise statistics, and is equivalent in form to a Wiener filter. A mathematical model of the filtering process was developed to understand how the strength and distribution of structured and random noise power influenced filter performance. The filter was tested using images from an auditory activation study in ten subjects. In subjects whose structured noise power was localized to a relatively narrow frequency range, a strong relationship was found, both experimentally (R = 0.975, P < 0.0004 for Ho: R = 0) and using the model, between filter performance and the level of structured noise power contaminating the experiment frequency. The filter significantly reduced the rate of false-positive activations in the subset of subjects whose experiment frequency was relatively heavily contaminated by structured noise. Notch filters, that simply eliminate unwanted frequencies, performed poorly in all subjects. Unlike the proposed Wiener filter, these filters did not suppress structured noise power at the experiment frequency that contributes to false-positive activations.  相似文献   

目的制备洛伐他汀烟酸缓释片,解析释药机理,并考察烟酸缓释层组成对药物释放的影响。方法通过压制双层片制备洛伐他汀烟酸缓释片。通过释药速率常数(k)将各因素对烟酸和洛伐他汀的释放效果进行评价。结果HPMC用量或黏度增大,k减慢;PVPK30用量增大,k加快;在一定范围内压片压力波动对烟酸和洛伐他汀的释药行为无明显影响。结论缓释片中药物主要是通过溶蚀机制释放。  相似文献   

对利比里亚民众和在利比里亚执行联合国维和任务的中国官兵来说,传染病是他们面对的首要威胁.利比里亚的主要传染病有疟疾、艾滋病、急性呼吸道感染、性传播疾病、血吸虫病、盘尾丝虫病、结核病、霍乱、百日咳、肝炎、脑膜炎、伤寒、拉沙热和黄热病等.深入了解利比里亚任务区传染病的种类和流行概况,对赴利比里亚维和期间的疾病诊断和防疫工作有重要的指导意义.针对利比里亚任务区的传染病概况,结合我们在赴利比里亚维和期间的防疫工作经验,建议各维和分队从以下方面加强和改进防疫工作:(1)采取综合性媒介生物控制措施进行虫媒与动物媒介传染病预防;(2)重视用水安全,做好水质消毒和水质安全检测;(3)有针对性地装备各种传染病的疫苗、诊断试剂、治疗药物和抗血清;(4)加强营区和个人卫生管理,做好卫生安全常识教育,提高疾病预防意识;(5)严格日常生活管理.以上传染病概况和防疫工作建议对赴其他非洲国家的维和分队也有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

Human lymphocytes pretreated with low (0.01 Gy) but not high (0.5 Gy) doses of X-rays become somewhat refractory to the induction of chromatid deletions by subsequent exposure to high (1.5 Gy) doses of X-rays (i.e. the yield of chromatid deletions is less than the sum of the yields induced by the pre-exposure and the subsequent challenge doses). This adaptive response can also be induced by pretreating the cells with very low, or even high, concentrations of tritiated thymidine. Because high concentrations of tritiated thymidine result in high doses of radiation that are delivered at very low dose-rates (i.e. less than 0.01 Gy/min), the lack of adaptation following high pre-treatment doses of X-rays could be attributed to their higher dose-rates. To test the effect of X-ray intensity on the induction of the adaptive response, lymphocytes were irradiated with 0.5 Gy of X-rays at 0.005-0.5 Gy/min at 28-30 h of culture, and then irradiated with 1.5 Gy at 48 h. Chromatid deletions were measured 6 h later. The results show that 0.5 Gy of X-rays given at low dose-rates (0.005 or 0.01 Gy/min), but not at high dose-rates (0.1, 0.2, or 0.5 Gy/min), are capable of inducing the adaptive response. Furthermore, experiments in which a male subject's cells exposed to 0.5 Gy given at 0.005 Gy/min were cocultivated with a female subject's cells irradiated with 0.5 Gy at 0.5 Gy/min showed that cells exposed to radiation at low and high intensity progress to metaphase equally and, therefore, that the lack of an adaptive response at high dose-rates cannot be attributed to selection of radioresistant cells. Although the induction of the adaptive response at higher X-ray doses occurs at low radiation intensity, there seems to be a minimum dose required for this effect; e.g., 0.01-Gy pretreatments induced the adaptive response when given at 0.2 Gy/min, but not at 0.005 Gy/min. Thus, the adaptive response is dependent both on the total dose of the pretreatment and on the rate at which the dose is given.  相似文献   

The article presents the preliminary data analysis of past "pandemic" and regional epidemics in the world caused by the influenza virus A(H1N1)sw1. Draw conclusions about the relative softness of the clinical and epidemiological manifestations of recent developments in connection with the lack of antigenic shift from a new strain and a significant protective role of acquired earlier population of cross-immunity of population to variants of influenza virus A(H1N1)sw1. In military units as representative risky groups are reflected all the laws of the epidemic process of influenza in the population. Consequently, the results of epidemiological surveillance in them can be extrapolated to the population and make a forecast of the epidemic in order to develop strategies and tactics to combat this infection in a large scale.  相似文献   

Nowadays, the images and information generated in imaging tests, as well as the reports that are issued, are digital and represent a reliable source of data. Reports can be classified according to their content and to the type of information they include into three main types: organized (free text in natural language), predefined (with templates and guidelines elaborated with previously determined natural language like that used in BI-RADS and PI-RADS), or structured (with drop-down menus displaying questions with various possible answers that have been agreed on with the rest of the multidisciplinary team, which use standardized lexicons and are structured in the form of a database with data that can be traced and exploited with statistical tools and data mining). The structured report, compatible with Management of Radiology Report Templates (MRRT), makes it possible to incorporate quantitative information related with the digital analysis of the data from the acquired images to accurately and precisely describe the properties and behavior of tissues by means of radiomics (characteristics and parameters). In conclusion, structured digital information (images, text, measurements, radiomic features, and imaging biomarkers) should be integrated into computerized reports so that they can be indexed in large repositories. Radiologic databanks are fundamental for exploiting health information, phenotyping lesions and diseases, and extracting conclusions in personalized medicine.  相似文献   

In female mammals reproduction is highly sensitive to the food supply. During lean times, females suspend reproductive attempts in favor of maintaining processes necessary for survival; fertility is restored once the food supply is again abundant. Nearly all aspects of reproduction are affected, including puberty, adult ovulatory cycles, and reproductive behaviors. Work with experimental animals reveals that caloric restriction inhibits release of luteinizing hormone (LH) and female sexual behavior via similar, although separate, processes. The primary metabolic event affecting LH release as well as female sexual behavior is the short-term (minute-to-minute, hour-to-hour) availability of oxidizable metabolic fuels, rather than any aspect of body size or composition (e.g., body fat content). Metabolic fuel availability is detected in the hindbrain and perhaps in peripheral tissues. Metabolic information is then transmitted synaptically from the visceral hindbrain to the forebrain effector circuits. In the forebrain, signaling via corticotropin-releasing hormone receptors appears to be crucial for inhibition of both LH secretion and female sexual behavior.  相似文献   

The future of nuclear medicine procedures, as understood within our current economic climate, depends upon its ability to provide relevant clinical information at similar or lower comparative costs. With an ever-increasing emphasis on cost containment, outcome assessment forms the basis of preserving the quality of patient care. Today, outcomes assessment encompasses a wide array of subjects including clinical, economic, and humanistic (i.e., quality of life) outcomes. For nuclear cardiology, evidence-based medicine would require a threshold level of evidence in order to justify the added cost of any test in a patient's work-up. This evidence would include large multicenter, observational series as well as randomized trial data in sufficiently large and diverse patient populations. The new movement in evidence-based medicine is also being applied to the introduction of new technologies, in particular when comparative modalities exist. In the past 5 years, we have seen a dramatic shift in the quality of outcomes data published in nuclear cardiology. This includes the use of statistically rigorous risk-adjusted techniques as well as large populations (i.e., > 500 patients) representing multiple diverse medical care settings. This has been the direct result of the development of multiple outcomes databases that have now amassed thousands of patients worth of data. One of the benefits of examining outcomes in large patient datasets is the ability to assess individual endpoints (e.g., cardiac death) as compared with smaller datasets that often assess combined endpoints (e.g., death, myocardial infarction, or unstable angina). New technologies for the diagnosis of coronary artery disease have contributed to the rising costs of care. In the United States and in Europe, costs of care have risen dramatically, consuming an ever-increasing amount of available resources. The overuse of diagnostic angiography often leads to unnecessary revascularization that does not lead to improvement in outcome. Thus, the potential exists that stress SPECT imaging, a highly effective diagnostic tool, could effect substantial change in reducing inappropriate use of an invasive procedure resulting in cost effective cardiac care. A synthesis of current economic evidence in gated SPECT imaging will be presented. In conclusion, a current state of the evidence review is presented on the clinical and economic data using nuclear cardiology imaging.  相似文献   

The Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) was created in 1951 to provide epidemiologists to investigate natural and intentional disease epidemics. From an initial class of 23 U.S. citizens, the program has evolved into a globally recognized, hands-on learning experience, accepting approximately 65 to 75 new officers each year. The first U.S. military epidemic intelligence service officer (EISO) was accepted into the program in 1994. Since that time, 12 such officers have completed, or have begun, EIS training. They have comprised 2.1% of all EISOs from 1994 to 2001 and 0.47% of all EISOs. This total has included nine Air Force veterinarians, one Army veterinarian, one Army physician, and one Navy physician. Each military EISO had the opportunity to lead investigations of significant public health events (e.g., Ebola, monkeypox, malaria, Nipah virus, West Nile fever, and anthrax outbreaks). All graduates from the military returned to active duty assignments in operational medical units, research institutes, or the intelligence community.  相似文献   

2010年7月新疆某县报告了一起人感染炭疽疫情,通过对此次疫情进行流行病学调查,并采集相关样品进行实验室检测,经综合分析判定此次人炭疽疫情为家畜源性的.随后严格按照农业部颁布的<炭疽疫情防治技术规范>对此次疑似家畜炭疽疫情进行了及时处置,控制了疫情进一步的扩散.  相似文献   

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