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产于太古界斜长角闲片岩中的某超基性岩体上盘的甲矿体和下盘的乙矿体中普遍含有铂族元素。  相似文献   

几种幔源岩石铂族元素赋存状态研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了几种幔源岩石PGE赋存状态和分布规律方面的研究进展。众多的分配系数实验和分离的硫化物测试均表明PGE易进入硫化物而主要受硫化物控制,氧化物和硅酸盐对幔源岩石中PGE也具有一定的控制作用。不同成因的幔源岩石具有不同的PGE矿物共生组合,硫化物和合金是幔源岩石中两类最主要的铂族元素矿物(PGM)。虽然PGE特别是Pt、Pd和贱金属硫化物(BMS)紧密相关,但仍没有查明PGE是以独立矿物形式存在干其中还是以类质同象形式进入铁-镍-铜硫化物的晶格。对IPGE和铬铁矿及橄榄石的关系仍有两种不同的解释,两种解释均没有充分的证据否定对方。成岩的物理化学条件如氧逸度、硫逸度对幔源岩石PGE赋存状态有重要影响。铬铁矿中的Os-Ir合金包裹体并不代表早期的结晶相,而是从铬铁矿中退火出熔的结果。  相似文献   

金川铜镍硫化物矿床铂族元素的赋存状态及分布规律   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
金川铜硫化物矿床铂族元素球粒陨石标准化型式属于Pt-Pd配分类型,Pt、pd〉Os、Ir、Ru、Rh,存在3种不同形式的图形;PGE(铂族元素)在熔离和深熔--贯入型岩矿体中,PGE含量从非含矿岩石→SN-B→SN-A2→SN-A1依次增加,显示与金属硫化物含量具有正消长关系;矿石中80%以上的铂和70T以上的钯呈矿物相存在;PGE富集体主要分布在富矿体膨大处的中、下部。  相似文献   

丹巴杨柳坪铜镍铂族矿床成矿期与国内最大的独立铂族金宝山矿床同属海西期。矿床中Pt、Pd较为富集,其次为Ir、Rh、Os、Ru;Pt含量0.05g/t4.01g/t。矿床中以独立矿物存在的铂族矿物主要有砷铂矿、碲锑钯矿、锑钯矿等,粒度较小,在0.2μm4.01g/t。矿床中以独立矿物存在的铂族矿物主要有砷铂矿、碲锑钯矿、锑钯矿等,粒度较小,在0.2μm100μm间,在矿石中零星分布。独立铂族矿物的载体主要是磁黄铁矿、镍磁黄铁矿、黄铁矿、黄铜矿等金属矿物及碳酸盐、硅酸盐矿物。其次,铂族元素之间的类质同象也是较为重要的一种赋存形式。  相似文献   

华北与黔西地区晚古生代煤层中铂族元素赋存状态及来源   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
运用电离耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS)对中国华北和黔西地区晚古生代煤系中54个样品的铂族元素(PGEs)进行了分析。分析结果表明,煤中铂族元素主要是通过岩浆热液活动、低温热液流体、同沉积火山灰、陆源碎屑输入和海水等诸种地质作用形成的,前3种作用是造成煤中铂族元素异常的主要原因。低含量的铂族元素(正常背景值)主要来源于硅质陆源区,煤中铂族元素的背景值为:Ru=0.005μg/g,Rh=0.014μg/g,Pd=0.181μg/g,Ir=0.001μg/g,Pt=0.037μg/g。煤中铂族元素以Pt-Pd分配模式为特征,并且Pd>Pt,Pd>>Ru、Rh、Ir,其中Pd在煤中的背景值约为地壳平均值的18倍。Pd、Pt与煤灰分呈正相关,表现出它与无机矿物的亲和性。  相似文献   

煤中常量元素的赋存特征与研究意义   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
煤中常量元素 (包括Na、Mg、Al、Si、K、Ca、Ti、P和Fe)是煤的重要无机组成,也是影响煤物理化学性质及加工利用的主要影响因素。本文结合华北鄂尔多斯盆地、开滦矿区和峰峰矿区晚古生代煤、贵州西部晚二叠世煤的具体实例,对煤中常量元素的赋存状态、地质成因和指相意义进行了总结,并对煤中常量元素在煤加工利用过程中的影响做了简要陈述。  相似文献   

贵州遵义黑色岩系多金属层中铂族元素的赋存状态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文运用逐级化学提取和重液分离,结合电感耦合等离子体质谱分析,研究了遵义地区黑色岩系多金属层中铂族元素的赋存状态及其沉淀富集规律。实验结果表明,铂族元素主要赋存于硫化物类矿物中,其中Pt和Pd的赋存形式有所不同,有一部分Pt还存在于粘土矿物中,Pd则除部分在粘土矿物中外,还可能有独立矿物存在。结合前人的研究,可以认为成矿溶液中铂族元素可呈不同形式的络合物迁移;粘土矿物、有机质及金属硫化物在PGE富集过程中起着地球化学障的作用。  相似文献   

安洛勘探区煤中常量元素赋存特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹志德 《贵州地质》2006,23(1):62-65,74
煤中部分常量元素(包括Si、Al、Fe、Ca、Mg、S、Ti、K、Na等)是煤无机组成的重要部分,对煤的物理化学性质和加工利用特性有重要的影响。本文分析了区内常量元素的赋存特征,揭示了煤中部分常量元素与沉积环境的关系。叙述了煤中S以及Si、Al、Fe等元素对煤炭液化及煤炭副产品综合利用的影响。  相似文献   

曾明果 《贵州地质》2007,24(2):147-150,141
本项目采用6级不同化学物相形态系统,用化学试剂选择性提取和对比提取相结合的方法,研究了PGE元素及Au的物相分布特点.得出了Ru、Rh、Pd、Os、Ir、Pt及Au在各物相中的含量及相对比率,参照电子探针等对Mo、Ni硫化矿物分析成果,表明PGE在镍的硫化物相中丰度较高外,在可交换态、黄铁矿态及残渣态等中亦有一定分布,显示PGE元素以超微细粒分散赋存特点.表明矿体在沉积时未发生PGE元素的显著成矿分异,成岩期也未出现明显的再次富集作用.此矿床系我国黑色岩系中确凿伴生有PGE矿的典型代表,铂族元素赋存状态研究对其成因、寻找和开发有关键意义.  相似文献   

Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) after NiS fire assay-Te co-precipitation was employed in the determination of Ru, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir and Pt at ng g-1 levels in six platinum-group element (PGE) geological reference materials. In general, the average of several results was in good agreement with the certified values taking into account respective uncertainties. High relative standard deviations were observed for the reference materials GPt-3 and GPt-4. Problems associated with the NiS fire assay procedure and PGE determination at the sub-10 ng g-1 level are reviewed and discussed.  相似文献   

非劳动要素与分配的问题,引起了理论界的高度重视。作为地勘行业的煤炭地质单位,如何确立非劳动要素参与分配的机制,是摆在煤炭地质单位劳资工作者面前的新课题。通过”资本参与分配、技术要素参与分配、管理要素参与分配”等三个方面的分析,对目前煤炭地质单位非生产要素参与分配的现状及实施的前提条件作了进一步的探讨,并就如何确立非生产要素参与分配的分配体系提出了看法。  相似文献   

The present study describes a method for the extraction of Pt, Pd, Rh, Ru, Ir and Au from various geological materials after fusion with sodium peroxide in zirconium crucibles involving samples that vary in mass from 1 g to more than 20 g. Precipitation is brought about by reduction of the platinum-group elements (PGEs) with Sn2+, using selenium and tellurium as carriers in the presence of a catalyst (KI). The extraction yields obtained by this method are between 95 and 100% for PGEs. Gold is less well extracted (around 80%). Detection of the noble metals in the extraction residues is carried out by using ICP-MS. The results obtained by this technique are reported for five CCRMP certified reference materials and are close to their certified values. The elements were also determined in a natural glass sample melted during a meteoritic impact and contaminated by PGEs at ultra-trace concentrations.  相似文献   

This research compares various ways of applying oxidative chemical decomposition to the analysis of gold-bearing black shale ores from the Russian Natalka and Sukhoj Log deposits. This study was conducted as part of the certification program for the Russian candidate black shale reference materials SLG-1 and SCHS-1 and also because of the paucity of data available on the determination of the platinum group elements (PGE) in analogous sample types. We report direct evidence of PGE volatilisation from black shale materials when processed in the presence of oxygen. We also developed a comprehensive analytical scheme for the quantitative determination of PGE in all phases (gaseous and ash) produced during slow combustion of carbonaceous materials in oxygen.
This study has shown that during combustion in oxygen at 600 °C, PGE contained in the Natalka black shale ores are lost as gaseous reaction products. Thus, the volatilized PGE (recovered in traps) account for up to 14% Pt, 40% Pd, 40% Ru and 10 % Ir relative to their total concentrations in a carbonaceous concentrate. It was also established that in the process of combustion, Au quantitatively remains in the ash cake.
In order to avoid the deleterious effects of oxygen on the volatility of the PGE, we propose a new comprehensive sample decomposition method based on the application of fluoroxidants such as BrF3 and KBrF4. This method was validated using samples of black shale ores and their processing products by comparing our results with those obtained independently using sealed autoclave processing of the same materials. It was shown that PGE in black shale ores and their processing products not only exist in commercially exploitable quantities but that a small proportion of PGE compounds are soluble in alcohol. We propose that in gold-bearing black shale ores, PGE are present as organometallic compounds.  相似文献   

The applicability of size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) coupled online with a high resolution ICP-MS (HR-ICP-MS) to investigate the speciation of the platinum-group elements (PGE), Rh, Pd and Pt, was evaluated. Experiments were carried out to determine the efficiency of different hydrophilic and hydrophobic size-exclusion gel materials to select the optimal eluent in respect of resolution, recovery, reproducibility and limit of detection. The suitability of HR-ICP-MS as a reliable detection instrument at low pg ml−1 levels was investigated by examining possible mass interferences with Rh, Pd and Pt. Laboratory experiments demonstrated the interaction and capability of forming complexes of humic substances with PGE, demonstrating the potential role of these ubiquitous natural substances in the mobilisation of PGE in the environment.  相似文献   

The direct analysis of nickel sulfide fire assay buttons by UV laser ablation ICP-MS was used to determine the platinum-group elements and gold in the following reference materials: UMT-1, WPR-1, WMG-1, GPt-4, GPt-6 and CHR-Bkg. The instrument was calibrated with buttons prepared using quartz doped with the appropriate standard solutions. Analytical precision (RSD) was generally better than 10%, although occasional higher RSDs may infer local heterogeneities within nickel sulfide buttons. Good or excellent agreement was observed between analysed and reference material values except Rh in UMT-1 and WMG-1, which suffered an interference from copper. Detection limits calculated as 10 s quantitation limits were Au (1.7 ng g−1), Pd (3.3 ng g−1), Pt (8.3 ng g−1), Os (1.3 ng g−1), Rh (1 ng g−1), Ru (5 ng g−1) and Ir (0.7 ng g−1).  相似文献   

The rift-related, seaward-dipping reflector sequence (SDRS)SE of Greenland consists of basaltic lavas that exhibit variabledegrees of magmatic differentiation, derived from a heterogeneousmantle source. Platinum-group elements (PGE) are used to provideinsights into the petrogenetic evolution of the SDRS, and tocharacterize the magma sources. Noble metal concentrations correlatewell with indicators for magmatic differentiation (mg-number,MgO), exhibiting two distinct trends. Concentrations of Ir,Ru and Rh tend to decrease with progressive differentiation,indicating compatible behaviour of these elements during fractionalcrystallization processes. The variation of Pt and Pd showssegmented trends. In primitive magmas, Pt and Pd are incompatibleand become enriched in the melt. The primitive magma is S undersaturated,despite derivation from a depleted mid-ocean ridge basalt sourceat a moderate degree of melting, reflecting enhanced S solubilityin the melt caused by high Fe content and elevated temperature.In the more evolved lavas, Pt and Pd decrease with decreasingMgO and mg-number. This indicates that S saturation had occurredwith Pt and Pd being incorporated in sulphides, which probablysegregated during ascent. Bulk partition coefficients for thePGE during partial melting are calculated based on data froma primitive basaltic unit with MgO  相似文献   

煤田地质勘探工作,过去多侧重于煤炭资源的勘探,对与矿井(含露天矿,以下同)设计、施工、生产有较大关系的工程地质工作有时重视不足,如精查报告中,对第四纪地质的章节阐述就极为简单,对勘探区域内(尤其是工业广场、工人村等建筑范围)的物理地质现象、地形地貌、岩土的物理力学性质和工程地质条件等所做的工作就更显不够,以致不能较好的指导设计、施工与生产。因此,在煤田地质勘探中做好工程地质工作,是当前一项紧迫的任务。  相似文献   

分析了煤田地勘行业产品的质量特性,煤田地勘行业的一般工作流程及过程控制的方法,并从识别过程、文件的有效性、采购的合法性、产品要求的评审、项目部的审核五个方面探讨了如何对煤田地勘单位质量管理体系进行审核。  相似文献   

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