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谢家麟 《物理》2003,32(8):558-559
惊悉世界著名高能物理学家袁家骝教授于 2月11日在京逝世 ,他和蔼的音容笑貌、卓越的学术成就 ,和对中国科学事业的贡献一起涌上心头 ,使我衷心痛惜 .袁先生早年毕业于燕京大学物理系 ,1934年获得硕士学位 ,后得奖学金赴美深造 ,194 0年在加省理工学院获博士学位并留校研究 .我也曾先后在此两校学习 ,但入学距他离开的时间晚了几年 ,因此对这位双重学长 ,无缘识荆 .最初听到袁先生的情况 ,是我在加省理工学院时 ,曾选修密立根教授 (以其著名的油滴实验和光电效应研究而成为 1932年诺贝尔物理学奖的获得者 )的课 ,在课余的谈话中 ,他表示很喜…  相似文献   

陆埮 《物理》1992,21(12):0-0
吴健雄(Chien ShiungWu)教授系江苏省太仓县浏河人,1912年5月31日生于江苏省上海县(今上海市).1934年毕业于中央大学(现南京大学的前身),两年后入美国加利福尼亚大学,于1940年获博士学位.1952年任哥伦比亚大学副教授,1958年升为教授,1972年起担任普平(Pupin)讲座教授,直到1980年退休。她1958年被选入美国科学院;1975年任美国物理学会主席.她也是?...  相似文献   

刘战存 《物理实验》2001,21(1):43-45
简要介绍伦琴的生平、对物理学发展的主要贡献和对X射线的发展研究过程,分析了伦琴抓住机遇进行创新对我们的有益启示。  相似文献   

郭奕玲  沈慧君 《物理》1997,26(12):740-746
吴有训的历史贡献郭奕玲沈慧君(清华大学现代应用物理系,北京100084)吴有训是我国著名的科学家和教育家.他以毕生精力致力于物理学研究、科学人才的培养和科学管理工作,对我国科学和教育事业作出了重要贡献.他在科学上最主要的成就是全面验证了康普顿效应....  相似文献   

W.H.布拉格的科学生涯与科学贡献   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
厚宇德 《大学物理》2004,23(9):50-56
W.H.布拉格是20世纪伟大的英国科学家,但长期以来物理学界对他的了解不够全面.本文回顾了W.H.布拉格的人生轨迹,较系统地介绍了他的科学贡献,揭示了一些令人深思的问题,对他在科学界的深远影响也作了充分肯定  相似文献   

缅怀钱临照先生对中国物理学会和中国电镜学会的贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴自勤 《物理》1999,28(12):746-748
钱临照先生1906年生于江苏省无锡县,1929年毕业于上海大同大学物理系,受到过胡刚复先生和严济慈先生的教诲.1930—1931年,他在沈阳东北大学任教.1930年,叶企孙先生访问东北大学时曾和钱临照见面.1931年“九·一八”事变后,他被迫入关,被严济慈先生录用为北平研究院物理研究所助理研究员.1934年,他在叶企孙先生的鼓励下考取中英庚款公费名额赴英国留学.1937年他回国后先后在物理研究所、中国科学技术大学工作,1999年7月26日在合肥去世.他的一生业绩已有麦汝奇的专文介绍(见1996年…  相似文献   

多普勒和多普勒效应的起源   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
刘战存 《物理》2003,32(7):488-491
介绍了奥地利物理学家多普勒的生平,回顾了多普勒对波源和观测者之间有相对运动时接收到的波频率改变的效应即多普勒效应的最初论述,以及人们早期对多普勒效应在声学、天文学及光学领域的实验验证情况.论述了多普勒效应的历史作用和纪念多普勒的现实意义.  相似文献   

彭石安 《物理》2002,31(11):747-751
文章根据国外近期发表的关系泡利的大量文献资料,对泡利作了较为全面的介绍,包括他的物理学成就,高尚的道德品行以及哲学思想,提供了许多有趣的轶事。  相似文献   

激光是20世纪中叶以后近二三十年内发展起来的一门新兴科学技术.它是现代物理学的一项重大成果,是量子理论、无线电电子学、微波波谱学以及固体物理学的综合产物,也是科学与技术、理论与实践紧密结合产生的灿烂成果.  相似文献   

综述朗道的一生及其较为重要的贡献之一——朗道二级相变理论,着重论述了朗道相变理论表述形式的一种修正以及朗道对物理学的贡献.  相似文献   

 The contribution to the binding energy of a two-body system due to the crossed two-boson exchange contribution is calculated, using the Bethe-Salpeter equation. This is done for distinguishable, scalar particles interacting via the exchange of scalar massive bosons. The sensitivity of the results to the off-shell behaviour of the operator accounting for this contribution is discussed. Large corrections to the Bethe-Salpeter results in the ladder approximation are found. For neutral scalar bosons, the mass obtained for the two-body system is close to what has been calculated with various forms of the instantaneous approximation, including the standard non-relativistic approach. The specific character of this result is demonstrated by a calculation involving charged bosons, which evidences a quite different pattern. Our results explain for some part those obtained by Nieuwenhuis and Tjon on a different basis. Some differencies appear with increasing coupling constants, suggesting the existence of sizeable contributions involving more than two-boson exchanges. Received June 17, 1999; revised November 19, 1999; accepted for publication January 31, 2000  相似文献   

Eugen von Gothard (1857–1909) made significant contributions to astrophysics and founded the Astrophysical Observatory in Herény, Hungary, in 1881. He also was a gifted instrument maker who designed and produced the apparatus and equipment he needed to carry out his researches, which enabled him to respond immediately to Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen’s astonishing discovery of X rays. Von Gothard took his first X-ray photograph on January 23, 1896, thus inaugurating his first series of experiments, which ended on May 26, 1896. He carried out a second series of experiments on June 21–22, 1905, four years before his premature death at age 51.  相似文献   

对科学史有所了解的人大都熟悉18世纪著名的钻炮实验,这个实验被誉为否定热质说的判决性实验之一.  相似文献   

Bohrs interpretation of quantum mechanics has been criticized as incoherent and opportunistic, and based on doubtful philosophical premises. If so Bohrs influence, in the pre-war period of 1927–1939, is the harder to explain, and the acceptance of his approach to quantum mechanics over de Broglies had no reasonable foundation. But Bohrs interpretation changed little from the time of its first appearance, and stood independent of any philosophical presuppositions. The principle of complementarity is itself best read as a conjecture of unusually wide scope, on the nature and future course of explanations in the sciences (and not only the physical sciences). If it must be judged a failure today, it is not because of any internal inconsistency.  相似文献   

This paper describes the life and scientific development of Arthur E. Haas, from his early career as young, ambitious Jewish-Austrian scientist at the University of Vienna to his later career in exile at the University of Notre Dame. Haas is known for his early contributions to quantum physics and as the author of several textbooks on topics of modern physics. During the last decade of his life, he turned his attention to cosmology. In 1935 he emigrated from Austria to the United States. There he assumed, on recommendation of Albert Einstein, a faculty position at the University of Notre Dame. He continued his work on cosmology and tried to establish relationships between the mass of the universe and the fundamental cosmological constants to develop concepts for the early universe. Together with Georges Lemaître he organized in 1938 the first international conference on cosmology, which drew more than one hundred attendants to Notre Dame. Haas died in February 1941 after suffering a stroke during a visit in Chicago.  相似文献   

Maxwell’s celebrated electromagnetic theory of light dates from 1865. Two years later, without appealing to the ether as a carrier of light waves, the Danish physicist Ludvig Lorenz (1829–1891) independently published another electrical theory of light based on optical equations and the novel idea of retarded potentials. In spite of resting on a very different conceptual foundation, Lorenz’s theory led to almost the same results as Maxwell’s. But whereas Maxwell’s field theory heralded a revolution in physics, Lorenz’s alternative was largely forgotten and soon relegated to a footnote in the history of physics. In part based on archival material and other sources in Danish, this paper offers a detailed contextual account of Lorentz’s theory and its reception in the physics community. Moreover, it includes a brief introduction to other of Lorenz’s scientific contributions and discusses the reasons why his electrical theory of light failed to attract serious interest.  相似文献   

我们对大自然的了解,是科学家们用一种有序、系统的(科学)方法形成和获得的.科学方法告诉我们发现自然法则的途径,如图1所示.  相似文献   

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