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This study examined the relationship between stress and sleep duration for adolescent females from affluent backgrounds. Participants were 218 students attending two independent single-sex secondary schools. Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression models (cross-sectional and longitudinal) were run to examine the association between stress and sleep duration and to determine whether any associations lasted from the beginning to the end of the academic year. In the cross-sectional models, the relationship between perceived stress and sleep duration was reciprocal and negative. Findings from the longitudinal analyses suggested that perceived stress had lingering negative effects on sleep. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence shows that young children benefit developmentally by participating in quality child-care centers and preschools. But we know little about which family characteristics and home practices influence parents' selection of a center-based program. This article reports on the influence of the family's social-structural attributes, ethnicity, and parental practices on the likelihood of selecting a center-based program, after taking into account economic characteristics. The odds that parents enroll their child in a center-based program are greatest when mothers are more highly educated, when the child is older, and when less plentiful (nonpaternal) social support is available to the mother, such as from a resident grandparent. Ethnic differences in the propensity to select centers were found, even after family-economic and structural variables were taken into account: African-American families were more likely than white or Latino families to use center-based care. Parental practices linked to the child's early literacy development and close supervision were related to the likelihood of center selection. Selection processes must be more carefully taken into account as researchers attempt to isolate the discrete effects of children's participation in centers and preschools.  相似文献   

The author examined the conditions (i.e., social support and dysfunctional coping) under which perceived stress predicted psychological well‐being in 459 college students. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated a significant 2‐way interaction (Perceived Stress × Social Support) and a significant 3‐way interaction (Perceived Stress × Social Support × Dysfunctional Coping) predicting well‐being. Low social support deteriorated the association between stress and well‐being. Only the frequent use of dysfunctional coping exacerbated the association between stress and well‐being across high and low social support. Implications for counseling college students are discussed.  相似文献   

Objective. To compare parent and youth reports of the extent to which parents monitor their adolescents and to determine whether parents' perceptions of parental monitoring are more predictive of adolescent risk behavior. Design. Data were obtained from a cross-sectional sample of 270 parent - adolescent dyads recruited from rural communities in West Virginia. Parents completed a series of written questionnaires, and adolescents (12-16 years) provided information about their involvement in various risk behaviors. Results. Parent perceptions of parental monitoring efforts did not relate to adolescent perceptions of parental monitoring; parents generally perceived themselves to have more information about their adolescents' whereabouts and activities than their adolescents reported. No main effects of age or gender were found in the discrepancies between parent and adolescent monitoring reports. Adolescent reports of monitoring were negatively correlated with adolescent drinking, marijuana use, and sexual activity over the previous 6-month period. Adolescent risk behaviors were predicted by adolescent reports of parental monitoring alone. Conclusions. Parents and adolescents perceive the magnitude of parental monitoring efforts differently even when both parties perceive parents to know much about adolescent activities. Adolescents' perceptions of how much their parents know about their activities are more predictive of their own involvement in risk behaviors than their parents' perceptions about their own monitoring efforts.  相似文献   

As the survival rate for children with complex medical conditions has increased, the body of knowledge regarding childhood chronic illness has grown. While the initial focus of this literature was the effect of the illness on the child, recent studies have focused on chronic illness and broader family issues. The transactional and family systems perspectives suggest the need for longitudinal studies of chronically ill infants from the point of diagnosis. Although a few studies of relatively healthy preterm infants have documented family stress levels, there is a paucity of research on the effects of parenting a very low birthweight infant with complex medical needs. The Chronically Ill Infant Intervention (CIII) Project and its broad based interdisciplinary intervention is used to illustrate the changing needs of this population. Preliminary analyses of specific intervention needs during the infants' first 18 months are discussed in relation to the reduction of family stress.  相似文献   

As the survival rate for children with complex medical conditions has increased, the body of knowledge regarding childhood chronic illness has grown. While the initial focus of this literature was the effect of the illness on the child, recent studies have focused on chronic illness and broader family issues. The transactional and family systems perspectives suggest the need for longitudinal studies of chronically ill infants from the point of diagnosis. Although a few studies of relatively healthy preterm infants have documented family stress levels, there is a paucity of research on the effects of parenting a very low birthweight infant with complex medical needs. The Chronically Ill Infant Intervention (CIII) Project and its broad based interdisciplinary intervention is used to illustrate the changing needs of this population. Preliminary analyses of specific intervention needs during the infants' first 18 months are discussed in relation to the reduction of family stress.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the developmental dynamics between children's mathematical performance, the task-focused versus task-avoidant behaviours they show in the classroom, and their parents' beliefs concerning their school competence. The mathematical performance of 111 six- to seven-year-old children was tested, and their task-focused versus task-avoidant behaviours were rated by their teachers four times during their first school year. Parents filled in questionnaires measuring their skill-specific and general beliefs about their children's school competencies at the beginning and at the end of the school year. The results showed that parents' beliefs in their children's general school competence increased their children's task-focused behaviours at school, which further predicted the child's high level of maths performance. Parents' beliefs in their children's competence in mathematics, in turn, contributed directly to the children's high mathematical performance. Moreover, children's high performance increased parents' subsequent beliefs in their children's mathematical competence, whereas children's task-focused behaviours predicted parents' beliefs in their children's overall school performance.  相似文献   

Using a daily diary design and actigraphy sleep data across 2 weeks among 256 ethnic/racial minority adolescents (Mage = 14.72; 40% Asian, 22% Black, 38% Latinx; 2,607 days), this study investigated how previous-night sleep (duration, quality) moderated the same-day associations between ethnic/racial discrimination and stress responses (rumination, problem solving, family/peer support seeking) to predict daily well-being (mood, somatic symptoms, life satisfaction). On days when adolescents experienced greater discrimination, if they slept longer and better the previous night, adolescents engaged in greater active coping (problem solving, peer support seeking), and subsequently had better well-being. Adolescents also ruminated less when they slept longer the previous night regardless of discrimination. Findings highlight the role of sleep in helping adolescents navigate discrimination by facilitating coping processes.  相似文献   

女性在家庭中的角色主要为女儿、妻子、媳妇、母亲等,而由女性这一家庭角色所衍生出的女性特质则是“女儿性”“妻性”“母性”等。作为综合属性,三者始终蕴含在女性的成长过程中,而何种特质占主导地位,这与女性的角色阶段、责任意识、价值定位等密切相关。在情感问题日益凸显的今天,女性唯有正确理解自身在亲情关系中的角色定位及价值体现,才能处理好各种家庭情感问题,从而在立足社会时少一些后顾之忧。  相似文献   

Parental stress attributed to both a child with an intellectual disability and their youngest child without a disability was examined over a seven year period. Stress and support were also examined in relation to the life stages of disability diagnosis, starting school and completing school. Stress attributed to the child with a disability was greater than stress attributed to the youngest child without a disability and remained high over the seven year period, however, an increased level of stress was attributed to the child without a disability. In terms of life stages, diagnosis of intellectual disability in a child remained as the most stress‐inducing of the life events included in the study, however, most parents had also experienced heightened stress at the time their child started school, and also during the transition from school to work. The support parents found most helpful reflected their changing focus of worry over time. The implications and limitations of this study arc discussed.  相似文献   

在英国古代流行着这样的赡养习俗:当儿子继承家庭的土地等财产的时候,要与退出生产领域的父母订立一份"赡养协议",说明赡养的各项细节及维护协议的措施方法。当父母没有得到适当照顾时,他们可以依据协议维护自己的权益。在以协议作为保障的同时,社区邻里也起着监督作用。赡养责任的承担与财产转移密切相关,以财产转移为赡养介质,谁继承谁赡养,谁赡养谁继承,无论继承人是谁。这种赡养方式,虽不尽合于我国的国情和传统,但对于我国老人权益的保障和家庭赡养关系的法治化却具有现实的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Parental involvement in children’s learning has been found to influence academic success. However, very few tools exist for measuring parental involvement, particularly ones that target adolescents’ self-report. The present study assessed the factor structure, reliability and convergent validity of a new scale to assess adolescents’ perceptions of their mothers’ and fathers’ educational involvement: the Parental Support for Learning Scale: Adolescent Short Form (PSLS-AS). The PSLS-AS, as well as a questionnaire measuring the risk of high school drop-out, was administered to a sample of 825 youth (aged 13–14 years). Exploratory factor analysis revealed a two-factor structure representing parental involvement: Controlling Involvement and Autonomy Supportive Involvement. Adolescents’ perceptions of their parents’ involvement correlated with a risk of high school drop-out. Implications and future directions for further validation of the PSLS-AS are discussed.  相似文献   

青少年网络成瘾与父母教养方式的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络成瘾严重影响了青少年的身心健康和学习,它已成为当今社会问题之一。文章采用网络成瘾测验问卷和父母教养方式评价量表对600名青少年进行了测验。结果显示:在父亲教养方式中,网络成瘾与非网络成瘾青少年在惩罚严厉、过度干涉、拒绝否认、过度保护4个因子得分差异有显著性;在母亲教养方式中,网络成瘾与非网络成瘾青少年在过度干涉保护、拒绝否认、惩罚严厉3个因子的得分差异有显著性;父母的拒绝否认对高、低差异组青少年网络成瘾程度的差异有显著性。采取赏识、宽容、民主的教养方式,可以有效防止青少年网络成瘾。  相似文献   

Objective. This research study tested a social cognitive model in which family socioeconomic status (SES) and neighborhood quality predicted parental efficacy, which then predicted the academic and social-emotional adjustment of adolescents through 3 parental behaviors (monitoring, parental involvement, and parent-adolescent communication). Design. The study investigated parental efficacy among a stratified random sample of 929 parents and their adolescent children in the United States. Parents and adolescents provided reports through telephone interviews. Structural equation modeling tested the model fit for the overall sample and for European American (n = 387), African American (n = 259), and Latin American (n = 283) subsamples. Results. The model fit for the overall sample and for each racial or ethnic group. Paths within each model also were examined. For the overall sample, neighborhood quality predicted parental efficacy, parental efficacy predicted reported parental involvement and monitoring, both of which predicted academic and social-emotional adjustment of adolescents, and parent-adolescent communication predicted social-emotional adjustment. Some racial or ethnic differences in paths emerged. Conclusions. Overall, the study supported predictions made by social cognitive theory. Given the link between parental efficacy, parenting behaviors, and adolescent outcomes, 1 important goal of programs for parents of adolescents might be to bolster parental efficacy.  相似文献   

浅析影响青少年逆反心理的家庭因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家庭因素是影响个人成长和心理发展的重要因素,家庭对于个体心理发展的影响是发展心理学研究领域的重要课题,它对青少年的心理健康发展有着直接的作用。逆反心理作为青春期心理发展的重要组成部分,它受来自家庭因素的影响。在青春期这个自我意识觉醒的时期,青少年的社会化得到发展,亲子冲突日益激烈,家庭因素对青少年的逆反心理的影响得到体现。其中,不完整的家庭结构、不得当的家庭教养方式、不良的家庭内部氛围,都会促进青少年逆反心理的消极影响的表现。  相似文献   

论家庭教育的责任缺位与理性回归   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在孩子的学习与成长乃至整个社会化过程中,教育不仅仅要培养知识与能力,还有着更加广泛的内容。对于孩子的教育,家庭作为一个非正式的教育场所,比正式教育场所起着更加重要的作用。当前家长对孩子的教育在无意识中有过多不负责任的现象,他们把教育的责任盲目地推给了学校。在择校大潮中费尽精力,把自身的责任仅仅看作如何将孩子送入一流的学校。家长应该提高认识,在孩子的道德发展与人格培养中尽到应有的责任。  相似文献   

Using intergenerational, prospective data at ages 9 months, 7, 11, and 14 years from the nationally representative United Kingdom Millennium Cohort Study, this interdisciplinary study unpacks why 14-year-old adolescents with early perceived pubertal timing (PT) were more likely to drink alcohol (ever, frequent, and binge drinking) compared to those whose PT was on-time or late (5,757 girls, 5,799 boys; 80% White, 10% Asian, 3% Black, and 7% Other British). Parents allowed drinking among 22% (18%) of early PT girls (boys) compared to 11% of late PT adolescents; formal mediation models showed differences by PT in parent permissiveness and gains in alcohol-using friends primarily explained age 14 PT-drinking associations. Parental alcohol permissiveness should be a key prevention target for early PT adolescents.  相似文献   

通过引证反映青少年家庭教育现实状况的调查素材,分析讨论了当前青少年家庭教育中普遍存在的问题即四对矛盾,并从家庭教育科学化现代化的总体要求上,提出了克服和化解这些家教病理现象的指导思想及对措施。  相似文献   

父母监控的增加并不必然带来青少年问题的减少。近期的有关研究表明:来自家庭方面的父母的知情程度、亲子关系、家庭结构,来自青少年方面的对父母监控的感知和对权力范围的认知,来自社会方面的不良同伴和社区环境,都会影响父母监控在减少青少年问题行为方面的效果。青少年已表现出的问题行为也会反过来降低父母的监控质量。  相似文献   

青少年是处于心理从易变走向成熟、从自然人走向社会人的一类特殊群体,随着时代变迁和社会变革,一些复杂社会问题对青少年心理健康的影响日益突出。文章分析了新时代青少年心理问题产生的原因及其各种表现、家庭环境对于青少年心理健康发展的影响。在系统分析基础上,针对性地提出了如下强化家庭对青少年心理健康教育的举措:与时俱进、建立现代家教理念和方法;营造良好的家庭心理教育氛围;充分发挥家庭、学校、社会教育的合力。  相似文献   

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